Recent interests in transit services have captured attention of experts on the monitoring of public transport quality. Previous research focused on relevant models and methods to monitor the quality of transit services and showed where and when different service quality levels occur. However, there was little attention to detect objectively a pool of key quality indicators (KQI) to be monitored, from a large set. This paper covers this gap by the proposal of an integrated approach, which identifies a long list of KQI, defines their properties, involves experts to elicit judgments for each KQI, evaluates the long list, and points out the most promising set. This integrated approach is demonstrated with an application based on an international survey and a Monte Carlo simulation method. Moreover, a restricted and relevant set of 9 overlapping KQI is derived by linking these results with those obtained from two different approaches.

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For instance, the regularity can be measured in terms of the percentage of buses which maintain evenness headways at bus stops—transit—perspective orientation—or in terms of the percentage of passengers who wait at bus stops less than a fraction of scheduled headways—passenger-perspective orientation (e.g., Barabino et al. 2017).
These indicators are usually evaluated by PTCs for the purposes of standardization, benchmarking and quality certification.
Eboli and Mazzulla (2015) began the analysis by choosing among 33 sub-indicators and restrict the investigation to a railway transit system.
For the sake of synthesis, in what follows, service aspects, indicators and sub-indicators will all be referred to as indicators or KQI.
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This work was partially supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), within the Smart City framework (project: PON04a2_00381 “CAGLIARI2020”) and by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (IT) (Grant Name: Programmazione Unitaria 2007/2013—P.O. FESR 2007/2013, Interventi a sostegno della competitività e dell’innovazione 2016-2018).
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Barabino, B., Cabras, N.A., Conversano, C. et al. An Integrated Approach to Select Key Quality Indicators in Transit Services. Soc Indic Res 149, 1045–1080 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02284-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02284-0
- Transit service quality monitoring
- Transit service quality indicators
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Integrated approach