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Wei Chen 0002
Person information
- affiliation: Tsinghua University, Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, BNRist, Beijing, China
- affiliation (PhD 2007): Tsinghua University, Department of Electronic Engineering, Beijing, China
- affiliation (2005 - 2007): Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Other persons with the same name
- Wei Chen — disambiguation page
- Wei Chen 0001
— Zhejiang University, The State Key Laboratory of CAD and CG, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0003
— Tennessee State University, Department of Computer Science, Nashville, TN, USA (and 3 more)
- Wei Chen 0004 — City University of Hong Kong
- Wei Chen 0005
— Zhejiang University, College of Computer Science, Key Laboratory of Service Robot, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0006
— Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Computer, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0008 — Intelligent Automation Inc.
- Wei Chen 0009
— National University of Defense Technology, State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing, College of Computer, Changsha, China
- Wei Chen 0010 — Xi'an Jiatong University, First Teaching Hospital of Medical School, China
- Wei Chen 0011 — Intel, Santa, Clara, CA, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0012 — Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, China
- Wei Chen 0013
— Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China (and 4 more)
- Wei Chen 0014 — Jilin University, Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, China
- Wei Chen 0015
— Fudan University, Human Phenome Institute, Shanghai, China (and 3 more)
- Wei Chen 0016
— Beijing Jiaotong University, State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, China (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0017 — Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Wei Chen 0018
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Software, China
- Wei Chen 0019 — Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Wei Chen 0020 — University of Illinois, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IL, USA
- Wei Chen 0021 — Peking University, School of EECS, Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0022 — University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Wei Chen 0023 — Huawei Technologies, Cambridge, UK (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0024 — Naval Research Laboratory, Remote Sensing Division, Washington, DC, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0025 — Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
- Wei Chen 0026
— China University of Mining & Technology, College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, Beijing, China (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0027
— National University of Defense Technology, College of Information Systems and Management, Changsha, China
- Wei Chen 0028
— Hefei University of Technology, School of Food Science & Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0029
— Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany
- Wei Chen 0030 — Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System Laboratory, China
- Wei Chen 0031
— Yangtze University, Wuhan, China
- Wei Chen 0032 — Sichuan University, West China Hospital, Department of Radiology, Chengdu, China
- Wei Chen 0033
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Computer Network Information Center, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0034
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute Of Computing Technology, Beijing, China (and 3 more)
- Wei Chen 0035
— Wuhan University of Technology, School of Automation, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0036
— China University of Mining and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xuzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0037 — University of Hong Kong, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong
- Wei Chen 0038
— Automotive Vehicle Group, Nvidia, Santa Clara, CA, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0039
— Shandong University, School of Control Science and Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0040
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0041
— Northwestern University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Evanston, IL, USA (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0042 — Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0043
— Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0044
— University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Urbana, IL, USA
- Wei Chen 0045
— Nantong University, School of Electronics and Information, China
- Wei Chen 0046
— Tianjin University, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0047
— Peking University, Beijing, China (and 4 more)
- Wei Chen 0048 — Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0049
— Chengdu University of Information Technology, School of Control Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0050
— Fujian Medical University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Fuzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0051
— Xi'an University of Science and Technology, College of Geology and Environment, China
- Wei Chen 0052
— Xiamen University, Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0053 — Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- Wei Chen 0054 — University of Nantes, France
- Wei Chen 0055 — University of Arizona, Eller College of Management, Tucson, AZ, USA (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0056
— Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Wei Chen 0057
— Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Center for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
- Wei Chen 0058
— Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, China
- Wei Chen 0059
— University of Arizona, Eller College of Management, Tucson, AZ, USA
- Wei Chen 0060
— Mayo Clinic, Department of Management Engineering and Internal Consulting, Rochester, USA
- Wei Chen 0061
— Capital University of Economics and Business, School of Information, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0062 — Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, China
- Wei Chen 0063
— Nanjing Tech University, College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0064
— Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Innovative Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, China (and 4 more)
- Wei Chen 0065
— Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0066
— Harbin Engineering University, School of Economics and Management, China
- Wei Chen 0067
— Chongqing Technology and Business University, Research Center for Enterprise Management, China
- Wei Chen 0068
— Chinese University of Hong Kong, Stone Robotics Institute and Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
- Wei Chen 0069
— Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
- Wei Chen 0070
— Soochow University, School of Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu, China
- Wei Chen 0071 — Sogou Corporation, Voice Interaction Technology Center, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0072
— Leiden University, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, The Netherlands
- Wei Chen 0073
— Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Science, China
- Wei Chen 0074
— University of Pittsburgh, UPMC Children's Hospital, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0075
— Jilin University, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Changchun, China
- Wei Chen 0076
— Qiqihar University, College of Computer and Control Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0077
— Nanjing Institute of Technology, Industrial Center, China
- Wei Chen 0078
— Jimei University, Navigation Institute, Xiamen, China
- Wei Chen 0079
— Fujian University of Technology, School of Information Science and Engineering, Fuzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0080
— Wenzhou University, College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0081
— Lanzhou University of Technology, School of Computer and Communication, China
- Wei Chen 0082
— Tiangong University, School of Life Sciences, Tianjin, China
- Wei Chen 0083 — University of Paris-Saclay, France (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0084
— University of Kansas, School of Business, Lawrence, KS, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0085
— University of Bordeaux, LaBRI, France (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0086
— University of Minnesota, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, MN, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0087 — Wuhan Textile University, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0088
— Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0089
— Wuhan University, School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0090 — Chongqing University, School of Big Data and Software Engineering, China
- Wei Chen 0091
— Southern University of Science and Technology, Center for Control Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0092
— University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, Birmingham, UK
- Wei Chen 0093
— Anhui University, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei, China
- Wei Chen 0094
— VMware Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0095
— Fuzhou University, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0096
— Xi'an University of Science and Technology, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Xi'an, China
- Wei Chen 0097
— Zhejiang University, College of Optical Science and Engineering, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0098
— National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Institute of Education, Taiwan
- Wei Chen 0099
— Renmin University of China, School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0100
— Hainan University, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Haikou, China
- Wei Chen 0101
— Chongqing University, College of Computer Science, Chongqing, China
- Wei Chen 0102
— Chinese Academy of Sciences and China National Center for Bioinformation, CAS Key Laboratory of Genomic and Precision Medicine, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0103
— Guangdong University of Technology, School of Computer Science, Guangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0104
— Nanchang Institute of Technology, Academy of Art & Design, Nanchang, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0105
— Beijing Jiaotong University, School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing, China (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0106
— Wuhan University, School of Electronic Information, Wuhan, China
- Wei Chen 0107
— Beijing Institute of Technology, Laboratory of Photonics Information Technology, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0108
— University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Automation, Hefei, China
- Wei Chen 0109
— Beihang University, School of Computer Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0110
— Tsinghua University, Department of Automation, Beijing, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Wayne Chen
(aka: Wei Chen 0111) — Northwestern University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Evanston, IL, USA (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0112
— Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0113
— Fuzhou University, College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0114
— Qiqihar University, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qiqihar, China
- Wei Chen 0115
— Zhejiang University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0116
— Wuhan University, School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy, Wuhan, China
- Wei Chen 0117
— University of Auckland, New Zealand (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0118
— Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0119
— Linyi University, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Linyi, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0120
— Kunming University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming, China
- Wei Chen 0121
— Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Aerospace, State Key Laboratory for Strength & Vibration of Mechanical Structures, Xi'an, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0122
— University of California Berkeley, Department of Physics, Berkeley, CA, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0123
— Iowa State University, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Ames, IA, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0124
— Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0125
— Harvard University, Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Wei Chen 0126
— Tencent Corp., Shenzhen, China
- Wei Chen 0127
— University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Center for Comparative Neuroimaging, Worcester, MA, USA
- Wei Chen 0128
— University of Michigan, Department of Biostatistics, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Wei Chen 0129 — Intel, Santa Clara, CA, USA
- Wei Chen 0130
— Dalian University of Technology, International School of Information Science and Engineering, Dalian, China
- Wei Chen 0131
— Beijing University of Technology, Information Department, China
- Wei Chen 0132 — University of Science and Technology of China, CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, Hefei, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0133 — Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0134 — SUNY at Buffalo, Computer Science and Engineering, Buffalo, NY, USA
- Wei Chen 0135 — Nanjing Audit University, Department of Information Management, Nanjing, China
- Wei Chen 0136
— Powerchina Huadong Engineering Corporation Ltd., Hangzhou, China (and 2 more)
- Wei Chen 0137
— Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan, China
- Wei Chen 0138
— Jiangsu Normal University, School of Electrical Engineering & Automation, Xuzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0139
— Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Electrical Engineering, Nanjing, China
- Wei Chen 0140
— Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0141
— Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Chengdu, China
- Wei Chen 0142
— China Nanhu Academy of Electronics and Information Technology, JiaXing, China
- Wei Chen 0143
— Henan Polytechnic University, School of Software, Jiaozuo, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0144 — Dongguan University of Technology, School of Computer Science and Network Security, Dongguan, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0145 — Yale University, Department of Biostatistics, New Haven, CT, USA (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0146 — Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0147 — Hangzhou Normal University, School of Information Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China
- Wei Chen 0148
— Tianjin University of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin Key Laboratory for Advanced Mechatronic System Design and Intelligent Contro, Tianjin, China
- Wei Chen 0150
— China University of Geosciences (Beijing), School of Land Science and Technology, Beijing, China
- Wei Chen 0151
— Northeastern University, School of Business Administration, Shenyang, China
- Wei Chen 0152 — Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0153
— Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, State Key Laboratory of Intense Pulsed Radiation Simulation and Effect, Xi'an, China
- Wei Chen 0154 — Hubei Normal University, College of Computer and Information Engineering, Huangshi, China (and 1 more)
- Wei Chen 0155
— Xi'an University of Technology, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi'an, China
- Wei Chen 0156
— University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
- Wei Chen 0157
— Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, China
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2020 – today
- 2025
- [j186]Lintao Li
, Wei Chen
, Petar Popovski
, Khaled B. Letaief
Reliability-Latency-Rate Tradeoff in Low-Latency Communications With Finite-Blocklength Coding. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 71(1): 360-389 (2025) - [j185]Han Li
, Ke Xiong
, Yuping Lu
, Wei Chen
, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Collaborative Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in Small-Cell MEC: A Multi-Agent PPO-Based Scheme. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 24(3): 2346-2359 (2025) - [j184]Changkun Li
, Junyi Jiang
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Realtime Multiuser Multicarrier Communications. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 24(2): 1234-1251 (2025) - 2024
- [j183]Yiyu Qiu
, Junjie Wu, Wei Chen
Incremental Coding for Real-Time Remote Control over Bandwidth-Limited Channels and Its Applications in Smart Grids. Entropy 26(2): 122 (2024) - [j182]Junkai Qian, Yuning Jiang
, Xin Liu
, Qiong Wang, Ting Wang
, Yuanming Shi
, Wei Chen
Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(3): 5511-5525 (2024) - [j181]Chanyuan Meng
, Ke Xiong
, Wei Chen
, Bo Gao
, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Sum-Rate Maximization in STAR-RIS-Assisted RSMA Networks: A PPO-Based Algorithm. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(4): 5667-5680 (2024) - [j180]Jingyang Zhu
, Yuanming Shi
, Yong Zhou
, Chunxiao Jiang
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Over-the-Air Federated Learning and Optimization. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(10): 16996-17020 (2024) - [j179]Lintao Li
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Wireless Communications With Hard Delay Constraints: Cross-Layer Scheduling With Its Performance Analysis. IEEE Internet Things J. 11(20): 32540-32556 (2024) - [j178]Yuanrui Liu
, Xiaoyu Zhao
, Wei Chen
, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
Dynamic Framing and Power Allocation for Real-Time Wireless Networks with Variable-Length Coding: A Tandem Queue Approach. Network 4(3): 367-389 (2024) - [j177]Weibao He, Fasheng Zhou
, Dong Tang
, Fang Fang
, Wei Chen
Caching for Doubly Selective Fading Channels via Model-Agnostic Meta-Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Syst. J. 18(3): 1776-1785 (2024) - [j176]Meiling Li
, Kaixuan Xue, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
Secure Performance of RIS-Aided NOMA in Cognitive V2X Networks With Imperfect CSI Over Double Rayleigh Fading. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 10(4): 1339-1355 (2024) - [j175]Yuanrui Liu
, Joohyun Lee
, Chen Sun
, Yuxing Han
, Wei Chen
Energy Efficient Scheduling for Short Packet Communications With Finite Blocklength Coding. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 8(4): 1645-1660 (2024) - [j174]Xiang Zhang
, Ke Xiong
, Wei Chen
, Pingyi Fan
, Bo Ai
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Minimizing AoI in High-Speed Railway Mobile Networks: DQN-Based Methods. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 25(12): 20137-20150 (2024) - [j173]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Real-Time Monitoring of Chaotic Systems With Known Dynamical Equations. IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 72: 1251-1268 (2024) - [j172]Meiling Li
, Guomei Cao
, Faissal El Bouanani
, Shuaibo Huang
, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
, Sami Muhaidat
Error Performance of NOMA System With Outdated, Imperfect CSI, and RHI Over α-μ Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 73(2): 2142-2155 (2024) - [j171]Fasheng Zhou
, Wensheng Zhang
, Zilin Gong, Jie Tang
, Wei Chen
Accuracy-Enhanced IRS-Aided Target Sensing With RSS by Exploiting Path-Loss Fading. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 73(12): 19867-19872 (2024) - [j170]Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Meeting Hard Delay Constraint in Massive Access: A Mean-Field Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 23(4): 2961-2977 (2024) - [j169]Jin Mao
, Ke Xiong
, Ming Liu
, Zhijin Qin
, Wei Chen
, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
A GAN-Based Semantic Communication for Text Without CSI. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 23(10): 14498-14514 (2024) - [j168]Meiling Li
, Kang Ren
, Faissal El Bouanani
, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
Secure Performance of RIS-NOMA System Under κ - μ Shadowed Fading Channel. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 13(12): 3543-3547 (2024) - [c218]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Fitting Empowered Cross-Layer Scheduling for Real-Time Wireless Communications. ICC 2024: 1739-1744 - [c217]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Distributed Stochastic Optimization with Random Communication and Computational Delays: Optimal Policies and Performance Analysis. ICC 2024: 3791-3796 - [i57]Lintao Li, Anders E. Kalør, Petar Popovski, Wei Chen:
Unified Timing Analysis for Closed-Loop Goal-Oriented Wireless Communication. CoRR abs/2405.16047 (2024) - [i56]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with Staleness: A Stochastic Delay Differential Equation Based Framework. CoRR abs/2406.11159 (2024) - 2023
- [j167]Haiming Hui, Shuqi Wei, Wei Chen:
Fresh multiple access: A unified framework based on large models and mean-field approximations. J. Commun. Networks 25(5): 598-620 (2023) - [j166]Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Diversity Enabled Low-Latency Wireless Communications With Hard Delay Constraints. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 41(7): 2107-2122 (2023) - [j165]Haiming Hui
, Xin Guo
, Haiming Wang
, Wei Chen
Spectrum Sharing in Cache-Empowered Wireless Networks: Reservation-Based Versus Auction-Based Approaches. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 9(5): 1126-1140 (2023) - [j164]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Real-Time Monitoring With Timing Side Information. IEEE Trans. Commun. 71(4): 1953-1969 (2023) - [j163]Junjie Wu
, Wei Chen
, Anthony Ephremides
Achieving Extremely Low Latency: Incremental Coding for Real-Time Applications. IEEE Trans. Commun. 71(8): 4453-4467 (2023) - [j162]Zhanyuan Xie
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
A Unified Framework for Pushing in Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks With mmWave Hotspots. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 22(1): 19-31 (2023) - [j161]Haiming Hui
, Wei Chen
Joint Scheduling of Proactive Pushing and On-Demand Transmission Over Shared Spectrum for Profit Maximization. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 22(1): 107-121 (2023) - [j160]Lintao Li
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Simple Bounds on Delay-Constrained Capacity and Delay-Violation Probability of Joint Queue and Channel-Aware Wireless Transmissions. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 22(4): 2744-2759 (2023) - [j159]Changkun Li
, Yalei Wang
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Multiple-Antenna Communications in the High SNR Regime. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 12(3): 461-465 (2023) - [c216]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Communication-Constrained Distributed Learning: TSI-Aided Asynchronous Optimization with Stale Gradient. GLOBECOM 2023: 1495-1500 - [c215]Yuanrui Liu, Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
Dynamic Framing and Power Allocation for Real-Time Wireless Communications with Variable-Length Coding. GLOBECOM 2023: 4080-4085 - [c214]Shuqi Wei, Lintao Li, Changkun Li, Wei Chen:
Massive Mobile Computation Offloading: Operating Data Centers as Virtual Power Plants in Smart Grids. GLOBECOM 2023: 5574-5579 - [c213]Changkun Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Wireless Communications: A Matching Diversity Approach. GLOBECOM 2023: 5907-5912 - [c212]Lei Huang, Lintao Li, Wei Chen:
Diversity Enabled Wireless Transmissions with Random Arrivals and Hard Delay Constraints. ICC 2023: 634-639 - [c211]Tianming Zang, Ce Zheng, Shiyao Ma, Chen Sun, Wei Chen:
A General Solution for Straggler Effect and Unreliable Communication in Federated Learning. ICC 2023: 1194-1199 - [c210]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
On Power-Latency-Throughput Tradeoff of Diversity Enabled Delay-Bounded Communications. ICC 2023: 2141-2146 - [c209]Lili Wang
, Wei Chen
, Haoliang Wang
Data Visualization Analysis for Job Recruitment Based on Big Data. ICCSIE 2023: 78-83 - [c208]Jie Wei, Jianjing Wei, Shaoling Hu, Wei Chen:
Privacy and Social Aware Hybrid Successive Relaying with Mixed Trustworthy Untrustworthy D2D Helpers. ICUFN 2023: 1-6 - [c207]K. Xue, Meiling Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Hu Yuan:
Outage Performance Analysis in Cognitive RIS-NOMA System under Imperfect CSI. MeditCom 2023: 151-156 - [i55]Junkai Qian, Yuning Jiang, Xin Liu, Qing Wang, Ting Wang, Yuanming Shi, Wei Chen:
Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks. CoRR abs/2308.08792 (2023) - [i54]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Petar Popovski, Khaled B. Letaief
Reliability-Latency-Rate Tradeoff in Low-Latency Communications with Finite-Blocklength Coding. CoRR abs/2309.06769 (2023) - [i53]Haiming Hui, Shuqi Wei, Wei Chen:
Fresh Multiple Access: A Unified Framework Based on Large Models and Mean-Field Approximations. CoRR abs/2309.09226 (2023) - [i52]Jingyang Zhu, Yuanming Shi, Yong Zhou, Chunxiao Jiang, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Over-the-Air Federated Learning and Optimization. CoRR abs/2310.10089 (2023) - [i51]Doksoo Lee, Lu Zhang, Yue Yu, Wei Chen:
Deep Neural Operator Enabled Concurrent Multitask Design for Multifunctional Metamaterials under Heterogeneous Fields. CoRR abs/2312.02403 (2023) - [i50]Jin Mao, Ke Xiong, Ming Liu, Zhijin Qin, Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
A GAN-based Semantic Communication for Text without CSI. CoRR abs/2312.16909 (2023) - 2022
- [j158]Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Achieving Low Latency in Massive Access: A Mean-Field Approach. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 40(5): 1473-1488 (2022) - [j157]Yalei Wang
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communications in the High SNR Regime: A Cross-Layer Tradeoff. IEEE Trans. Commun. 70(1): 149-162 (2022) - [j156]Haiming Hui
, Shaoling Hu
, Wei Chen
Real Time Monitoring of Brownian Motions. IEEE Trans. Commun. 70(9): 5867-5881 (2022) - [j155]Meiling Li
, Xiaoxia Yang
, Fazlullah Khan
, Mian Ahmad Jan
, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
Improving Physical Layer Security in Vehicles and Pedestrians Networks With Ambient Backscatter Communication. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 23(7): 9380-9390 (2022) - [j154]Fasheng Zhou
, Lisheng Fan
, Jie Tang
, Wei Chen
Placement and Concise MSE Lower-Bound for UAV-Enabled Localization via RSS. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 71(2): 2209-2213 (2022) - [j153]Lan Lin
, Wenjun Xu
, Wei Chen, Fengyu Wang
, Guojun Li
, Miao Pan
Prioritized Delay Optimization for NOMA-Based Multi-UAV Emergency Networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 71(10): 11222-11227 (2022) - [j152]Yuanrui Liu
, Wei Chen
, Joohyun Lee
Joint Queue-Aware and Channel-Aware Scheduling for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(1): 264-279 (2022) - [j151]Zhibin Wang
, Jiahang Qiu, Yong Zhou
, Yuanming Shi
, Liqun Fu
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Federated Learning via Intelligent Reflecting Surface. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(2): 808-822 (2022) - [j150]Junjie Wu
, Wei Chen
Low-Latency and Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications With Energy Harvesting. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(2): 1244-1256 (2022) - [j149]Yuanrui Liu
, Joohyun Lee
, Wei Chen
Buffer-Aware Scheduling and Power Allocation for CoMP Transmission With Large-Scale Antennas. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(6): 4168-4182 (2022) - [j148]Jinglian He
, Kaiqiang Yu
, Yuanming Shi
, Yong Zhou
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Massive MIMO With Antenna Selection. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(7): 4769-4783 (2022) - [j147]Min Fu
, Yong Zhou
, Yuanming Shi
, Wei Chen
, Rui Zhang
UAV Aided Over-the-Air Computation. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(7): 4909-4924 (2022) - [j146]Xiaoyu Zhao
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Queue-Aware Finite-Blocklength Coding for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 21(10): 8786-8802 (2022) - [c206]Zixuan Zhang, Yuning Jiang, Yuanming Shi, Ye Shi, Wei Chen:
Federated Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Control. GLOBECOM (Workshops) 2022: 1717-1722 - [c205]Yuanrui Liu, Joohyun Lee
, Yuxing Han, Wei Chen:
Lyapunov Drift-Based Scheduling for Short-Packet Transmission with Finite Blocklength Coding. GLOBECOM 2022: 2068-2073 - [c204]Changkun Li, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Hard Delay Constrained Communications over Parallel Fading Channels. GLOBECOM 2022: 2480-2485 - [c203]Haiming Hui, Wei Chen:
Delay Analysis of Reservation Based Random Access: A Tandem Queue Model. GLOBECOM 2022: 2758-2763 - [c202]Changkun Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Time Sensitive Data Access for Massive Users: A Mean-Field Approximation Approach. GLOBECOM 2022: 2825-2830 - [c201]Yuanrui Liu, Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
A Buffer-Aware Finite Blocklength Coding Scheme for Low-Latency Energy-Efficient Communications. GLOBECOM 2022: 4734-4739 - [c200]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
TSI-Aided Real-Time Monitoring of Brownian Motions: A Rate-Latency-Distortion Perspective. GLOBECOM 2022: 5342-5347 - [c199]Junjie Wu, Wei Chen:
An Incremental Decoding Scheme for Optimal Real-Time Control of Markovian Systems. GLOBECOM 2022: 5348-5353 - [c198]Junjie Wu, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Incremental Decoding based Low-Latency Communication for Real-Time Control. ICC 2022: 811-816 - [c197]Zhanyuan Xie, Wei Chen:
The Delay-Power Tradeoff of Low Complexity Cross-Layer Scheduling: When Lyapunov Meets Markov. ICC 2022: 1227-1232 - [c196]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Ultra-Low Latency Wireless Communications for Deterministic Networking: A Cross-Layer Approach. ICC 2022: 3502-3507 - [c195]Zhanyuan Xie, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Exploiting Sparse Millimeter Wave Hotspots in Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks: A Mobility-Enabled Pushing Scheme. ICC 2022: 3629-3634 - [c194]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Bounding Queue Length Violation Probability of Joint Channel and Buffer Aware Transmission. ICC 2022: 4896-4901 - [c193]Wei Chen, Wenjun Xu, Lan Lin, Chunlei Huang:
Energy-efficient Cooperative Multi-UAV Coverage Scheme with Limited Wireless Backhaul. ICCT 2022: 486-491 - [i49]Zixuan Zhang, Yuning Jiang, Yuanming Shi, Ye Shi, Wei Chen:
Federated Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Control. CoRR abs/2210.01452 (2022) - [i48]Lingrui Zhang, Yuxing Han, Qiong Wang, Wei Chen:
Channel-Aware Ordered Successive Relaying with Finite-Blocklength Coding. CoRR abs/2210.14627 (2022) - 2021
- [j145]Lei Huang
, Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Low-Latency Short-Packet Transmission over a Large Spatial Scale. Entropy 23(7): 916 (2021) - [j144]Meiling Li
, Faissal El Bouanani
, Lili Tian, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
, Sami Muhaidat
Error Rate Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access With Residual Hardware Impairments. IEEE Commun. Lett. 25(8): 2522-2526 (2021) - [j143]Xu Zou
, Fasheng Zhou
, Lisheng Fan
, Wei Chen
Shadowing Cancellation and Iterative Newton-Gradient Algorithm for UAV-Assisted Localization. IEEE Commun. Lett. 25(11): 3570-3574 (2021) - [j142]Shaoling Hu, Wei Chen
Monitoring Real-Time Status of Analog Sources: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 39(5): 1309-1324 (2021) - [j141]Qi Chen
, Wei Wang
, Wei Chen, F. Richard Yu
, Zhaoyang Zhang
Cache-Enabled Multicast Content Pushing With Structured Deep Learning. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 39(7): 2135-2149 (2021) - [j140]Lintao Li
, Longwei Yang
, Xin Guo
, Yuanming Shi
, Haiming Wang, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Delay Analysis of Wireless Federated Learning Based on Saddle Point Approximation and Large Deviation Theory. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 39(12): 3772-3789 (2021) - [j139]Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Wireless Caching: Making Radio Access Networks More than Bit-Pipelines. Network 1(2): 146-164 (2021) - [j138]Yawei Lu
, Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
On the Effective Throughput of Coded Caching With Heterogeneous User Preferences: A Game Theoretic Perspective. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(3): 1387-1402 (2021) - [j137]Shaoling Hu
, Wei Chen
Joint Lossy Compression and Power Allocation in Low Latency Wireless Communications for IIoT: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(8): 5106-5120 (2021) - [j136]Xiaoyu Zhao
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Achieving Extremely Low-Latency in Industrial Internet of Things: Joint Finite Blocklength Coding, Resource Block Matching, and Performance Analysis. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(10): 6529-6544 (2021) - [j135]Junjie Wu
, Wei Chen
A Deterministic Scheduling Policy for Low-Latency Wireless Communication With Continuous Channel States. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(10): 6590-6603 (2021) - [j134]Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Joint Scheduling of Proactive Caching and On-Demand Transmission Traffics Over Shared Spectrum. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(12): 8319-8334 (2021) - [j133]Wenzhi Fang
, Yuning Jiang
, Yuanming Shi
, Yong Zhou
, Wei Chen
, Khaled B. Letaief
Over-the-Air Computation via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface. IEEE Trans. Commun. 69(12): 8612-8626 (2021) - [j132]Di Han
, Wei Chen
, Jianqing Liu
Energy-Efficient UAV Communications Under Stochastic Trajectory: A Markov Decision Process Approach. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 5(1): 106-118 (2021) - [j131]Tian Zhang
, Wei Chen
Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing With Energy Harvesting. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 5(1): 552-565 (2021) - [j130]Lixin Li
, Meng Wang, Kaiyuan Xue, Qianqian Cheng, Dawei Wang
, Wei Chen
, Miao Pan
, Zhu Han
Delay Optimization in Multi-UAV Edge Caching Networks: A Robust Mean Field Game. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 70(1): 808-819 (2021) - [j129]Mohamed A. ElMossallamy
, Karim G. Seddik
, Wei Chen
, Li Wang
, Geoffrey Ye Li, Zhu Han
RIS Optimization on the Complex Circle Manifold for Interference Mitigation in Interference Channels. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 70(6): 6184-6189 (2021) - [j128]Lixin Li
, Qianqian Cheng, Xiao Tang
, Tong Bai
, Wei Chen
, Zhiguo Ding
, Zhu Han
Resource Allocation for NOMA-MEC Systems in Ultra-Dense Networks: A Learning Aided Mean-Field Game Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(3): 1487-1500 (2021) - [j127]Yalei Wang
, Wei Chen
Adaptive Power and Rate Control for Real-Time Status Updating Over Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(5): 3095-3106 (2021) - [j126]Changkun Li
, Wei Chen
Content Pushing Over Idle Timeslots: Performance Analysis and Caching Gains. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(9): 5586-5598 (2021) - [j125]Zhanyuan Xie
, Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen
Power and Rate Adaptive Pushing Over Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 20(10): 6436-6450 (2021) - [c192]Shaoling Hu, Junjie Wu, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Achieving Ultra High Freshness in Real-Time Monitoring and Decision Making with Incremental Decoding. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c191]Changkun Li, Wei Chen:
Adaptive Power and Rate Control for Mixed Proactive Pushing and On-demand Traffic: A CMDP Approach. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c190]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Wireless Communications with Burst Traffics: A Large Deviation Method. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c189]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Short Packet Communications with Random Arrivals: An Effective Bandwidth Approach. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c188]Changkun Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief
Mean-Field Approximation based Scheduling for Broadcast Channels with Massive Receivers. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c187]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Asymptotic Analysis of the Reliability-Latency Tradeoff for URLLC in the High SNR Regime. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c186]Siyuan Yu
, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Timing Side Information Aided Real-Time Monitoring of Discrete-Event Systems. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c185]Xianyang Zhang, Haiming Hui, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Joint Pushing, Pricing, and Recommendation for Cache-enabled Radio Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c184]Xianyang Zhang, Haiming Hui, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Joint Recommendation and Pricing for Cache-Aided RAN with Malicious Users: A Game Theoretic Method. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c183]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Achieving Extremely Low Latency: Joint Finite-Blocklength Coding over Multiple Users in Downlinks. GLOBECOM 2021: 1-6 - [c182]Min Fu, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi
, Ting Wang
, Wei Chen:
UAV-Assisted Over-the-Air Computation. ICC 2021: 1-6 - [c181]Yuanrui Liu, Wei Chen:
Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access: A Cross-Layer Approach. ICC 2021: 1-6 - [c180]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen:
Joint Freshness and Channel Aware Scheduling for Multi-User Wireless Communications. ICC 2021: 1-6 - [c179]Shuhao Xia, Jingyang Zhu, Yuhan Yang, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi
, Wei Chen:
Fast Convergence Algorithm for Analog Federated Learning. ICC 2021: 1-6 - [c178]Longwei Yang
, Lintao Li, Xin Guo, Yuanming Shi
, Haiming Wang, Wei Chen:
Saddle Point Approximation Based Delay Analysis for Wireless Federated Learning. ICC 2021: 1-6 - [c177]Shaoling Hu, Haiming Hui, Wei Chen:
Monitoring the Brownian Motion in Real Time: A Rate-Distortion Perspective. SPAWC 2021: 316-320 - [c176]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen:
Computation Offloading in Energy Harvesting aided Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing. VTC Spring 2021: 1-5 - [c175]Meng Wang, Lixin Li, Wensheng Lin, Baoguo Wei, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
UAV Position Optimization Based on Information Freshness: A Mean Field Game Approach. WCSP 2021: 1-5 - [i47]Min Fu, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Ting Wang, Wei Chen:
UAV-Assisted Over-the-Air Computation. CoRR abs/2101.09856 (2021) - [i46]Wenzhi Fang, Yuning Jiang, Yuanming Shi, Yong Zhou, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief:
Over-the-Air Computation via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface. CoRR abs/2105.05113 (2021) - [i45]Min Fu, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Wei Chen, Rui Zhang:
UAV Aided Over-the-Air Computation. CoRR abs/2106.00254 (2021) - [i44]Changkun Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief:
Mean-Field Approximation based Scheduling for Broadcast Channels with Massive Receivers. CoRR abs/2111.03229 (2021) - [i43]Lintao Li, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief:
Bounding Queue Length Violation Probability of Joint Channel and Buffer Aware Transmission. CoRR abs/2111.06569 (2021) - 2020
- [j124]Jianjing Wei
, Jie Wei
, Shaoling Hu
, Wei Chen
Successive Decode-and-Forward Relaying With Privacy-Aware Interference Suppression. IEEE Access 8: 95793-95806 (2020) - [j123]Lixin Li
, Yang Xu, Jiaying Yin, Wei Liang
, Xu Li, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han
Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Content Caching in Cache-Enabled D2D Networks. IEEE Internet Things J. 7(1): 544-557 (2020) - [j122]Kai Yang, Yuanming Shi
, Yong Zhou, Zhanpeng Yang
, Liqun Fu, Wei Chen:
Federated Machine Learning for Intelligent IoT via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface. IEEE Netw. 34(5): 16-22 (2020) - [j121]Zhanyuan Xie
, Wei Chen
Storage-Efficient Edge Caching With Asynchronous User Requests. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 6(1): 229-241 (2020) - [j120]Xiaoyu Zhao
, Wei Chen
, Joohyun Lee
, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-Optimal and Energy-Efficient Communications With Markovian Arrivals. IEEE Trans. Commun. 68(3): 1508-1523 (2020) - [j119]Yawei Lu
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
User Preference Aware Lossless Data Compression at the Edge. IEEE Trans. Commun. 68(6): 3792-3807 (2020) - [j118]Zhanyuan Xie
, Wei Chen
Pilot-Efficient Scheduling for Large-Scale Antenna Aided Massive Machine-Type Communications: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Commun. 68(7): 4262-4276 (2020) - [j117]Zhiyuan Lin
, Wei Chen
Energy-Efficient Pushing With Content Consumption Constraints: A Network Calculus Approach. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 4(1): 301-314 (2020) - [j116]Meng Wang
, Wei Chen
, Anthony Ephremides:
Real-Time Reconstruction of a Counting Process Through First-Come-First-Serve Queue Systems. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 66(7): 4547-4562 (2020) - [j115]Fasheng Zhou
, Ning Wang
, Gaoyong Luo, Lisheng Fan
, Wei Chen:
Edge Caching in Multi-UAV-Enabled Radio Access Networks: 3D Modeling and Spectral Efficiency Optimization. IEEE Trans. Signal Inf. Process. over Networks 6: 329-341 (2020) - [j114]Di Han
, Wei Chen
, Yuguang Fang
Joint Channel and Queue Aware Scheduling for Latency Sensitive Mobile Edge Computing With Power Constraints. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 19(6): 3938-3951 (2020) - [j113]Haiming Hui
, Wei Chen
, Li Wang
Caching With Finite Buffer and Request Delay Information: A Markov Decision Process Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 19(8): 5148-5161 (2020) - [j112]Lixin Li
, Huan Ren, Qianqian Cheng, Kaiyuan Xue, Wei Chen
, Mérouane Debbah, Zhu Han
Millimeter-Wave Networking in the Sky: A Machine Learning and Mean Field Game Approach for Joint Beamforming and Beam-Steering. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 19(10): 6393-6408 (2020) - [j111]Zhiyuan Lin
, Wei Huang
, Wei Chen
Bandwidth and Storage Efficient Caching Based on Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 9(2): 206-209 (2020) - [j110]Di Han
, Wei Chen
QoS Differential Scheduling of URLLC Under FIFO Service Discipline: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 9(9): 1370-1373 (2020) - [c174]Shaoling Hu, Wei Chen:
Minimizing the Queue-Length-Bound Violation Probability for URLLC: A Cross Layer Approach. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c173]Haiming Hui, Wei Chen:
A Pricing-based Joint Scheduling of Pushing and On-demand Transmission Over Shared Spectrum. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c172]Changkun Li, Wei Chen:
Energy Efficient Joint Pushing and On-demand Transmission over Shared Spectrum. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c171]Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen:
Energy-Efficient Content Pushing based on Rate and Power Adaptation with Delay Constraints. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c170]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
User Preference Aware Lossy Data Compression for Edge Caching. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c169]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen:
Minimizing Delay Violation Probability in URLLC over Fading Channels: A Cross-Layer Approach. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c168]Longwei Yang, Xin Guo, Haiming Wang, Wei Chen:
A Video Popularity Prediction Scheme with Attention-Based LSTM and Feature Embedding. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c167]Siyuan Yu
, Yawei Lu, Wei Chen:
Computation-Aided Data Transmission for Remote Reconstruction of Trajectories of Dynamical Systems. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c166]Xianyang Zhang, Di Han, Zhanyuan Xie, Xin Guo, Haiming Wang, Zhu Han, Wei Chen:
Negative Correlation Between Virus-Related Content Popularity and Epidemic Spread. GLOBECOM 2020: 1-6 - [c165]Di Han, Wei Chen, Yuguang Fang
Opportunistic WiFi Offloading in a Vehicular Environment: An MDP Approach. ICC 2020: 1-6 - [c164]Shaoling Hu, Wei Chen:
Joint Lossy Compression and Power Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Wireless Communications. ICC 2020: 1-7 - [c163]Hoshyar Mohammed, Di Han, Wei Chen:
Delay-Optimal Scheduling in WPTNs with Adaptive Transmission over Fading Channels. ICC 2020: 1-6 - [c162]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen:
An AoI-Optimal Scheduling Method for Wireless Transmissions with Truncated Channel Inversion. ICC 2020: 1-6 - [c161]Haipeng Weng, Lixin Li, Qianqian Cheng, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Content Caching Policy Based on GAN and Distributional Reinforcement Learning. ICC 2020: 1-5 - [c160]Junjie Wu, Wei Chen:
Delay-Optimal Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Aided mmWave Communications with Random Blocking. ICC 2020: 1-6 - [c159]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor
Joint Framing and Finite-Blocklength Coding for URLLC in Multi-user Downlinks. ICC 2020: 1-6 - [c158]Shaoling Hu, Wei Chen:
Balancing Data Freshness and Distortion in Real-time Status Updating with Lossy Compression. INFOCOM Workshops 2020: 13-18 - [i42]Yalei Wang, Wei Chen:
An AoI-Optimal Scheduling Method for Wireless Transmissions with Truncated Channel Inversion. CoRR abs/2001.01234 (2020) - [i41]Kai Yang, Yuanming Shi, Yong Zhou, Zhanpeng Yang, Liqun Fu, Wei Chen:
Federated Machine Learning for Intelligent IoT via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface. CoRR abs/2004.05843 (2020) - [i40]Hao Li, Aozhou Wu, Wen Fang, Qingqing Zhang, Mingqing Liu, Qingwen Liu, Wei Chen:
Lightweight Mask R-CNN for Long-Range Wireless Power Transfer Systems. CoRR abs/2004.08761 (2020) - [i39]Yu Zhao, Joohyun Lee, Wei Chen:
Q-greedyUCB: a New Exploration Policy for Adaptive and Resource-efficient Scheduling. CoRR abs/2006.05902 (2020) - [i38]Jinglian He, Kaiqiang Yu, Yuanming Shi, Yong Zhou, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief:
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Massive MIMO with Antenna Selection. CoRR abs/2009.07546 (2020) - [i37]Zhibin Wang, Jiahang Qiu, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Liqun Fu, Wei Chen, Khaled B. Letaief:
Federated Learning via Intelligent Reflecting Surface. CoRR abs/2011.05051 (2020) - [i36]Shuhao Xia, Jingyang Zhu, Yuhan Yang, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, Wei Chen:
Fast Convergence Algorithm for Analog Federated Learning. CoRR abs/2011.06658 (2020) - [i35]Junjie Wu, Wei Chen:
Deterministic Scheduling for Low-latency Wireless Transmissions with Continuous Channel States. CoRR abs/2012.03440 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j109]Lixin Li
, Jiao He, Lie-Liang Yang
, Zhu Han, Miao Pan, Wei Chen
, Huisheng Zhang, Xu Li:
Spectral- and Energy-Efficiency of Multi-Pair Two-Way Massive MIMO Relay Systems Experiencing Channel Aging. IEEE Access 7: 46014-46032 (2019) - [j108]Wenjing Ye, Wei Chen
, Xin Guo
, Chen Sun, Lajos Hanzo
Quantum Search-Aided Multi-User Detection for Sparse Code Multiple Access. IEEE Access 7: 52804-52817 (2019) - [j107]Lixin Li
, Huan Ren, Xu Li, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han:
Machine Learning-Based Spectrum Efficiency Hybrid Precoding With Lens Array and Low-Resolution ADCs. IEEE Access 7: 117986-117996 (2019) - [j106]Khaled Ben Letaief
, Wei Chen, Yuanming Shi
, Jun Zhang, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
The Roadmap to 6G: AI Empowered Wireless Networks. IEEE Commun. Mag. 57(8): 84-90 (2019) - [j105]Lili Wang, Li Wang, Limeng Xu, Wei Chen:
Finite Element Modelling of Single Cell Based on Atomic Force Microscope Indentation Method. Comput. Math. Methods Medicine 2019: 7895061:1-7895061:10 (2019) - [j104]Lixin Li
, Yang Xu, Zihe Zhang, Jiaying Yin, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
A Prediction-Based Charging Policy and Interference Mitigation Approach in the Wireless Powered Internet of Things. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 37(2): 439-451 (2019) - [j103]Meng Wang
, Juan Liu
, Wei Chen
, Anthony Ephremides:
Joint Queue-Aware and Channel-Aware Delay Optimal Scheduling of Arbitrarily Bursty Traffic Over Multi-State Time-Varying Channels. IEEE Trans. Commun. 67(1): 503-517 (2019) - [j102]Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Caching With Time Domain Buffer Sharing. IEEE Trans. Commun. 67(4): 2730-2745 (2019) - [j101]Xiaoyu Zhao
, Wei Chen
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Delay-Sensitive Communications: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Commun. 67(7): 5053-5068 (2019) - [j100]Di Han
, Wei Chen
, Bo Bai
, Yuguang Fang
Offloading Optimization and Bottleneck Analysis for Mobile Cloud Computing. IEEE Trans. Commun. 67(9): 6153-6167 (2019) - [j99]Zhiyuan Lin
, Wei Chen
Content Pushing Over Multiuser MISO Downlinks With Multicast Beamforming and Recommendation: A Cross-Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Commun. 67(10): 7263-7276 (2019) - [j98]Hoshyar Mohammed
, Zhijie Chen, Wei Chen
Energy-Efficient Joint Pushing and Caching Based on Markov Decision Process. IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw. 3(2): 433-445 (2019) - [j97]Wei Huang
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Request Delay-Based Pricing for Proactive Caching: A Stackelberg Game Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 18(6): 2903-2918 (2019) - [j96]Di Han
, Wei Chen
, Yuguang Fang
A Dynamic Pricing Strategy for Vehicle Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 8(2): 420-423 (2019) - [j95]Bingyu Zhu
, Wei Chen
Coded Caching With Moderate Recommendation: Balancing Delivery Rate and Quality of Experience. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 8(5): 1456-1459 (2019) - [j94]Fasheng Zhou
, Lisheng Fan
, Ming Jiang
, Wei Chen
Optimal Caching Strategy for Coordinated Small-Cells With Limited Backhaul. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 8(6): 1583-1586 (2019) - [c157]Haiming Hui, Wei Chen:
Maximizing Hit Ratio in Finite-Buffer Caching with Request Delay Information: An MDP Approach. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6 - [c156]Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen:
An Energy-Efficient Content Pushing Policy with Opportunistic Transmissions over Wireless Links. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6 - [c155]Zhuoyang Shi, Lixin Li, Yang Xu, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Content Caching Policy for 5G Network Based on Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic Method. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6 - [c154]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen:
Queue-Aware Variable-Length Coding for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications. GLOBECOM 2019: 1-6 - [c153]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor
Source Coding at the Edge: User Preference Oriented Lossless Data Compression. ICC 2019: 1-6 - [c152]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor
Coded Caching Under Heterogeneous User Preferences: An Effective Throughput Perspective. ICC 2019: 1-6 - [c151]Huan Ren, Lixin Li, Wenjun Xu, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Machine Learning-Based Hybrid Precoding with Robust Error for UAV mmWave Massive MIMO. ICC 2019: 1-6 - [c150]Meng Wang, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Reconstruction of Counting Process in Real-Time: The Freshness of Information Through Queues. ICC 2019: 1-6 - [c149]Hao Li, Aozhou Wu, Wen Fang
, Qingqing Zhang, Mingqing Liu, Qingwen Liu, Wei Chen:
Lightweight Mask R-CNN for Long-Range Wireless Power Transfer Systems. WCSP 2019: 1-6 - [c148]Xiaomin Liu, Lixin Li, Fucheng Yang, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Wenjun Xu:
Price-based Power Allocation for Multi-UAV Enabled Wireless Networks. WOCC 2019: 1-5 - [i34]Meng Wang, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Real-Time Reconstruction of Counting Process through Queues. CoRR abs/1901.08197 (2019) - [i33]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen:
Queue-Aware Variable-Length Coding for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications with Random Arrival. CoRR abs/1903.05804 (2019) - [i32]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
User Preference Aware Lossless Data Compression at the Edge. CoRR abs/1903.12318 (2019) - [i31]Khaled Ben Letaief, Wei Chen, Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang:
The Roadmap to 6G - AI Empowered Wireless Networks. CoRR abs/1904.11686 (2019) - [i30]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen, Joohyun Lee, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-Optimal and Energy-Efficient Communications with Markovian Arrivals. CoRR abs/1908.11797 (2019) - [i29]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
On the Effective Throughput of Coded Caching: A Game Theoretic Perspective. CoRR abs/1911.12981 (2019) - 2018
- [j93]Fasheng Zhou
, Lisheng Fan, Ning Wang, Gaoyong Luo, Jie Tang
, Wei Chen
A Cache-Aided Communication Scheme for Downlink Coordinated Multipoint Transmission. IEEE Access 6: 1416-1427 (2018) - [j92]Yuanming Shi
, Jun Zhang
, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Generalized Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization for Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE Commun. Mag. 56(6): 42-48 (2018) - [j91]Yawei Lu
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Coded Joint Pushing and Caching With Asynchronous User Requests. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 36(8): 1843-1856 (2018) - [j90]Yawei Lu
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Multicast Pushing With Content Request Delay Information. IEEE Trans. Commun. 66(3): 1078-1092 (2018) - [j89]Ahmed Arafa
, Tian Tong, Minghan Fu, Sennur Ulukus
, Wei Chen
Delay Minimal Policies in Energy Harvesting Communication Systems. IEEE Trans. Commun. 66(7): 2918-2930 (2018) - [j88]Wei Huang
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Energy Efficient Pushing in AWGN Channels Based on Content Request Delay Information. IEEE Trans. Commun. 66(8): 3667-3682 (2018) - [j87]Wei Huang
, Wei Chen
, Bo Bai
, Zhu Han:
Wiretap Channel With Full-Duplex Proactive Eavesdropper: A Game Theoretic Approach. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 67(8): 7658-7663 (2018) - [j86]Yuanming Shi
, Jun Zhang
, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Enhanced Group Sparse Beamforming for Green Cloud-RAN: A Random Matrix Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 17(4): 2511-2524 (2018) - [j85]Shaoling Hu
, Wei Chen
Successive Amplify-and-Forward Relaying With Network Interference Cancellation. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 17(10): 6871-6886 (2018) - [j84]Qi Yan, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor
Big Data Driven Wireless Communications: A Human-in-the-Loop Pushing Technique for 5G Systems. IEEE Wirel. Commun. 25(1): 64-69 (2018) - [c147]Di Han, Wei Chen, Jianqing Liu, Yuguang Fang
A Probabilistic Scheduling Policy for Energy Efficient UAV Communications with Delay Constraints. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c146]Wei Huang, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Pricing for Content Pushing with Request Delay Information: A Stackelberg Game Approach. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c145]Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen:
Optimal Scheduling of Caching in Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Common Information. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c144]Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen:
Joint Pushing and Recommendation for Susceptible Users with Time-Varying Connectivity. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c143]Qi Yan, Wei Chen, Ning Wang, Lixin Li:
An Efficient Two-User Multicast Pushing Policy for Cache Hit Ratio Maximization. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c142]Bingyu Zhu, Wei Chen:
Coded Caching with Joint Content Recommendation and User Grouping. GLOBECOM 2018: 1-6 - [c141]Zhijie Chen
, Hoshyar Mohammed, Wei Chen:
Proactive Caching for Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Networks: A Markov Decision Process Approach. ICC 2018: 1-6 - [c140]Di Han, Wei Chen, Yuguang Fang
Power-Optimal Scheduling for Delay Constrained Mobile Computation Offloading. ICC 2018: 1-6 - [c139]Peitong Yang, Lixin Li, Jiaying Yin, Huisheng Zhang, Wei Liang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Game. ICCC 2018: 405-409 - [c138]Shaomin Zhang, Lixin Li, Jiaying Yin, Wei Liang, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
A Dynamic Power Allocation Scheme in Power-Domain NOMA using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning. ICCC 2018: 719-723 - [c137]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
A Unified Framework for Caching in Arbitrary Networks. DSP 2018: 1-5 - [c136]Imran Akhtar, Lixin Li, Fucheng Yang, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Energy Efficient Hybrid Precoding for Cooperative Multicell Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems with Multiple Base Station Association. IWCMC 2018: 418-423 - [c135]Jiaying Yin, Lixin Li, Huisheng Zhang, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
High Throughput Parallel Concatenated Encoding and Decoding for Polar Codes: Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis. IWCMC 2018: 1373-1378 - [c134]Zhibin Xu, Lixin Li, Haitao Xu, Ang Gao, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Precoding Design for Drone Small Cells Cluster Network with Massive MIMO: A Game Theoretical Approach. IWCMC 2018: 1477-1482 - [c133]Wenzhong Yan, Lixin Li, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Huisheng Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
A Contract-Based Incentive Mechanism in RF-Powered Backscatter Cognitive Radio Networks. WCSP 2018: 1-6 - [c132]Zihe Zhang, Lixin Li, Wei Liang, Xu Li, Ang Gao, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Downlink Interference Management in Dense Drone Small Cells Networks Using Mean-Field Game Theory. WCSP 2018: 1-6 - [c131]Jingru Zhang, Wenjun Xu, Wei Chen, Hui Gao, Jiaru Lin:
Joint Subcarrier Assignment and Downlink-Uplink Time-Power Allocation for Wireless Powered OFDM-NOMA Systems. WCSP 2018: 1-7 - [c130]Imran Akhtar, Lixin Li, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Weighted sum-rate maximization for cooperative multiceli multiuser massive MIMO systems based on discretized Pareto boundary approximation. WOCC 2018: 1-5 - [i28]Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Caching with Time Domain Buffer Sharing. CoRR abs/1804.02797 (2018) - [i27]Meng Wang, Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Joint Queue-Aware and Channel-Aware Delay Optimal Scheduling of Arbitrarily Bursty Traffic over Multi-State Time-Varying Channels. CoRR abs/1807.10128 (2018) - 2017
- [j83]Meng Wang, Wei Chen
Delay-Power Tradeoff of Fixed-Rate Wireless Transmission With Arbitrarily Bursty Traffics. IEEE Access 5: 1668-1681 (2017) - [j82]Quanqiang Miao
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen
Adaptive AF/DF Selection With FD/HD Switching in Two-Way Relay Networks. IEEE Access 5: 11594-11605 (2017) - [j81]Wei Huang
, Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Energy Efficient Wireless Pushing With Request Delay Information and Delivery Delay Constraint. IEEE Access 5: 15428-15441 (2017) - [j80]Jie Ren
, Mai Xu
, Wei Chen, Zhiguo Ding
, Zulin Wang:
Coalition Formation Approaches for Cooperative Networks With SWIPT. IEEE Access 5: 17644-17659 (2017) - [j79]Zhijiang Yu, Wei Chen
, Xin Guo
, Xiang Chen
, Chen Sun:
Analog Network-Coded Modulation With Maximum Euclidean Distance: Mapping Criterion and Constellation Design. IEEE Access 5: 18271-18286 (2017) - [j78]Jianjun Peng, Wei Chen
, Bo Bai, Xin Guo
, Chen Sun:
Joint Optimization of Constellation With Mapping Matrix for SCMA Codebook Design. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 24(3): 264-268 (2017) - [j77]Liwei Yan, Bo Bai, Wei Chen
, Dapeng Oliver Wu
New Word Extraction From Chinese Financial Documents. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 24(6): 770-773 (2017) - [j76]Bingyu Zhu
, Bo Bai
, Wei Chen
, Zhibin Liu:
Sparse Network Completion via Discrete-Constrained Nuclear-Norm Minimization. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 24(12): 1896-1900 (2017) - [j75]Tian Zhang
, Wei Chen, Feng Yang:
Balancing Delay and Energy Efficiency in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks: A Stochastic Stackelberg Game Approach. IEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw. 3(2): 201-216 (2017) - [j74]Wei Chen
, H. Vincent Poor
Content Pushing With Request Delay Information. IEEE Trans. Commun. 65(3): 1146-1161 (2017) - [j73]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen
, Joohyun Lee
, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-Optimal Buffer-Aware Scheduling With Adaptive Transmission. IEEE Trans. Commun. 65(7): 2917-2930 (2017) - [j72]Yaoqing Yang, Bo Bai
, Wei Chen:
Spectrum Reuse Ratio in 5G Cellular Networks: A Matrix Graph Approach. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 16(12): 3541-3553 (2017) - [j71]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Ke Ke, Lajos Hanzo
Trellis- and Network-Coded Modulation for Decode-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying Over Time-Varying Channels. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 66(6): 4845-4858 (2017) - [j70]Juan Liu
, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Delay Optimal Scheduling for ARQ-Aided Power-Constrained Packet Transmission Over Multi-State Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 16(11): 7123-7137 (2017) - [j69]Yuanming Shi
, Bamdev Mishra
, Wei Chen
Topological Interference Management With User Admission Control via Riemannian Optimization. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 16(11): 7362-7375 (2017) - [j68]Jie Fan
, Lixin Li
, Huisheng Zhang, Wei Chen:
Denoise-and-Forward Two-Path Successive Relaying With DBPSK Modulation. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 6(1): 42-45 (2017) - [j67]Di Han
, Bo Bai
, Wei Chen:
Secure V2V Communications via Relays: Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 6(3): 342-345 (2017) - [c129]Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Caching with Statistical Request Delay Information. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c128]Jean-Sébastien Gomez, Anaïs Vergne, Philippe Martins, Laurent Decreusefond, Wei Chen:
Cournot-Nash Equilibria for Bandwidth Allocation under Base-Station Cooperation. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c127]Di Han, Wei Chen, Bo Bai, Yuguang Fang
On Outage of Wireless Cloud Computing: Offloading Optimization and Bottleneck Analysis. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c126]Jiao He, Lixin Li, Huisheng Zhang, Wei Chen, Lie-Liang Yang
, Zhu Han:
Multi-Pair Bidirectional Relaying with Full-Duplex Massive MIMO Experiencing Channel Aging. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c125]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Joint Pushing and Caching Based on Physical Layer Multicasting and Network Coding. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c124]Meng Wang, Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
On Delay-Power Tradeoff of Rate Adaptive Wireless Communications with Random Arrivals. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c123]Xiaoyu Zhao, Wei Chen:
Delay Optimal Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Joint Scheduling and Superposition Coding. GLOBECOM 2017: 1-6 - [c122]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen, Joohyun Lee
, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-optimal probabilistic scheduling in green communications with arbitrary arrival and adaptive transmission. ICC 2017: 1-6 - [c121]Qi Yan, Wei Chen, Bo Bai, H. Vincent Poor
Multicast-pushing with human-in-the-loop: Where social networks meet wireless communications. ICC 2017: 1-6 - [c120]Jiaying Yin, Quan Huang, Lixin Li, Ang Gao, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
High throughput parallel encoding and decoding architecture for polar codes. ICCC 2017: 1-5 - [c119]Zhijiang Yu, Wei Chen, Xin Guo, Xiang Chen, Chen Sun:
Analog network coded modulation with maximum Euclidean distance denoising-and-mapping. ICCC 2017: 1-6 - [c118]Zihe Zhang, Lixin Li, Ganning He, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer for cognitive two-path successive relaying networks. ICCC 2017: 1-5 - [c117]Wei Huang, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
User request prediction increases energy efficiency in AWGN channels : (Invited paper). SPAWC 2017: 1-5 - [c116]Zhiyuan Lin, Wei Chen:
Hybrid Nonorthogonal Multiple Access with Half and Full Duplex Cooperative Users. VTC Fall 2017: 1-5 - [c115]Yuanming Shi
, Bamdev Mishra
, Xuan Liu, Wei Chen:
A Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization Framework for Network Topology Control in Dense Fog-RAN. VTC Spring 2017: 1-5 - [c114]Bo Zhou, Xiaopu Liu, Jianbin Li, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Hui Tian:
Channel Propagation Model Identification for Spectrum Database: A Spark Based PVOS-ELM. VTC Spring 2017: 1-6 - [c113]Yuehong Guo, Lixin Li, Xiaocong Wen, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Sub-array based hybrid precoding design for downlink millimeter-wave multi-user massive MIMO systems. WCSP 2017: 1-4 - [c112]Ganning He, Lixin Li, Xu Li, Wei Chen, Lie-Liang Yang, Zhu Han:
Secrecy sum rate maximization in NOMA systems with wireless information and power transfer. WCSP 2017: 1-6 - [c111]Xuan Ma, Lixin Li, Meng Zhu, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Multilevel polar-coded modulation based on cooperative relaying. WCSP 2017: 1-4 - [c110]Meng Wang, Wei Chen, Anthony Ephremides:
Joint pushing and caching communication with 2-dimensional queue model: Delay-cost tradeoff (Invited Paper). WCSP 2017: 1-5 - [i26]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen, Joohyun Lee, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-Optimal Probabilistic Scheduling in Green Communications with Arbitrary Arrival and Adaptive Transmission. CoRR abs/1702.08052 (2017) - [i25]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Feng Yang:
Data offloading in mobile edge computing: A coalitional game based pricing approach. CoRR abs/1709.04148 (2017) - [i24]Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Generalized Sparse and Low-Rank Optimization for Ultra-Dense Networks. CoRR abs/1709.09103 (2017) - [i23]Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Enhanced Group Sparse Beamforming for Green Cloud-RAN: A Random Matrix Approach. CoRR abs/1711.06983 (2017) - 2016
- [j66]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Lajos Hanzo
Joint Rate and Power Adaptation for Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying Relying on Analog Network Coding. IEEE Access 4: 2465-2478 (2016) - [j65]Tian Zhang
, Wei Chen, Huijie Wang:
Energy Harvesting Aided Multiuser Transmission in Spectrum Sharing Networks. IEEE Access 4: 4038-4045 (2016) - [j64]Lu Miao
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen
4-DMWM Approach for Caching Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation: Centralized and Distributed Algorithm Design. IEEE Access 4: 9213-9224 (2016) - [j63]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Qingwen Liu, Lajos Hanzo
Truncated-ARQ Aided Adaptive Network Coding for Cooperative Two-Way Relaying Networks: Cross-Layer Design and Analysis. IEEE Access 4: 9361-9376 (2016) - [j62]Yuanming Shi
, Jinkun Cheng, Jun Zhang
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Smoothed Lp-Minimization for Green Cloud-RAN With User Admission Control. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 34(4): 1022-1036 (2016) - [j61]Li Wang, Huaqing Wu, Yinan Ding, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor
Hypergraph-Based Wireless Distributed Storage Optimization for Cellular D2D Underlays. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 34(10): 2650-2666 (2016) - [j60]Dong Wang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Secure Green Communication via Untrusted Two-Way Relaying: A Physical Layer Approach. IEEE Trans. Commun. 64(5): 1861-1874 (2016) - [j59]Juan Liu, Huaiyu Dai, Wei Chen:
On Throughput Maximization of Time Division Multiple Access With Energy Harvesting Users. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 65(4): 2457-2470 (2016) - [j58]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
Delay-Optimal Probabilistic Scheduling for Low-Complexity Wireless Links With Fixed Modulation and Coding: A Cross-Layer Design. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 65(10): 8036-8051 (2016) - [j57]Dong Wang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Achieving High Energy Efficiency and Physical-Layer Security in AF Relaying. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 15(1): 740-752 (2016) - [j56]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Distributed WRBG Matching Approach for Multiflow Two-Way D2D Networks. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 15(4): 2925-2939 (2016) - [j55]Qingwen Liu, Jun Wu, Pengfei Xia, Shengjie Zhao, Wei Chen, Yanping Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Charging Unplugged: Will Distributed Laser Charging for Mobile Wireless Power Transfer Work? IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag. 11(4): 36-45 (2016) - [j54]Bo Bai, Li Wang, Zhu Han, Wei Chen, Tommy Svensson
Caching based socially-aware D2D communications in wireless content delivery networks: a hypergraph framework. IEEE Wirel. Commun. 23(4): 74-81 (2016) - [c109]Di Han, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Outage bottleneck for reliable mobile computation offloading: Transmission or computation? GlobalSIP 2016: 465-469 - [c108]Wei Huang, Wei Chen, Bo Bai, Shidong Zhou, Zhu Han:
Physical layer security game with full-duplex proactive eavesdropper. GlobalSIP 2016: 992-996 - [c107]Suya
, Yuanming Shi
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Jun Zhang
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Shidong Zhou:
Optimal stochastic power control with compressive CSI acquisition for Cloud-RAN. GlobalSIP 2016: 1383-1387 - [c106]Yawei Lu, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Content Pushing Based on Physical Layer Multicasting and Request Delay Information. GLOBECOM 2016: 1-6 - [c105]Meng Wang, Juan Liu, Wei Chen:
Delay Optimal Scheduling of Arbitrarily Bursty Traffic over Multi-State Time-Varying Channels. GLOBECOM Workshops 2016: 1-6 - [c104]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
Joint probabilistic scheduling and adaptive modulation for queue and channel aware links. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c103]Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Joint pushing and caching with a finite receiver buffer: Optimal policies and throughput analysis. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c102]Jinkun Cheng, Yuanming Shi
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Computation offloading in cloud-RAN based mobile cloud computing system. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c101]Minghan Fu, Ahmed Arafa, Sennur Ulukus, Wei Chen:
Delay minimal policies in energy harvesting broadcast channels. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c100]Di Han, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Joint relay selection and subcarrier allocation for multi-carrier AF relay assisted multi-access networks. ICC 2016: 1-6 - [c99]Quanqiang Miao, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
A data processing architecture for realtime decoding of extremely long LDPC codes. DSP 2016: 516-521 - [c98]Li Wang, Huaqing Wu, Yinan Ding, Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Hypergraph based three-dimensional matching in wireless distributed storage over D2D links. DSP 2016: 604-608 - [c97]Jin Sima, Wei Chen:
Polar codes for broadcast channels with receiver message side information and noncausal state available at the encoder. ISIT 2016: 993-997 - [c96]Wei Chen, Wenjun Xu, Fengyu Wang, Shengyu Li, Jiaru Lin:
Energy-efficient power allocation for simultaneous wireless information-and-energy multicast in cognitive OFDM systems. PIMRC 2016: 1-5 - [c95]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Qingwen Liu, Lajos Hanzo
Cross-Layer Design of Adaptive Network-Coded QAM Aided Truncated ARQ in Two-Way Relaying. VTC Spring 2016: 1-5 - [c94]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen:
Delay-optimal data transmission in renewable energy aided cognitive radio networks. WCNC 2016: 1-6 - [c93]Ruoguang Li, Li Wang, Wei Chen, Mei Song, Zhu Han:
Bit error rate analysis in hybrid full duplex/half duplex relay cooperative networks. WCSP 2016: 1-5 - [i22]Wei Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Joint Pushing and Caching with a Finite Receiver Buffer: Optimal Policies and Throughput Analysis. CoRR abs/1602.04500 (2016) - [i21]Jean-Sébastien Gomez, Anaïs Vergne, Philippe Martins, Laurent Decreusefond, Wei Chen:
Cournot-Nash Equilibria for Bandwidth Allocation under Base-Station Cooperation. CoRR abs/1604.01741 (2016) - [i20]Meng Wang, Juan Liu, Wei Chen:
Delay Optimal Scheduling of Arbitrarily Bursty Traffic over Multi-State Time-Varying Channels. CoRR abs/1606.00952 (2016) - [i19]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen, Joohyun Lee, Ness B. Shroff:
Delay-Optimal Buffer-Aware Scheduling with Adaptive Transmission. CoRR abs/1609.03260 (2016) - [i18]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen:
Spectrum sharing in energy harvesting cognitive radio networks: A cross-layer perspective. CoRR abs/1611.02472 (2016) - 2015
- [j53]Sheng Zhou
, Jie Gong, Zhenyu Zhou
, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu:
GreenDelivery: proactive content caching and push with energy-harvesting-based small cells. IEEE Commun. Mag. 53(4): 142-149 (2015) - [j52]Tian Tong, Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
How Many Antennas Should Be Activated in Keyhole Channels Under a Holistic Power Model. IEEE Commun. Lett. 19(6): 981-984 (2015) - [j51]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Greedy Relay Antenna Selection for Sum Rate Maximization in Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Two-Way Relay Channels Under a Holistic Power Model. IEEE Commun. Lett. 19(9): 1648-1651 (2015) - [j50]Juan Liu, Huaiyu Dai, Wei Chen:
Delay Optimal Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Based Communications. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 33(3): 452-466 (2015) - [j49]Sheng Zhou
, Tingjun Chen, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu:
Outage Minimization for a Fading Wireless Link With Energy Harvesting Transmitter and Receiver. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 33(3): 496-511 (2015) - [j48]Dong Wang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Energy Efficient Secure Communication Over Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels. IEEE Trans. Commun. 63(3): 892-905 (2015) - [j47]Chunxiao Qu, Wei Chen, Ju Bin Song, Husheng Li:
Distributed Data Traffic Scheduling With Awareness of Dynamics State in Cyber Physical Systems With Application in Smart Grid. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 6(6): 2895-2905 (2015) - [j46]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
A Cross-Layer Perspective on Energy-Harvesting-Aided Green Communications Over Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 64(4): 1519-1534 (2015) - [j45]Yuanming Shi
, Jun Zhang
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Large-scale convex optimization for ultra-dense cloud-RAN. IEEE Wirel. Commun. 22(3): 84-91 (2015) - [j44]Jean-Sébastien Gomez
, Aurélien Vasseur, Anaïs Vergne, Philippe Martins, Laurent Decreusefond
, Wei Chen:
A Case Study on Regularity in Cellular Network Deployment. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 4(4): 421-424 (2015) - [j43]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
DNF-AF Selection Two-Way Relaying. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 80(2): 805-818 (2015) - [c92]Meng Wang, Wei Chen:
Achieving the Optimal Delay-Power Tradeoff in Wireless Transmission with Arbitrarily Random Packet Arrival: A Cross-Layer Approach. GLOBECOM 2015: 1-6 - [c91]Dongming Wang, Wei Chen, Jiaheng Wang, Mugen Peng
, Feifei Gao, Xiaohu You
3-Dimension Coverage with ultra-densely distributed antenna systems: System design and rate analysis. ICC 2015: 1722-1726 - [c90]Jinkun Cheng, Yuanming Shi
, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Jun Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief
Group sparse beamforming for multicast green Cloud-RAN via parallel semidefinite programming. ICC 2015: 1886-1891 - [c89]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Ke Ke, Lajos Hanzo:
Joint power and rate adaptation aided network-coded PSK for two-way relaying over fading channels. ICC 2015: 1976-1981 - [c88]Dong Wang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Energy efficiency maximization for secure data transmission over DF relay networks. ICC 2015: 2313-2317 - [c87]Shi Yan, Mugen Peng
, Wei Chen, Jiaheng Wang, Munzali Ahmed Abana, Lingfeng Yang:
Downlink heterogeneous small cell networks with cell associations in K-floor indoor scenarios. ICC Workshops 2015: 2550-2554 - [c86]Tian Tong, Sennur Ulukus, Wei Chen:
Optimal packet scheduling for delay minimization in an energy harvesting system. ICC 2015: 4241-4246 - [c85]Jianjun Peng, Wei Chen:
On the optimality of network coding in two-way Decode-and-Forward MIMO relay channel. ICC 2015: 4363-4367 - [c84]Dong Wang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Secure green communication for amplify-and-forward relaying with eavesdroppers. ICC 2015: 4468-4473 - [c83]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Energy efficient relay antenna selection for AF MIMO two-way relay channels. ICC 2015: 4686-4691 - [c82]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
Delay-optimal buffer-aware probabilistic scheduling with adaptive transmission. ICCC 2015: 1-6 - [c81]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Joint channel and queue aware scheduling for wireless links with multiple fading states. ICCC 2015: 1-6 - [c80]Yuhui Feng, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Information diffusion efficiency in online social networks. DSP 2015: 1138-1142 - [c79]Jin Sima, Wei Chen:
Multicasting messages over Gaussian broadcast channels with receiver message side information. ISIT 2015: 396-400 - [c78]Chunxiao Qu, Husheng Li, Wei Chen:
Virtual queue based distributed data traffic scheduling in WSNs for distributed voltage control in smart micro-grid. ISSNIP 2015: 1-6 - [i17]Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhenyu Zhou, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu:
GreenDelivery: Proactive Content Caching and Push with Energy-Harvesting-based Small Cells. CoRR abs/1503.04254 (2015) - [i16]Sheng Zhou, Tingjun Chen, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu:
Outage Minimization for a Fading Wireless Link with Energy Harvesting Transmitter and Receiver. CoRR abs/1503.04255 (2015) - [i15]Jean-Sébastien Gomez, Aurélien Vasseur, Anaïs Vergne, Philippe Martins, Laurent Decreusefond, Wei Chen:
A case study on regularity in cellular network deployment. CoRR abs/1505.06073 (2015) - [i14]Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Large-Scale Convex Optimization for Ultra-Dense Cloud-RAN. CoRR abs/1506.04243 (2015) - [i13]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
Delay-Optimal Buffer-Aware Probabilistic Scheduling with Adaptive Transmission. CoRR abs/1509.02655 (2015) - [i12]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Joint Channel and Queue Aware Scheduling for Wireless Links with Multiple Fading States. CoRR abs/1509.05137 (2015) - [i11]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen:
Delay-optimal Data Transmission in Renewable Energy Aided Cognitive Radio Networks. CoRR abs/1510.00798 (2015) - [i10]Yuanming Shi, Jinkun Cheng, Jun Zhang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Smoothed Lp-Minimization for Green Cloud-RAN with User Admission Control. CoRR abs/1512.04784 (2015) - 2014
- [j42]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Wei Zhang, Zhigang Cao:
Cooperative MIMO Relaying with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Wireless Channels with and without Keyholes. EAI Endorsed Trans. Wirel. Spectr. 1(2): e3 (2014) - [j41]Shaohua Zhao, Wei Chen:
To Code or Not to Code: Maximizing the Achievable Rate Region of Two-Way Decode-and-Forward Multiantenna Relay Channel. IEEE Commun. Lett. 18(8): 1303-1306 (2014) - [j40]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
A Low Complexity Energy Efficiency Maximization Method for Multiuser Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems With a Holistic Power Model. IEEE Commun. Lett. 18(8): 1371-1374 (2014) - [j39]Liwei Yan, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
On Energy Efficiency Maximization in Downlink MIMO Systems Exploiting Multiuser Diversity. IEEE Commun. Lett. 18(12): 2161-2164 (2014) - [j38]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Iterative Antenna Selection for Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems Under a Holistic Power Model. IEEE Commun. Lett. 18(12): 2237-2240 (2014) - [j37]Yanping Yang, Wei Chen, Ou Li, Lajos Hanzo
Variable-Rate, Variable-Power Network-Coded-QAM/PSK for Bi-Directional Relaying Over Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Commun. 62(10): 3631-3643 (2014) - [j36]Yingxiang Yang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Lajos Hanzo
A Low-Complexity Cross-Layer Algorithm for Coordinated Downlink Scheduling and Robust Beamforming Under a Limited Feedback Constraint. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 63(1): 107-118 (2014) - [j35]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles With Local Renewable Energy Under Uncertain Electric Vehicle Arrival and Grid Power Price. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 63(6): 2600-2612 (2014) - [j34]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen
, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Hierarchic Power Allocation for Spectrum Sharing in OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 63(8): 4077-4091 (2014) - [j33]Wei Chen:
CAO-SIR: Channel Aware Ordered Successive Relaying. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 13(12): 6513-6527 (2014) - [j32]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Iterative Antenna Selection for Multi-Stream MIMO under a Holistic Power Model. IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 3(1): 82-85 (2014) - [j31]Yunjian Xu, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
Spectrum sharing in frequency-selective unlicensed bands: a game theoretic approach. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 14(4): 460-471 (2014) - [c77]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Yuxing Han:
On energy efficiency maximization of AF MIMO relay systems with antenna selection (Invited Paper). GlobalSIP 2014: 88-92 - [c76]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
A joint channel-aware and buffer-aware scheduling for energy-efficient transmission over fading channels with long coherent time. GlobalSIP 2014: 103-107 - [c75]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Yuxing Han:
Energy efficient transmission for DF MIMO relay systems with antenna selection. GlobalSIP 2014: 153-157 - [c74]Liwei Yan, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Joint power allocation and subcarrier selection for energy efficiency maximization in OFDM systems under a holistic power model. GlobalSIP 2014: 178-182 - [c73]Yaoqing Yang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Achieving high frequency reuse in dense cellular networks: A matrix graph approach. GlobalSIP 2014: 937-941 - [c72]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Outage optimal subcarrier allocation for downlink secure OFDMA systems. GLOBECOM Workshops 2014: 1320-1325 - [c71]Jin Sima, Wei Chen:
Joint network and dirty-paper coding for multi-way relay networks with pairwise information exchange. GLOBECOM 2014: 1565-1570 - [c70]Liwei Yan, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
Energy efficiency maximization in downlink multiuser MIMO systems: An asymptotic analysis approach. GLOBECOM 2014: 3916-3921 - [c69]Juan Liu, Huaiyu Dai, Wei Chen:
On optimum time division multiple access for energy harvesting channels. GLOBECOM 2014: 4801-4806 - [c68]Xingyu Zhou, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
An iterative algorithm for joint antenna selection and power adaptation in energy efficient MIMO. ICC 2014: 3812-3816 - [c67]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Outage and energy efficiency tradeoff for multi-flow cooperative communication systems. ICC 2014: 5131-5136 - [c66]Xinwei Fei, Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Xin Guo:
Utilization of LTE-a uplink resource for cognitive radio network via matching and quantizing. ICC 2014: 5336-5341 - [c65]Xiang Chen, Wei Chen:
On the optimality of the threshold-based scheduling in green communications: A new proof. ICCS 2014: 36-40 - [c64]Jin Sima, Wei Chen:
Joint network and Gelfand-Pinsker coding for 3-receiver Gaussian broadcast channels with receiver message side information. ISIT 2014: 81-85 - [c63]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Electric vehicle charging scheduling under local renewable energy and stochastic grid power price. SmartGridComm 2014: 596-601 - [c62]Wei Chen, Mai Xu, Yue Tao, Zhiguo Ding, Zulin Wang:
Distributed coalition formation algorithms for cooperative broadcast networks with SWIPT. WCSP 2014: 1-5 - [c61]Tingjun Chen
, Sheng Zhou, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu:
Power control policies for a wireless link with energy harvesting transmitter and receiver. WiOpt 2014: 460-467 - [i9]Yaoqing Yang, Bo Bai, Wei Chen:
How Much Frequency Can Be Reused in 5G Cellular Networks - A Matrix Graph Model. CoRR abs/1401.4750 (2014) - 2013
- [j30]Juan Liu, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang
Active interference cancellation-aided QoS-aware distributed ARQ for cognitive radios with heterogeneous traffics. EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw. 2013: 29 (2013) - [j29]Bijun Peng, Wei Chen
, Yu Zhang, Ming Lei, Zhigang Cao, Sheng Zhou
A Leakage-Aware CS/CB Scheme for Heterogeneous CoMP Networks with Layered Limited Feedback. IEICE Trans. Commun. 96-B(1): 363-366 (2013) - [j28]Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Lajos Hanzo
Maximum euclidean distance network coded modulation for asymmetric decode-and-forward two-way relaying. IET Commun. 7(10): 988-998 (2013) - [j27]Bo Bai, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Outage Exponent: A Unified Performance Metric for Parallel Fading Channels. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 59(3): 1657-1677 (2013) - [j26]Juan Liu, Wei Chen
, Ying Jun Zhang
, Zhigang Cao:
A Utility Maximization Framework for Fair and Efficient Multicasting in Multicarrier Wireless Cellular Networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 21(1): 110-120 (2013) - [j25]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
A Cross-Layer Design for Rateless Coding with Optimal Packet Size over Block Fading Channels. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 70(1): 177-187 (2013) - [c60]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Energy-spectral efficient transmission policy for energy harvesting nodes with rate requirement. GlobalSIP 2013: 403-406 - [c59]Bo Bob Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Conditional outage performance analysis framework for OFDM channels. ICC 2013: 5027-5031 - [c58]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Coalitional game theoretic approach for cooperative transmission in vehicular networks. ICC 2013: 6179-6183 - [c57]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
A cross-layer perspective on energy harvesting aided green communications over fading channels. INFOCOM Workshops 2013: 19-24 - [c56]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
A cross-layer perspective on energy harvesting aided green communications over fading channels. INFOCOM 2013: 3225-3230 - [c55]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li:
DIRAC: A dynamic programming approach to rateless coded multi-hop multi-relay transmission. PIMRC 2013: 2265-2269 - [i8]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Opportunistic DF-AF Selection Relaying with Optimal Relay Selection in Nakagami-m Fading Environments. CoRR abs/1301.0087 (2013) - [i7]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Coalitional Game Theoretic Approach for Cooperative Transmission in Vehicular Networks. CoRR abs/1302.7195 (2013) - [i6]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief, Zhigang Cao:
An Outage Exponent Region based Coded f-Matching Framework for Channel Allocation in Multi-carrier Multi-access Channels. CoRR abs/1307.4462 (2013) - [i5]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief, Zhigang Cao:
Outage Exponent: A Unified Performance Metric for Parallel Fading Channels. CoRR abs/1307.4822 (2013) - [i4]Juan Liu, Huaiyu Dai, Wei Chen:
Delay Optimal Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Based Communications. CoRR abs/1308.5053 (2013) - 2012
- [j24]Xijun Wang, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Partially observable Markov decision process-based MAC-layer sensing optimisation for cognitive radios exploiting rateless-coded spectrum aggregation. IET Commun. 6(8): 828-835 (2012) - [j23]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
Token-based opportunistic scheduling protocol for cognitive radios with distributed beamforming. IET Commun. 6(8): 945-954 (2012) - [j22]Bo Bob Bai, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Unified Matching Framework for Multi-Flow Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 30(2): 397-406 (2012) - [j21]Juan Liu, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang
Cooperative Beamforming for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Cross-Layer Design. IEEE Trans. Commun. 60(5): 1420-1431 (2012) - [j20]Juan Liu, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang
Delay Optimal Scheduling for Cognitive Radios with Cooperative Beamforming: A Structured Matrix-Geometric Method. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 11(8): 1412-1423 (2012) - [j19]Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Buffer-Aware Network Coding for Wireless Networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 20(5): 1389-1401 (2012) - [c54]Cheng Luo, Wei Chen, Shunliang Mei:
Adaptive fusion in air: A cooperative sensing scheme based on distributed beamforming. GLOBECOM 2012: 4200-4204 - [c53]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
, Huaiyu Dai:
Achieving low outage probability with network coding in wireless multicarrier multicast systems. GLOBECOM 2012: 4731-4735 - [c52]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
ARQ versus Rateless Coding: From a point of view of redundancy. ICC 2012: 3931-3935 - [c51]Bo Bob Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Joint relay selection and subchannel allocation for amplify-and-forward OFDMA cooperative networks. ICC 2012: 4192-4196 - [c50]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Opportunistic DF-AF selection relaying with optimal relay selection in Nakagami-m fading environments. ICCC 2012: 619-624 - [c49]Bijun Peng, Wei Chen, Yu Zhang, Ming Lei:
A joint scheduling and Beamforming method based on layered limited feedback. PIMRC 2012: 553-558 - [c48]Yi Huang, Lifeng Lai, Husheng Li, Wei Chen, Zhu Han:
Online quickest multiarmed bandit algorithm for distributive renewable energy resources. SmartGridComm 2012: 558-563 - [i3]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
A Cross-layer Perspective on Energy Harvesting Aided Green Communications over Fading Channels. CoRR abs/1211.5425 (2012) - [i2]Tian Zhang, Wei Chen, Zhu Han, Zhigang Cao:
Hierarchic Power Allocation for Spectrum Sharing in OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. CoRR abs/1211.5857 (2012) - 2011
- [j18]Bo Bai, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Low Complexity Outage Optimal Distributed Channel Allocation for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 29(1): 161-172 (2011) - [j17]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
ARCOR: Agile Rateless Coded Relaying for Cognitive Radios. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 60(6): 2777-2789 (2011) - [j16]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
SPARC: Superposition-Aided Rateless Coding in Wireless Relay Systems. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 60(9): 4427-4438 (2011) - [j15]Bo Bob Bai, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in OFDMA Systems: An H-Matching Approach. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 10(11): 3675-3687 (2011) - [c47]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Ying Jun Zhang
, Zhigang Cao:
Distributed beamforming based directional spectrum sharing. ACSCC 2011: 1330-1334 - [c46]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Optimal Relay Selection and Channel Allocation for Multi-User Analog Two-Way Relay Systems. GLOBECOM 2011: 1-5 - [c45]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Efficient Rateless Coded Multi-Hop Relaying with Joint Energy and Information Accumulation. GLOBECOM 2011: 1-5 - [c44]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
RBG Matching Based Optimal Relay Selection and Subchannel Allocation. ICC 2011: 1-5 - [c43]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Achieving Spectral Efficient Cooperative Diversity with Network Interference Cancellation. ICC 2011: 1-5 - [c42]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
Delay Optimal Scheduling for Cognitive Radio Networks with Cooperative Beamforming. ICC 2011: 1-5 - [c41]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
Cooperative Beamforming Aided Incremental Relaying in Cognitive Radios. ICC 2011: 1-5 - [c40]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A Simple Probabilistic Relay Selection Protocol for Asynchronous Multi-Relay Networks Employing Rateless Codes. ICC 2011: 1-5 - [c39]Xijun Wang
, Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
CORE-4: Cognition oriented relaying exploiting 4-D spectrum holes. IWCMC 2011: 1982-1987 - [c38]Wei Chen, Yue Wang, Minghua Chen
, Soung Chang Liew:
On the performance of TCP over throughput-optimal CSMA. IWQoS 2011: 1-9 - [c37]Yu Rao, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A Low Complexity Cooperative Sensing Method Exploiting Two Level Sequential Detection. VTC Spring 2011: 1-5 - [c36]Yao Xiao, Yang Guan, Wei Chen, Chien-Chung Shen, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Location-Aware cooperative routing in multihop wireless networks. WCNC 2011: 761-766 - [c35]Wei Chen, Lajos Hanzo
, Zhigang Cao:
Network Coded Modulation for two-way relaying. WCNC 2011: 1765-1770 - 2010
- [j14]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Uplink Cross-Layer Scheduling with Differential QoS Requirements in OFDMA Systems. EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw. 2010 (2010) - [j13]Zhi Chen, Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Relay Aided Wireless Multicast Utilizing Network Coding: Outage Behaviour and Diversity Gain. J. Networks 5(1): 47-56 (2010) - [j12]Xijun Wang, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
An asynchronous multi-relay cooperation protocol exploiting rateless codes. ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev. 14(2): 1-3 (2010) - [j11]Guizhu Feng, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao:
A Joint PHY-MAC Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Exploiting Sequential Detection. IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 17(8): 703-706 (2010) - [j10]Bo Bai, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Max-matching diversity in OFDMA systems. IEEE Trans. Commun. 58(4): 1161-1171 (2010) - [j9]Zhiyao Ma, Wei Chen
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Semi Range-Based Iterative Localization Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 59(2): 704-717 (2010) - [c34]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Outage Exponent for OFDM Channels. GLOBECOM 2010: 1-5 - [c33]Wei Chen, Jun Wang, Husheng Li, Shaoqian Li:
Stochastic Resonance Noise Enhanced Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. GLOBECOM 2010: 1-6 - [c32]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
An Opportunistic Scheduling Scheme for Cognitive Wireless Networks with Cooperative Beamforming. GLOBECOM 2010: 1-5 - [c31]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Throughput-Efficient Rateless Coding with Packet Length Optimization for Practical Wireless Communication Systems. GLOBECOM 2010: 1-5 - [c30]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Finite-SNR Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for OFDM Channels. ICC 2010: 1-5 - [c29]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
An Opportunistic Relaying Protocol Exploiting Distributed Beamforming and Token Passing in Cognitive Radios. ICC 2010: 1-5 - [c28]Yu Rao, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A Sequential Sensing Data Transmission and Fusion Approach for Large Scale Cognitive Radios. ICC 2010: 1-5 - [c27]Chunhua Sun, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Fair and Efficient Channel Allocation and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive OFDMA Networks. ICC 2010: 1-5 - [c26]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Rateless Coded Chain Cooperation in Linear Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. ICC 2010: 1-5 - [c25]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
RBG matching: an innovative combinatorial approach for OFDMA resource allocation. IWCMC 2010: 621-625 - [i1]Wei Chen, Yue Wang, Minghua Chen, Soung Chang Liew:
TCP Reno over Adaptive CSMA. CoRR abs/1007.5239 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j8]Bo Bob Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Low-complexity hierarchical spectrum sharing scheme in cognitive radio networks. IEEE Commun. Lett. 13(10): 770-772 (2009) - [j7]Pingyi Fan
, Zhi Chen, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Reliable relay assisted wireless multicast using network coding. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 27(5): 749-762 (2009) - [j6]Pingyi Fan
, Zhi Chen, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
AsOR: an energy efficient multi-hop opportunistic routing protocol for wireless sensor networks over Rayleigh fading channels. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 8(5): 2452-2463 (2009) - [j5]Lin Dai
, Wei Chen, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Khaled Ben Letaief
Fairness improves throughput in energy-constrained cooperative Ad-Hoc networks. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 8(7): 3679-3691 (2009) - [j4]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Network interference cancellation. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 8(12): 5982-5999 (2009) - [c24]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in OFDMA Systems with Coherence Bandwidth Splitting. GLOBECOM 2009: 1-6 - [c23]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
High-Order Analysis of Outage Probability in OFDMA Wireless Networks. GLOBECOM 2009: 1-6 - [c22]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
A Distributed Beamforming Approach for Enhanced Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radios. GLOBECOM 2009: 1-6 - [c21]Xijun Wang
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A Rateless Coding Based Multi-Relay Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks. GLOBECOM 2009: 1-6 - [c20]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Optimal Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in OFDMA Systems. ICC 2009: 1-5 - [c19]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
, Soung Chang Liew:
Utility-Based User Grouping and Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Multicast Systems. ICC 2009: 1-5 - [c18]Chunhua Sun, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
Joint scheduling and cooperative sensing in cognitive radios: a game theoretic approach. WCNC 2009: 1360-1364 - [c17]Zhiyao Ma, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
A semi range-based iterative localization algorithm for cognitive radio networks. WCNC 2009: 2214-2218 - 2008
- [j3]Yunjian Xu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao:
Optimal Power Allocation for Spectrum Sharing in Frequency-Selective Unlicensed Bands. IEEE Commun. Lett. 12(7): 511-513 (2008) - [j2]Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
On channel coding selection in time-slotted ALOHA packetized multiple-access systems over Rayleigh fading channels. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 7(5-1): 1699-1707 (2008) - [j1]Wei Chen, Lin Dai
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Unified Cross-Layer Framework for Resource Allocation in Cooperative Networks. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 7(8): 3000-3012 (2008) - [c16]Yunjian Xu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
A Distributed Random Access Protocol with Enhanced Routing in Time-Slotted MANETs. GLOBECOM 2008: 559-563 - [c15]Bo Bai, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Achieving High Frequency Diversity with Subcarrier Allocation in OFDMA Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 3805-3909 - [c14]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun Zhang
, Soung Chang Liew:
Asymptotic Throughput in Wireless Multicast OFDM Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 4766-4770 - [c13]Yunjian Xu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Game-Theoretic Analysis for Power Allocation in Frequency-Selective Unlicensed Bands. GLOBECOM 2008: 5037-5041 - [c12]Juan Liu, Wei Chen, Zhigang Cao, Khaled Ben Letaief
Dynamic Power and Sub-Carrier Allocation for OFDMA-Based Wireless Multicast Systems. ICC 2008: 2607-2611 - [c11]Bo Bai, Zhigang Cao, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
QoS Guaranteed Cross-Layer Multiple Traffic Scheduling in TDM-OFDMA Wireless Network. ICC 2008: 2895-2899 - [c10]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Joint Coding and Scheduling Method for Delay Optimal Cognitive Multiple Access. ICC 2008: 3558-3562 - [c9]Zhiyao Ma, Zhigang Cao, Wei Chen:
A Fair Opportunistic Spectrum Access (FOSA) Scheme in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. ICC 2008: 4054-4058 - [c8]Zhi Chen, Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Relay Aided Wireless Multicast Utilizing Network Coding: Outage Behaviour and Diversity Gain. NPC Workshops 2008: 358-364 - 2007
- [c7]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Opportunistic Network Coding for Wireless Networks. ICC 2007: 4634-4639 - [c6]Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan
, Khaled Ben Letaief
On Channel Coding Selection in Time-Slotted ALOHA Packetized Multiple-Access Systems Over Rayleigh Fading Channels. ICC 2007: 5975-5980 - [c5]Wei Chen, Lin Dai
, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Fair and Efficient Resource Allocation for Cooperative Diversity in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. WCNC 2007: 4096-4101 - 2006
- [c4]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
Cooperative Interference Cancellation in Multi-hop Wireless Networks: A Cross Layer Approach. GLOBECOM 2006 - [c3]Lin Dai
, Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Fair Multiuser Cooperation Protocol for Increasing the Throughput in Energy-Constrained Ad-hoc Networks. ICC 2006: 3633-3638 - [c2]Wei Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief
, Zhigang Cao:
A Cross Layer Method for Interference Cancellation and Network Coding in Wireless Networks. ICC 2006: 3693-3698 - 2005
- [c1]Wei Chen, Pingyi Fan, Zhigang Cao:
Water filling in cellar: the optimal power allocation policy with channel and buffer state information. ICC 2005: 537-541
Coauthor Index
aka: Bo Bob Bai
aka: Khaled B. Letaief

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