This paper introduces a new type of Cayley graphs for building large-scale interconnection networks, namely \(\mathit{WG}_{n}^{2m}\), whose vertex degree is m+3 when n≥3 and is m+2 when n=2. A routing algorithm for the proposed graph is also presented, and the upper bound of the diameter is deduced as ⌊5n/2⌋. Moreover, the embedding properties and maximal fault tolerance are also analyzed. Finally, we compare the proposed networks with some other similar network topologies. It is found that \(\mathit{WG}_{n}^{2m}\) is superior to other interconnection networks because it helps to construct large-scale networks with lower cost.
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Zhang, Z., Xiao, W. A new family of Cayley graph interconnection networks based on wreath product and its topological properties. Cluster Comput 14, 483–490 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-011-0189-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-011-0189-0