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26th SIGGRAPH 1999: Los Angeles, CA, USA - Abstracts and Applications
- Jodi Giroux, Anne Richardson, Jill Smolin:
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1999, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 8-13, 1999, Abstracts and Applications. ACM 1999, ISBN 1-58113-103-8 - Francesca Bocchi:
The 4D virtual museum of the city of Bologna, Italy. 8-11 - Victor Raphael:
A creative journey. 12-13 - Ria Bagaybagayan:
Art and technology: electronic resources from the Getty. 14-16 - Clifford Cohen:
Art before technology or technology before art?: that is the question. 17-18 - MaryEllen Coleman:
The atmosphere: incorporating interactive multimedia into the classroom. 19 - Lucia Grossberger-Morales:
City@Peace. 20 - Anne Spalter:
ColorWeb. 21 - Rebecca Mercuri:
Computer camp: for girls only! 22-24 - Marco Paolini:
Creating 2D animation. 25-28 - Eric J. Hanson:
Creating 3D animation. 29-30 - Antonella Guidazzoli, Maria Elena Bonfigli:
The creation of the Nu.M.E. project. 31-32 - Mark Ollila, Eva Carling:
Creative programming: merging the artist with the computer programmer. 33 - Jeremy Sutton:
Developing creativity: a curriculum based on the use of computer graphics technology. 34-37 - Cameron McNall:
Digital design education at UCLA. 38 - Robin Baker:
Drawing & learning. 39-40 - Charles Kesler:
Education delivered through storytelling: using virtual reality as an educational tool. 41 - Raymond Corbett:
Educators workshop in 3D computer graphics. 42 - Rosemary Michelle Simpson:
Exploratories: an educational strategy for the 21st century. 43-45 - Knut Langhans:
FELIX 3D display. 46-47 - Janice Squire:
Figures of speech. 48 - Mike McGrath:
The future in computer graphics education. 49-50 - Pamela Thompson:
Get a job!: a recruiter tells you what you need to know. 51-53 - Rosalee J. Wolfe:
Going farther in less time: responding to change in introductory graphics courses. 54-55 - Shawn Dunn:
Hands-on animation. 56-57 - John Refling:
Hands-on universe: teaching astronomy with Java-based image processing tools. 58 - Maria Roussou:
High-end interactive media in the museum. 59-62 - Eric Huelsman:
How to marry an éclair: anatomy of an animated tale. 63 - G. Scott Owen:
Incorporating principles and examples from art/design and film/video into a CS computer graphics course. 64-67 - Taylor Gutermute, Lynn Hickey, John Hughes, Alan Warhaftig:
Integrating art and technology in a statewide curriculum. 68-69 - Robert Wickman, Thomas D. Cauffield, Glenn Dame, Kevin J. Meehan:
The integration of graphics, video, science, and communication technologies. 70 - Stephen Detwiler, Elizabeth Padilla, Jonathan Hendryx:
The interactive learning environment. 71-72 - Pam Hogarth:
Introduction to 3D concepts for teachers. 73-74 - Steve Wright:
Introduction to digital effects. 75-76 - Valerie Miller:
Math - what's the use? 77-80 - Marcus Mitchell:
Math and computer-generated effects: tools of the trade. 81 - Claudia Chow:
Minotaur: a tactile archaeology game for kids. 82 - Liz Caffry, Elisabeth Cameron, Carla Roth, Bill Zullo:
Museums and computer games. 83 - Mark W. McK. Bannatyne:
Organizing summer computer graphics camps. 84 - Theresa Breznau:
People in the past: the ancient Puebloan farmers of southwest Colorado. 85 - Tom Burkhart:
Proposal writing 101: ensuring your submission is understood. 86-89 - Andrew Johnson:
The round earth project: collaborative VR for elementary school kids. 90-93 - Richard Dunn-Roberts:
The SIGGRAFFITI wall: multi-input painting. 94 - Clint Hall:
SP3D and the Lighthouse: explorations in 3D Internet learning. 95-96 - Paul Hertz:
Supporting online collaborative communities. 97-98 - Greg Garvey:
The teacher's mid-life crisis: Moore's Stairmaster of the fittest. 99-100 - Jim Keeshen:
Teaching and creating animatics. 101 - Robert Sibley:
ThinkQuest: students and teachers exploring a global Web-based education project. 102 - Bryan Carter:
Virtual Harlem. 103-104 - Nobuo Masuda:
Virtual science laboratory. 104 - Mike Amron:
Visual effects through adaptive technologies. 105 - John F. McIntosh, Jeremy Butler, Kate Francek, Kathy Griswold, Jeffrey Lerer, Joel Sevilla:
Walking the tightrope: balancing digital and traditional skills in undergraduate education. 106-108 - MaryEllen Coleman:
Web pages, interactive interfaces, and worm holes: the next generation of user interface designers. 109 - Katiuska Varela:
When children draw in 3D. 110 - Steve Feld:
Why is the Mona Lisa smiling? 111-113 - Nick England:
Hot topics in graphics hardware. 118 - Victoria Interrante, Daniel J. Kersten, David H. Brainard, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, James A. Ferwerda, Pawan Sinha:
How to cheat and get away with it: what computer graphics can learn from perceptual psychology. 119-121 - Juan Buhler, Jonathan Gibbs, Christophe Hery, Dale McBeath, Saty Raghavachary:
CG crowds: the emergence of the digital extra. 122-123 - Richard Hollander, Jacquelyn Ford Morie, Thaddeus Beier, Rod G. Bogart, Doug Roble, Arthur Zwern:
3D tracking in FX production: blurring the lines between the virtual and the real. 124-126 - Michael Harris, Hiroshi Ishii, Caleb Chung, Clark Dodsworth, Bill Buxton:
Natural and invisible human interfaces. 127-129 - Christian Rouet, Keith Goldfarb, Ed Leonard, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Pearce, Enrique Santos, Paul Yanover:
Research and development for film production. 130-132 - Kwan-Liu Ma, John Van Rosendale, Stephen G. Eick, Bernd Hamann, Philip D. Heermann, Christopher R. Johnson, Mike Krogh:
Visualizing large-scale datasets: challenges and opportunities. 133-135 - Wes Bethel, Carl Bass, Sharon Rose Clay, Brian Hook, Michael T. Jones, Henry Sowizral, Andries van Dam:
Scene graph APIs: wired or tired? 136-138 - Stuart I. Feldman, Craig Barron, Scott Lelieur, George Murphy, Dave Walvoord:
Get real!: global illumination for film, broadcast, and game production. 139-141 - Lucy Petrovich, Maurice Benayoun
, Tammy Knipp, Thomas Lehner, Christa Sommerer:
Experiential computer art. 142-143 - George Suhayda:
Visual effects: incredible effects vs. credible science. 144-146 - Chris Hecker, Alex Dunne, Alan Yu, Seamus Blackley, Peter Lincroft, Casey Muratori, Michael Saxs Persson:
How SIGGRAPH research is utilized in games. 147-148 - Graham Walters, Sharon Calahan, Bill Cone, Ewan Johnson, Tia Kratter, Glenn McQueen, Bob Pauley:
Visual storytelling. 149 - Jennifer Yu, Ken Bielenberg, Apurva Shah, Jim Hillin, Eben Ostby, Neville Spiteri:
Function and form of visual effects in animated films. 150-152 - Jian Zhao, Eckhard Koch, Joe O'Ruanaidh, Minerva M. Yeung:
Digital watermarking: what will it do for me? And what it won't! 153-155 - Steven Feiner, Henry Fuchs, Takeo Kanade, Gudrun Klinker
, Paul Milgram, Hideyuki Tamura:
Mixed reality: where real and virtual worlds meet. 156-158 - Don Brutzman, Timothy Childs:
Web 3D RoundUP. 160 - Rob Coleman, Ned Gorman, Christian Rouet, Scott Squires, John Knoll:
Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace. 160 - Donald Levy, Sande Scoredos:
A visit with an animation legend. 161 - Andrew S. Glassner, Turner Whitted:
Fiction 2000: technology, tradition, and the essence of story. 161 - Steven Schkolne, Cici Koenig:
Surface drawing. 166 - John Underkoffler, Dan Chak, Gustavo S. Santos, Jessica Laszlo, Hiroshi Ishii:
The Luminous Room: some of it, anyway. 167 - Jay Lee, Victor Su, Sandia Ren, Hiroshi Ishii, James Hsiao, Rujira Hongladaromp:
HandSCAPE. 168 - Bruce Blumberg:
(void*): a cast of characters. 169 - Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau:
Life Spacies. 170 - Athomas Goldberg:
Leon. 171 - Ronen Lasry, Daniel Szecket:
ROUTE66. 172 - Phil Frei, Victor Su, Hiroshi Ishii:
Curlybot. 173 - Hiroshi Ishii, H. Rich Fletcher, Jay Lee, Seungho Choo, Joanna Berzowska, Craig Wisneski, Charlie Cano, Andres Hernandez, Colin Bulthaup:
musicBottles. 174 - Hiroo Iwata:
Ensphered vision. 175 - Hideki Kakeya
Touchable 3D display. 176 - Takahisa Ando:
Hologram/head-mounted display. 177 - Mark Billinghurst
Shared space: collaborative augmented reality. 178 - Masahiko Inami
Head-mounted projector. 179 - Jakub Segen:
Visual conductor. 180 - Agueda Simó:
Microworlds, sirens, and Argonauts. 181 - Rebecca Allen:
Emergence. 182 - Yuki Sugihara:
Water display. 183 - Karrie Karahalios, Fernanda B. Viégas:
VisiPhone. 184 - Bill Keays, Ron MacNeil:
metaField maze. 185 - Kim Binsted:
HyperMask: virtual reactive faces for storytelling. 186 - Don Ritter:
TV guides. 187 - Barnabás Takács:
Digital cloning system. 188 - Flavia Sparacino:
City of News. 189 - David Horsley, Julija Leary:
A ghostly figure rising out of an evil, dark bog: the making of "The Wraith" from "The Mummy". 194 - Tim McLaughlin, John Anderson:
Cloth animation for Star Wars: Episode I "The Phantom Menace". 195 - Tim McLaughlin, Cary B. Phillips:
Creature wrangling and enveloping for Star Wars: Episode I "The Phantom Menace". 196 - Mary Beth Haggerty, Tim Stevenson:
Creating a digital world from scratch: the launch of the First Union Bank advertising compaign. 197 - Catherine Craig, James Doherty, Rick Grandy:
Creating digital corpses for "The Mummy". 198 - Geoff Campbell, Cary B. Phillips:
Creature modeling and facial animation on Star Wars: Episode I "The Phantom Menace". 199 - Eric Daniels:
Deep canvas in Disney's Tarzan. 200 - Bob Hoffman:
Digital cars. 201 - Mark Völpel:
Directing 3D animated characters for advertising: turning marketing strategy info storytelling strategy. 202 - Craig Hayes:
The Haunting. 203 - Karen Ansel:
The making of the painted world: "What Dreams May Come". 204 - Marjolaine Tremblay:
Multiple creatures choreography on Star Wars: (Episode I "The Phantom Menance"). 205 - James Taylor, Jim Hourihan:
Technical animation issues for the battle droids of Star Wars: (Episode I "The Phantom Menace"). 206 - Jean Bolte, David Benson:
Viewpainting models for Star Wars: (Episode I "The Phantom Menace"). 207 - Steve DiPaola, David Collins:
A 3D natural emulation design approach to virtual communities. 208 - Kenneth A. Huff:
The application of non-periodic tiling patterns in the creation of artistic images. 209 - Joanna Berzowska:
Computational expressionism: a model for drawing with computation. 210 - Kostas Terzidis
Explorations of new visual systems. 211 - Philip Sanders:
Hyper-3D paintings in quick time VR: wunderkammer and hyperaesthesia. 212 - Agueda Simó, Juan Francisco López, Yu Uny Cao:
MSA's attractors: navigational aids for virtual environments. 213 - Ella Tallyn, Alan Chalmers, Scott Pitkethly:
The mutable cursor: using the cursor as a descriptive and directive device in digital interactive stories. 214 - Kelly B. Heaton, Robert D. Poor, Andrew J. Wheeler:
Nami. 215 - Wells Packard:
Nicholson NY/Pequot interactives. 216 - Tsutomu Miyasato:
Passion spaces based on the synesthesia phenomenon. 217 - Tiffany Holmes:
Phene-: creating a digital chimera. 218 - George Liaropoulos-Legendre, Larry Burks, S. Kirsten Gay:
SaltoArte: explorations in spatial interactive multimedia. 219 - Margarete Jahrmann, Max Moswitzer:
Setup of the Konsum Art.Server. 220 - Hartmut Chodura, Arnold Kaup:
Virtual music reproduction. 221 - Karrie Karahalios:
VisiPhone. 222 - Maurizio Forte:
3D facial reconstruction and visualization of ancient Egyptian mummies using spiral CT data. 223 - Suba Varadarajan, Xiaoning Fu, Rick Parent, Patrick J. Flynn, Kathy A. Johnson:
3D gait reconstruction using two-camera markerless video. 224 - Jean-Angelo Beraldin, François Blais, Luc Cournoyer, Marc Rioux, S. H. El-Hakim:
3D imaging for rapid response on remote sites. 225 - Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima:
3D physics-based brush model for painting. 226 - Lance Williams, Galen Gornowicz:
3D rendering effects for 2D animation. 227 - David E. Breen, Ross T. Whitaker:
A level-set approach for the metamorphosis of solid models. 228 - Rosalee J. Wolfe:
An interface for transcribing American Sign Language. 229 - Balajee Ramakrishnananda, Kok Cheong Wong:
Animating bird flight using aerodynamics. 230 - Diane M. Chi, Norman I. Badler, Janis Pforsich:
Animating expressivity through effort elements. 231 - Marc L. Kessler, Daniel L. McShan, Benedick A. Fraass:
Application of computer graphics for design and delivery of conformal radiation therapy. 232 - Stephen Chenney:
Asynchronous, adaptive, rigid body simulation. 233 - Masanobu Yamamoto, Katsutoshi Yagishita, Hajime Yamanaka, Naoto Ohkubo:
Capturing the motions of actors in movies. 235 - Jacquelyn Martino, Nevenka Dimitrova, Lalitha Agnihotri, Herman Elenbaas:
Color super-histograms for video representation: preliminary research and findings. 236 - Philippe Codognet:
Declarative behaviors for virtual creatures. 237 - Richard Hammersley, Hongqian Lu:
Decremental Delaunay triangulation. 238 - Mikio Shinya, Masakatsu Aoki, Ken Tsutsuguchi, Naoya Kotani:
Dynamic texture: physically based 2D animation. 239 - James E. Gain, Neil A. Dodgson
Enhancing the efficiency and versatility of directly manipulated free-form deformation. 240 - James E. Gain, James Scott:
Fast polygon mesh querying by example. 241 - Geoff Wyvill, Kevin Novins:
Filtered noise and the fourth dimension. 242 - Ahmad H. Nasri
Freeform curve generation by recursive subdivision of polygonal strip complexes. 243-244 - W. Bradford Paley:
Handheld interactions: tailoring interfaces for single-purpose devices. 244 - Masahiko Inami
, Naoki Kawakami, Dairoku Sekiguchi, Yasuyuki Yanagida, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi, Kunihiko Mabuchi:
Head-mounted projector for projection of virtual environments on ubiquitous object-oriented retroreflective screens in real environment. 245 - Gregory Ward Larson, Maryann Simmons:
The Holodeck interactive ray cache. 246 - Michio Shiraishi, Yasushi Yamaguchi
Image moment-based stroke placement. 247 - Shoji Tanaka, Jun Kurumizawa, Seiji Inokuchi:
Image re-composer. 248 - Paul E. Debevec:
Image-based modeling, rendering, and lighting in Fiat Lux. 249 - Rod G. Bogart:
Image-based techniques for object removal. 250 - Chris Butcher:
Interactive CSG. 251 - Martin L. Brady, Kenneth K. Jung, H. T. Nguyen:
Interactive haptic modeling of tensegrities and network structures. 252 - Jan Kautz, Michael D. McCool:
Interactive rendering with arbitrary BRDFs using separable approximations. 253 - Rebecca Xiong, Eric Brittain:
LiveWeb: visualizing live user activities on the Web. 254 - John McDonald, Robert Welland:
Methods for preventing cloth self-intersection. 255 - Teresa Larsen, David S. Goodsell, Dru Clark, Ernest Stewart:
Modeling HIV. 256 - Kevin Novins, James Arvo:
The morphological cross-dissolve. 257 - Michael Patrick Johnson:
Multi-dimensional quaternion interpolation. 258 - John A. Turner, Andrea Mazzone:
Multifluid finite volume Navier-Stokes solutions for realistic fluid animation. 259 - Ramesh Raskar:
Oblique projector rendering on planar surfaces for a tracked user. 260 - Ned Greene:
Occlusion culling with optimized hierarchical buffering. 261 - Paul Hansen:
OpenGL texture-mapping with very large datasets and multi-resolution tiles. 262 - Greg Rivera:
Phong shading at Gouraud speed. 263 - Victor Ng-Thow-Hing:
Physically based anatomic modeling for construction of musculoskeletal systems. 264 - Peter Cucka:
Postprocess 2D motion blur for cel animation. 265 - Claudio S. Pinhanez
, Frank Nielsen
, Kim Binsted:
Projecting computer graphics on moving surfaces: a simple calibration and tracking method. 266 - Yutaka Kunita, Masahiko Inami
, Taro Maeda, Susumu Tachi:
Prototype system of mutual telexistence. 267 - Eugene Lapidous, Guofang Jiao:
Quasi-linear Z buffer. 268 - Abe Megahed
Real-time shadows, reflections, and transparency using a Z buffer/ray tracer hybrid. 269 - Yan Zhuang, John F. Canny:
Real-time and physically realistic simulation of global deformation. 270 - Ahna Reza Girshick, Victoria Interrante:
Real-time principal direction line drawings of arbitrary 3D surfaces. 271 - Tsukasa Noma, Kyoji Oishi, Hiroshi Futsuhara, Hiromi Baba, Takeshi Ohashi, Toshiaki Ejima:
Real-time translation of human motion from video to animation. 272 - Qian Chen, Gérard G. Medioni:
Rendering 3D objects into photographs taken by uncalibrated perspective cameras. 273 - Teruaki Iinuma, Hideki Murota, Yasuo Kubota, Hiroshi Tachihara:
Representation of the tactile surface texture of an object using a force feedback system. 274 - Akihiro Katayama, Yukio Sakagawa, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Hideyuki Tamura:
Shading and shadow casting in image-based rendering without geometric models. 275 - Tong Wing Woon, Xuetao Li, Tiow Seng Tan:
Shape extraction for a polygon mesh. 276 - Maic Masuch, Stefan Schlechtweg, Ronny Schulz:
Speedlines: depicting motion in motionless pictures. 277 - Jason Rosenberg, Gena Hillhouse, You-Nian Wang:
Stereo analyst: visualizing large stereoscopic imagery in real-time. 278 - Ken-ichi Kameyama:
Tangible modeling system. 279 - Victor B. Zordan, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Tracking and modifying human motion with dynamic simulation. 280 - Akihito Akutsu:
Video embodiment - MovieSpiral: towards intuitive/comprehensive interfaces for digital video interaction. 281 - Christoph Stratmann:
Virtual Car. 282 - Saeko Takagi, Issei Fujishiro, Masayuki Nakajima:
Volumetric modeling of artistic techniques in colored pencil drawing. 283 - Armin Bruderlin:
Wet and messy fur. 284 - David L. Kao:
Which way is the flow? 285 - Sonny E. Kirkley, Richard B. Dietz, S. Chris Borland:
Worldboard: enabling a global augmented reality infrastructure. 286

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