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Algorithmica, Volume 85
Volume 85, Number 1, January 2023
- Pierre Aboulker, Édouard Bonnet
, Eun Jung Kim
, Florian Sikora
Grundy Coloring and Friends, Half-Graphs, Bicliques. 1-28 - Sang Won Bae, Sang Duk Yoon
Empty Squares in Arbitrary Orientation Among Points. 29-74 - Gill Barequet
, Gil Ben-Shachar:
Algorithms for Counting Minimum-Perimeter Lattice Animals. 75-99 - Raghunath Reddy Madireddy
, Apurva Mudgal:
A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Red-Blue Set Cover with Unit Disks. 100-132 - Sujoy Bhore
, Paz Carmi
, Sudeshna Kolay
, Meirav Zehavi
Parameterized Study of Steiner Tree on Unit Disk Graphs. 133-152 - Gruia Calinescu
, Xiaolang Wang:
Combination Algorithms for Steiner Tree Variants. 153-169 - Amihood Amir, Ayelet Butman, Gad M. Landau, Shoshana Marcus, Dina Sokol
Double String Tandem Repeats. 170-187 - Peter Jonsson, Victor Lagerkvist:
General Lower Bounds and Improved Algorithms for Infinite-Domain CSPs. 188-215 - Shlomi Dolev, Thomas Petig, Elad Michael Schiller
Self-Stabilizing and Private Distributed Shared Atomic Memory in Seldomly Fair Message Passing Networks. 216-276 - Herbert Edelsbrunner
, Georg Osang
A Simple Algorithm for Higher-Order Delaunay Mosaics and Alpha Shapes. 277-295 - Sándor P. Fekete
, Jonas Grosse-Holz, Phillip Keldenich
, Arne Schmidt
Parallel Online Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem. 296-323
Volume 85, Number 2, February 2023
- Matthias Bentert, André Nichterlein:
Parameterized Complexity of Diameter. 325-351 - Deniz Agaoglu Çagirici, Petr Hlinený
Efficient Isomorphism for Sd-Graphs and T-Graphs. 352-383 - Ivan Bliznets
, Danil Sagunov
Solving Target Set Selection with Bounded Thresholds Faster than 2n. 384-405 - Thomas Erlebach
, Michael Hoffmann, Murilo Santos de Lima
Round-Competitive Algorithms for Uncertainty Problems with Parallel Queries. 406-443 - Júlio Araújo
, Marin Bougeret
, Victor A. Campos
, Ignasi Sau
Parameterized Complexity of Computing Maximum Minimal Blocking and Hitting Sets. 444-491 - Vincent Froese
, Brijnesh J. Jain, Maciej Rymar, Mathias Weller:
Fast Exact Dynamic Time Warping on Run-Length Encoded Time Series. 492-508 - Konstantinos Tsakalidis
, Sebastian Wild
, Viktor Zamaraev
Succinct Permutation Graphs. 509-543 - Michael A. Bekos
, Martin Gronemann, Chrysanthi N. Raftopoulou:
An Improved Upper Bound on the Queue Number of Planar Graphs. 544-562 - Hamidreza Jahanjou
, Erez Kantor, Rajmohan Rajaraman:
Improved Algorithms for Scheduling Unsplittable Flows on Paths. 563-583 - Serge Gaspers, Edward J. Lee
Faster Graph Coloring in Polynomial Space. 584-609 - K. Subramani
, Piotr Wojciechowski
Integer Feasibility and Refutations in UTVPI Constraints Using Bit-Scaling. 610-637
Volume 85, Number 3, March 2023
- Paola Flocchini, Lucia Moura:
Selected Papers of the 32nd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, IWOCA 2021. 639-641 - Bogdan Alecu
, Aistis Atminas, Vadim V. Lozin
, Dmitriy S. Malyshev:
Combinatorics and Algorithms for Quasi-Chain Graphs. 642-664 - Amotz Bar-Noy, David Peleg, Mor Perry, Dror Rawitz:
Composed Degree-Distance Realizations of Graphs. 665-687 - Benjamin Merlin Bumpus
, Kitty Meeks:
Edge Exploration of Temporal Graphs. 688-716 - Ben Cameron, Joe Sawada, Wei Therese, Aaron Williams
Hamiltonicity of k-Sided Pancake Networks with Fixed-Spin: Efficient Generation, Ranking, and Optimality. 717-744 - Niccolò Di Marco
, Andrea Frosini, William Lawrence Kocay, Elisa Pergola, Lama Tarsissi:
Structure and Complexity of 2-Intersection Graphs of 3-Hypergraphs. 745-761 - Martin Kucera
, Ondrej Suchý
Minimum Eccentricity Shortest Path Problem with Respect to Structural Parameters. 762-782 - Stefan Lendl, Gerhard J. Woeginger, Lasse Wulf
Non-Preemptive Tree Packing. 783-804 - Andrea Marino
, Ana Silva
Eulerian Walks in Temporal Graphs. 805-830
Volume 85, Number 4, April 2023
- Alberto Rojas Anríquez, Maya Stein
3-Colouring Pt-Free Graphs Without Short Odd Cycles. 831-853 - Manas Jyoti Kashyop
, N. S. Narayanaswamy, Meghana Nasre, Sai Mohith Potluri:
Trade-Offs in Dynamic Coloring for Bipartite and General Graphs. 854-878 - Philip Bille
, Inge Li Gørtz
, Max Rishøj Pedersen, Teresa Anna Steiner
Gapped Indexing for Consecutive Occurrences. 879-901 - Pavel Dvorák
, Andreas Emil Feldmann
, Ashutosh Rai, Pawel Rzazewski:
Parameterized Inapproximability of Independent Set in H-Free Graphs. 902-928 - Sebastian Forster, Tijn de Vos
Faster Cut Sparsification of Weighted Graphs. 929-964 - Sariel Har-Peled
, Mitchell Jones:
Few Cuts Meet Many Point Sets. 965-975 - Miroslaw Kowaluk, Andrzej Lingas:
Rare Siblings Speed-Up Deterministic Detection and Counting of Small Pattern Graphs. 976-991 - Riccardo Dondi, Manuel Lafond:
On the Tractability of Covering a Graph with 2-Clubs. 992-1028 - Seth Gilbert
, Peter Robinson, Suman Sourav
Leader Election in Well-Connected Graphs. 1029-1066 - Stephan Dominique Andres, François Dross, Melissa A. Huggan, Fionn Mc Inerney
, Richard J. Nowakowski:
The Complexity of Two Colouring Games. 1067-1090 - Maël Dumas, Anthony Perez, Ioan Todinca:
A Cubic Vertex-Kernel for Trivially Perfect Editing. 1091-1110
Volume 85, Number 5, May 2023
- Robert Ganian, Sebastian Ordyniak, C. S. Rahul
Group Activity Selection with Few Agent Types. 1111-1155 - William J. Lenhart, Giuseppe Liotta, Debajyoti Mondal, Rahnuma Islam Nishat
Drawing Partial 2-Trees with Few Slopes. 1156-1175 - Jawaherul Md. Alam, Michael A. Bekos
, Martin Gronemann, Michael Kaufmann, Sergey Pupyrev:
Lazy Queue Layouts of Posets. 1176-1201 - Thomas Bellitto, Shaohua Li
, Karolina Okrasa
, Marcin Pilipczuk, Manuel Sorge:
The Complexity of Routing Problems in Forbidden-Transition Graphs and Edge-Colored Graphs. 1202-1250 - François Le Gall, Saeed Seddighin:
Quantum Meets Fine-Grained Complexity: Sublinear Time Quantum Algorithms for String Problems. 1251-1286 - Abolfazl Asudeh
, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, Bhaskar DasGupta
, Anastasios Sidiropoulos:
Maximizing Coverage While Ensuring Fairness: A Tale of Conflicting Objectives. 1287-1331 - Moran Feldman
, Zeev Nutov, Elad Shoham:
Practical Budgeted Submodular Maximization. 1332-1371 - Alexander Birx, Yann Disser
, Kevin Schewior
Improved Bounds for Open Online Dial-a-Ride on the Line. 1372-1414 - Leah Epstein
, Loay Mualem:
Online Bin Packing of Squares and Cubes. 1415-1458 - Nina Chiarelli
, Matjaz Krnc
, Martin Milanic
, Ulrich Pferschy
, Nevena Pivac, Joachim Schauer
Fair Allocation of Indivisible Items with Conflict Graphs. 1459-1489 - Arnold Filtser, Omrit Filtser
, Matthew J. Katz:
Approximate Nearest Neighbor for Curves: Simple, Efficient, and Deterministic. 1490-1519
Volume 85, Number 6, June 2023
- Special Issue on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2021). 1521
- Mathew C. Francis, Pavol Hell, Dalu Jacob:
On the Kernel and Related Problems in Interval Digraphs. 1522-1559 - Susanne Albers, Waldo Gálvez
, Maximilian Janke:
Machine Covering in the Random-Order Model. 1560-1585 - Massimo Equi
, Tuukka Norri
, Jarno Alanko
, Bastien Cazaux, Alexandru I. Tomescu
, Veli Mäkinen
Algorithms and Complexity on Indexing Founder Graphs. 1586-1623 - Luciano Gualà, Stefano Leucci
, Isabella Ziccardi
Resilient Level Ancestor, Bottleneck, and Lowest Common Ancestor Queries in Dynamic Trees. 1624-1651 - Mark de Berg, Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Morteza Monemizadeh, Leonidas Theocharous
Clique-Based Separators for Geometric Intersection Graphs. 1652-1678 - Joyce Bacic
, Saeed Mehrabi, Michiel Smid:
Shortest Beer Path Queries in Outerplanar Graphs. 1679-1705 - Tomohiro Koana
, Christian Komusiewicz
, Frank Sommer
Essentially Tight Kernels for (Weakly) Closed Graphs. 1706-1735 - Meng He
, Anna Lubiw, Mohammad R. Salavatipour:
Preface to the Special Issue on the 17th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS 2021). 1736-1737 - David Eppstein:
A Stronger Lower Bound on Parametric Minimum Spanning Trees. 1738-1753 - Joe Sawada
, Aaron Williams
Constructing the first (and coolest) fixed-content universal cycle. 1754-1785 - Ioana O. Bercea, Guy Even:
Dynamic Dictionaries for Multisets and Counting Filters with Constant Time Operations. 1786-1804 - Pawel Gawrychowski
, Przemyslaw Uznanski:
Better Distance Labeling for Unweighted Planar Graphs. 1805-1823
Volume 85, Number 7, July 2023
- Sayan Bandyapadhyay
Improved Bounds for Metric Capacitated Covering Problems. 1825-1849 - Sanjana Dey, Florent Foucaud, Subhas C. Nandy, Arunabha Sen:
Complexity and Approximation for Discriminating and Identifying Code Problems in Geometric Setups. 1850-1882 - Kangsan Kim, Yongho Shin, Hyung-Chan An
Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Parity-Constrained Facility Location and k-Center. 1883-1911 - Guilherme C. M. Gomes
, Matheus R. Guedes, Vinícius Fernandes dos Santos:
Structural Parameterizations for Equitable Coloring: Complexity, FPT Algorithms, and Kernelization. 1912-1947 - Di Chen, Mordecai J. Golin
Minmax Centered k-Partitioning of Trees and Applications to Sink Evacuation with Dynamic Confluent Flows. 1948-2000 - Yossi Azar, Chay Machluf, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Noam Touitou
Competitive Vertex Recoloring. 2001-2027 - Till Fluschnik, Rolf Niedermeier, Carsten Schubert, Philipp Zschoche
Multistage s-t Path: Confronting Similarity with Dissimilarity. 2028-2064 - Pranabendu Misra, Saket Saurabh, Roohani Sharma
, Meirav Zehavi:
Sub-exponential Time Parameterized Algorithms for Graph Layout Problems on Digraphs with Bounded Independence Number. 2065-2086 - Tobias Friedrich, Hans Gawendowicz, Pascal Lenzner, Anna Melnichenko:
Social Distancing Network Creation. 2087-2130 - Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar
, Zhenjian Lu:
Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Comparator Circuits from Shrinkage. 2131-2155 - Tomohiro Koana
, Christian Komusiewicz
, Frank Sommer
Computing Dense and Sparse Subgraphs of Weakly Closed Graphs. 2156-2187
Volume 85, Number 8, August 2023
- Alberto Del Pia
, Silvia Di Gregorio
On the Complexity of Binary Polynomial Optimization Over Acyclic Hypergraphs. 2189-2213 - Mincheol Kim, Chanyang Seo, Taehoon Ahn
, Hee-Kap Ahn
Farthest-Point Voronoi Diagrams in the Presence of Rectangular Obstacles. 2214-2237 - Asaf Levin
Online Minimization of the Maximum Starting Time: Migration Helps. 2238-2259 - Shyan Akmal, Ce Jin:
Near-Optimal Quantum Algorithms for String Problems. 2260-2317 - Felix Reidl
, Blair D. Sullivan:
A Color-Avoiding Approach to Subgraph Counting in Bounded Expansion Classes. 2318-2347 - Muhammad Faisal Nadeem
, Hamza Iqbal, Hafiz Muhammad Afzal Siddiqui
, Muhammad Azeem
Intersecting Longest Cycles in Archimedean Tilings. 2348-2362 - Yiqin Gao
, Yves Robert
, Frédéric Vivien:
Resource-Constrained Scheduling Algorithms for Stochastic Independent Tasks With Unknown Probability Distribution. 2363-2394 - Shyan Akmal, Lijie Chen, Ce Jin, Malvika Raj, R. Ryan Williams:
Improved Merlin-Arthur Protocols for Central Problems in Fine-Grained Complexity. 2395-2426 - David Caballero, Timothy Gomez, Robert T. Schweller, Tim Wylie:
Unique Assembly Verification in Two-Handed Self-Assembly. 2427-2453 - Jesse Beisegel
, Ekkehard Köhler, Robert Scheffler
, Martin Strehler
Certifying Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Recognition and Hamiltonicity of Threshold and Chain Graphs. 2454-2481 - Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Flávio Keidi Miyazawa:
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Theoretical Informatics. 2482-2484 - Anthony Bonato, Konstantinos Georgiou, Calum MacRury, Pawel Pralat
Algorithms for p-Faulty Search on a Half-Line. 2485-2514 - Sergey Bereg
Computing Balanced Convex Partitions of Lines. 2515-2528
Volume 85, Number 9, September 2023
- Vlady Ravelomanana, Ny Aina Andriambolamalala:
Transmitting Once to Elect a Leader on Wireless Networks. 2529-2553 - Balagopal Komarath, Anurag Pandey, Chengot Sankaramenon Rahul:
Monotone Arithmetic Complexity of Graph Homomorphism Polynomials. 2554-2579 - Barnaby Martin
, Daniël Paulusma
, Siani Smith
, Erik Jan van Leeuwen
Induced Disjoint Paths and Connected Subgraphs for H-Free Graphs. 2580-2604 - Walter Didimo
, Michael Kaufmann, Giuseppe Liotta, Giacomo Ortali:
Computing Bend-Minimum Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Series-Parallel Graphs in Linear Time. 2605-2666 - Patrizio Angelini, Michael A. Bekos, Henry Förster
, Martin Gronemann:
Bitonic st-Orderings for Upward Planar Graphs: Splits and Bends in the Variable Embedding Scenario. 2667-2692 - Amey Bhangale, Aleksa Stankovic:
Max-3-Lin Over Non-abelian Groups with Universal Factor Graphs. 2693-2734 - Arindam Khan, Eklavya Sharma
Tight Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Bin Packing with Skewed Items. 2735-2778 - Nicolas Bousquet, Takehiro Ito, Yusuke Kobayashi, Haruka Mizuta, Paul Ouvrard, Akira Suzuki
, Kunihiro Wasa:
Reconfiguration of Spanning Trees with Degree Constraints or Diameter Constraints. 2779-2816 - Sotiris E. Nikoletseas, Christoforos L. Raptopoulos
, Paul G. Spirakis:
MAX CUT in Weighted Random Intersection Graphs and Discrepancy of Sparse Random Set Systems. 2817-2842 - Shunhua Jiang, Bento Natura, Omri Weinstein:
A Faster Interior-Point Method for Sum-of-Squares Optimization. 2843-2884 - Matteo Castiglioni, Andrea Celli, Nicola Gatti
Public Bayesian Persuasion: Being Almost Optimal and Almost Persuasive. 2885-2921
Volume 85, Number 10, October 2023
- Anselm Haak, Arne Meier, Om Prakash
, B. V. Raghavendra Rao
Parameterised Counting in Logspace. 2923-2961 - Júlio Araújo
, Julien Bensmail, Victor A. Campos, Frédéric Havet, Ana Karolinna Maia, Nicolas Nisse
, Ana Silva:
On Finding the Best and Worst Orientations for the Metric Dimension. 2962-3002 - Yishu Wang, Arnaud Mary, Marie-France Sagot, Blerina Sinaimeri
A General Framework for Enumerating Equivalence Classes of Solutions. 3003-3023 - Philip N. Klein, Claire Mathieu, Hang Zhou:
Correlation Clustering and Two-Edge-Connected Augmentation for Planar Graphs. 3024-3057 - Jungho Ahn
, Eduard Eiben, O-joung Kwon, Sang-il Oum:
A Polynomial Kernel for 3-Leaf Power Deletion. 3058-3087 - Waldo Gálvez
, Fabrizio Grandoni
, Afrouz Jabal Ameli
, Klaus Jansen, Arindam Khan, Malin Rau
A Tight (3/2+ε )-Approximation for Skewed Strip Packing. 3088-3109 - Yoann Dieudonné
, Andrzej Pelc, Franck Petit:
Almost Universal Anonymous Rendezvous in the Plane. 3110-3143 - Amit Deshpande, Rameshwar Pratap:
One-Pass Additive-Error Subset Selection for ℓ p Subspace Approximation and (k, p)-Clustering. 3144-3167 - Harold N. Gabow
Blocking Trails for f-factors of Multigraphs. 3168-3213 - Harold N. Gabow
A Weight-Scaling Algorithm for f-Factors of Multigraphs. 3214-3289 - Felicia Lucke
, Daniël Paulusma
, Bernard Ries
Finding Matching Cuts in H-Free Graphs. 3290-3322 - Tomasz Kociumaka
, Jakub Radoszewski
, Tatiana Starikovskaya:
Publisher Correction: Longest Common Substring with Approximately k Mismatches. 3323
Volume 85, Number 11, November 2023
- Md. Saidur Rahman, Petra Mutzel
, Slamin:
Special Issue Dedicated to 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2022. 3325-3326 - Hiroshi Eto, Takehiro Ito, Eiji Miyano, Akira Suzuki, Yuma Tamura:
Happy Set Problem on Subclasses of Co-comparability Graphs. 3327-3347 - Kenya Kobayashi, Guohui Lin
, Eiji Miyano
, Toshiki Saitoh
, Akira Suzuki, Tadatoshi Utashima, Tsuyoshi Yagita:
Path Cover Problems with Length Cost. 3348-3375 - Gennaro Cordasco
, Luisa Gargano, Adele A. Rescigno
Immunization in the Threshold Model: A Parameterized Complexity Study. 3376-3405 - Gaétan Berthe
, Barnaby Martin
, Daniël Paulusma
, Siani Smith
The Complexity of L(p, q)-Edge-Labelling. 3406-3429 - Akanksha Agrawal, Pratibha Choudhary, N. S. Narayanaswamy, K. K. Nisha, Vijayaragunathan Ramamoorthi:
Parameterized Complexity of Minimum Membership Dominating Set. 3430-3452 - Joshua Ani, Erik D. Demaine, Yevhenii Diomidov, Dylan H. Hendrickson, Jayson Lynch
Traversability, Reconfiguration, and Reachability in the Gadget Framework. 3453-3486
Volume 85, Number 12, December 2023
- Thomas Bläsius
, Tobias Friedrich, Maximilian Katzmann
Efficiently Approximating Vertex Cover on Scale-Free Networks with Underlying Hyperbolic Geometry. 3487-3520 - Carla Binucci, Giordano Da Lozzo, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo
, Tamara Mchedlidze, Maurizio Patrignani:
Upward Book Embeddability of st-Graphs: Complexity and Algorithms. 3521-3571 - Eyal Nussbaum, Michael Segal
, Oles Holembovskyy:
Finding Geometric Facilities with Location Privacy. 3572-3601 - Divesh Aggarwal, Nico Döttling, Jesko Dujmovic, Mohammad Hajiabadi, Giulio Malavolta
, Maciej Obremski:
Algebraic Restriction Codes and Their Applications. 3602-3648 - Max A. Deppert
, Klaus Jansen, Arindam Khan, Malin Rau
, Malte Tutas:
Peak Demand Minimization via Sliced Strip Packing. 3649-3679 - Monika Henzinger, Billy Jin, Richard Peng, David P. Williamson:
A Combinatorial Cut-Toggling Algorithm for Solving Laplacian Linear Systems. 3680-3716 - Sushmita Gupta, Pallavi Jain
, Saket Saurabh, Nimrod Talmon:
Even More Effort Towards Improved Bounds and Fixed-Parameter Tractability for Multiwinner Rules. 3717-3740 - Peter Kiss:
Deterministic Dynamic Matching in Worst-Case Update Time. 3741-3765 - Spyros Angelopoulos, Christoph Dürr, Shendan Jin:
Best-of-Both-Worlds Analysis of Online Search. 3766-3792 - Stefan Klootwijk, Bodo Manthey
Probabilistic Analysis of Optimization Problems on Sparse Random Shortest Path Metrics. 3793-3815 - Sayan Bandyapadhyay, Aritra Banik, Sujoy Bhore:
On Colorful Vertex and Edge Cover Problems. 3816-3827 - Alexander Meiburg
Inapproximability of Positive Semidefinite Permanents and Quantum State Tomography. 3828-3854 - Dimitris Fotakis, Anthimos Vardis Kandiros
, Vasilis Kontonis, Stratis Skoulakis
Opinion Dynamics with Limited Information. 3855-3888 - Sumanta Banerjee, Juhi Chaudhary
, Dinabandhu Pradhan:
Unique Response Roman Domination: Complexity and Algorithms. 3889-3927 - Mark de Berg, Aleksandar Markovic, Seeun William Umboh
The Online Broadcast Range-Assignment Problem. 3928-3956 - Robert Krauthgamer, Shay Sapir
Comparison of Matrix Norm Sparsification. 3957-3972 - Félix Hernández
, Gerardo Vega:
The Subfield and Extended Codes of a Subclass of Optimal Three-Weight Cyclic Codes. 3973-3995

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