Current software cost estimation models, such as the 1981 Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) for software cost estimation and its 1987 Ada COCOMO update, have been experiencing increasing difficulties in estimating the costs of software developed to new life cycle processes and capabilities. These include non-sequential and rapid-development process models; reuse-driven approaches involving commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) packages, re-engineering, applications composition, and applications generation capabilities; object-oriented approaches supported by distributed middleware; and software process maturity initiatives. This paper summarizes research in deriving a baseline COCOMO 2.0 model tailored to these new forms of software development, including rationale for the model decisions. The major new modeling capabilities of COCOMO 2.0 are a tailorable family of software sizing models, involving Object Points, Function Points, and Source Lines of Code; nonlinear models for software reuse and re-engineering; an exponentdriver approach for modeling relative software diseconomies of scale; and several additions, deletions and updates to previous COCOMO effort-multiplier cost drivers. This model is serving as a framework for an extensive current data collection and analysis effort to further refine and calibrate the model's estimation capabilities.
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- 3GL:
Third Generation Language
- AA:
Percentage of reuse effort due to assessment and assimilation
Analyst Capability
- ACT:
Annual Change Traffic
Adapted Source Lines Of Code
Applications Experience
- AT:
Automated Translation
Computer Aided Software Engineering
- CM:
Percentage of code modified during reuse
- CMM:
Capability Maturity Model
Constructive Cost Model
Commercial Off-The-Shelf
Product Complexity
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
Database Size
Database Management System
- DI:
Degree of Influence
- DM:
Percentage of design modified during reuse
Documentation match to life-cycle needs
- EDS:
Electronic Data Systems
Equivalent Source Lines Of Code
- FP:
Function Points
- GFS:
Government Furnished Software
- GUI:
Graphical User Interface
Integrated Computer Aided Software Environment
- IM:
Percentage of integration redone during reuse
Thousands of Source Lines Of Code
Programming Language Experience
Language and Tool Experience
Modern Programming Practices
National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NOP:
New Object Points
- OS:
Operating System
Programming Capability
Personnel Continuity
Platform Difficulty
Personnel Capability
Platform Experience
- PL:
Product Line
- PM:
Person Month
Personnel Experience
Productivity rate
Platform Volatility
Product Reliability and Complexity
Required Software Reliability
Required Reusability
Requirements Volatility
Required Development Schedule
Classified Security Application
- SEI:
Software Engineering Institute
Multi-site operation
Source Lines Of Code
Main Storage Constraint
- T&E:
Test and Evaluation
- SU:
Percentage of reuse effort due to software understanding
Execution Time Constraint
Use of Software Tools
Computer Turnaround Time
U.S. Air Force Electronic Systems Division
Virtual Machine Experience
Virtual Machine Volatility
Virtual Machine Volatility: Host
Virtual Machine Volatility: Target
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Boehm, B., Clark, B., Horowitz, E. et al. Cost models for future software life cycle processes: COCOMO 2.0. Ann Software Eng 1, 57–94 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02249046
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02249046