In this paper, we introduce a new interpolation-based super-resolution scheme for super-resolving a low-resolution video that contains large-scale local motions and/or heavy noise. Our scheme leverages an efficient space-time descriptor to adapt the interpolation kernel to the video’s spatial and temporal structures. Nevertheless, in the presence of large-scale local motions, the kernel suffers from tracking the motions incorrectly, leading to inaccurate temporal averaging. To address this problem, prior to computing the interpolation kernel, a mobile-neighborhood strategy that can identify the appropriate neighborhoods in adjacent frames is applied to neutralize the large-scale motions. Furthermore, we incorporate an adaptive sharpening technique into the kernel computation to remove the background noise and enhance the fine details simultaneously. Extensive experimental results on real-world videos show that the proposed method outperforms certain other state-of-the-art video super-resolution algorithms both visually and quantitatively, particularly in the presence of large-scale motions and/or heavy noise.

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The work in this paper was supported by Brother Industries, Ltd., Japan. We would like to thank Mr. Masaki Kondo for the constructive comments and encouragement. We are also grateful to Mr. Zhou for sending us the code of [39].
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Hu, J., Luo, Y. Noise-robust video super-resolution using an adaptive spatial-temporal filter. Multimed Tools Appl 74, 9259–9278 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2079-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2079-y