Greater Washington. Greater Greater Washington builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region...
Greater Washington. Greater Greater Washington builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region...
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WASHINGTON (AP) — DC United and city officials signed an agreement Thursday that would keep the Major League Soccer franchise in the District of Columbia with a new, $300 million soccer-only stadium. The city and the team would split the cost...
Go here to see a larger version of the street closure map. If you're planning on driving in D.C. in the days surrounding Donald Trump's inauguration Jan. 20, expect major road closures downtown and near the National Mall. Trump EPA Pick Agrees Climate...
Steve Burns WASHINGTON — (WMAL) Two lawmakers, one from the District and one from Maryland, are looking to even the playing field in the competition over a new Redskins stadium by preventing either jurisdiction from offering Redskins owner...
Good Morning… Eeek….What an absolute mess we have going here in the U.S.A…Damn. I can’t even bring myself to link to any stories on the crap in DC just yet, so I will start with a company called Fukushima Industries and a...
November 11, 2016 Day 3: Still thinking Yesterday, President Obama met with Donald Trump at the White House. It was the first time either of them had met. According to brief remarks made to the Press afterward, their collegial meeting lasted about...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World...
Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around ...
The winning bidders for the Purple Line project, Purple Line Transit Partners, proposed a few changes that would save the state of Maryland money. One of those changes is to relocate the Silver Spring...
Greater Greater Washington builds informed and civically engaged communities who believe in a growing and inclusive Washington region and speak up for livable communities for all.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) wants to expand at its Bethesda campus, but despite being on top of a Metro station, wants to build a lot more parking. Why is that necessary? NIH thinks its “h...
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