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Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January / February 2005
- Gregory F. Cooper:
Editorial Comments: Defining a Workable Strategy to Stimulate Widespread Adoption of Electronic Health Records in the United States. 1-2 - Eta S. Berner
, Don E. Detmer, Donald W. Simborg:
Review Paper: Will the Wave Finally Break? A Brief View of the Adoption of Electronic Medical Records in the United States. 3-7 - Joan S. Ash, David W. Bates:
Position Paper: Factors and Forces Affecting EHR System Adoption: Report of a 2004 ACMI Discussion. 8-12 - Blackford Middleton
, William Ed Hammond, Patricia Flatley Brennan, Gregory F. Cooper:
Viewpoint Paper: Accelerating U.S. EHR Adoption: How to Get There From Here. Recommendations Based on the 2004 ACMI Retreat. 13-19
- Robert L. Ohsfeldt, Marcia M. Ward
, John E. Schneider, Mirou Jaana, Thomas R. Miller, Yang Lei, Douglas S. Wakefield:
Application of Information Technology: Implementation of Hospital Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in a Rural State: Feasibility and Financial Impact. 20-27 - Bradley A. Malin
Technical Evaluation: An Evaluation of the Current State of Genomic Data Privacy Protection Technology and a Roadmap for the Future. 28-34 - Linda G. Shapiro, Emily Chung, Landon Detwiler, José L. V. Mejino Jr., Augusto V. Agoncillo, James F. Brinkley, Cornelius Rosse:
Application of Information Technology: Processes and Problems in the Formative Evaluation of an Interface to the Foundational Model of Anatomy Knowledge Base. 35-46
- William W. Simons, Kenneth D. Mandl, Isaac S. Kohane:
Model Formulation: The PING Personally Controlled Electronic Medical Record System: Technical Architecture. 47-54 - George Hripcsak, Li Zhou, Simon Parsons, Amar K. Das, Stephen B. Johnson
Model Formulation: Modeling Electronic Discharge Summaries as a Simple Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 55-63 - Stacie Salsbury Lyons
, Toni Tripp-Reimer, Bernard A. Sorofman, Jane E. DeWitt, Bonnie J. BootsMiller, Thomas E. Vaughn, Bradley N. Doebbeling
Research Paper: VA QUERI Informatics Paper Information Technology for Clinical Guideline Implementation: Perceptions of Multidisciplinary Stakeholders. 64-71 - Luyin Zhao, Kwok Pun Lee, Jingkun Hu:
Research Paper: Generating XML Schemas for DICOM Structured Reporting Templates. 72-83 - Jeffery Collmann, Adil Alaoui, Dan Nguyen, David Lindisch:
Case Report: Safe Teleradiology: Information Assurance as Project Planning Methodology. 84-89 - Nicholas Carriero, Michael V. Osier, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Perry L. Miller, Mark Gerstein, Hongyu Zhao
, Baolin Wu
, Scott Rifkin
, Joseph T. Chang, Heping Zhang
, Kevin P. White, Kenneth R. Williams
, Martin H. Schultz:
Case Report: A High Productivity/Low Maintenance Approach to High-performance Computation for Biomedicine: Four Case Studies. 90-98
- Mark E. Frisse
, Jane Metzer:
Editorial Comments: Information Technology in the Rural Setting: Challenges and More Challenges. 99-100
Volume 12, Number 2, March / April 2005
- J. Marc Overhage
, Lori Evans, Janet Marchibroda:
Viewpoint Paper: Communities' Readiness for Health Information Exchange: The National Landscape in 2004. 107-112 - William W. Stead
, Brian J. Kelly, Robert M. Kolodner:
Viewpoint Paper: Achievable Steps Toward Building a National Health Information Infrastructure in the United States. 113-120 - Daniel L. Rubin, Caroline F. Thorn
, Teri E. Klein
, Russ B. Altman:
Application of Information Technology: A Statistical Approach to Scanning the Biomedical Literature for Pharmacogenetics Knowledge. 121-129 - Christine G. Holzmueller, Peter J. Pronovost, Fern Dickman, David A. Thompson, Albert W. Wu, Lisa H. Lubomski, Maureen Fahey, Donald M. Steinwachs, Lilly Engineer, Ali Jaffrey, Laura L. Morlock, Todd Dorman
Application of Information Technology: Creating the Web-based Intensive Care Unit Safety Reporting System. 130-139 - Andrew V. Poliakov, Evan Albright, Kevin P. Hinshaw, David P. Corina, George A. Ojemann, Richard F. Martin, James F. Brinkley:
Application of Information Technology: Server-based Approach to Web Visualization of Integrated Three-dimensional Brain Imaging Data. 140-151 - Alexa T. McCray:
Application of Information Technology: Promoting Health Literacy. 152-163
- John Hsu, Jie Huang, James Kinsman, Bruce Fireman, Robert Miller, Joseph Selby, Eduardo Ortiz:
Research Paper: Use of e-Health Services between 1999 and 2002: A Growing Digital Divide. 164-171 - Emmy Rood, Robert-Jan Bosman, Johan Ids van der Spoel, Paul Taylor
, Durk Freark Zandstra:
Research Paper: Use of a Computerized Guideline for Glucose Regulation in the Intensive Care Unit Improved Both Guideline Adherence and Glucose Regulation. 172-180 - Mor Peleg
, Daniel L. Rubin, Russ B. Altman:
Research Paper: Using Petri Net Tools to Study Properties and Dynamics of Biological Systems. 181-199 - Alan J. Forster, Jason G. Andrade
, Carl van Walraven:
Research Paper: Validation of a Discharge Summary Term Search Method to Detect Adverse Events. 200-206 - Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs
, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Alexander R. Statnikov, Douglas P. Hardin
, Constantin F. Aliferis:
Research Paper: Text Categorization Models for High-Quality Article Retrieval in Internal Medicine. 207-216 - John W. Ely
, Jerome A. Osheroff, M. Lee Chambliss, Mark H. Ebell, Marcy E. Rosenbaum
Research Paper: Answering Physicians' Clinical Questions: Obstacles and Potential Solutions. 217-224 - Dominik Aronsky, Joel Ransom, Kevin Robinson:
Research Paper: Accuracy of References in Five Biomedical Informatics Journals. 225-228 - Joseph J. Frassica
Case Report: Frequency of Laboratory Test Utilization in the Intensive Care Unit and Its Implications for Large-Scale Data Collection Efforts. 229-233
- Edward H. Shortliffe
Special Features: American College of Medical Informatics Fellows and International Associates, 2004. 234-240 - J. Marc Overhage
Special Feature: Presentation of the Morris F. Collen Award to Clement J. McDonald, MD. 241-244 - Elizabeth Madsen:
Special Feature: Enhanced JAMIA Online Features. 245-246
Volume 12, Number 3, May / June 2005
- Nunzia B. Giuse
, Taneya Y. Koonce
, Rebecca N. Jerome, Molynda Cahall, Nila A. Sathe, Annette M. Williams
Viewpoint Paper: Evolution of a Mature Clinical Informationist Model. 249-255 - Vimla L. Patel, Timothy Branch, Andria Cimino, Cathy Norton, James J. Cimino
Position Paper: Participant Perceptions of the Influences of the NLM-Sponsored Woods Hole Medical Informatics Course. 256-262 - Ulrich Sax
, Isaac S. Kohane, Kenneth D. Mandl:
Position Paper: Wireless Technology Infrastructures for Authentication of Patients: PKI that Rings. 263-268 - William L. Galanter
, Robert J. Didomenico
, Audrius Polikaitis:
Application of Information Technology: A Trial of Automated Decision Support Alerts for Contraindicated Medications Using Computerized Physician Order Entry. 269-274 - Yang Huang, Henry J. Lowe, Dan Klein, Russell J. Cucina:
Application of Information Technology: Improved Identification of Noun Phrases in Clinical Radiology Reports Using a High-Performance Statistical Natural Language Parser Augmented with the UMLS Specialist Lexicon. 275-285 - Shannon Hastings, Scott Oster, Stephen Langella, Tahsin M. Kurç, Tony Pan
, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Joel H. Saltz:
Application of Information Technology: A Grid-Based Image Archival and Analysis System. 286-295 - George Hripcsak, Adam S. Rothschild:
Technical Brief: Agreement, the F-Measure, and Reliability in Information Retrieval. 296-298
- Stephen C. Porter, Isaac S. Kohane, Donald A. Goldmann:
Research Paper: Parents as Partners in Obtaining the Medication History. 299-305 - Warren J. Winkelman, Kevin J. Leonard, Peter G. Rossos:
Research Paper: Patient-Perceived Usefulness of Online Electronic Medical Records: Employing Grounded Theory in the Development of Information and Communication Technologies for Use by Patients Living with Chronic Illness. 306-314 - Johanna I. Westbrook
, Enrico W. Coiera
, A. Sophie Gosling:
Research Paper: Do Online Information Retrieval Systems Help Experienced Clinicians Answer Clinical Questions? 315-321 - Adam S. Rothschild, Harold P. Lehmann
Research Paper: Information Retrieval Performance of Probabilistically Generated, Problem-Specific Computerized Provider Order Entry Pick-Lists: A Pilot Study. 322-330 - Neil A. Maizlish, Linda Herrera:
Research Paper: A Record Linkage Protocol for a Diabetes Registry at Ethnically Diverse Community Health Centers. 331-337 - Philip R. O. Payne
, Justin Starren:
Research Paper: Quantifying Visual Similarity in Clinical Iconic Graphics. 338-345 - C. Jason Wang, Richard S. Marken, Robin C. Meili, Julie B. Straus, Adam B. Landman
, Douglas S. Bell
Research Paper: Functional Characteristics of Commercial Ambulatory Electronic Prescribing Systems: A Field Study. 346-356 - Catherine J. Staes, Stanley M. Huff, R. Scott Evans, Scott P. Narus, Cyndalynn Tilley, John B. Sorensen:
Model Formulation: Development of an Information Model for Storing Organ Donor Data Within an Electronic Medical Record. 357-363
Volume 12, Number 4, July / August 2005
- Jonathan M. Teich, Jerome A. Osheroff, Eric A. Pifer, Dean F. Sittig
, Robert A. Jenders:
AMIA Position Paper: Clinical Decision Support in Electronic Prescribing: Recommendations and an Action Plan: Report of the Joint Clinical Decision Support Workgroup. 365-376 - Jan Horsky
, Gilad J. Kuperman
, Vimla L. Patel:
Case Report: Comprehensive Analysis of a Medication Dosing Error Related to CPOE. 377-382 - Richard M. Reichley, Terry L. Seaton, Ervina Resetar, Scott T. Micek, Karen L. Scott, Victoria J. Fraser
, W. Claiborne Dunagan, Thomas C. Bailey:
Case Report: Implementing a Commercial Rule Base as a Medication Order Safety Net. 383-389 - Nancy C. Nelson, R. Scott Evans, Matthew H. Samore, Reed M. Gardner:
Application of Information Technology: Detection and Prevention of Medication Errors Using Real-Time Bedside Nurse Charting. 390-397 - Vitali Sintchenko
, Jonathan R. Iredell
, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert, Enrico W. Coiera
Application of Information Technology: Handheld Computer-based Decision Support Reduces Patient Length of Stay and Antibiotic Prescribing in Critical Care. 398-402 - Randolph A. Miller, Reed M. Gardner, Kevin B. Johnson, George Hripcsak:
Viewpoint Paper: Clinical Decision Support and Electronic Prescribing Systems: A Time for Responsible Thought and Action. 403-409
- Jeungok Choi, Melinda L. Jenkins, James J. Cimino
, Thomas M. White, Suzanne Bakken:
Application of Information Technology: Toward Semantic Interoperability in Home Health Care: Formally Representing OASIS Items for Integration into a Concept-oriented Terminology. 410-417 - Nathan C. Hulse, Roberto A. Rocha, Guilherme Del Fiol
, Richard L. Bradshaw, Timothy P. Hanna, Lorrie K. Roemer:
Application of Information Technology: KAT: A Flexible XML-based Knowledge Authoring Environment. 418-430 - Thomas D. Sequist, Tejal K. Gandhi, Andrew S. Karson, Julie M. Fiskio, Donald Bugbee, Michael Sperling, E. Francis Cook, E. John Orav, David G. Fairchild, David W. Bates:
Technology Evaluation: A Randomized Trial of Electronic Clinical Reminders to Improve Quality of Care for Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease. 431-437
- Jason J. Saleem, Emily S. Patterson
, Laura G. Militello
, Marta L. Render, Greg Orshansky, Steven M. Asch:
Research Paper: Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to the Use of Computerized Clinical Reminders. 438-447 - Genevieve B. Melton
, George Hripcsak:
Research Paper: Automated Detection of Adverse Events Using Natural Language Processing of Discharge Summaries. 448-457 - S. Trent Rosenbloom, Antoine Geissbühler, William D. Dupont
, Dario A. Giuse, Douglas A. Talbert, William M. Tierney, W. Dale Plummer, William W. Stead
, Randolph A. Miller:
Research Paper: Effect of CPOE User Interface Design on User-Initiated Access to Educational and Patient Information during Clinical Care. 458-473 - John Hsu, Jie Huang, Vicki Fung, Nan Robertson, Holly B. Jimison, Richard Frankel:
Research Paper: Health Information Technology and Physician-Patient Interactions: Impact of Computers on Communication during Outpatient Primary Care Visits. 474-480 - Nancy L. Wilczynski, R. Brian Haynes
Research Paper: Optimal Search Strategies for Detecting Clinically Sound Prognostic Studies in EMBASE: An Analytic Survey. 481-485 - Kin Wah Fung, William T. Hole, Stuart J. Nelson, Suresh Srinivasan, Tammy Powell, Laura Roth:
Research Paper: Integrating SNOMED CT into the UMLS: An Exploration of Different Views of Synonymy and Quality of Editing. 486-494
- Don E. Detmer, Charles Safran:
Editorial Comments: AMIA's White Paper Policy Series on Timely Issues in Informatics. 495
Volume 12, Number 5, September / October 2005
- Thomas Martin Lehmann, Jörg Bredno:
Viewpoint Paper: Strategies to Configure Image Analysis Algorithms for Clinical Usage. 497-504 - Lise Poissant, Jennifer Pereira, Robyn Tamblyn, Yuko Kawasumi:
Review Paper: The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Time Efficiency of Physicians and Nurses: A Systematic Review. 505-516 - Brian Hazlehurst, H. Robert Frost, Dean F. Sittig
, Victor J. Stevens:
Application of Information Technology: MediClass: A System for Detecting and Classifying Encounter-based Clinical Events in Any Electronic Medical Record. 517-529 - Laurence Baker
, Jeffrey Rideout, Paul Gertler, Kristiana Raube:
Application of Information Technology: Effect of an Internet-Based System for Doctor-Patient Communication on Health Care Spending. 530-536 - Debra S. Ketchell, Leilani St. Anna, David Kauff, Barak Gaster, Diane Timberlake:
Application of Information Technology: PrimeAnswers: A Practical Interface for Answering Primary Care Questions. 537-545
- S. Trent Rosenbloom, Kou-Wei Chiu, Daniel W. Byrne, Douglas A. Talbert, Eric G. Neilson, Randolph A. Miller:
Research Paper: Interventions to Regulate Ordering of Serum Magnesium Levels: Report of an Unintended Consequence of Decision Support. 546-553 - Amy M. Knight, Steven J. Kravet, G. Michael Harper, Bruce Leff:
Research Paper: The Effect of Computerized Provider Order Entry on Medical Student Clerkship Experiences. 554-560 - Dean F. Sittig
, Michael Krall, JoAnn Kaalaas-Sittig, Joan S. Ash:
Research Paper: Emotional Aspects of Computer-based Provider Order Entry: A Qualitative Study. 561-567 - Ann Scheck McAlearney
, Sharon B. Schweikhart, Mitchell A. Medow:
Research Paper: Organizational and Physician Perspectives about Facilitating Handheld Computer Use in Clinical Practice: Results of a Cross-Site Qualitative Study. 568-575 - Hiroko Ao, Toshihisa Takagi:
Research Paper: ALICE: An Algorithm to Extract Abbreviations from MEDLINE. 576-586
Volume 12, Number 6, November / December 2005
- R. Scott Evans, Kyle V. Johnson, Vrena B. Flint, Tupper Kinder, Charles R. Lyon, William L. Hawley, David K. Vawdrey, George E. Thomsen:
Application of Information Technology: Enhanced Notification of Critical Ventilator Events. 589-595 - John D. Halamka, Meg Aranow, Carl Ascenzo, David W. Bates, Greg Debor, John P. Glaser, Allan H. Goroll, Jim Stowe, Micky Tripathi, Gordon Vineyard:
Application of Information Technology: Health Care IT Collaboration in Massachusetts: The Experience of Creating Regional Connectivity. 596-601 - Georgio Mosis, Albert E. Vlug, Mees Mosseveld
, Jeanne P. Dieleman, Bruno C. Stricker, Johan van der Lei, Miriam C. J. M. Sturkenboom:
Application of Information Technology: A Technical Infrastructure to Conduct Randomized Database Studies Facilitated by a General Practice Research Database. 602-607 - Paul A. Harris, Lynda D. Lane, Italo Biaggioni:
Application of Information Technology: Clinical Research Subject Recruitment: The Volunteer for Vanderbilt Research Program www.volunteer.mc.vanderbilt.edu. 608-613 - Eta S. Berner
, Jacqueline A. Moss:
Viewpoint Paper: Informatics Challenges for the Impending Patient Information Explosion. 614-617
- Wendy Webber Chapman
, John N. Dowling, Michael M. Wagner:
Research Paper: Generating a Reliable Reference Standard Set for Syndromic Case Classification. 618-629 - Peter A. Bath
, Cheryl Craigs
, Ravi Maheswaran
, John W. Raymond, Peter Willett:
Research Paper: Use of Graph Theory to Identify Patterns of Deprivation and High Morbidity and Mortality in Public Health Data Sets. 630-641 - Rae Woong Park, Seung Soo Shin, Young In Choi, Jae Ouk Ahn, Sung Chul Hwang
Research Paper: Computerized Physician Order Entry and Electronic Medical Record Systems in Korean Teaching and General Hospitals: Results of a 2004 Survey. 642-647 - Anne Moen
, Patricia Flatley Brennan:
Model Formulation: Health@HomeThe Work of Health Information Management in the Household (HIMH): Implications for Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) Innovations. 648-656 - Li Zhang, Michael Halper, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, James J. Cimino
Model Formulation: Relationship Structures and Semantic Type Assignments of the UMLS Enriched Semantic Network. 657-666

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