Dream Advertisingonline. Marketing, promotions, designing, PR, Production, and Event Solutions those help our clients grow their businesses and realize...


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    LifeLabs is a Canadian-owned company in Nigeria and is a leading provider of diagnostic laboratory testing services. With over 50 years of experience, LifeLabs performs over 100 million diagnostic tests Worldwide for approximately 20,000 health care...

  • Kindle Book Store
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    How to download Kindle eBooks on your iPad NOTE: You can also check out EPUB format eBooks to read on your iPad. You will use To checkout library eBooks on the Amazon Kindle: 1. Use a computer to visit the librarys downloadable collec)on at cidc.lib...

  • Daisy Dream fragrance U.S. fashion brand Marc Jacobs is looking to make it onto Valentine’s Day wish lists with an advertisement featuring the Daisy fragrance on Elle’s mobile Web site. Elle readers were not exposed to the banner ad until they clicked...

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    Well, well, another round of Project Terrible, and Al's gone easy on me, it seems. For some reason he's given me one of the X-cellent X-men films, and... Oh. No, folks, sadly, this isn't one of the big budget blockbusters that wonderfully adapted one...

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  • Dream Advertising Online

    OUR MISSION To provide innovative and effective integrated advertising, marketing, promotions, designing, PR, Production and Event Solutions those help our clients grow their businesses...

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