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CoRR, November 2006
- Michael Elkin:
A near-optimal fully dynamic distributed algorithm for maintaining sparse spanners. - Sergio D. Servetto:
Lattice Quantization with Side Information: Codes, Asymptotics, and Applications in Sensor Networks. - An-Swol Hu, Sergio D. Servetto:
A Scalable Protocol for Cooperative Time Synchronization Using Spatial Averaging. - Lars Birkedal, Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg, Rasmus Lerchedahl Petersen:
Linear Abadi and Plotkin Logic. - Alberto Pepe, Joanne Yeomans
Protocols for Scholarly Communication. - Julian Togelius, Simon M. Lucas:
Evolving controllers for simulated car racing. - Shi Jin, Matthew R. McKay
, Xiqi Gao, Iain B. Collings:
MIMO Multichannel Beamforming: SER and Outage Using New Eigenvalue Distributions of Complex Noncentral Wishart Matrices. - Radoslaw Hofman:
Why Linear Programming cannot solve large instances of NP-complete problems in polynomial time. - Christian Schulte, Peter J. Stuckey:
Efficient constraint propagation engines. - Diego Ruano:
On the structure of generalized toric codes. - Alexander Gammerman, Vladimir Vovk:
Hedging predictions in machine learning. - Shi Jin, Matthew R. McKay
, Xiqi Gao, Iain B. Collings:
Asymptotic SER and Outage Probability of MIMO MRC in Correlated Fading. - Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr., Valtencir Zucolotto, Sandra M. Aluísio:
Developing strategies to produce better scientific papers: a Recipe for non-native users of English. - Erik Braun, Rainer Lütticke, Ingo Glöckner, Hermann Helbig:
Interactive Problem Solving in Prolog. - Kenneth W. Shum, Chi Wan Sung:
On the Fairness of Rate Allocation in Gaussian Multiple Access Channel and Broadcast Channel. - Damien Martin-Guillerez, Michel Banâtre, Paul Couderc:
Increasing Data Resilience of Mobile Devices with a Collaborative Backup Service. - Wei Kang, Sennur Ulukus:
A New Data Processing Inequality and Its Applications in Distributed Source and Channel Coding. - Hubie Chen:
Logic Column 17: A Rendezvous of Logic, Complexity, and Algebra. - Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan, Michel Habib
, Vincent Limouzy, Fabien de Montgolfier:
Algorithmic Aspects of a Novel Modular Decomposition Theory. - Joy Bose, Stephen B. Furber, Jonathan L. Shapiro:
An associative memory for the on-line recognition and prediction of temporal sequences. - Serban E. Vlad:
Relatively inertial delays. - Anurag Ganguli, Jorge Cortés, Francesco Bullo:
Multirobot rendezvous with visibility sensors in nonconvex environments. - Surender Baswana:
Faster Streaming algorithms for graph spanners. - Tony Tong Lee, Tong Ye:
A Relational Approach to Functional Decomposition of Logic Circuits. - Javier Larrosa, Federico Heras, Simon de Givry:
A Logical Approach to Efficient Max-SAT solving. - Susanne Salmon-Alt, Laurent Romary, Jean-Marie Pierrel:
Un modèle générique d'organisation de corpus en ligne: application à la FReeBank. - Raghav Bhaskar, Paul Mühlethaler, Daniel Augot, Cédric Adjih, Saadi Boudjit, Anis Laouiti:
Efficient and Dynamic Group Key Agreement in Ad hoc Networks. - Navin Kashyap:
A Decomposition Theory for Binary Linear Codes. - Armin Biere, Keijo Heljanko, Tommi A. Junttila, Timo Latvala, Viktor Schuppan:
Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking. - Ambedkar Dukkipati:
Nonextensive Pythagoras' Theorem. - Scot Anderson, Peter Z. Revesz:
Efficient Threshold Aggregation of Moving Objects. - Andre Nathan, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa:
V-like formations in flocks of artificial birds. - María Naya-Plasencia:
Cryptanalyse de Achterbahn-128/80. - Yves Robert, Anne Benoit, Veronika Rehn:
Strategies for Replica Placement in Tree Networks. - Claudio Bettini, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia:
The Role of Quasi-identifiers in k-Anonymity Revisited. - Anne Durand, Pierre Drap, Elise Meyer, Pierre Grussenmeyer, Jean-Pierre Perrin:
Intra-site Level Cultural Heritage Documentation: Combination of Survey, Modeling and Imagery Data in a Web Information System. - Michael B. Baer:
On Conditional Branches in Optimal Decision Trees. - Chengshi Liu:
Nonsymmetric entropy I: basic concepts and results. - Maurice Margenstern, Guentcho Skordev:
Substitutions for tilings $\{p,q\}$. - Ferruccio Guidi:
Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations. - Vladimir P. Gerdt:
Groebner Bases Applied to Systems of Linear Difference Equations. - Vita Hinze-Hoare:
CSCR:Computer Supported Collaborative Research. - Young-Han Kim, Seung-Jean Kim:
On the Convexity of log det (I + K X^{-1}). - Vladimir V. Migunov, Rustem R. Kafiyatullov:
Protection of the information in a complex CAD system of renovation of industrial firms. - Vladimir V. Migunov:
The evolution of the parametric models of drawings (modules) in the enterprises reconstruction CAD system. - Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti, Gian Luca Pozzato:
Analytic Tableaux Calculi for KLM Logics of Nonmonotonic Reasoning. - Adrian Paschke:
The Reaction RuleML Classification of the Event / Action / State Processing and Reasoning Space. - Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Pritha Mahata, Richard Mayr:
Dense-Timed Petri Nets: Checking Zenoness, Token liveness and Boundedness. - Argyn Kuketayev:
On numerical stability of recursive present value computation method. - Hans-Rudolf Thomann:
HowTo Authenticate and Encrypt. - Sumit Kumar Jha:
Numerical Simulation guided Lazy Abstraction Refinement for Nonlinear Hybrid Automata. - Dimitris Achlioptas, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi:
On the Solution-Space Geometry of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems. - Thomas M. Cover, Young-Han Kim:
Capacity of a Class of Deterministic Relay Channels. - Christopher C. Strelioff, James P. Crutchfield:
How Random is a Coin Toss? Bayesian Inference and the Symbolic Dynamics of Deterministic Chaos. - Christophe Rippert, Alexandre Courbot, Gilles Grimaud:
A Low-Footprint Class Loading Mechanism for Embedded Java Virtual Machines. - Thomas Watteyne:
Using Existing Network Simulators for Power-Aware Self-Organizing Wireless Sensor Network Protocols. - Laurent Théry:
Formalising Sylow's theorems in Coq. - Marie Cottrell, Michel Verleysen:
Advances in Self Organising Maps. - Naresh Sharma, Ashok Armen Tikku:
Is the cyclic prefix necessary? - Henk F. Moed:
The effect of 'Open Access' upon citation impact: An analysis of ArXiv's Condensed Matter Section. - Jan W. Dash:
Multivariate Integral Perturbation Techniques - I (Theory). - Suzana Andova, Cas Cremers, Kristian Gjøsteen, Sjouke Mauw, Stig Fr. Mjølsnes, Sasa Radomirovic:
A framework for compositional verification of security protocols. - Garud Iyengar, Anuj Kumar:
Characterizing Optimal Adword Auctions. - Sujay Sanghavi, Loc Bui, R. Srikant:
Distributed Link Scheduling with Constant Overhead. - M. M. Chowdhury:
On the security of new key exchange protocols based on the triple decomposition problem. - Andrea Pasquinucci:
A modular eballot system - V0.6. - Andrea Pasquinucci:
Implementing the modular eballot system V0.6. - Sander Spek, Eric O. Postma, H. Jaap van den Herik:
Wikipedia: organisation from a bottom-up approach. - Guillaume Pitel:
Scaling Construction Grammar up to Production Systems: the SCIM. - Ayfer Özgür, Olivier Lévêque, David N. C. Tse:
Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Optimal Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks. - Ramya Ravichandar, James D. Arthur, Shawn A. Bohner:
Capabilities Engineering: Constructing Change-Tolerant Systems. - Ramya Ravichandar, James D. Arthur, Robert P. Broadwater:
Reconciling Synthesis and Decomposition: A Composite Approach to Capability Identification. - Michael B. Baer:
Prefix Codes for Power Laws with Countable Support. - Moustapha Diaby:
On "P = NP: Linear Programming Formulation of the Traveling Salesman Problem": A reply to Hofman's Claim of a "Counter-Example". - Soung Chang Liew, Ying Jun Zhang:
Proportional Fairness in Multi-channel Multi-rate Wireless Networks-Part I: The Case of Deterministic Channels. - Soung Chang Liew, Ying Jun Zhang:
Proportional Fairness in Multi-channel Multi-rate Wireless Networks-Part II: The Case of Time-Varying Channels. - Mark Burgin, Eugene Eberbach:
Evolutionary Optimization in an Algorithmic Setting. - Françoise Simonot-Lion, François Simonot, Yeqiong Song:
Safety Evaluation of Critical Applications Distributed on TDMA-Based Networks. - Emmanuel Lochin, Bruno Talavera:
Managing network congestion with a Kohonen-based RED queue. - Ying Jun Zhang:
A Multi-server Scheduling Framework for Resource Allocation in Wireless Multi-carrier Networks. - Rubens Viana Ramos:
The Importance of the Algorithmic Information Theory to Construct a Possible Example Where NP # P - II: An Irreducible Sentence. - Craig Alan Feinstein:
The Computational Complexity of the Bounded Halting Problem. - Vladimir V. Migunov:
Environment of development of the programs of parametric creating of the drawings in CAD-system of renovation of the enterprises. - Nicolas Jacq, Vincent Breton, Hsin-Yen Chen, Li-Yung Ho, Martin Hofmann, Hurng-Chun Lee, Yannick Legré, Simon C. Lin, Astrid Maaß, Emmanuel Medernach, Ivan Merelli, Luciano Milanesi, Giulio Rastelli, Matthieu Reichstadt, Jean Salzemann, Horst Schwichtenberg, Mahendrakar Sridhar, Vinod Kasam, Ying-Ta Wu, Marc Zimmermann:
Large Scale In Silico Screening on Grid Infrastructures. - Timothy R. McJunkin, Jill R. Scott:
Fuzzy Logic Classification of Imaging Laser Desorption Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Data. - Emin Gabrielyan, Roger D. Hersch:
Reliable Multi-Path Routing Schemes for Real-Time Streaming. - Naresh Singhmar, Vipul Mathur, Varsha Apte, D. Manjunath:
A Combined LIFO-Priority Scheme for Overload Control of E-commerce Web Servers. - Lawrence L. Larmore, James A. Oravec:
T-Theory Applications to Online Algorithms for the Server Problem. - Thomas R. Halford, Keith M. Chugg:
The Extraction and Complexity Limits of Graphical Models for Linear Codes. - Jing Jiang, Krishna R. Narayanan:
Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Using Bit-level Soft Information. - Elankovan Sundararajan, Aaron Harwood, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
Lossy Bulk Synchronous Parallel Processing Model for Very Large Scale Grids. - Yishay Mor, Niall Winters:
Design approaches in technology enhanced learning. - Amey Karkare, Amitabha Sanyal, Uday P. Khedker:
Effectiveness of Garbage Collection in MIT/GNU Scheme. - Ravindra Guravannavar, S. Sudarshan, Ajit A. Diwan, Ch. Sobhan Babu:
Reducing Order Enforcement Cost in Complex Query Plans. - Nan Liu, Sennur Ulukus:
Dense Gaussian Sensor Networks: Minimum Achievable Distortion and the Order Optimality of Separation. - Jacob Binia:
On the Rate Distortion Function of Certain Sources with a Proportional Mean-Square Error Distortion Measure. - Thomas R. Halford, Keith M. Chugg:
Conditionally Cycle-Free Generalized Tanner Graphs: Theory and Application to High-Rate Serially Concatenated Codes. - Christian Lavault:
Analysis of an Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion (Average-Case Analysis of Path Reversal). - Travis Gagie:
On the space complexity of one-pass compression. - Mirco Mannucci, Rose M. Cherubin:
Model Theory of Ultrafinitism I: Fuzzy Initial Segments of Arithmetics. - Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt, Petteri Kaski, Mikko Koivisto:
Fourier meets Möbius: fast subset convolution. - Hanno Langweg, Tommy Kristiansen:
Extending the Trusted Path in Client-Server Interaction. - Petteri Kaski:
Barriers and local minima in energy landscapes of stochastic local search. - Anthony Mouraud, Hélène Paugam-Moisy:
Learning and discrimination through STDP in a top-down modulated associative memory. - Arnaud Legout, Nikitas Liogkas, Eddie Kohler, Lixia Zhang:
Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems. - Frédéric Vrins, Dinh-Tuan Pham, Michel Verleysen:
Mixing and non-mixing local minima of the entropy contrast for blind source separation. - Adam L. Buchsbaum, Emden R. Gansner, Cecilia Magdalena Procopiuc, Suresh Venkatasubramanian:
Rectangular Layouts and Contact Graphs. - Jon Feldman, S. Muthukrishnan, Anastasios Sidiropoulos, Clifford Stein, Zoya Svitkina:
On the Complexity of Processing Massive, Unordered, Distributed Data. - Robert Jackson, Dmitriy Rumynin, Oleg V. Zaboronski:
An approach to RAID-6 based on cyclic groups of a prime order. - Amine Chigani, James D. Arthur:
The Implications of Network-Centric Software Systems on Software Architecture: A Critical Evaluation. - Tad Hogg:
Distributed Control of Microscopic Robots in Biomedical Applications. - Daniel J. Costello Jr., G. David Forney Jr.:
Channel Coding: The Road to Channel Capacity. - Maurice H. T. Ling:
An Anthological Review of Research Utilizing MontyLingua, a Python-Based End-to-End Text Processor. - Ping Li:
Very Sparse Stable Random Projections, Estimators and Tail Bounds for Stable Random Projections. - Péter Horváth, Ian Jermyn, Zoltan Kato, Josiane Zerubia:
A higher-order active contour model of a 'gas of circles' and its application to tree crown extraction. - Mikhail Nesterenko, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Discovering Network Topology in the Presence of Byzantine Faults. - Mark Miyashita, Mikhail Nesterenko:
2FACE: Bi-Directional Face Traversal for Efficient Geometric Routing. - Haibin Wang, André Rogatko, Florentin Smarandache, Rajshekhar Sunderraman:
A Neutrosophic Description Logic. - Yoram Hirshfeld, Alexander Rabinovich:
Expressiveness of Metric modalities for continuous time. - Matthieu R. Bloch, João Barros, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Wireless Information-Theoretic Security - Part I: Theoretical Aspects. - Matthieu R. Bloch, João Barros, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, Steven W. McLaughlin:
Wireless Information-Theoretic Security - Part II: Practical Implementation. - Adrian Paschke, Martin Bichler:
Knowledge Representation Concepts for Automated SLA Management. - Bela A. Frigyik, Santosh Srivastava, Maya R. Gupta:
Functional Bregman Divergence and Bayesian Estimation of Distributions. - Jacob D. Abernethy, Francis R. Bach, Theodoros Evgeniou, Jean-Philippe Vert:
Low-rank matrix factorization with attributes. - Yasutada Oohama:
Relay Channels with Confidential Messages. - Benjamin Doerr, Mahmoud Fouz:
Hereditary Discrepancies in Different Numbers of Colors II. - Philippe Montarnal, Alain Dimier, Estelle Deville, Erwan Adam, Jérôme Gaombalet, Alain Bengaouer, Laurent Loth, Clément Chavant:
Coupling Methodology within the Software Platform Alliances. - Hasan Guclu, Murat Yuksel:
Scale-Free Overlay Topologies with Hard Cutoffs for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks. - Neri Merhav:
Shannon's secrecy system with informed receivers and its application to systematic coding for wiretapped channels. - Salvatore Mele, David Dallman, Jens Vigen
, Joanne Yeomans:
Quantitative Analysis of the Publishing Landscape in High-Energy Physics. - Lada A. Adamic, Suresh K. Bhavnani, Xiaolin Shi:
Scatter Networks: A New Approach for Analyzing Information Scatter on the Web. - Vladimir V. Migunov:
The specifications making in complex CAD-system of renovation of the enterprises on the basis of modules in the drawing and electronic catalogues. - Vladimir V. Migunov:
The modelling of the automation schemes of technological processes in CAD-system of renovation of the enterprises. - Vladimir L. Safonov:
Hard Disk Drive as a Magnetomechanical Logic Device. - Christian Gagné, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, Marco Tomassini:
Genetic Programming for Kernel-based Learning with Co-evolving Subsets Selection. - Edward A. Rietman, R. W. Hillis:
Neural Computation with Rings of Quasiperiodic Oscillators. - Scott A. Golder, Dennis M. Wilkinson, Bernardo A. Huberman:
Rhythms of social interaction: messaging within a massive online network. - Vojtech Krmicek, Michèle Sebag:
Functional Brain Imaging with Multi-Objective Multi-Modal Evolutionary Optimization. - Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Marc Pantel, Xavier Thirioux:
Static Safety for an Actor Dedicated Process Calculus by Abstract Interpretation. - Yann Semet, Marc Schoenauer:
On the Benefits of Inoculation, an Example in Train Scheduling. - Peter Tiedemann, Henrik Reif Andersen, Rasmus Pagh:
A Generic Global Constraint based on MDDs. - Yannick Chevalier, Mounira Kourjieh:
A Symbolic Intruder Model for Hash-Collision Attacks. - Julien Villemonteix, Emmanuel Vázquez, Eric Walter:
An informational approach to the global optimization of expensive-to-evaluate functions. - Lei Ying, Sichao Yang, R. Srikant:
Coding Improves the Optimal Delay-Throughput Trade-offs in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Two-Dimensional I.I.D. Mobility Models. - Manuel Loth, Philippe Preux:
A Unified View of TD Algorithms; Introducing Full-Gradient TD and Equi-Gradient Descent TD. - Shengtian Yang, Peiliang Qiu:
On the Performance of Lossless Joint Source-Channel Coding Based on Linear Codes for Multiple-Access Channels. - (Withdrawn) coNP Is Equal To NP.
- Federico Calzolari, Eva Sassolini, Manuela Sassi, Sebastiana Cucurullo, Eugenio Picchi, Francesca Bertagna, Alessandro Enea, Monica Monachini, Claudia Soria, Nicoletta Calzolari:
Next Generation Language Resources using GRID. - Belynda Brahimi, Eric Rondeau, Christophe Aubrun:
Comparison between Networked Control System behaviour based on CAN and Switched Ethernet networks. - Saket Sathe:
A Novel Bayesian Classifier using Copula Functions. - Françoise Détienne:
Collaborative design : managing task interdependencies and multiple perspectives. - Françoise Détienne, Géraldine Martin, Elisabeth Lavigne:
Viewpoints in co-design: a field study in concurrent engineering. - Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser, Pierre N. Robillard:
Changing our view on design evaluation meetings methodology: a study of software technical review meetings. - Françoise Détienne:
Assessing the cognitive consequences of the object-oriented approach: a survey of empirical research on object-oriented design by individuals and teams. - Christine A. Kelley, Deepak Sridhara, Joachim Rosenthal:
Zig-zag and Replacement Product Graphs and LDPC Codes. - Petros Elia, K. Vinodh, M. Anand, P. Vijay Kumar:
D-MG Tradeoff and Optimal Codes for a Class of AF and DF Cooperative Communication Protocols. - Reuven Cohen, Mira Gonen, Avishai Wool:
Bounding the Bias of Tree-Like Sampling in IP Topologies. - Michael J. Baker, Françoise Détienne, Kristine Lund, Arnauld Séjourné:
Articulation entre élaboration de solutions et argumentation polyphonique. - Françoise Détienne, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Willemien Visser:
Cognitive Effort in Collective Software Design: Methodological Perspectives in Cognitive Ergonomics. - Kai-Uwe Schmidt:
Complementary Sets, Generalized Reed-Muller Codes, and Power Control for OFDM. - Kai-Uwe Schmidt:
On the Peak-to-Mean Envelope Power Ratio of Phase-Shifted Binary Codes. - Kai-Uwe Schmidt:
Quaternary Constant-Amplitude Codes for Multicode CDMA. - Dimitris Kalles:
On Measuring the Impact of Human Actions in the Machine Learning of a Board Game's Playing Policies. - Dimitris Kalles:
Player co-modelling in a strategy board game: discovering how to play fast. - Ricardo C. Corrêa, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa:
Partially ordered distributed computations on asynchronous point-to-point networks. - Dimitris Kalles:
Lossless fitness inheritance in genetic algorithms for decision trees. - R. C. Venkatesan:
Generalized Statistics Framework for Rate Distortion Theory. - Andrea Baronchelli, Luca Dall'Asta, Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto:
Non-equilibrium phase transition in negotiation dynamics. - Yvan Le Borgne, Jean-François Marckert:
Directed animals in the gas. - Marie Cottrell, Smaïl Ibbou, Patrick Letrémy, Patrick Rousset:
Cartes auto-organisées pour l'analyse exploratoire de données et la visualisation. - Patrick Letrémy, Marie Cottrell:
Working times in atypical forms of employment: the special case of part-time work. - Dominique Rossin, Mathilde Bouvel:
Longest Common Pattern between two Permutations. - Martin Hock, Boaz Tsaban:
A better length function for Artin's braid groups. - Karl Schlechta:
Remarks on Inheritance Systems. - Ricardo López-Ruiz, Xavier Calbet:
Why the Maxwellian Distribution is the Attractive Fixed Point of the Boltzmann Equation. - Vincent Breton, Nicolas Jacq, Martin Hofmann:
Grid Added Value to Address Malaria. - L.-M. Birkholtz, Olivier Bastien, Gordon Wells, D. Grando, F. Joubert, Vinod Kasam, Marc Zimmermann, Philippe Ortet, Nicolas Jacq, Sylvaine Roy, Martin Hofmann-Apitius, Vincent Breton, A. I. Louw, Eric Maréchal:
Integration and mining of malaria molecular, functional and pharmacological data: how far are we from a chemogenomic knowledge space? - Nicolas Jacq, Jean Salzemann, Florence Jacq, Yannick Legré, Emmanuel Medernach, Johan Montagnat, Astrid Maaß, Matthieu Reichstadt, Horst Schwichtenberg, Mahendrakar Sridhar, Vinod Kasam, Marc Zimmermann, Martin Hofmann, Vincent Breton:
Grid enabled virtual screening against malaria. - Sergey Bravyi, Arvid J. Bessen, Barbara M. Terhal:
Merlin-Arthur Games and Stoquastic Complexity. - Gus Gutoski, John Watrous:
Toward a general theory of quantum games. - Noam Berger, Marek Biskup, Christopher E. Hoffman, Gady Kozma:
Anomalous heat-kernel decay for random walk among bounded random conductances. - Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston, Frank Schweitzer:
A Model of a Trust-based Recommendation System on a Social Network. - Stefano Pirandola, Stefano Mancini, Seth Lloyd, Samuel L. Braunstein:
Continuous Variable Quantum Cryptography using Two-Way Quantum Communication.

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