This article presents a novel docking system developed for miniature underwater robots. Recent years have seen an increased diffusion of robots for ocean monitoring, exploration and maintenance of underwater infrastructures. The versatility of those vehicles is extremely affected and limited by energetic constraints and difficulties in updating their mission parameters. Submerged docking stations are a promising solution for providing energy sources and data exchange, thus extending autonomy and mission duration of underwater robots. Furthermore, the docking capability is a novel, but promising approach to enable modularity and reconfigurability in underwater robotics. The authors here propose a hybrid docking system composed of a magnetic alignment unit and a mechanical connection. The former passively aligns and guides the underwater vehicle facilitating a subsequent mechanical connection. The reliability of the system is both analytically investigated and experimentally validated. Finally, the mechanical design of the docking system of two miniature underwater robots is described in detail.

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The activity presented in this article was supported by the European Commission within the framework of the ANGELS Project (Project Reference 231845) and the CoCoRo Project (Project Reference 270382). The authors would like to thank Mr. Godfried Jansen van Vuuren for his technical support.
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Mintchev, S., Ranzani, R., Fabiani, F. et al. Towards docking for small scale underwater robots. Auton Robot 38, 283–299 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10514-014-9410-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10514-014-9410-3