This paper aims to explore the potential benefits and performance enhancements of combining a novel error correction code with polar codes through serial and parallel concatenation. The BGCC-EDAC (Binary to Gray Code Conversion Based Error Detection and Correction) code is a novel forward error correction code that functions as a channel coding technique. It has shown promising results in effectively detecting and correcting errors. This study presents an empirical analysis of the application of serial concatenation of BGCC-EDAC-aided polar code (SC-BPC) and parallel concatenation of BGCC-EDAC-aided polar code (PC-BPC). The simulation results obtained using Cadence 90 nm technology demonstrate that the SC-BPC and PC-BPC architectures presented in this study require fewer hardware resources compared to the other error correction codes currently available. The empirical analysis conducted using MATLAB demonstrates that the proposed codes exhibit a significant performance improvement compared to CRC-aided polar codes. The PC-BPC code proposed in this study exhibits a slight enhancement of 0.18 dB compared to the parallel concatenation technique of CRC-aided polar codes at a bit error rate of 10−4. Similarly, the SC-BPC code introduced in this research displays an identical improvement of 0.3dB when compared to the serial concatenation approach with CRC-aided polar codes at the same BER level. The PC-BPC and SC-BPC architectures are expected to be widely adopted in 5G wireless communication systems due to their advantageous features such as low latency, high throughput, and improved BER performance.

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Radha, N., Maheswari, M. An empirical analysis of concatenated polar codes for 5G wireless communication. Telecommun Syst 85, 165–188 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-023-01078-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-023-01078-2