There's a problem with selling pictures too quickly, namely that it won't add the money if you sell the photos too quickly.
Recent community posts
You need to have a way to send animals back to the barn if you accidentally send them for presentation to the buyer. I thought that the buyer would take the lowest rarity animal, so I grinded the wolfgirl to make sure she would behave while I was raising my foxgirl to love me. Friday rolls around and I make the foxgirl my housepet. I go to sleep and the buyer rolls up. He keeps going "you know why I'm here" without the option to say "I'll go get my wares". I rocket off to the barn, put the finishing touches on my wolfgirl, send her to the buyer...only for the buyer to repeat "you know why I'm here". He wants what I can't give him. I can't sleep, I can't leave my farm. I can't end the frelling day.
Also, either have the ability to move buckets around (so a catgirl bucket doesn't just sit there while the dice favor wolfgirls) or have the girls occupy the first available stall upon capture.
I'm guessing that a future update will allow you to have all four stalls in the stable filled at the same time?
Are we supposed to be able to get into the Hospital and Lab by using the bus-stop? Because you can. The Lab doesn't have anything interesting, but the Hospital can lead to a gamebreaking bug if you enter Seduction Mode with anyone in there. Basically, if you enter seduction mode with anyone without a face portrait, it will go to seduction mode, show "now loading" then pop up an error screen.
Is there a way to Seduce the real-estate agent again after you buy the apartment at this current state of the game?
Also, the "housemate" is blatantly OP. Can we seduce the "Landlady" yet?