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4th WICON 2008: Maui, Hawaii, USA
- Xudong Wang, Ness B. Shroff:
Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet, WICON 2008, Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 17-19, 2008. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ICST 2008, ISBN 978-963-9799-36-3
Mobile ad hoc networks I
- Alvin C. Valera
, Pius W. Q. Lee, Yew Fai Wong, Winston Khoon Guan Seah
, Hwee Pink Tan, Han Ju:
An experimental study on connectivity and topology control in real multi-hop wireless networks. 1 - Li-Chun Wang, Hao Chen:
Partner selection schemes for cooperative multi-hop relay networks. 2 - Andres Medina, Stephan Bohacek:
A model of topology cache in reactive routing protocols for MANETs. 3 - Kenji Tei, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Shinichi Honiden:
An efficient node selection metric for in-network process deployment. 4
Wireless sensor networks I
- Barnabas C. Okeke, Ka Lun Eddie Law:
Multi-level clustering architecture and protocol designs for wireless sensor networks. 5 - Charalambos D. Charalambous, Shuguang Cui
A bio-inspired distributed clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 6 - Dongliang Xie, Mingxing Chen, Canfeng Chen, Jian Ma:
A patrol grid protocol for mobile wireless sensor network. 7 - Saroja Kanchi, Changhua Wu:
Robot assisted localization of sensor networks guided by rigidity. 8
Cognitive radio networks
- Kaigui Bian, Jung-Min Park:
Security vulnerabilities in IEEE 802.22. 9 - Lei Yang, Lili Cao, Heather Zheng, Elizabeth M. Belding:
Traffic-aware dynamic spectrum access. 10 - Zoran Miljanic, Predrag Spasojevic:
Resource virtualization with programmable radio processing platform. 11 - Aveek Dutta, Jeff Fifield, Graham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald, Douglas C. Sicker
An intelligent physical layer for cognitive radio networks. 12 - Dan Xu, Xin Liu:
Opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks: when to turn off the spectrum sensors. 13
Mobile ad hoc networks II
- Mohamad Bouharras, Zbigniew Dziong, François Gagnon, Mohamad Haidar:
Multi-objective scheduling for MUD based ad-hoc networks. 14 - Peng Wang, Stephan Bohacek:
On the practical complexity of solving the maximum weighted independent set problem for optimal scheduling in wireless networks. 15 - Daniel Scofield, Lei Wang, Daniel Zappala:
HxH: a hop-by-hop transport protocol for multi-hop wireless networks. 16 - Cong Lin, Yong Xiang, Heming Cui:
A multi-rate MAC protocol for mobile ad hoc networks and its cooperative extension. 17 - Jianping He, Jiahai Yang, Changqing An
, Xuenong Li:
Transmission power selection for ad hoc networks. 18
Cross-layer optimization
- Ismael Gutiérrez, Faouzi Bader, Joan Lluís Pijoan:
Prioritization function for packet data scheduling in OFDMA systems. 19 - Patrick Hosein:
Self-optimizing interference management for the OFDMA downlink. 20 - Ramiro Sámano-Robles, Atílio Gameiro:
A slotted ALOHA protocol with cooperative diversity. 21 - Shaohe Lv, Xiaodong Wang, Xingming Zhou:
Applying active measurement in the rate adaptation for 802.11 wireless networks. 22 - Shiva Chaitanya, Prasenjit Sarkar:
CD-PAN: a protocol for peer-to-peer content distribution in a weakly connected and heterogeneous personal area network. 23
Emerging research issues in IEEE 802.16 networks
- Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Xiaodong Wang, Mohammad Madihian:
Low-overhead scheduling algorithms for OFDMA relay networks. 24 - Hui Zeng, Chenxi Zhu, Wei-Peng Chen:
System performance of self-organizing network algorithm in WiMAX femtocells. 25 - Kuan-Po Lin, Hung-Yu Wei
Comparative performance evaluation of idle mode location management schemes for IEEE 802.16j multihop relay networks. 26 - Ming-Fang Chen, Hung-Yun Hsieh:
Modeling and analysis of the type I power saving class in IEEE 802.16 with general traffic. 27
Security issues in wireless networks
- Yuichi Sei
, Shinichi Honiden:
Distributed detection of node replication attacks resilient to many compromised nodes in wireless sensor networks. 28 - M. Abdul Alim, Behçet Sarikaya:
EAP-Sens: a security architecture for wireless sensor networks. 29 - Katrin Hoeper, Lidong Chen, Antonio Izquierdo, Nada Golmie:
Security challenges in seamless mobility: how to "handover" the keys? 30
Wireless network optimization and control
- Radha Krishna Ganti, Martin Haenggi:
Throughput versus routing overhead in large ad hoc networks. 31 - Zhenning Kong, Edmund M. Yeh:
Information dissemination in large-scale wireless networks with unreliable links. 32 - Zheng Zeng, P. R. Kumar:
Towards optimally exploiting physical layer information in OFDM wireless networks. 33 - Maben Rabi, Karl Henrik Johansson
Event-triggered strategies for industrial control over wireless networks. 34 - Anthony Rowe, Karthik Lakshmanan, Ragunathan Rajkumar:
SAMPL: a simple aggregation and message passing layer for sensor networks. 35
WiMAX and wireless mesh networks
- Yi-Cheng Chan, Chang-Lung Wu, Chin-Yu Lai:
Congestion-aware downlink scheduling for IEEE 802.16j multi-hop relay networks. 36 - Siddharth Maru, Timothy X. Brown:
Denial of service vulnerabilities in the 802.16 protocol. 37 - Yong Ding, Yi Huang, Guo-Kai Zeng, Li Xiao:
Channel assignment with partially overlapping channels in wireless mesh networks. 38 - Gang Wu, Sathyanarayana Singh, Tzi-cker Chiueh:
Implementation of dynamic channel switching on IEEE 802.11-based wireless mesh networks. 39 - Rupa Krishnan, Ashish Raniwala, Tzi-cker Chiueh:
An empirical comparison of throughput-maximizing wireless mesh routing protocols. 40
Seamless integration of heterogeneous networks
- Peyman TalebiFard, Victor C. M. Leung:
Novel database architecture and signaling scheme for IP-based heterogeneous wireless access interworking. 41 - Antonio Izquierdo, Nada Golmie, Katrin Hoeper, Lidong Chen:
Using the EAP framework for fast media independent handover authentication. 42 - Mikko V. J. Heikkinen, Sakari Luukkainen:
Technology evolution of mobile peer-to-peer communications. 43 - David Naveen Cottingham, Robert K. Harle, Andy Hopper:
Constructing accurate, space-efficient, wireless coverage maps for vehicular contexts. 44 - Daijiro Komaki, Kenji Ohnishi, Yuki Arase, Takahiro Hara, Gen Hattori, Shojiro Nishio:
A click-search interface for web browsing using cellular phones. 45
Wireless scheduling
- Feng Xue, Xue Yang:
Scheduling and coding for unicast in multi-radio systems: the two-user case. 46 - Subhash Lakshminarayana, Atilla Eryilmaz:
Multi-rate multicasting with network coding. 47
Multimedia retrieval and streaming in converged networks
- Theodore B. Zahariadis
, George Leoleis, Thomas Schierl, Karsten Grüneberg:
Seamless content delivery. 48 - Petros Daras, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Stefan Dobravec, Jernej Trnkoczy, Andrea Sanna
, Gianluca Paravati, Ralph Traphöner, Jasmin Franz, Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Christos Malavazos, Nikiforos Ploskas, Mathias Gumz, Konstantina N. Geramani, Gert-Joachim Wintterle:
VICTORY: a 3D search engine over P2P and wireless P2P networks. 49 - Alexandro Sentinelli, Luca Celetto, Damien Lefol, Claudio E. Palazzi
, Giovanni Pau:
A survey on P2P streaming clients: looking at the end-user. 50 - Laura Arnaiz, Lara García, Federico Alvarez, José Manuel Menéndez
, Guillermo Cisneros:
Lightweight management of scalable and personalised media in mobile IPTV networks. 51
Phy-aware network design
- Hongwei Zhang, Lifeng Sang, Anish Arora:
On biased link sampling in data-driven link estimation and routing in low-power wireless networks. 52 - Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Ioannis Broustis, Theodoros Salonidis, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Prasant Mohapatra:
Design and deployment considerations for high performance MIMO testbeds. 53 - Santosh Kulkarni, Pratap S. Prasad, Prathima Agrawal:
Performance enhancement of mobile ad hoc networks using nodal cooperation. 54 - An (Jack) Chan, Sung-Ju Lee, Xiaolin Cheng, Sujata Banerjee
, Prasant Mohapatra:
The impact of link-layer retransmissions on video streaming in wireless mesh networks. 55
Traffic engineering in wireless networks
- Dongsook Kim, Mingyan Liu:
Optimal stochastic routing in low duty-cycled wireless sensor networks. 56 - Dimitrios Antonellis, Ahmed Mansy, Konstantinos Psounis, Mostafa H. Ammar:
Towards distributed network classification for mobile ad hoc networks. 57 - Lara B. Deek, Kevin C. Almeroth, Mike P. Wittie, Khaled A. Harras:
Exploiting parallel networks using dynamic channel scheduling. 58 - Benjamin Yolken, Nicholas Bambos:
Game-based admission control for wireless systems. 59 - John S. Baras, Senni Perumal, Vahid Tabatabaee, Kiran Somasundaram, Punyaslok Purkayastha:
Loss network models and multiple metric performance sensitivity analysis for mobile wireless multi-hop networks. 60
Emerging technologies: CRN, VANET, and DTN
- Joachim Sachs, Stephan Baucke:
Virtual radio: a framework for configurable radio networks. 61 - Tao Jiang, Daiming Qu:
On minimum sensing error with spectrum sensing using counting rule in cognitive radio networks. 62 - Yogesh Reddy Kondareddy, Prathima Agrawal:
A graph based routing algorithm for multi-hop cognitive radio networks. 63 - Alessandro Amoroso, Marco Ciaschini, Marco Roccetti
The farther relay and oracle for VANET. preliminary results. 64 - Guohua Zhang, Jing Wang, Yonghe Liu:
Congestion management in delay tolerant networks. 65
Network coding for wireless networks
- Ertugrul Necdet Ciftcioglu, Aylin Yener, Randall Berry
Stability regions of two-way relaying with network coding. 66 - Beiyu Rong, Anthony Ephremides:
The effect of cooperation at the network protocol level. 67 - Yalin Evren Sagduyu, Dongning Guo, Randall Berry
Throughput and stability of digital and analog network coding for wireless networks with single and multiple relays. 68
Game theoretic models for wireless networks
- Hazer Inaltekin
, Mung Chiang, H. Vincent Poor:
A cut-off phenomenon in location based random access games with imperfect information. 69 - Hua Liu, Longbo Huang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Qing Zhao:
A negotiation game for multichannel access in cognitive radio networks. 70 - Costas Busch, Rajgopal Kannan, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Quality of routing congestion games in wireless sensor networks. 71
Wireless platform
- Pratik K. Biswas, Alexander Poylisher, Ritu Chadha, Abhrajit Ghosh:
Hybrid testbeds for QoS management in opaque MANETS. 72 - Justin Collins, Rajive L. Bagrodia:
Programming in mobile ad hoc networks. 73 - Nils Hoeller, Christoph Reinke, Jana Neumann, Sven Groppe
, Daniel Boeckmann, Volker Linnemann:
Efficient XML usage within wireless sensor networks. 74 - Liang Hu, Lars Dittmann:
Reputation system for user-generated podcasting under community based mobility model. 75
Resource allocation for multi-hop wireless networks
- Anna Pantelidou
, Anthony Ephremides:
What is optimal scheduling in wireless networks? 76 - Atilla Eryilmaz, Peter Marbach, Asuman E. Ozdaglar:
A fluid-flow model for backlog-based CSMA policies. 77
Wireless sensor networks II
- Zhi Ang Eu, Winston Khoon Guan Seah
, Hwee Pink Tan:
A study of MAC schemes for wireless sensor networks powered by ambient energy harvesting. 78 - Li-Hsing Yen, Yee Wei Law
, Marimuthu Palaniswami
Risk-aware beacon scheduling for tree-based ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks. 79
Data dissemination in vehicular networks
- Ching-Ling Huang, Raja Sengupta:
Decentralized error-dependent transmission control for model-based estimation over a multi-access network. 80 - Yiannos Mylonas, Marios Lestas, Andreas Pitsillides:
Speed adaptive probabilistic flooding in cooperative emergency warning. 81 - Cheng-Wei Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun:
A network mobility management scheme for fast QoS handover. 82
Security issues in vehicular networks
- Brijesh Kumar Chaurasia, Shekhar Verma:
Maximizing anonymity of a vehicle through pseudonym updation. 83 - Mohammad Nekoui, Hossein Pishro-Nik:
Reliable inter-vehicle communications for vehicular ad hoc networks. 84

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