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Tree Mining

  • Reference work entry
Encyclopedia of Machine Learning
  • 363 Accesses


Tree mining is an instance of constraint-based pattern mining and studiesthe discovery of tree patterns in data that is represented as a tree structure or as a set of trees structures. Minimum frequency is the most studied constraint.

Motivation and Background

Tree mining is motivated by the availability of many types of data that can be represented as tree structures. There is a large variety in tree types, for instance, ordered trees, unordered trees, rooted trees, unrooted (free) trees, labeled trees, unlabeled trees, and binary trees; each of these has its own application areas. An example are trees in tree banks, which store sentences annotated with parse trees. In such data, it is not only of interest to find commonly occurring sets of words (for which frequent itemset miners could be used), but also to find commonly occurring parses of these words. Tree miners aim at finding patterns in this structured information. The patterns can be interesting in their own right,...

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Nijssen, S. (2011). Tree Mining. In: Sammut, C., Webb, G.I. (eds) Encyclopedia of Machine Learning. Springer, Boston, MA.

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