Matthieu Deschemin

Matthieu Deschemin

Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
1305 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Organized, open-minded, and energetic, I am a dedicated and results-driven Senior…


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  • Acceleration Partners Grafik

    Acceleration Partners

    Berlin, Allemagne

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    Berlin, Allemagne

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    Région de Berlin, Allemagne

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    Région de Berlin, Allemagne

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    Région de Berlin, Allemagne

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    Région de Berlin, Allemagne

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    Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza

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    Région de Sydney, Perth


  • Université de Poitiers Grafik

    Université de Poitiers

    International Marketing Manager Internship for Tripletshare (London, United Kingdom) - 6 months
    - Marketing Manager in collaboration with the group's database and business customers.
    - Develop creative and attractive messages with the aim of creating a community on social networks (cultural and professional)
    - Management of social media accounts to deal with the development of customer projects (foreign and national)
    - Implement marketing strategies to develop the image and promote…

    International Marketing Manager Internship for Tripletshare (London, United Kingdom) - 6 months
    - Marketing Manager in collaboration with the group's database and business customers.
    - Develop creative and attractive messages with the aim of creating a community on social networks (cultural and professional)
    - Management of social media accounts to deal with the development of customer projects (foreign and national)
    - Implement marketing strategies to develop the image and promote products.

    "ISAG" IT Development Project
    - Realization of an international market study in order to consider a commercial establishment in Morocco
    - Search for national and international partners (Morocco and Africa)
    - Communication of the event on social networks (professionals)

  • Erasmus semester at the Facultad de Sciencias Economicas y Empresariales (Granada, Spain) - 6 months
    - Faculty of Economics and Business

    Marketing Manager Internship at Leroy-Somer - 3 months
    - Comparison of developments in sectors in recent years to make a European market study
    - Analyze the European geared motor market (Analysis in English)
    - Orientations and recommendations, analyze future trends

    "4l Trophy" Project
    - Implementation of the final preparations

    Erasmus semester at the Facultad de Sciencias Economicas y Empresariales (Granada, Spain) - 6 months
    - Faculty of Economics and Business

    Marketing Manager Internship at Leroy-Somer - 3 months
    - Comparison of developments in sectors in recent years to make a European market study
    - Analyze the European geared motor market (Analysis in English)
    - Orientations and recommendations, analyze future trends

    "4l Trophy" Project
    - Implementation of the final preparations
    - Acknowledgments of partners and invitation to university ceremonies
    - Realization of specifications for the resumption of the project

  • Language Internship at the Hotel Don Carlos, Hotel Palladium (Santa Eulalia Del Riu, Spain) - 5 months
    - Customer check-in and check-out
    - Billing
    - Use of the hotel management system
    - General assistance with the tasks of the Reception department

    "4l Trophy" Project
    - Search for funding for the realization of a humanitarian race in Morocco
    - Promotion of the event to reinforce the impact of the project in the long term
    - Loyalty of established partners

    Language Internship at the Hotel Don Carlos, Hotel Palladium (Santa Eulalia Del Riu, Spain) - 5 months
    - Customer check-in and check-out
    - Billing
    - Use of the hotel management system
    - General assistance with the tasks of the Reception department

    "4l Trophy" Project
    - Search for funding for the realization of a humanitarian race in Morocco
    - Promotion of the event to reinforce the impact of the project in the long term
    - Loyalty of established partners
    - Obtaining 10kg of foodstuffs and 5kg of school supplies

  • Event Internship at Cultura in 2010 - 10 weeks
    - Organization of two main events: Music Festival and Regional Project
    - Search for sponsors, partners and artistic professionals to promote these two events
    - Organization of a FIFA tournament, for the launch of the FIFA 2010 World Cup video game
    - Sales and advices to consumers
    - Management of the digital department

    Observation Internship at Citroën in 2009 - 2 weeks
    - Analysis of commercial operations
    - Reporting and…

    Event Internship at Cultura in 2010 - 10 weeks
    - Organization of two main events: Music Festival and Regional Project
    - Search for sponsors, partners and artistic professionals to promote these two events
    - Organization of a FIFA tournament, for the launch of the FIFA 2010 World Cup video game
    - Sales and advices to consumers
    - Management of the digital department

    Observation Internship at Citroën in 2009 - 2 weeks
    - Analysis of commercial operations
    - Reporting and analysis of negotiation situations

    EUVA Project (University Exchange between Vitoria-Gasteiz and Angoulême)
    - Develop economic, social and academic relations between the twin towns of Angoulême (France) and Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain).
    - This project should allow a strengthening of exchanges between students and professionals in order to promote numerous salary possibilities (internships, employment, etc.)


  • Projet Ascendance

    Réalisation d'une étude de marché concernant le Maroc afin d'aider une entreprise française à s'y implanter

    - Recherche de partenaires et prise de RDV
    - Analyse approfondie des indicateurs sociaux, économiques et politiques
    - Utilisation des réseaux sociaux professionnels pour promouvoir la formation et connaitre les attentes des personnes concernés

    Andere Mitarbeiter:innen
    • Maelle
  • 4L Trophy

    Expérience très enrichissante consistant à organiser le projet pour les étudiants de l'année précédante avant de reprendre ce projet par la suite.

    Recherche de fonds pour participer à une course humanitaire et apporter du matériel pour favoriser l'éducation au Maroc.

    Andere Mitarbeiter:innen
    • Adeline Bouchereau
    • Julien Dautriat
    • Jeremy Croissant
    • Nicolas Berthomier
  • Projet EUVA

    Développer les relations économiques, sociales et universitaires entre les villes jumelées d' Angoulême (France) et Vitoria-Gasteiz (Espagne).

    Ce projet doit permettre un renforcement des échanges entre étudiants et professionnels afin de favoriser de nombreuses possibilités salariales (stages, emploi,...)

    Andere Mitarbeiter:innen
    • Sandra Bernard
    • Jean Emmanuel Deneuvic

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