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IMX 2023: Nantes, France
- Patrick Le Callet, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva, Toinon Vigier, Koray Tahiroglu, Niall Murray, Giuseppe Valenzise, Mea Wang:
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, IMX 2023, Nantes, France, June 12-15, 2023. ACM 2023
Human Behavior and Embodied Experiences
- Jan Torpus
, Cedric Julian Spindler
, Jonas Kellermeyer
Detecting Human Attitudes through Interactions with Responsive Environments. 1-13 - Florent Robert
, Hui-Yin Wu
, Lucile Sassatelli
, Stephen Ramanoël
, Auriane Gros
, Marco Winckler
An Integrated Framework for Understanding Multimodal Embodied Experiences in Interactive Virtual Reality. 14-26 - Zachary McKendrick
, Lior Somin
, Patrick Finn
, Ehud Sharlin
Virtual Rehearsal Suite: An Environment and Framework for Virtual Performance Practice. 27-39 - Anna Sheremetieva
, Ihor Romanovych
, Sam Frish
, Mykola Maksymenko
, Orestis Georgiou
What's my future: a Multisensory and Multimodal Digital Human Agent Interactive Experience. 40-46
Audiovisual Content Production & Referencing
- Katharina Wünsche
, Laura Koesten
, Torsten Möller
, Jian Chen
Supporting Video Authoring for Communication of Research Results. 47-59 - Haeeun Kim
, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Referencing in YouTube Knowledge Communication Videos. 60-70 - Craig Cieciura
, Maxine Glancy
, Philip J. B. Jackson
Producing Personalised Object-Based Audio-Visual Experiences: an Ethnographic Study. 71-82 - Liangding Li
, Stephanie Carnell
, Katherine Harris
, Linda Walters
, Dirk Reiners
, Carolina Cruz-Neira
LIFT - A System to Create Mixed 360° Video and 3D Content for Live Immersive Virtual Field Trip. 83-93
Audiovisual Content Quality & Accessibility
- Alexandre Nevsky
, Timothy Neate
, Elena Simperl
, Radu-Daniel Vatavu
Accessibility Research in Digital Audiovisual Media: What Has Been Achieved and What Should Be Done Next? 94-114 - Thomas Robotham
, Ashutosh Singla
, Alexander Raake
, Olli S. Rummukainen
, Emanuël A. P. Habets
Influence of Multi-Modal Interactive Formats on Subjective Audio Quality and Exploration Behavior. 115-128 - Iris Jennes
, Elias Blanckaert
, Wendy Van den Broeck
Immersion or Disruption?: Readers' Evaluation of and Requirements for (3D-)audio as a Tool to Support Immersion in Digital Reading Practices. 129-139
Affective & Immersive User Experiences Assessment
- Mila Bujic
, Mikko Salminen
, Juho Hamari
More Immersed but Less Present: Unpacking Factors of Presence Across Devices. 140-149 - Gautam Vishwanath
Enhancing Engagement through Digital Cultural Heritage: A Case Study about Senior Citizens using a Virtual Reality Museum. 150-156 - Alexandre Bruckert
, Lucie Lévêque
, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva
, Patrick Le Callet
A Dataset of Gaze and Mouse Patterns in the Context of Facial Expression Recognition. 157-164
Work-in-Progress - New Forms of Interactive Media Experiences: Immersion, Tangibility, Multisensoriality and Accessibility
- Ágnes Karolina Bakk
, Borbála Tölgyesi
, Máté Barkóczi
, Balázs Buri
, András Szabó
, Botond Tobai
, Iva Georgieva
, Christian Roth
Zenctuary VR: Simulating Nature in an Interactive Virtual Reality Application: Description of the design process of creating a garden in Virtual Reality with the aim of testing its restorative effects. 165-169 - Chen Chen
, Niall Murray
, Conor Keighrey
A Quality of Experience Evaluation of an Interactive Multisensory 2.5D Virtual Reality Art Exhibit. 170-173 - Céline Jost
, Justin Debloos
, Brigitte Le Pévédic
, Gérard Uzan
ICAMUS: Evaluation Criteria of an Interactive Multisensory Authoring Tool. 174-179 - François Rocca
, Madison Dave
, Valérie Duvivier
, Agnès Van Daele
, Marc Demeuse
, Antoine Derobertmasure
, Matei Mancas
, Bernard Gosselin
Designing an Assistance Tool for Analyzing and Modeling Trainer Activity in Professional Training Through Simulation. 180-187 - Andreina Nunez Morales
, Eleuda Nuñez
, Masakazu Hirokawa
, Lorenzo Imbesi
, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis
A Social Awareness Interface for Helping Immigrants Maintain Connections to Their Families and Cultural Roots: The Case of Venezuelan Immigrants. 188-193 - Elias Ennadifi
, Thierry Ravet
, Matei Mancas
, Mohammed El Amine Mokhtari
, Bernard Gosselin
Enhancing VR Gaming Experience using Computational Attention Models and Eye-Tracking. 194-198 - Yannis Kritikos
, Fotis Giariskanis
, Eftychia Protopapadaki
, Anthi Papanastasiou
, Eleni Papadopoulou
, Katerina Mania
Audio Augmented Reality Outdoors. 199-204 - Yujing Zhang
, Conor Keighrey
, Niall Murray
A VR Intervention Based on Social Story™ to Develop Social Skills in Children with ASD. 205-208 - Felix Immohr
, Gareth Rendle
, Annika Neidhardt
, Steve Göring
, Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao
, Stephanie Arévalo Arboleda
, Bernd Froehlich
, Alexander Raake
Proof-of-Concept Study to Evaluate the Impact of Spatial Audio on Social Presence and User Behavior in Multi-Modal VR Communication. 209-215 - Shu Wei
, Desmond Bloemers
, Aitor Rovira
A Preliminary Study of the Eye Tracker in the Meta Quest Pro. 216-221 - Daniel Lock
, Ben Kirman
Identifying the Developmental Challenges of Creating Virtual Reality Theatre: This paper reports on the identified challenges of creating virtual reality theatre from the practitioner's perspective. 222-225
Work-in-Progress - Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Media Experiences
- Alex Boutin
, Lucie Lévêque
, Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier
On Legal and Ethical Challenges of Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: An Exploratory Study. 226-229 - Mohamed Benkedadra
, Matei Mancas
, Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi
Feedback Driven Multi Stereo Vision System for Real-Time Event Analysis. 230-236 - Alexandre Agossah
, Frédérique Krupa
, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva
, Patrick Le Callet
LLM-Based Interaction for Content Generation: A Case Study on the Perception of Employees in an IT Department. 237-241 - Antoine Maiorca
, Youngwoo Yoon
, Thierry Dutoit
Validating Objective Evaluation Metric: Is Fréchet Motion Distance able to Capture Foot Skating Artifacts ? 242-247 - Vincent Stragier
, Omar Seddati
, Thierry Dutoit
Developing an Interactive Agent for Blind and Visually Impaired People. 248-253 - Yuta Hagio
, Makoto Okuda
, Marina Kamimura
, Yutaka Kaneko
, Hisayuki Ohmata
Generating Utterances for Companion Robots using Television Program Subtitles. 254-261 - Yawen Deng
, Petra Jääskeläinen
, Victoria Popova
The Green Notebook - A Co-Creativity Partner for Facilitating Sustainability Reflection. 262-268 - Juan Antonio De Rus Arance
, Mario Montagud
, Maximo Cobos
Towards the Creation of Scalable Tools for automatic Quality of Experience Evaluation and a Multi-Purpose Dataset for Affective Computing. 269-275 - Wala Elsharif
, James She
, Preslav Nakov
, Simon Wong
Enhancing Arabic Content Generation with Prompt Augmentation Using Integrated GPT and Text-to-Image Models. 276-288 - Divya Bhargavi
, Karan Sindwani
, Sia Gholami
Zero-shot virtual product placement in videos. 289-297
Work-in-Progress - Future of TV and Video Content Experiences
- Jingwen Zhu
, Ali Ak
, Charles Dormeval
, Patrick Le Callet
, Kumar Rahul
, Sriram Sethuraman
Subjective Test Environments: A Multifaceted Examination of Their Impact on Test Results. 298-302 - Ege Sezen
, Emmanuel Tsekleves
, Andreas U. Mauthe
Tap or Swipe? Effects of Interaction Gestures for Retrieval of Match Statistics via Second Screen on Watching Soccer on TV. 303-308 - Juliana Duarte Camargo
, Telmo Silva
, Jorge F. Abreu
Interconnecting Personal assistants and TVs: a friendly approach to connect generations. 309-313 - Tiffany Marques
, Jorge Ferraz de Abreu
, Rita Santos
Proactivity in the TV Context: Understanding the Relevance and Characteristics of Proactive Behaviours in Voice Assistants. 314-319 - Ali Ak
, Anne-Flore Perrin
, Denise Noyes
, Ioannis Katsavounidis
, Patrick Le Callet
Video Consumption in Context: Influence of Data Plan Consumption on QoE. 320-324 - Pedro Silva
Navigating Full-Motion Video: Emerging Design Patterns for Parameterized Replay Stories. 325-328 - Miguel Fernández-Dasí
, Mario Montagud Climent
, Isaac Fraile
, Josep Paradells
, Sergi Fernández
Enabling and Understanding Interactive Social VR360 Video Viewing. 329-334 - Daniel Pereira
, Teresa Chambel
Enhancing Emotional Awareness and Regulation in Movies and Music Based on Personality. 335-343 - Shinya Abe
, Shoko Fujii
, Hideya Mino
, Jun Goto
, Go Ohtake
, Satoshi Fujitsu
, Kinji Matsumura
, Hiroshi Fujisawa
Survey on the Impact of Listening to Audio for Adaptive Japanese Subtitles and Captions Ruby. 344-351
IMX Demos
- Tom Roy
, Quentin Galvane
, Gurvan Lécuyer
, Etienne Faivre D'Arcier
, Patrice Hirtzlin
, Pierrick Jouet
, Philippe Guillotel
, Patrick Fontaine
Sensorial Immersive Experiences using MPEG Haptic and Scene Description Standards. 352-355 - Justin Debloos
, Céline Jost
, Dominique Archambault
ScenaConnect: an original device to enhance experiences with multisensoriality. 356-358 - Kaulyaalalwa Peter
, Selma Auala
, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus
An AR Game for Primary Learners to Safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ovahimba Tribe. 359-361 - Charlotte Scarpa
, Gwénaëlle Haese
, Toinon Vigier
, Patrick Le Callet
Use of immersive and interactive systems to objectively and subjectively characterize user experience in work places. 362-365 - Minas Katsiokalis
, Elisavet Tsekeri
, Aikaterini Lilli
, Konstantinos Gobakis
, Dionysia S. Kolokotsa
, Katerina Mania
GoNature AR: Air Quality & Noise Visualization Through a Multimodal and Interactive Augmented Reality Experience. 366-369 - Christoph Lürig
, Jörg Gutsche
, Tilo Mentler
HoloBrand: A Co-located XR Multiplayer Serious Game on an Economic Model. 370-372 - Ghazaleh Tanhaei
, Lynda Hardman
, Wolfgang Hürst
DatAR: Comparing Relationships between Brain Regions and Diseases: An Immersive AR Tool for Neuroscientists. 373-375 - Frédérique Krupa
InnovART2 : À l'écoute des chantiers: An industrial heritage sound-and-augmented-reality walking tour. 376-378 - Emmanouil Potetsianakis
, Emmanuel Thomas
MiroAR: Ubiquitous AR Teleconferencing Through The Mirror. 379-381 - Mickael Lafontaine
, Julie Cloarec-Michaud
, Kévin Riou
, Yujie Huang
, Kaiwen Dong
, Patrick Le Callet
Kinetic particles : from human pose estimation to an immersive and interactive piece of art questionning thought-movement relationships. 382-385
IMX Doctoral Consortium
- Florent Robert
Analysing and Understanding Embodied Interactions in Virtual Reality Systems. 386-389 - Michael Neri
, Marco Carli
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Quality Assessments of Immersive Multimedia. 390-393 - Charlotte Scarpa
, Gwénaëlle Haese
, Toinon Vigier
, Patrick Le Callet
Construction of immersive and interactive methodology based on physiological indicators to subjectively and objectively assess comfort and performances in work offices. 394-397 - Jit Chatterjee
, Maria Torres Vega
Human-Centered and AI-driven Generation of 6-DoF Extended Reality. 398-401 - Alexandre Nevsky
Object-Based Access: Enhancing Accessibility with Data-Driven Media. 402-406 - Miguel Fernández-Dasí
, Mario Montagud Climent
, Josep Paradells
Towards Distributed and Interactive Multi-cam and Multi-device VR360 Video Experiences. 407-410 - Juan Antonio De Rus Arance
, Mario Montagud
, Maximo Cobos
Towards the Creation of Tools for Automatic Quality of Experience Evaluation with Focus on Interactive Virtual Environments. 411-414 - Dominika Wanat
, Lucjan Janowski
, Katrien De Moor
Behavior as a Function of Video Quality in an Ecologically Valid Experiment. 415-418 - Lisa Izzouzi
, Anthony Steed
, Ifat Yasin
Evaluation of Media-Based Social Interactions in Virtual Environments. 419-422 - Amar Tious
, Toinon Vigier
, Vincent Ricordel
Physically-based Lighting of 3D Point Clouds for Quality Assessment. 423-426 - Yves Duvivier
, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva
, Yannick Prié
AI-Human Collaboration for in Situ Interactive Exploration of Behaviours From Immersive Environment. 427-430 - Natalia Cieplinska
, Lucjan Janowski
, Katrien De Moor
Quality Assessment of Video Services in the Long Term. 431-434 - Syed Uddin
, Mikolaj Leszczuk
, Michal Grega
Optimization and Evaluation of Emerging Codecs. 435-438 - Anna Ferrarotti
, Marco Carli
Objective Metrics Definition for QoE Assessment for Extended Reality Applications. 439-442 - Saad Ahmed Maqbool
, Debbie Maxwell
Nothing Beside Remains: How might we use digital technologies and speculative design to explore the contested and hidden histories of heritage and museum artefacts? 443-446

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