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Arrow is a language that writes pixels to a picture in a way similar to Paintfuck. It was created by User:Fallensn0w.
Commands used in Arrow
Arrow uses 5 diffrent commands.
- ■ makes a pixel at the current position
- → moves the current X position to right
- ← moves the current X position to left
- ↑ moves the current Y position up
- ↓ moves the current Y position down
- x makes a red pixel at the current X and Y so the user know where he/she is.
- [ loop open statement
- ] loop close statement
- @ a single line comment
- /* */ multi line comment
Example Hi-program:
■→→■↓■←■←■↓■→→■ /* makes H */ →→■↓■↑↑↑■ /* makes I */
Output from this program:
A quick demo of our "Hi" Program done in Arrow.
Double Border:
↑←■→■→■→■→■→■→■→■→■→■ @ do top ↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■ @ do right ←■←■←■←■←■←■←■←■←■ @ do bottom ↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■ @ do left ↓→→ @ 1 pixel from border ↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■↓■ @ do left →■→■→■→■→■ @ do bottom ↑■↑■↑■↑■↑■ @ do right ←■←■←■←■← @ do top ↓→→↓ @ 1 pixel from border again ↓■→■↑■←■ @ do a four square in middle
Output would be (ASCII):
_ _ _ _ _ | _ _ | | | | | | | _ _ | | |_ _ _ _ _|