There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 5, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

GATEMAN project -- Wide-bandwidth, high-precision GNSS and jammer raw data

  • 1. Tampere University


NOTE: The data was recorded erroneously and will be updated soon.


This dataset contains high quality GNSS and jammer raw data generated during the in-lab validation activities of jamming detection and localization performed in the frame of the GATEMAN project. These files are grouped for each type of validation scenario defined. The scenarios are combinations of three different GNSS and three different jamming signals.


The archive contains a folder for each validation scenario. Each folder contains two files. One contains the GNSS data and the second file contains jamming data. A function to read the data with GNU Octave/Matlab is also included.

├── GALE1+AMtone
│   ├── AMtone@40MSps.bin
│   └── GALE1@40MSps.bin
├── GALE1+Chirp10MHz
│   ├── Chirp10MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GALE1@40MSps.bin
├── GALE1+Chirp20MHz
│   ├── Chirp20MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GALE1@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL1+AMtone
│   ├── AMtone@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL1@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL1+Chirp10MHz
│   ├── Chirp10MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL1@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL1+Chirp20MHz
│   ├── Chirp20MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL1@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL5+AMtone
│   ├── AMtone@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL5@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL5+Chirp10MHz
│   ├── Chirp10MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL5@40MSps.bin
├── GPSL5+Chirp20MHz
│   ├── Chirp20MHz@40MSps.bin
│   └── GPSL5@40MSps.bin
└── readBinData.m


Data format:

Each file stores the received baseband samples as an array of complex, 16-bit signed integer data (range -32,768 to 32,767) of the corresponding signal. The data is stored in Big-endian, network order format, i.e. the most-significant byte occupies the lowest memory address. The real and imaginary components of the data correspond to the in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) data, respectively. I and Q-samples are interleaved [I, Q, I, Q, ...] in the array.



The recorded data of each validation scenario consists of two files, one containing the GNSS signal (L1, L5 or E1 band), the other one containing the jamming signal (tone, chirp 10 & 20 MHz bandwidth). The RF GNSS signal was generated with a GNSS signal generator, it contains only a single spreading sequence. The RF jamming signal was generated with a Vector Signal Transceiver. Both signals of a scenario were recorded synchronously with an USRP at an I\Q rate of 40 MS/s.

GNSS signals:

  • Startime:          30.05.2018 at 12:00 (approximately)
  • Latitude:           N 50 deg, 50.4864 min
  • Longitude:        E 4 deg, 21.3499 min
  • Altitude:            50m
  • Trajectory:        Static
  • Ephemeris file: brdc0150.18.n

      GNSS band     PRN     Elevation (deg)   Azimuth (deg)  Power (dBm)
         GPS L1          G7               68                         85                -70
         GPS L5          G23             70                         172              -70
         Galileo E1     E15              76                        229               -68.5

Jamming signals:

  • The tone is simple a sinosoidal waveform in the centre of the GNSS bands.
  • The chirps are linear frequency modulated waveforms (sawtooth) in the centre of the GNSS bands with sweep range of 10 MHz and 20 MHz and sweep period of 8.64 µs.



The data uploaded here are a truncated samples. Longer samples of data are available upon request.


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European Commission