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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, 1998
- Howard C. Elman:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Iterative Methods for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations. vii - William F. Spotz, Graham F. Carey:
Iterative and Parallel Performance of High-Order Compact Systems. 1-14 - Andreas Frommer, Uwe Glässner:
Restarted GMRES for Shifted Linear Systems. 15-26 - Martyn R. Field:
Optimizing a Parallel Conjugate Gradient Solver. 27-37 - Vladimir Druskin, Anne Greenbaum, Leonid Knizhnerman
Using Nonorthogonal Lanczos Vectors in the Computation of Matrix Functions. 38-54 - Klaus J. Ressel, Martin H. Gutknecht:
QMR Smoothing for Lanczos-Type Product Methods Based on Three-Term Rrecurrences. 55-73 - V. A. Bandy, Joel E. Dendy Jr., W. H. Spangenberg:
Some Multigrid Algorithms for Elliptic Problems on Data Parallel Machines. 74-86 - Cornelis W. Oosterlee
, Takumi Washio
An Evaluation of Parallel Multigrid as a Solver and a Preconditioner for Singularly Perturbed Problems. 87-110 - Irad Yavneh, Cornelis Henricus Venner, Achi Brandt:
Fast Multigrid Solution of the Advection Problem with Closed Characteristics. 111-125 - Frederico F. Campos, Nick R. C. Birkett:
An Efficient Solver for Multi-Right-Hand-Side Linear Systems Based on the CCCG(η) Method with Applications to Implicit Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations. 126-138 - Raymond H. Chan, Thomas K. DeLillo
, Mark A. Horn:
Superlinear Convergence Estimates for a Conjugate Gradient Method for the Biharmonic Equation. 139-147 - Tugrul Dayar
State Space Orderings for Gauss-Seidel in Markov Chains Revisited. 148-154 - Thomas K. DeLillo
, John A. Pfaltzgraff:
Numerical Conformal Mapping Methods for Simply and Doubly Connected Regions. 155-171 - Axel Klawonn
Block-Triangular Preconditioners for Saddle Point Problems with a Penalty Term. 172-184 - J. David Moulton
, Jim E. Morel, Uri M. Ascher:
Approximate Schur Complement Preconditioning of the Lowest-Order Nodal Discretizations. 185-205 - Vivek Sarin, Ahmed H. Sameh:
An Efficient Iterative Method for the Generalized Stokes Problem. 206-226 - Andreas Stathopoulos
, Yousef Saad
, Kesheng Wu
Dynamic Thick Restarting of the Davidson, and the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Methods. 227-245 - Xiao-Chuan Cai, William D. Gropp
, David E. Keyes, Robin G. Melvin, David P. Young:
Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Algorithms for the Transonic Full Potential Equation. 246-265 - James M. Banoczi, Carl T. Kelley:
A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer Equations. 266-279 - Carl T. Kelley, Cass T. Miller, Michael D. Tocci:
Termination of Newton/Chord Iterations and the Method of Lines. 280-290 - Dana A. Knoll, Paul R. McHugh:
Enhanced Nonlinear Iterative Techniques Applied to a Nonequilibrium Plasma Flow. 291-301 - Michael Pernice, Homer F. Walker:
NITSOL: A Newton Iterative Solver for Nonlinear Systems. 302-318
Volume 19, Number 2, 1998
- Peter D. Lax, Xu-Dong Liu:
Solution of Two-Dimensional Riemann Problems of Gas Dynamics by Positive Schemes. 319-340 - Panagiota E. Tsompanopoulou, Emmanuel A. Vavalis:
ADI Methods for Cubic Spline Collocation Discretizations of Elliptic PDE. 341-363 - Gary L. Miller, Shang-Hua Teng, William P. Thurston, Stephen A. Vavasis:
Geometric Separators for Finite-Element Meshes. 364-386 - Guido E. Sartoris:
A 3D Rectangular Mixed Finite Element Method to Solve the Stationary Semiconductor Equations. 387-403 - Todd Arbogast, Clint Dawson
, Philip T. Keenan, Mary F. Wheeler, Ivan Yotov:
Enhanced Cell-Centered Finite Differences for Elliptic Equations on General Geometry. 404-425 - Alan Genz, John Monahan:
Stochastic Integration Rules for Infinite Regions. 426-439 - Volker H. Schulz, Hans Georg Bock, Marc Christian Steinbach
Exploiting Invariants in the Numerical Solution of Multipoint Boundary Value Problems for DAE. 440-467 - Achi Brandt, Cornelis Henricus Venner:
Multilevel Evaluation of Integral Transforms with Asymptotically Smooth Kernels. 468-492 - Lars Ferm:
The Number of Coarse-Grid Iterations Every Cycle for the Two-Grid Method. 493-501 - Zhangxin Chen
, Do-Young Kwak, Yoon J. Yon:
Multigrid Algorithms for Nonconforming and Mixed Methods for Nonsymmetric and Indefinite Problems. 502-515 - Raymond H. Chan, Qianshun Chang, Hai-Wei Sun:
Multigrid Method for Ill-Conditioned Symmetric Toeplitz Systems. 516-529 - Gene H. Golub, Andrew J. Wathen:
An Iteration for Indefinite Systems and Its Application to the Navier-Stokes Equations. 530-539 - Axel Klawonn
An Optimal Preconditioner for a Class of Saddle Point Problems with a Penalty Term. 540-552 - Joseph Czyzyk, Robert Fourer, Sanjay Mehrotra:
Using a Massively Parallel Processor to Solve Large Sparse Linear Programs by an Interior-Point Method. 553-565 - Charles S. Kenney, Alan J. Laub, M. S. Reese:
Statistical Condition Estimation for Linear Systems. 566-583 - John M. Conroy, Steven G. Kratzer, Robert F. Lucas, Aaron E. Naiman:
Data-Parallel Sparse Factorization. 584-604 - Nicholas I. M. Gould
, Jennifer A. Scott
Sparse Approximate-Inverse Preconditioners Using Norm-Minimization Techniques. 605-625 - Bruno Lang:
Using Level 3 BLAS in Rotation-Based Algorithms. 626-634 - Shang-Hua Teng:
Provably Good Partitioning and Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive N-Body Simulation. 635-656 - Diederik R. Fokkema, Gerard L. G. Sleijpen, Henk A. van der Vorst:
Accelerated Inexact Newton Schemes for Large Systems of Nonlinear Equations. 657-674 - Tamás Terlaky, Jean-Philippe Vial:
Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Convex Density Functions. 675-694 - Marlis Hochbruck, Christian Lubich:
Error Analysis of Krylov Methods In a Nutshell. 695-701
Volume 19, Number 3, 1998
- James Glimm, John W. Grove, Xiaolin Li, Keh-Ming Shyue, Yanni Zeng, Qiang Zhang:
Three-Dimensional Front Tracking. 703-727 - Neil N. Carlson, Keith Miller
Design and Application of a Gradient-Weighted Moving Finite Element Code I: in One Dimension. 728-765 - Neil N. Carlson, Keith Miller
Design and Application of a Gradient-Weighted Moving Finite Element Code II: in Two Dimensions. 766-798 - Harald Osnes, Hans Petter Langtangen:
A Study of Some Finite Difference Schemes for a Unidirectional Stochastic Transport Equation. 799-812 - Jay Casper, Mark H. Carpenter:
Computational Considerations for the Simulation of Shock-Induced Sound. 813-828 - Martin Berggren:
Numerical Solution of a Flow-Control Problem: Vorticity Reduction by Dynamic Boundary Action. 829-860 - Maria Cristina Recchioni, Giovanni Russo
Hamilton-based Numerical Methods for a Fluid-Membrane Interaction in Two and Three Dimensions. 861-892 - Ping Lin, Daoqi Yang:
An Iterative Perturbation Method for the Pressure Equation in the Simulation of Miscible Displacement in Porous Media. 893-911 - Tarek P. Mathew, Peter L. Polyakov, Giovanni Russo
, Junping Wang:
Domain Decomposition Operator Splittings for the Solution of Parabolic Equations. 912-932 - Amir Averbuch, Moshe Israeli, Lev Vozovoi:
A Fast Poisson Solver of Arbitrary Order Accuracy in Rectangular Regions. 933-952 - K. Davey, S. Bounds:
A Generalized SOR Method for Dense Linear Systems of Boundary Element Equations. 953-967 - Michele Benzi
, Miroslav Tuma
A Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems. 968-994 - Edmond Chow, Yousef Saad
Approximate Inverse Preconditioners via Sparse-Sparse Iterations. 995-1023 - Shang-Hong Lai
, Baba C. Vemuri:
Generalized Capacitance Matrix Theorems and Algorithm for Solving Linear Systems. 1024-1045 - Knud D. Andersen, Edmund Christiansen, Michael L. Overton:
Computing Limit Loads by Minimizing a Sum of Norms. 1046-1062
Volume 19, Number 4, 1998
- James G. Nagy, Dianne P. O'Leary:
Restoring Images Degraded by Spatially Variant Blur. 1063-1082 - Mardochée Magolu monga Made:
Taking Advantage of the Potentialities of Dynamically Modified Block Incomplete Factorizations. 1083-1108 - Michael Jung, Ulrich Rüde:
Implicit Extrapolation Methods for Variable Coefficient Problems. 1109-1124 - G. Alistair Watson:
On Computing the Least Quantile of Squares Estimate. 1125-1138 - Ernst P. Stephan, Thanh Tran:
Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Indefinite Hypersingular Integral Equations: The h and p Versions. 1139-1153 - Mario Putti
, Christian Cordes:
Finite Element Approximation of the Diffusion Operator on Tetrahedra. 1154-1168 - Kaname Amano:
A Charge Simulation Method for Numerical Conformal Mapping onto Circular and Radial Slit Domains. 1169-1187 - Kurt Lust, Dirk Roose
An Adaptive Newton-Picard Algorithm with Subspace Iteration for Computing Periodic Solutions. 1188-1209 - Thomas F. Coleman, Arun Verma:
The Efficient Computation of Sparse Jacobian Matrices Using Automatic Differentiation. 1210-1233 - Satish Iyengar, Mainak Mazumdar:
A Saddle Point Approximation for Certain Multivariate Tail Probabilities. 1234-1244 - Kevin Burrage, Jocelyne Erhel, Bert Pohl, Alan Williams:
A Deflation Technique for Linear Systems of Equations. 1245-1260 - Lawrence S. Mulholland, Weizhang Huang, David M. Sloan:
Pseudospectral Solution of Near-Singular Problems using Numerical Coordinate Transformations Based on Adaptivity. 1261-1289 - Ricardo Cortez
On the Accuracy of Impulse Methods for Fluid Flow. 1290-1302 - Peter Bastian:
Load Balancing for Adaptive Multigrid Methods. 1303-1321 - Todd F. Dupont, Philip T. Keenan:
Superconvergence and Postprocessing of Fluxes from Lowest-Order Mixed Methods on Triangles and Tetrahedra. 1322-1332 - Mo Mu, Yuefan Deng, Chung-Chiang Chou:
Numerical Methods for Simulating Ginzburg-Landau Vortices. 1333-1339 - John A. Mackenzie:
The Efficient Generation of Simple Two-Dimensional Adaptive Grids. 1340-1365 - Dganit Amitai, Amir Averbuch, Moshe Israeli, Samuel Itzikowitz:
Implicit-Explicit Parallel Asynchronous Solver of Parabolic PDEs. 1366-1404
Volume 19, Number 5, 1998
- Philip Roe:
Linear Bicharacteristic Schemes Without Dissipation. 1405-1427 - Richard K. Beatson, Garry N. Newsam:
Fast Evaluation of Radial Basis Functions: Moment-Based Methods. 1428-1449 - Ramesh Natarajan:
An Iterative Scheme for Dense, Complex-Symmetric, Linear Systems in Acoustics Boundary-Element Computations. 1450-1470 - Maya G. Neytcheva, Panayot S. Vassilevski:
Preconditioning of Indefinite and Almost Singular Finite Element Elliptic Equations. 1471-1485 - Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Xiaobai Sun, Christian H. Bischof:
A BLAS-3 Version of the QR Factorization with Column Pivoting. 1486-1494 - Peter N. Brown, Alan C. Hindmarsh, Linda R. Petzold:
Consistent Initial Condition Calculation for Differential-Algebraic Systems. 1495-1512 - Jeng Yen, Linda R. Petzold:
An Efficient Newton-Type Iteration for the Numerical Solution of Highly Oscillatory Constrained Multibody Dynamic Systems. 1513-1534 - Axel Ruhe:
Rational Krylov: A Practical Algorithm for Large Sparse Nonsymmetric Matrix Pencils. 1535-1551 - Marlis Hochbruck, Christian Lubich, Hubert Selhofer:
Exponential Integrators for Large Systems of Differential Equations. 1552-1574 - Irfan Altas, Jonathan Dym, Murli M. Gupta
, Ram P. Manohar:
Multigrid Solution of Automatically Generated High-Order Discretizations for the Biharmonic Equation. 1575-1585 - Juan M. Restrepo, Gary K. Leaf, Andreas Griewank
Circumventing Storage Limitations in Variational Data Assimilation Studies. 1586-1605 - Gene H. Golub, Lan Chieh Huang, Horst D. Simon
, Wei-Pai Tang:
A Fast Poisson Solver for the Finite Difference Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. 1606-1624 - Tong Zhang, Kincho H. Law, Gene H. Golub:
On the Homotopy Method for Perturbed Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problems. 1625-1645 - Takashi Washio, Cornelis W. Oosterlee
Flexible Multiple Semicoarsening for Three-Dimensional Singularly Perturbed Problems. 1646-1666 - Kelly J. Black:
Spectral Elements on Infinite Domain. 1667-1681 - Irad Yavneh:
Coarse-Grid Correction for Nonelliptic and Singular Perturbation Problems. 1682-1699 - Ivar Aavatsmark, Tor Barkve, Øistein Bøe, Trond Mannseth
Discretization on Unstructured Grids for Inhomogeneous, Anisotropic Media. Part I: Derivation of the Methods. 1700-1716 - Ivar Aavatsmark, Tor Barkve, Øistein Bøe, Trond Mannseth
Discretization on Unstructured Grids For Inhomogeneous, Anisotropic Media. Part II: Discussion And Numerical Results. 1717-1736 - Gregory Baker, André Nachbin:
Stable Methods for Vortex Sheet Motion in the Presence of Surface Tension. 1737-1766
Volume 19, Number 6, 1998
- Franciszek A. Dul
MINRES and MINERR Are Better than SYMMLQ in Eigenpair Computations. 1767-1782 - Tobin A. Driscoll
, Stephen A. Vavasis:
Numerical Conformal Mapping Using Cross-Ratios and Delaunay Triangulation. 1783-1803 - Tomasz Hrycak, Vladimir Rokhlin:
An Improved Fast Multipole Algorithm for Potential Fields. 1804-1826 - Wenlong Dai, Paul R. Woodward:
A High-Order Iterative Implicit-Explicit Hybrid Scheme for Magnetohydrodynamics. 1827-1846 - Kazufumi Ito, S. S. Ravindran
Optimal Control of Thermally Convected Fluid Flows. 1847-1869 - William J. Layton
, Joseph M. Maubach, Patrick J. Rabier:
Robustness of an Elementwise Parallel Finite Element Method for Convection-Diffusion Problems. 1870-1891 - Guang-Shan Jiang, Eitan Tadmor
Nonoscillatory Central Schemes for Multidimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. 1892-1917 - Chen Greif, James M. Varah:
Iterative Solution of Cyclically Reduced Systems Arising from Discretization of the Three-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation. 1918-1940 - Luca F. Pavarino:
Preconditioned Mixed Spectral Element Methods for Elasticity and Stokes Problems. 1941-1957 - Jean Michel Fiard, Thomas A. Manteuffel, Stephen F. McCormick:
First-Order System Least Squares (FOSLS) for Convection-Diffusion Problems: Numerical Results. 1958-1979 - Leland Jameson:
A Wavelet-Optimized, Very High Order Adaptive Grid and Order Numerical Method. 1980-2013 - Martin J. Gander
, Andrew M. Stuart:
Space-Time Continuous Analysis of Waveform Relaxation for the Heat Equation. 2014-2031 - Axel Klar
Asymptotic-Induced Domain Decomposition Methods for Kinetic and Drift Diffusion Semiconductor Equations. 2032-2050 - Martin Berzins
A Solution-Based Triangular and Tetrahedral Mesh Quality Indicator. 2051-2060 - Francis Collino, Peter Monk:
The Perfectly Matched Layer in Curvilinear Coordinates. 2061-2090 - John R. Gilbert, Gary L. Miller, Shang-Hua Teng:
Geometric Mesh Partitioning: Implementation and Experiments. 2091-2110

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