Due to the dependency relations among software, vulnerabilities in software supply chains (SSC) may cause more serious security threats than independent software systems. This poses new challenges for ensuring software security including the spread of risks and the increase in maintenance costs.
To address the challenges, there needs a deep understanding of how a vulnerability is in SSC in terms of vulnerability source, propagation, localization, and repair. However, no studies have been conducted specifically for this purpose.
To fill this gap, we provide an experience study of real-world vulnerability characteristics in the context of SSCs. Specifically, we examine the vulnerability source first and further study the fine-grained vulnerability propagation, localization, and repair of libraries and their corresponding client programs.
The key findings are summarized as follows: a) 99% of vulnerabilities in client programs are caused by their dependencies, and 81.26% of SSC vulnerabilities detected by package-level analysis are false positives; b) for vulnerability localization, the vulnerability database does not have enough information to help direct localization, but the vulnerability descriptions in the open-source vulnerability database provide much important information for indirect localization. c) client developers deal with vulnerable dependencies in many ways including upgrading dependencies, modifying client code, and deleting relevant code or vulnerable dependencies.
Based on these observations, we make suggestions for future research in this direction: a) when testing important client programs, vulnerability detection tools should pay attention to both client code and the dependent libraries; b) localizing vulnerability based on vulnerability descriptions is not straightforward, hence a proper combination of program analysis and description analysis is expected to improve localization accuracy; c) there can be various strategies for dealing with vulnerable libraries, and automating the enforcement of those strategies will be expected.

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The source and generating process of datasets are presented in Section 3. Data supporting the findings of this study are publicly available in the GitHub repository, https://github.com/YijunShen/supply_chain_vul
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This work was supported partly by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 62141209, 62202026, and partly by Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Multi-source Information Integration and Intelligent.
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Shen, Y., Gao, X., Sun, H. et al. Understanding vulnerabilities in software supply chains. Empir Software Eng 30, 20 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10581-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10581-2