Since they often embody compact but mathematically sophisticated algorithms, operations for computing the common transcendental functions in floating point arithmetic seem good targets for formal verification using a mechanical theorem prover. We discuss some of the general issues that arise in verifications of this class, and then present a machine-checked verification of an algorithm for computing the exponential function in IEEE-754 standard binary floating point arithmetic. We confirm (indeed strengthen) the main result of a previousl published error analysis, though we uncover a minor error in the hand proof and are forced to confront several subtle issues that might easily be overlooked informally.
The development described here includes, apart from the proof itself, a formalization of IEEE arithmetic, a mathematical semantics for the programming language in which the algorithm is expressed, and the body of pure mathematics needed. All this is developed logically from first principles using the HOL Light prover, which guarantees strict adherence to simple rules of inference while allowing the user to perform proofs using higher-level derived rules.
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Harrison, J. Floating Point Verification in HOL Light: The Exponential Function. Formal Methods in System Design 16, 271–305 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008712907154
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008712907154