Wanted: Level Designer

I'm looking to team up with a level designer for WW2 FPS.

The journey is the goal. So the most important thing is to have fun building the game and trying all the cool new stuff Unreal Engine 5 has to offer. The project is very long term and the plan is to eventually put the game up on steam once it reaches a certain quality level and has enough content.

I've touched all the different areas of game development and enjoy learning new technologies and creating workflows. Most of all I like programming and creating new gameplay systems. What I don't enjoy as much is the artistic side of game dev like sound, modeling, animating and creating levels. That's where I'm looking to team up.

What I can offer:

  • Long term project that won't be abandoned
  • Help and advice with everything regarding Unreal Engine
  • Listen to your feedback and integrate your ideas into the game

What you should have:

  • An interest in World War 2 and realistic milsim type shooters (without may be hard to stay motivated)
  • Ability to work on your own and stay motivated for long periods of time
  • Experience with Unreal Editor or at least tried it out and done a small tutorial to make sure it's something you could get into. Also having a look and experimenting with PCG would be great.

Communication would be over discord and it would be very easy going. No tickets, deadlines and all the stuff you hate about work. It's a hobby and should be fun :)

If you're interested just message me here or on the game discord: https://discord.gg/qT9bTxzNbd

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