FCP IntroPro
Certification Exam
Exam Price: 149.00 USD
This exam certifies users on the Final Cut Pro interface and ecosystem at the introductory level. It is ideal for students and professionals looking to understand the basic editing concepts in Final Cut Pro at the introductory level. Question topics include importing, navigation, organization, working with effects, sound and sharing.
A proctor may be necessary based on the accountability requirements of your state when testing. Please ensure you are aware of your state’s requirements before proceeding.
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Exam Objectives
FMC and Apple conducted research to identify the foundational skills students need to effectively use Final Cut Pro.
Based on feedback from educators, video editing departments, businesses, and educational institutions around the world, the objectives cover entry-level skill expectations for someone looking to create and share content. An individual earning this certification has approximately 80 – 100 hours of instruction and hands-on experience with the product, and is familiar with product features and capabilities, as well as relevant career concepts.
Who Should Attend
If you are a beginner at video editing or someone on their first steps to proving their efficiency at Final Cut Pro.
There are no prerequisites to take the exam. Students however should have some understanding of Final Cut Pro and understand basic editing concepts.
Exam Topics
- Importing
- Workspaces and Organization
- Creating Projects
- Clip Navigation
- Editing in Final Cut Pro
- Transitions, Speed and Effects
- Working with Sound
- Sharing
Technical Requirements
- Operating System: MacOSX Sierra 10.12 or higher / Windows 10 or higher
- OS Language: English
- Screen Resolution: 1280 x 800 minimum
- Browser: Chrome / Safari / Microsoft Edge / Firefox
- Equipment: Keyboard and Mouse