
Mar 9, 2025:

5:25 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) updated by grexe
The only difference was access rights, and I've fixed that now by …
4:15 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) updated by Jim906
Any differences in server configuration between the 3 shares might …
2:26 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) updated by Jim906
Sorry for the inconvenience, grexe. I can reproduce the inability to …
12:22 PM Ticket #19466 (Add Documentation bot to gerrit) created by nephele
We should have a bot to lint and verify documentation (the syntax) In …
9:27 AM Ticket #19465 (HaikuDepot: Changing selection takes 0.5s) updated by apl-haiku
Thanks Humdinger -- will try to come back to this one after the …
9:26 AM Ticket #19465 (HaikuDepot: Changing selection takes 0.5s) updated by humdinger
I seem to have been a bit quick with this ticket... It turns out …
9:09 AM Ticket #19465 (HaikuDepot: Changing selection takes 0.5s) updated by apl-haiku
Can I confirm that from your testing that this issue also exists on …
9:00 AM Ticket #19465 (HaikuDepot: Changing selection takes 0.5s) created by humdinger
This is with the [https://review.haiku-os.org/c/haiku/+/9093refactor
8:56 AM Ticket #19091 (HaikuDepot search feels less snappy) updated by humdinger
This seems to be fixed with the …

Mar 8, 2025:

6:20 PM Ticket #19445 (WebPositive text selection freaks out with specific page) updated by madmax
Component changed
No need to add more cases, the cause is already known and there's even …
5:50 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by smvgu
Maybe small file is somehow protected from corruption. Wherever I was …
5:09 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) updated by grexe
I think it is related to access rights - there are still some issues …
5:03 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by waddlesplash
Well, on this reboot I can't reproduce it, that way, strange. I was …
4:59 PM WebPositive-316-debug-08-03-2025-15-57-19.report attached to Ticket #19464 by grexe
4:59 PM Ticket #19464 (WebPositive crashes on quit with general protection fault in ...) created by grexe
Was just browsing the Bandcamp site at https://bandcamp.com/discover
4:55 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) updated by waddlesplash
Cc changed
I guess it's probably a regression from Jim906's fix in hrev58712
4:53 PM nfs-shares-mount_tracker-vs-terminalpng attached to Ticket #19463 by grexe
4:52 PM Ticket #19463 (NFSv4 share is shown empty in Tracker but listed correctly in Terminal) created by grexe
There's some weird discrepancy between Tracker's NFS share handling …
4:33 PM Ticket #19445 (WebPositive text selection freaks out with specific page) updated by grexe
The same issue can be observed on Medium with *any* article btw, …
3:20 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by waddlesplash
I can reproduce the checksum changes like this: […]
2:43 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by waddlesplash
That kernel panic is unrelated to any data loss, it was a missing …
2:14 PM Ticket #19450 (stress-ng vector math test fails when run under the profiler) updated by waddlesplash
stress-ng checksums just XOR all the result values together it …
2:08 PM Ticket #17972 (no sound with Framework Laptop (12th Gen Intel Core)) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: It's possible that last summer's fixes to the mixer code affected …
2:06 PM Ticket #17972 (no sound with Framework Laptop (12th Gen Intel Core)) updated by taos
This got either fixed in Haiku before hrev58674 without me noticing or …
12:26 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by smvgu
The fstrim ramdisk is at hrev58522 but on hrev58616 there is very …
11:22 AM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by korli
Please provide the hrev for your test system.
10:29 AM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by smvgu
This is what I get if I move files from the ramdisk to the Thrash and …
10:26 AM fstrim_ramdisk_KDL.jpg attached to Ticket #16951 by smvgu
10:02 AM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by smvgu
I have 3192 MiB memory avilable to the system according to About this …
9:54 AM task_manager_memory_full.jpeg attached to Ticket #16951 by smvgu
9:54 AM with_RAM_used.jpeg attached to Ticket #16951 by smvgu
9:53 AM task_manager.jpeg attached to Ticket #16951 by smvgu
9:53 AM resources_caches.jpeg attached to Ticket #16951 by smvgu
5:13 AM Ticket #16861 (command: dd fails to copy with large input buffer) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: Fixed in hrev58715. The strace output was also wrong, fixed that too.
4:06 AM Ticket #13554 (Switch system allocator) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: The new allocator has been running for multiple weeks with no reported …
4:04 AM Ticket #16861 (command: dd fails to copy with large input buffer) updated by waddlesplash
Ah, I see X512 already edited his comment with that.
4:01 AM Tickets #13554,​16861 batch updated by waddlesplash
Blocked By changed
Not a heap problem anymore, the error comes from read and write: […]
3:59 AM Ticket #18603 (hoard2: random malloc() failures on non-x86 hardware) updated by waddlesplash
Can we get some confirmation that the new allocator indeed works fine …
3:58 AM Ticket #18451 (Assertion failure (mutex was not actually locked) in libroot hoard malloc) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: This problem was fixed. PulkoMandy reported one similar assertion …
3:57 AM Ticket #15996 (heap memory is not released to system) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: Fixed with the new allocator.
3:56 AM Ticket #16626 (Regression: malloc/new with large buffer >2Gb fails (x64)) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: It's fixed now.
3:55 AM Ticket #17226 (libroot: malloc() can't allocate more then 1063315264 bytes) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: Nope, it's indeed fixed now. I figured it would be best to leave …

Mar 7, 2025:

9:58 PM Ticket #18624 (Kernel panic when a program triggers a floating-point trap) updated by waddlesplash
5:13 PM Ticket #19461 (WebPositive doesn't display text when visiting gitlab pages) updated by begasus
URL from the screenshots: …
4:51 PM Ticket #19461 (WebPositive doesn't display text when visiting gitlab pages) updated by nephele
Description changed
4:50 PM Ticket #19462 (Custom version for components) created by nephele
It would be neat if the Version field would be setable per component. …
4:43 PM screenshot33.png attached to Ticket #19461 by begasus
IceWeasel with an open MR at invent
4:43 PM screenshot32.png attached to Ticket #19461 by begasus
Webpositive on an open MR from invent
4:42 PM Ticket #19461 (WebPositive doesn't display text when visiting gitlab pages) created by begasus
I need to be able to visit invent.kde.org when logged in, however text …
4:06 PM Ticket #19460 ([Kernel] memory is not reclaimed) updated by waddlesplash
I can't really reproduce here; after a run memory usage is at ~700MB …
4:05 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) closed by waddlesplash
invalid: OK, thanks for testing!
3:51 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by waddlesplash
There shouldn't be any way for the system to allocate memory that is …
2:22 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by smvgu
Ramdisk is stable as long as you don't use memory wth other apps. If …
1:34 PM Ticket #17699 (HID parser computes incorrect size for reports) updated by korli
Can this be closed?
1:31 PM Ticket #16861 (command: dd fails to copy with large input buffer) updated by X512
hrev58674 157 GiB disk free 16 GiB RAM […] Success with 1G block …
1:28 PM Ticket #16951 (Frequently corrupted BFS on ramdisk) updated by korli
Is it still a problem?
1:25 PM Ticket #17226 (libroot: malloc() can't allocate more then 1063315264 bytes) updated by korli
is this still a problem after the integration of OpenBSD malloc?
1:24 PM Ticket #16861 (command: dd fails to copy with large input buffer) updated by korli
is this still a problem after the integration of OpenBSD malloc?
1:17 PM Ticket #16157 (Czech translation (in Tracker) no more applied) updated by korli
Are Czech translations now enabled?
12:11 PM Ticket #16626 (Regression: malloc/new with large buffer >2Gb fails (x64)) updated by korli
is this still a problem after the integration of OpenBSD malloc?
11:46 AM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) closed by korli
11:21 AM Ticket #19460 ([Kernel] memory is not reclaimed) updated by diver
Description changed
10:58 AM Ticket #19460 ([Kernel] memory is not reclaimed) updated by diver
Description changed
10:55 AM Ticket #19460 ([Kernel] memory is not reclaimed) updated by diver
Description changed
10:48 AM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) updated by diver
Seems to be fixed. Thanks!
10:43 AM activity_mon.png attached to Ticket #19460 by diver
10:41 AM mem_useage.png attached to Ticket #19460 by diver
10:41 AM Ticket #19460 ([Kernel] memory is not reclaimed) created by diver
This is hrev58713. Memory doesn't get reclaimed after running …
8:33 AM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
I tried with a debian distro.I was able to finish the tar operation …

Mar 6, 2025:

9:34 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
Yeah, trying with a Linux distro may make sense, the hardware may just …
9:21 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
i am not 100% percent sure whether that is a software issue or a …
9:16 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
The KDL is somewhat expected here, it's basically an assertion that …
9:14 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
Component changed
Indeed, there are ATA errors in the log: […]
9:12 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
> KERN: usb_disk: operation 0x35 failed at the SCSI level > KERN: …
9:04 PM syslog.2 attached to Ticket #19459 by brooklynakos
9:03 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
Replying to waddlesplash: > "File or directory already …
9:01 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
i ran the command ommiting k parameter so tar xvf ...now a KDL was …
8:29 PM Ticket #19456 ([HaikuDepot] crashes with double free) updated by apl-haiku
Hello @diver; I have a re-write of that whole area coming shortly …
8:06 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
Component changed
"File or directory already exists" with a listing of the file doesn't …
7:59 PM Ticket #16924 (KDL: nfs4 page fault in kernel space) closed by waddlesplash
fixed: Fix merged in hrev58712.
7:36 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
i will retry without the k option to see if i can recreate the first …
7:34 PM IMG_20250306_212211[2].jpg attached to Ticket #19459 by brooklynakos
7:29 PM syslog attached to Ticket #19459 by brooklynakos
7:28 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
i retried with tar xvfk options (k to keep old files)...the operation …
4:26 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
(One that is copied after the error occurs, I mean.)
3:54 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by waddlesplash
Please attach a syslog.
3:36 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) updated by brooklynakos
Description changed
3:27 PM IMG_20250305_020532.jpg attached to Ticket #19459 by brooklynakos
Terminal output
3:25 PM Ticket #19459 (Librewolf tar extraction fails with device timeout) created by brooklynakos
Machine Lenovo-Ideapad-S10e 1gb ram...Haiku 32bit latest night build …
3:00 PM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) updated by waddlesplash
Please retest after hrev58710.
2:24 PM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) updated by waddlesplash
This is two different issues. The first one is strange because it …
2:08 PM Tickets #19457,​18513 batch updated by pulkomandy
Blocking changed
1:54 PM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) updated by waddlesplash
Summary, Milestone changed
1:54 PM Ticket #19457 (WebPositive: "Open containing folder" broken) updated by waddlesplash
> This is really bad design to special case this folder like this. The …
1:50 PM backtrace.png attached to Ticket #19458 by diver
1:49 PM calling_fifo.png attached to Ticket #19458 by diver
1:49 PM panic.png attached to Ticket #19458 by diver
1:49 PM Ticket #19458 (rw_lock KDLs with new FIFO code) created by diver
This is hrev58709 running in a cloud provider. Kernel crashes while …
1:33 PM Ticket #19457 (WebPositive: "Open containing folder" broken) created by nephele
This is because for some reason tracker refuses to open the Desktop/ …
1:22 PM Ticket #19456 ([HaikuDepot] crashes with double free) created by diver
Haiku is running in a cloud provider. Crashes on launch every time. …
1:00 PM Ticket #19207 ([Kernel] PANIC: lock is in use and the caller doesn't call the write lock) updated by waddlesplash
That's not the same crash at all, it's in the new/refactored FIFO …
12:48 PM panic.png attached to Ticket #19207 by diver
12:48 PM Ticket #19207 ([Kernel] PANIC: lock is in use and the caller doesn't call the write lock) updated by diver
I just had it again in hrev58709 while haikuporter was updating …
12:41 PM Ticket #19450 (stress-ng vector math test fails when run under the profiler) updated by waddlesplash
Hmm, no we don't save it to the thread context but the kernel thread …
2:47 AM Ticket #19453 (write access attempted on write-protected area) updated by cobra
The card is an H3C DNMA-83 Mini-PCI card :P
1:36 AM Ticket #19450 (stress-ng vector math test fails when run under the profiler) updated by waddlesplash
I think I have a guess at the problem here: we save FPU state in …

Mar 5, 2025:

9:58 PM Ticket #19454 ([x86_64] kernel or drivers rely on memset behavior) updated by waddlesplash
When this happens, MXCSR == 0x20, which is FE_INEXACT. If GDB+VMware …
9:14 PM Ticket #19454 ([x86_64] kernel or drivers rely on memset behavior) updated by waddlesplash
It seems my original remark that it's the generic memset alone was …
8:35 PM Ticket #19455 (Sandboxing / Jailing Haiku applications / services) updated by kallisti5
* …
8:25 PM Ticket #19455 (Sandboxing / Jailing Haiku applications / services) updated by kallisti5
To be clear, i'm not proposing containers on Haiku. Someday (tm) we …
8:24 PM Ticket #19455 (Sandboxing / Jailing Haiku applications / services) updated by kallisti5
Description changed
8:23 PM Ticket #19455 (Sandboxing / Jailing Haiku applications / services) created by kallisti5
I was thinking bit on …
8:00 PM Ticket #19441 (mmap read or write deadlock) updated by waddlesplash
Yes, that's the exact case I had in mind: if the thread has "wait for …
7:58 PM Ticket #19441 (mmap read or write deadlock) updated by korli
Does the solution you outlined handles the case when the source and …
7:43 PM Ticket #19454 ([x86_64] kernel or drivers rely on memset behavior) updated by waddlesplash
Cc changed
Initial thought: Could the SSE-optimized memset somehow be …
7:26 PM Ticket #19454 ([x86_64] kernel or drivers rely on memset behavior) created by waddlesplash
Trying to boot the system with a memset implementation other than our …
6:32 PM Ticket #18122 (Web+: curlThread sometimes pegs CPU) updated by pulkomandy
HAve you confirmed that it's the same backtrace as before? If not, it …
6:07 PM Ticket #19441 (mmap read or write deadlock) updated by waddlesplash
Yes, and there are other routes to "business". What do you think of …
5:59 PM Ticket #19441 (mmap read or write deadlock) updated by korli
So it seems the buffer page and the cache page are the same. I've …
3:38 PM Ticket #19453 (write access attempted on write-protected area) updated by adrian
aha! That's an old enough machine to really HAVE an AR9160 NIC …
2:59 PM Ticket #18905 (Search results windows crashes when adding / removing attributes columns) updated by waddlesplash
Sounds like Tracker has an FD leak somewhere which is causing it to …
2:57 PM Ticket #18926 (Tracker crashes when invoking Find with custom filetypes installed) updated by waddlesplash
It's just a NULL dereference it appears, looks like the other …
2:54 PM Ticket #19453 (write access attempted on write-protected area) updated by waddlesplash
Status, Owner changed
That won't make a difference, this is a bug in the atheroswifi driver. …
1:29 PM Ticket #19453 (write access attempted on write-protected area) updated by Coldfirex
Can you test on a nightly image?
12:10 PM Tracker-375-debug-05-03-2025-10-53-35.report attached to Ticket #18926 by grexe
debug report from Tracker/Find crash with today's nightly
12:09 PM Ticket #18926 (Tracker crashes when invoking Find with custom filetypes installed) updated by grexe
sorry forgot to update the link after merging the proto3 branch, it's …
12:04 PM Ticket #19333 (LaunchBox does not remember show/hide window border setting) updated by grexe
This works now since some builds for 1-2 weeks now, feel free to …
11:56 AM Ticket #19452 (Broadcom43xx driver not recognized/loaded) updated by madmax
Replying to theokeist: > I tend to install broadcom wifi …
11:16 AM tracker_alert_error resolving link.jpg attached to Ticket #18905 by grexe
Tracker alert "error resolving link"
11:10 AM Ticket #18905 (Search results windows crashes when adding / removing attributes columns) updated by grexe
Ok it doesn't crash anymore but still corrupts memory somehow and I …
8:22 AM Ticket #19452 (Broadcom43xx driver not recognized/loaded) updated by korli
Type changed
5:34 AM Ticket #19452 (Broadcom43xx driver not recognized/loaded) updated by theokeist
I tend to install broadcom wifi drivers using b43-fwcutter on Linux, …
5:08 AM area.txt attached to Ticket #19453 by cobra
KDL area command from a different session where the area shown by the …
5:07 AM listdev.txt attached to Ticket #19453 by cobra
listdev output
5:06 AM syslog.txt attached to Ticket #19453 by cobra
5:06 AM Ticket #19453 (write access attempted on write-protected area) created by cobra
Booting the R1/beta5 x86 image on a Pentium III machine. KDL area
3:57 AM Ticket #19452 (Broadcom43xx driver not recognized/loaded) updated by waddlesplash
Priority, Milestone, Keywords, Platform changed
Device "4331" is a "bwn" device, not a "bwi" device, so it really …
3:15 AM Ticket #19431 (Broken colors in large name files) updated by kim1963
Description changed

Mar 4, 2025:

8:22 PM Ticket #19452 (Broadcom43xx driver not recognized/loaded) created by theokeist
during the live-ISO testing of nightly, b43 wifi-driver is not being …
5:08 PM Ticket #19447 (Add Ralink MT7601U wi-fi module support, vid 148f, pid 7601) updated by Windes
Thank you very much for adding this wi-fi module! But.. /dev/net is …
5:08 PM photo_2025-03-04_20-07-38.jpg attached to Ticket #19447 by Windes
4:00 PM Ticket #19441 (mmap read or write deadlock) updated by waddlesplash
Thinking about this more, that solution won't work either. If we have …
2:49 PM Ticket #19450 (stress-ng vector math test fails when run under the profiler) updated by waddlesplash
Yes, and occasionally it flushes the samples buffer after the timer …
12:37 PM Ticket #19435 (Increasing the font size to some big value causes some texts to be not ...) updated by madmax
Small test case: needs a non-visible overflow and a border radius. …
12:36 PM test-case.html attached to Ticket #19435 by madmax
6:56 AM Ticket #18499 (No sound on Fujitsu U7311 Lifebook) updated by korli
Do you see the interrupt count increasing correctly?
6:54 AM Ticket #19450 (stress-ng vector math test fails when run under the profiler) updated by korli
What does the profiler exactly? Timer interrupts?
6:20 AM Ticket #19451 (profile : export demangle function names in CallGrind format) updated by X512
Standard C++ library already have demangling API: …
4:46 AM Ticket #19451 (profile : export demangle function names in CallGrind format) updated by waddlesplash
We have a GCC2 demangler as well as our own homegrown GCC3+ demangler …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.