The automatic image annotation is an effective computer operation that predicts the annotation of an unknown image by automatically learning potential relationships between the semantic concept space and the visual feature space in the annotation image dataset. Usually, the auto-labeling image includes the processing: learning processing and labeling processing. Existing image annotation methods that employ convolutional features of deep learning methods have a number of limitations, including complex training and high space/time expenses associated with the image annotation procedure. Accordingly, this paper proposes an innovative method in which the visual features of the image are presented by the intermediate layer features of deep learning, while semantic concepts are represented by mean vectors of positive samples. Firstly, the convolutional result is directly output in the form of low-level visual features through the mid-level of the pre-trained deep learning model, with the image being represented by sparse coding. Secondly, the positive mean vector method is used to construct visual feature vectors for each text vocabulary item, so that a visual feature vector database is created. Finally, the visual feature vector similarity between the testing image and all text vocabulary is calculated, and the vocabulary with the largest similarity used for annotation. Experiments on the datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method; in terms of F1 score, the proposed method’s performance on the Corel5k dataset and IAPR TC-12 dataset is superior to that of MBRM, JEC-AF, JEC-DF, and 2PKNN with end-to-end deep features.

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Chen, Y., Liu, L., Tao, J. et al. The image annotation algorithm using convolutional features from intermediate layer of deep learning. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 4237–4261 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09887-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-020-09887-2