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CoRR, August 2007
- Dragomir Z. Dokovic:
Periodic complementary sets of binary sequences. - Morten Heine Sørensen:
A Note on Shortest Developments. - Usman A. Khan, José M. F. Moura:
Distributing the Kalman Filter for Large-Scale Systems. - Haim H. Permuter, Tsachy Weissman:
Capacity Region of the Finite-State Multiple Access Channel with and without Feedback. - Evgeniy Grigoriev:
Why the relational data model can be considered as a formal basis for group operations in object-oriented systems. - Sheng Yang, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Diversity of MIMO Multihop Relay Channels. - Philippe Dépincé, Damien Chablat, Peer-Oliver Woelk:
Virtual Manufacturing : Tools for improving Design and Production. - Luca Di Gaspero, Andrea Roli:
A preliminary analysis on metaheuristics methods applied to the Haplotype Inference Problem. - Konstantin Avrachenkov, Vivek S. Borkar, Danil Nemirovsky:
Quasi-stationary distributions as centrality measures of reducible graphs. - David Pritchard:
Efficient Divide-and-Conquer Simulations Of Symmetric FSAs. - (Withdrawn) An Application of Chromatic Prototypes for a Universal Information System.
- Michael J. Lee:
Complementary algorithms for graphs and percolation. - Zaenal Akbar, Slamet, B. I. Ajinagoro, Gheyb Jhuana Ohara, Iman Firmansyah, Bambang Hermanto, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Public Cluster : parallel machine with multi-block approach. - T. B. Waluyo, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Introducing OPTO : Portal for Optical Communities in Indonesia. - Zaenal Akbar, Slamet, B. I. Ajinagoro, Gheyb Jhuana Ohara, Iman Firmansyah, Bambang Hermanto, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Open and Free Cluster for Public. - Iman Firmansyah, Bambang Hermanto, Hadiyanto, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Real-time control and monitoring system for LIPI's Public Cluster. - Zaenal Akbar, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Resource Allocation in Public Cluster with Extended Optimization Algorithm. - Christian Hutter, Matthias R. Brust, Steffen Rothkugel:
ADS-Directory Services for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on an Information Market Model. - Matthias R. Brust, Daniel Görgen, Christian Hutter, Steffen Rothkugel:
ADS as Information Management Service in an M-Learning Environment. - Jianwei Huang, Zhu Han, Mung Chiang, H. Vincent Poor:
Auction-Based Distributed Resource Allocation for Cooperation Transmission in Wireless Networks. - Zhisheng Duan, Chao Liu, Guanrong Chen:
Network synchronizability analysis: the theory of subgraphs and complementary graphs. - Maurice H. T. Ling, Christophe Lefèvre, Kevin R. Nicholas, Feng Lin:
Reconstruction of Protein-Protein Interaction Pathways by Mining Subject-Verb-Objects Intermediates. - Stéphanie Gerbaud, Nicolas Mollet, Bruno Arnaldi
Virtual Environments for Training: From Individual Learning to Collaboration with Humanoids. - Radu Grigore, Michal Moskal:
Edit and verify. - Shi Zhou, Ingemar J. Cox, Vaclav Petricek:
Characterising Web Site Link Structure. - Lun Dong, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor:
Cooperative Beamforming for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. - Amir Leshem, Ephraim Zehavi:
Cooperative game theory and the Gaussian interference channel. - Neri Merhav:
Relations between random coding exponents and the statistical physics of random codes. - Vita Hinze-Hoare:
A Portal Analysis for the Design of a Collaborative Research Environment for Students and Supervisors (CRESS) within the CSCR Domain. - Thorsten Hehn, Olgica Milenkovic, Stefan Laendner, Johannes B. Huber:
Permutation Decoding and the Stopping Redundancy Hierarchy of Cyclic and Extended Cyclic Codes. - Lélia Blin, Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, Sébastien Tixeuil:
On the Self-stabilization of Mobile Robots in Graphs. - Emanuel Diamant:
Modeling Visual Information Processing in Brain: A Computer Vision Point of View and Approach. - Colm Ó'Dúnlaing:
Nodally 3-connected planar graphs and convex combination mappings. - Cédric Adjih, Song Yean Cho, Philippe Jacquet:
Near Optimal Broadcast with Network Coding in Large Sensor Networks. - Yoichiro Watanabe, Koichi Kamoi:
A Formulation of the Channel Capacity of Multiple-Access Channel. - Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger, Félix Majou, Jean-Pierre Merlet:
An Interval Analysis Based Study for the Design and the Comparison of 3-DOF Parallel Kinematic Machines. - Marc André Armand, Jianwen Zhang:
Nearly MDS expander codes with reduced alphabet size. - Florian Simatos:
Mathematical analysis of the recoil growth algorithm to generate multi-polymer systems. - Marko A. Rodriguez, Johan Bollen, Herbert Van de Sompel:
A Practical Ontology for the Large-Scale Modeling of Scholarly Artifacts and their Usage. - Shuangqing Wei:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Asynchronous Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks. - Mark A. Iwen:
A Deterministic Sub-linear Time Sparse Fourier Algorithm via Non-adaptive Compressed Sensing Methods. - Christos Dimitrakakis, Christian Savu-Krohn:
Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling : optimal stopping and active learning. - Heide Gluesing-Luerssen, Fai-Lung Tsang:
A Matrix Ring Description for Cyclic Convolutional Codes. - Sajad Sadough, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Duhamel
Achievable Outage Rates with Improved Decoding of Bicm Multiband Ofdm Under Channel Estimation Errors. - Sajad Sadough, Pierre Duhamel:
On Optimal Turbo Decoding of Wideband MIMO-OFDM Systems Under Imperfect Channel State Information. - Sajad Sadough, Mahieddine Ichir, Emmanuel Jaffrot, Pierre Duhamel
Wavelet Based Semi-blind Channel Estimation For Multiband OFDM. - Sajad Sadough, Pablo Piantanida, Pierre Duhamel
MIMO-OFDM Optimal Decoding and Achievable Information Rates Under Imperfect Channel Estimation. - Jean-Louis Krivine, Yves Legrandgérard:
Valid formulas, games and network protocols. - Mihai Oltean
A Light-Based Device for Solving the Hamiltonian Path Problem. - Vladimir Vovk:
Defensive forecasting for optimal prediction with expert advice. - Mihai Oltean
Solving the Hamiltonian path problem with a light-based computer. - Stasinos Konstantopoulos:
A Data-Parallel Version of Aleph. - Ran Raz, Iddo Tzameret:
Resolution over Linear Equations and Multilinear Proofs. - Angela Aguglia, Luca Giuzzi
Construction of a 3-Dimensional MDS code. - Stasinos Konstantopoulos:
Learning Phonotactics Using ILP. - Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Vicenç Gómez, Ayman Moghnieh, Rodrigo Meza, Josep Blat, Vicente López:
Homogeneous temporal activity patterns in a large online communication space. - Susanne Still, James P. Crutchfield, Christopher J. Ellison:
Optimal Causal Inference. - Vita Hinze-Hoare:
Designing a Collaborative Research Environment for Students and their Supervisors (CRESS). - Volker Weber:
Hybrid Branching-Time Logics. - Willemien Visser:
Design: One, but in different forms. - Liya V. Bochkareva, Maksim V. Kireitseu, Geoffrey R. Tomlinson, Holm Altenbach, Vladimir Kompis, David Hui:
Computational Simulation and 3D Virtual Reality Engineering Tools for Dynamical Modeling and Imaging of Composite Nanomaterials. - Jan Østergaard, Ram Zamir:
Multiple-Description Coding by Dithered Delta-Sigma Quantization. - Travis Gagie:
A nearly tight memory-redundancy trade-off for one-pass compression. - Vahan V. Mkrtchyan, Vahe L. Musoyan, A. V. Tserunyan:
On Edge-Disjoint Pairs Of Matchings. - Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin:
Lower Bounds for the Complexity of the Voronoi Diagram of Polygonal Curves under the Discrete Frechet Distance. - Mihai Oltean
, Oana Muntean:
Exact Cover with light. - Mihai Oltean
, Oana Muntean:
Solving the subset-sum problem with a light-based device. - Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Carlos Cotta:
Who is the best connected EC researcher? Centrality analysis of the complex network of authors in evolutionary computation. - Albert Guillen i Fabregas, Alfonso Martinez:
Derivative of BICM Mutual Information. - Loreto Bravo, James Cheney, Irini Fundulaki:
Repairing Inconsistent XML Write-Access Control Policies. - Travis Gagie:
Empirical entropy in context. - Krzysztof Majewski, Nicholas Pippenger:
Attribute Estimation and Testing Quasi-Symmetry. - James Cheney, Amal Ahmed, Umut A. Acar:
Provenance as Dependency Analysis. - Luaï Jaff, Gérard Henry Edmond Duchamp, Hatem Hadj Kacem, Cyrille Bertelle:
Moderate Growth Time Series for Dynamic Combinatorics Modelisation. - Dale Miller
Collection analysis for Horn clause programs. - Chuck C. Liang, Dale Miller
Focusing and Polarization in Intuitionistic Logic. - Jeremy G. Siek, Andrew Lumsdaine:
A Language for Generic Programming in the Large. - Pan Kai, Tan Yue, Jiang Sheng:
The study of a new gerrymandering methodology. - Saravanan Vijayakumaran, Tan F. Wong, Tat M. Lok:
Capacity of the Degraded Half-Duplex Relay Channel. - Ozgur Oyman:
Opportunism in Multiuser Relay Channels: Scheduling, Routing and Spectrum Reuse. - Walid S. Saba:
Compositional Semantics Grounded in Commonsense Metaphysics. - Dmitri V. Krioukov, Kimberly C. Claffy
, Kevin R. Fall, Arthur Brady:
On Compact Routing for the Internet. - Lav R. Varshney, Vivek K. Goyal:
Benefiting from Disorder: Source Coding for Unordered Data. - Marcus Hutter, Andrej Muchnik:
On Semimeasures Predicting Martin-Loef Random Sequences. - Dominik Scheder:
Unsatisfiable Linear k-CNFs Exist, for every k. - Judit Nagy-György:
Randomized algorithm for the k-server problem on decomposable spaces. - Vladimir Vovk:
Continuous and randomized defensive forecasting: unified view. - Rafael R. Kamalian, Vahan V. Mkrtchyan:
On a constructive characterization of a class of trees related to pairs of disjoint matchings. - M. M. Chowdhury:
Key Agreement and Authentication Schemes Using Non-Commutative Semigroups. - M. M. Chowdhury:
On the AAGL Protocol. - Kristina Lerman:
User Participation in Social Media: Digg Study. - Oliver Knill, Jose Ramirez-Herran:
A structure from motion inequality. - Oliver Knill, Jose Ramirez-Herran:
On Ullman's theorem in computer vision. - Oliver Knill, Jose Ramirez-Herran:
Space and camera path reconstruction for omni-directional vision. - Christine A. Kelley, Deepak Sridhara:
Eigenvalue bounds on the pseudocodeword weight of expander codes. - Arvind Gupta, Pavol Hell, Mehdi Karimi, Arash Rafiey:
Minimum Cost Homomorphisms to Reflexive Digraphs. - Gregory Z. Gutin, Eun Jung Kim:
On the Complexity of the Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problem for Reflexive Multipartite Tournaments. - Eun Jung Kim, Gregory Z. Gutin:
Complexity of the Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problem for Semicomplete Digraphs with Possible Loops. - Taesup Moon, Tsachy Weissman:
Discrete Denoising with Shifts. - M. M. Chowdhury:
On the Security of the Cha-Ko-Lee-Han-Cheon Braid Group Public Key Cryptosystem. - Uri Erez, Mitchell D. Trott, Gregory W. Wornell:
Rateless Coding for Gaussian Channels. - Sourav Dhar, Kabir Chakraborty:
An Experimental Investigation of Secure Communication With Chaos Masking. - D. Roglic:
The universal evolutionary computer based on super-recursive algorithms of evolvability. - Leticia I. Gómez, Bart Kuijpers, Alejandro A. Vaisman:
Aggregation Languages for Moving Object and Places of Interest Data. - Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor:
Secrecy Capacity Region of Binary and Gaussian Multiple Access Channels. - Yingbin Liang, H. Vincent Poor:
Secure Communications over Fading Channels. - Ken-ichi Sugiyama:
On a linear code from a configuration of affine lines. - Hanène Maghrebi, Amos David
Integrating users' needs into multimedia information retrieval system. - Ezio Biglieri, Yi Hong, Emanuele Viterbo:
On Fast-Decodable Space-Time Block Codes. - Nikolay N. Ponomarenko, Vladimir V. Lukin, Karen O. Egiazarian, Jaakko Astola, Boris Ryabko:
Fast Recursive Coding Based on Grouping of Symbols. - Venkat Chandar, Aslan Tchamkerten, Gregory W. Wornell:
Optimal Sequential Frame Synchronization. - David S. Planeta:
Priority Queue Based on Multilevel Prefix Tree. - Preda Mihailescu:
The Fuzzy Vault for fingerprints is Vulnerable to Brute Force Attack. - Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann, Jamshid Shokrollahi:
Explicit formulas for efficient multiplication in F_{3^{6m}}. - Dheeraj Sreedhar, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam, B. Sundar Rajan:
Single-Symbol ML Decodable Distributed STBCs for Partially-Coherent Cooperative Networks. - Jamshid Shokrollahi, Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann:
Efficient FPGA-based multipliers for F_{3^97} and F_{3^{6*97}}. - Alexandre d'Aspremont:
Identifying Small Mean Reverting Portfolios. - Hai Jiang, Ping Wang, H. Vincent Poor, Weihua Zhuang:
Voice Service Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. - Zhenning Kong, Salah A. Aly, Emina Soljanin, Edmund M. Yeh, Andreas Klappenecker:
Network Coding Capacity of Random Wireless Networks under a Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Model. - Wang Yong:
Question on Conditional Entropy. - A. B. Mutiara
, T. A. Sabastian:
Web Server Benchmark Application WiiBench using Erlang/OTP R11 and Fedora-Core Linux 5.0. - Jean-Charles Delvenne, Ruggero Carli, Sandro Zampieri:
Optimal strategies in the average consensus problem. - Jui-Yi Kao, Jeffrey O. Shallit, Zhi Xu:
The Frobenius Problem in a Free Monoid. - Rustem Takhanov:
On predicate constraints with efficiently solvable task of fitting to training set. - Kamil Kulesza:
Can Alice and Bob be random: a study on human playing zero knowledge protocols. - Philip Bille, Anna Pagh, Rasmus Pagh:
Fast evaluation of union-intersection expressions. - Olivier Christmann, Noelle Carbonell:
Browsing through 3D representations of unstructured picture collections: an empirical study. - Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger:
Architecture Optimization of a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Mechanism for Machining Applications, the Orthoglide. - Zhihang Yi, Il-Min Kim:
The Impact of Noise Correlation and Channel Phase Information on the Data-Rate of the Single-Symbol ML Decodable Distributed STBCs. - David S. Planeta:
Linear Time Algorithms Based on Multilevel Prefix Tree for Finding Shortest Path with Positive Weights and Minimum Spanning Tree in a Networks. - Zaenal Akbar, Laksana Tri Handoko:
Multi and Independent Block Approach in Public Cluster. - Sabatino Costanzo, Loren Trigo, Luis Jiménez, Juan Gonzalez:
A Neural Networks Model of the Venezuelan Economy. - Sabatino Costanzo, Loren Trigo, Ramses Dominguez, William Moreno:
A Non Parametric Study of the Volatility of the Economy as a Country Risk Predictor. - Loren Trigo, Sabatino Costanzo, Felix Gonzalez, Jose Llamozas:
An Early Warning System for Bankruptcy Prediction: lessons from the Venezuelan Bank Crisis. - Alexander Rabinovich:
The Church Synthesis Problem with Parameters. - Daniel Gepner, Jérôme Simonin, Noelle Carbonell:
Gaze as a Supplementary Modality for Interacting with Ambient Intelligence Environments. - Xiaolin Wu, Xiaohan Wang, Zhe Wang:
Networked Multiple Description Estimation and Compression with Resource Scalability. - Hubert Comon-Lundh, Véronique Cortier, Eugen Zalinescu:
Deciding security properties for cryptographic protocols. Application to key cycles. - Jörg Wagner, Armin Wittneben:
On the Distortion of the Eigenvalue Spectrum in MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Hop Channels. - Vadim Tarin:
A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Computing the Permanent in GF(3^q). - Pablo Piantanida, Sajad Sadough, Pierre Duhamel:
On the Outage Capacity of a Practical Decoder Accounting for Channel Estimation Inaccuracies. - Suzanne Kieffer, Noelle Carbonell:
How really effective are Multimodal Hints in enhancing Visual Target Spotting? Some evidence from a usability study. - Noelle Carbonell:
Ambient Multimodality: an Asset for Developing Universal Access to the Information Society. - Frédéric Blanqui, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Albert Rubio:
HORPO with Computability Closure : A Reconstruction. - Félix Majou, Clément Gosselin, Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat
Parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide. - Anatoly Pashkevich, Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger:
Kinematics and Workspace Analysis of a Three-Axis Parallel Manipulator: the Orthoglide. - Xiaohan Wang, Xiaolin Wu:
Recursive Structure and Bandwidth of Hales-Numbered Hypercube. - Petros Drineas, Michael W. Mahoney, S. Muthukrishnan:
Relative-Error CUR Matrix Decompositions. - Marc Daumas, David R. Lester, César A. Muñoz
Verified Real Number Calculations: A Library for Interval Arithmetic. - Sylvie Boldo, Marc Daumas, Ren-Cang Li:
Formally Verified Argument Reduction with a Fused-Multiply-Add. - Félix Majou, Clément Gosselin, Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat
Parametric Stiffness Analysis of the Orthoglide. - Igor Nitto, Rossano Venturini:
Searching for a dangerous host: randomized vs. deterministic. - Jérôme Simonin, Marius Hategan, Noelle Carbonell:
Plate-forme Magicien d'Oz pour l'étude de l'apport des ACAs à l'interaction. - Jérôme Simonin, Noelle Carbonell:
Interfaces adaptatives Adaptation dynamique à l'utilisateur courant. - (Withdrawn) A Radio Resource Management strategy for downlink cooperation in distributed networks.
- Anatoly Pashkevich, Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat
Design Strategies for the Geometric Synthesis of Orthoglide-type Mechanisms. - Mazen Zein, Philippe Wenger, Damien Chablat
An Exhaustive Study of the Workspaces Tolopogies of all 3R Orthogonal Manipulators with Geometric Simplifications. - Sabatino Costanzo, Loren Trigo, Wafaa Dehne, Hender Prato:
A Non Parametric Model for the Forecasting of the Venezuelan Oil Prices. - Xenofontas A. Dimitropoulos, Dmitri V. Krioukov, Amin Vahdat, George F. Riley:
Graph Annotations in Modeling Complex Network Topologies. - Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger, Stéphane Caro
, Jorge Angeles:
The Isoconditioning Loci of Planar Three-DOF Parallel Manipulators. - Yoshiyuki Kabashima:
Inference from correlated patterns: a unified theory for perceptron learning and linear vector channels. - Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger, Ilian A. Bonev:
Kinematic analysis of the 3-RPR parallel manipulator. - Ilian A. Bonev, Damien Chablat
, Philippe Wenger:
Working and Assembly Modes of the Agile Eye. - Vahan V. Mkrtchyan:
A course on Combinatorial Algorithms. - Matthew Delacorte:
Graph Isomorphism is PSPACE-complete. - Antonio Capobianco, Noelle Carbonell:
Aides en ligne à l'utilisation de logiciels grand public : problèmes spécifiques de conception et solutions potentielles. - Stephen A. Vavasis:
On the complexity of nonnegative matrix factorization. - Philippe Gaborit, Gilles Zémor:
Asymptotic improvement of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for linear codes. - Paolo Liberatore:
Raising a Hardness Result. - Jagadeesh Harshan, B. Sundar Rajan:
High Rate Single-Symbol Decodable Precoded DSTBCs for Cooperative Networks. - Ashish Khisti, Gregory W. Wornell:
Secure Transmission with Multiple Antennas: The MISOME Wiretap Channel. - Mariano Zelke:
Optimal Per-Edge Processing Times in the Semi-Streaming Model. - Philip Bille:
Pattern Matching in Trees and Strings. - Jürgen Schmidhuber:
2006: Celebrating 75 years of AI - History and Outlook: the Next 25 Years. - Stéphane Caro
, Philippe Wenger, Fouad Bennis, Damien Chablat
Sensitivity Analysis of the Orthoglide, a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Kinematic Machine. - Terence Chan, Alex J. Grant:
Dualities Between Entropy Functions and Network Codes. - Marisa Debowsky, Adrian Riskin:
A system for the simulation of simultaneous moves between two noncolocational players. - Xuancheng Shao, Steven G. Johnson
Type-IV DCT, DST, and MDCT algorithms with reduced numbers of arithmetic operations. - G. Susinder Rajan, B. Sundar Rajan:
Algebraic Distributed Differential Space-Time Codes with Low Decoding Complexity. - Pierre Mahé, Jean-Philippe Vert:
Virtual screening with support vector machines and structure kernels. - Savas Dayanik, Harold Vincent Poor, Semih Onur Sezer:
Multisource Bayesian sequential change detection. - D. Grech, G. Pamula:
The Local Fractal Properties of the Financial Time Series on the Polish Stock Exchange Market. - Susanne Still, James P. Crutchfield:
Structure or Noise? - Valerio Lucarini:
From symmetry break to Poisson point process in 2D Voronoi tessellations: the generic nature of hexagons. - David H. Wolpert:
Physical limits of inference. - Adom Giffin, Ariel Caticha:
Updating Probabilities with Data and Moments. - Jonathan Longrigg, Alexander Ushakov:
Cryptanalysis of shifted conjugacy authentication protocol. - Lyubov N. Positselskaya:
Nonantagonistic noisy duels of discrete type with an arbitrary number of actions. - Jiyou Li, Daqing Wan:
On the subset sum problem over finite fields. - Saugata Basu:
Algorithmic Semi-algebraic Geometry and Topology -- Recent Progress and Open Problems. - Gabriel Cardona, Francesc Rosselló, Gabriel Valiente:
Comparison of Tree-Child Phylogenetic Networks. - Saugata Basu, Dmitrii V. Pasechnik, Marie-Françoise Roy:
Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets defined by partly quadratic systems of polynomials. - Ricardo López-Ruiz, Jaime Sanudo, Xavier Calbet:
Multi-agent systems, Equiprobability, Gamma distributions and other Geometrical questions. - Thomas Fent, Patrick Groeber, Frank Schweitzer:
Coexistence of Social Norms based on In- and Out-group Interactions. - Olivier Finkel, Dominique Lecomte:
Classical and Effective Descriptive Complexities of omega-Powers. - Laurent Busé
, Marc Dohm:
Implicitization of Bihomogeneous Parametrizations of Algebraic Surfaces via Linear Syzygies. - Roger Colbeck:
The Impossibility Of Secure Two-Party Classical Computation. - Mark M. Wilde, Hari Krovi, Todd A. Brun:
Convolutional Entanglement Distillation. - Amy Glen:
Conjugates of characteristic Sturmian words generated by morphisms. - Amy Glen:
Occurrences of palindromes in characteristic Sturmian words. - Amy Glen:
Powers in a class of A-strict standard episturmian words. - Amy Glen:
A characterization of fine words over a finite alphabet. - Amy Glen, Jacques Justin, Giuseppe Pirillo:
Characterizations of finite and infinite episturmian words via lexicographic orderings. - Seiichiro Tani:
Claw Finding Algorithms Using Quantum Walk. - Viktor Levandovskyy, Eva Zerz:
Obstructions to Genericity in Study of Parametric Problems in Control Theory. - Jean-Luc Marichal:
On perfect, amicable, and sociable chains. - Daniel Reem, Simeon Reich:
Zone and double zone diagrams in abstract spaces.

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