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23. Mensch und Computer 2023: Rapperswil, Switzerland
- Markus Stolze, Frieder Loch, Matthias Baldauf, Florian Alt, Christina Schneegass, Thomas Kosch, Teresa Hirzle, Shadan Sadeghian, Fiona Draxler, Kenan Bektas, Katrin S. Lohan, Pascal Knierim:
Mensch und Computer 2023, MuC 2023, Rapperswil, Switzerland, September 3-6, 2023. ACM 2023
Session 1: Extended Reality
- David Halbhuber
, Martin Kocur
, Alexander Kalus
, Kevin Angermeyer
, Valentin Schwind
, Niels Henze
Understanding the Effects of Perceived Avatar Appearance on Latency Sensitivity in Full-Body Motion-Tracked Virtual Reality. 1-15 - Marco Kurzweg
, Maximilian Letter
, Katrin Wolf
Increasing Realism of Displayed Vibrating AR Objects through Edge Blurring. 16-26 - Nils Adrian Mack
, Markus Heun
, Marion Rose
Head-anchored text placements and cognitive load in information-rich virtual environments. 27-36 - Radiah Rivu
, Pia Prodan
, Ville Mäkelä
, Pascal Knierim
, Florian Alt
How Are Your Participants Feeling Today? Accounting For and Assessing Emotions in Virtual Reality. 37-48
Session 2: Method Development & Exploration
- Michael Bui
, Kira Oberschmidt
, Christiane Grünloh
Patient Journey Value Mapping: Illustrating values and experiences along the patient journey to support eHealth design. 49-66 - Marian Sauter
, Tobias Wagner
, Teresa Hirzle
, Bao Xin Lin
, Enrico Rukzio
, Anke Huckauf
Behind the Screens: Exploring Eye Movement Visualization to Optimize Online Teaching and Learning. 67-80 - Florian Leiser
, Sven Eckhardt
, Merlin Knaeble
, Alexander Maedche
, Gerhard Schwabe
, Ali Sunyaev
From ChatGPT to FactGPT: A Participatory Design Study to Mitigate the Effects of Large Language Model Hallucinations on Users. 81-90 - Saskia Haug
, Sophia Sommerrock
, Ivo Benke
, Alexander Maedche
Scalable Design Evaluation for Everyone! Designing Configuration Systems for Crowd-Feedback Request Generation. 91-100
Session 3: Input
- Jannik Wiese
, Niels Henze
Predicting Mouse Positions Beyond a System's Latency Can Increase Throughput and User Experience in Linear Steering Tasks. 101-115 - Juan F. Olaya-Figueroa
, Ferdinand Streicher
, Marco Kurzweg
, Jan Willms
, Katrin Wolf
HapticCollider: Ungrounded Force Feedback for Rigid Collisions during Virtual Tool Use. 116-126 - Yasmeen Abdrabou
, Lukas Mecke
, Radiah Rivu
, Sarah Prange
, Quy Dat Nguyen
, Vanessa Voigt
, Florian Alt
, Ken Pfeuffer
How Unique do we Move? Understanding the Human Body and Context Factors for User Identification. 127-137 - Jan Willms
, Maximilian Letter
, Emile Marchandise
, Katrin Wolf
Pull Outperforms Push as Vibrotactile Wristband Feedback for Mid-Air Gesture Guidance. 138-148
Session 4: Security, Safety & Ethics
- Lena Recki
, Margarita Esau-Held
, Dennis Lawo
, Gunnar Stevens
AI said, She said - How Users Perceive Consumer Scoring in Practice. 149-160 - René Schäfer
, Paul Miles Preuschoff
, Jan O. Borchers
Investigating Visual Countermeasures Against Dark Patterns in User Interfaces. 161-172 - Lukas Aldag
, Fabian Ballreich
, Benjamin Berens
, Melanie Volkamer
A user-centred approach to facilitate locating company security policies. 173-185
Session 5: Specific Applications & Context
- Kymeng Tang
, Kathrin Gerling
, Marnix Lijnen
, Marten Geets
, Luc Geurts
, Maria Aufheimer
, Joke Muyldermans
3, 2, 1 Start with Breastfeeding: Supporting Partner Involvement in Breastfeeding Education Through a Gamified Mobile App. 186-196 - Jessica Brandenburger
, Isabel Mötsch
, Monique Janneck
Design Features of a Career Guidance Platform to Promote Intrinsically Motivated Use. 197-219 - David Leimstädtner
, Peter Sörries
, Claudia Müller-Birn
Investigating Responsible Nudge Design for Informed Decision-Making Enabling Transparent and Reflective Decision-Making. 220-236 - Nada Terzimehic
, Fiona Draxler
, Mariam Ahsanpour
, Albrecht Schmidt
Implicit Smartphone Use Interventions to Promote Life-Technology Balance: An App-Market Survey, Design Space and the Case of Life-Relaunched. 237-249
Session 6: Learning, Reading and Support
- Hendrik Heuer
, Elena Leah Glassman
Accessible Text Tools for People with Cognitive Impairments and Non-Native Readers: Challenges and Opportunities. 250-266 - Thomas Weber
, Rafael Vinicius Mourao Thiel
, Sven Mayer
Supporting Software Developers Through a Gaze-Based Adaptive IDE. 267-276 - Andreas Schmid
, Marie Sautmann
, Vera Wittmann
, Florian Kaindl
, Philipp Schauhuber
, Philipp Gottschalk
, Raphael Wimmer
Influence of Annotation Media on Proof-Reading Tasks. 277-288 - Bastian Dewitz
, Sobhan Moazemi
, Sebastian Kalkhoff
, Steven Kessler
, Christian Geiger
, Frank Steinicke
, Hug Aubin
, Falko Schmid
Enacted Selves in Technological Activities - Framework and Case Study in Immersive Telementoring. 289-299
Posters: Short Papers
- Dennis Wittchen
, Gabriel Schreyer
, Alexander Ramian
, Georg Freitag
Investigating Apparent Tactile Motion and Cutaneous Rabbit Illusion to Support Cyclists' Navigation. 300-306 - Julia Hermann
, Niels Nierobisch
, Robin Arndt
, Ann-Kathrin Kubullek
, Sebastian van Ledden
, Aysegül Dogangün
The Impact of Explanation Detail in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: User Experience, Acceptance, and Age-Related Effects. 307-312 - Sebastian van Ledden
, Aysegül Dogangün
, Julia Hermann
ELSI Product Owner: Integration of Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in Agile Development processes. 313-317 - Tanja Aal
, Andrea Ruhl
, Erich Kohler
, Apurva Choudhary
, Pragya Bhandari
, Namrata Devbhankar
, Silvia Egli
, Gashi Shkumbin
, Heidi Kaspar
, Madlen Spittel
, Dennis Kirschsieper
, Claudia Müller
CareConnection - A Digital Caring Community Platform to Overcome Barriers of Asking for, Accepting and Giving Help. 318-324 - Martina Emmert
, Andreas Schmid
, Raphael Wimmer
, Niels Henze
CoShare: a Multi-Pointer Collaborative Screen Sharing Tool. 325-329 - Jonas Ammeling
, Carina Manger
, Elias Kwaka
, Sebastian Krügel
, Matthias Uhl
, Angelika Kießig
, Alexis Fritz
, Jonathan Ganz
, Andreas Riener
, Christof A. Bertram
, Katharina Breininger
, Marc Aubreville
Appealing but Potentially Biasing - Investigation of the Visual Representation of Segmentation Predictions by AI Recommender Systems for Medical Decision Making. 330-335 - Philip Weber
, Lea Katharina Michel
, Lena Koschorreck
, Thomas Ludwig
Voice Messages Reimagined: Exploring the Design Space of Current Voice Messaging Interfaces. 336-340 - Philipp Brauner
, Tim Schmeckel
, Luisa Vervier
, Gian Luca Liehner
, Martina Ziefle
Using Commercial Children's Smart Pens for Prototyping Interactive Science Communication Media in the Digital Transformation of Production. 341-348 - Shi Liu
, Thimo Schulz
, Peyman Toreini
, Alexander Maedche
An Immersive Learning Factory for AI & Data Literacy: An Exploratory Study in the Wild. 349-353 - Adhityan Raja
, Evangelos Niforatos
, Christina Schneegass
An Emotion-Adaptive VR Experience for Recreational Use in Eldercare. 354-358 - Lydia Penkert
, Carla Gröschel
Increasing sustainable user behavior in digital products through transparent sustainability information. 359-363 - Denys J. C. Matthies
, Marco Torge Gabrecht
, Horst Hellbrück
Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS) - A Review and Outlook. 364-369 - Denys J. C. Matthies
, Ole Sellhorn
, Marco Torge Gabrecht
, Jörg Schuljak
, Horst Hellbrück
NOSEwrist: Natural Olfactory Substitution and Extension wrist. 370-374 - Sivert Gullberg Hansen
, Henrik Landgraff Granum
, Magnus Moen
, Ola Hulleberg
, Carlos Vicient Monllaó
, Yavuz Inal
Current Challenges and Barriers in Sustainable Web Design: A Qualitative Study. 375-379 - Marcel Lahaye
, Vivian Isabel Reinartz
, Sarah Sahabi
, Jan O. Borchers
Towards Authoring Tools For DIY Tutorials: From Tutorial User Strategies to Guidelines (Free Template Included!). 380-386 - Peter Sörries
, Daniel Franzen
, Markus Sperl
, Claudia Müller-Birn
Foregrounding Values through Public Participation: Eliciting Values of Citizens in the Context of Mobility Data Donation. 387-394 - Sebastian Meier
, Katrin Glinka
To Classify is to Interpret: Building Taxonomies from Heterogeneous Data through Human-AI Collaboration. 395-401 - Lisa Graichen
, Matthias Graichen
Knowing the Limits - Human-Centered Explanations of Functionality and Limits of AI. 402-405 - Mathias Müller
, Alexander Ramian
, Dennis Wittchen
, Georg Freitag
, Dietrich Kammer
Exploring Dynamic Vibrotactile Feedback for Layer-based Interaction on Elastic Displays. 406-411 - Norman Jung
, Mira von der Linde
, Meinald T. Thielsch
Optimized Visualization of Building Fire Risks through Mobile Application. 412-416 - Esther Bosch
, Anna Ricarda Luther
, Klas Ihme
Travel Experience in Public Transport: A Geospatial Analysis by Experience Mapping. 417-421 - Nora Lehmann
, Lucie Kruse
, Frank Steinicke
Assistance in Virtual Reality Exergames: Preference for Species of Agents in Relation to Personality of Users. 422-426 - David Gollasch
, Gerhard Weber
Applying a Feature-Oriented Software Development Approach to Model Interaction Diversity. 427-431 - Karoline Marzi
, Holger Klapperich
, Alina Huldtgren
Insights on Older Adults' Willingness, Motives and Experiences regarding Participation in HCI research. 432-436 - Ann-Kathrin Kubullek
, Aysegül Dogangün
Creating Accessibility 2.0 with Artificial Intelligence. 437-441 - Lea Wöbbekind
, Kira Lorberg
, Thomas Mandl
Emma stop that, it's my turn now - Comparing Peer Tutoring and Thinking Aloud for Usability-Testing with Children in a school setting. 442-447 - Borbála Tölgyesi
, Ágnes Karolina Bakk
, Máté Barkóczi
, Balázs Buri
, András Szabó
, Botond Tobai
, Bonita Sadie
, Renáta Cserjési
, Iva Georgieva
, Christian Roth
"Virtual reality nature as our next retreat?": User experience testing of a simulated natural environment in virtual reality. 448-453 - Fabian Plichta
, Annett Mitschick
, Konstantin Klamka
, Raimund Dachselt
Growing Green Habits: Unobtrusive Gamified Eco-Feedback to Motivate Sustainable Behavior. 454-459 - Leonie Lindemann
, Torben Volkmann
, Nicole Jochems
Building Bridges Through Design: Game Design Strategies to Empower Young Adults Taking Social Offers - Results From a Pilot Study. 460-466 - Monika Pröbster
, Nicola Marsden
That's how I looked 25 years ago! Stereotypicality in avatars of a platform for further education: So sah ich vor 25 Jahren aus! Stereotypizität bei Avataren einer Weiterberbildungsplattform. 467-471 - Annika Kreuder
, Veit Frick
, Sabine J. Schlittmeier
, Ulrich Frick
Game jamming as a participatory design approach to foster adolescents' digital competence: Game Jamming als partizipativer Designansatz zur Förderung der digitalen Kompetenzen Adoleszenter. 472-476 - Paula Bräuer
, Margarita Berg
, Athanasios Mazarakis
, Isabella Peters
Movement in Virtual Time: How Virtual Reality Can Support Long-Term Thinking. 477-481 - Patrick Stadler
, Vanshika Bawa
Fake it and Let Them Make it: Combining Wizard-of-Oz and Rapid Prototyping Tools for a Holistic Co-Design of Conversational User Interfaces. 482-486 - Khaled Kassem
, Ambika Shahu
, Christina Tüchler
, Philipp Wintersberger
, Florian Michahelles
Enhancing the Supervision of Out-of-View Robots: A Study on Multimodal Feedback and Monitoring Screens. 487-491 - Lars Sipos
, Ulrike Schäfer
, Katrin Glinka
, Claudia Müller-Birn
Identifying Explanation Needs of End-users: Applying and Extending the XAI Question Bank. 492-497 - Annika Kreuder
, Luise Haehn
, Jennifer Klütsch
, Sabine J. Schlittmeier
, Ulrich Frick
"Cookies? I don't even know what that is. " - Online focus groups on adolescents' experience and behavior in the digital space: "Cookies? Ich weiß nicht mal, was das ist." - Online-Fokusgruppen zum Erleben und Verhalten von Adoleszenten im digitalen Raum. 498-502 - Robin Frölke
, Benjamin Butz
, Gregor Lux
, Jens Gerken
HoloBoard: Visual Augmentation and Gamification of Balance Exercises. 503-507 - Bernhard Wohlmacher
, Holger Klapperich
, Fabian Mertl
, Alina Huldtgren
Overcoming technology and communication barriers in intergenerational communication with a tangible interface. 508-512 - Mathias Trefzger
, Thomas Schlegel
Mobile AR in the Wild: Exploring an Augmented Reality Concept for a Nature Discovery Path and evaluating its Serious Game Elements. 513-517 - Tom Lorenz
, Linda Münch
, Patrick Adair
, Ina Schiering
, Sandra Verena Müller
Creating Routes for Landmark-Training with the CompanionApp: A Pilot User Study. 518-523 - Stefan Resch
, Mustafa Rafati
, Angela Altomare
, Oumaima Raddi
, Arso Tahmas
, Valentin Schwind
, Diana Völz
Correct Foot Positioning in Virtual Reality through Visual Agility Ladder Training. 524-528 - Tim Theys
, Tom Haegemans
, Jelle Saldien
, Lieven De Marez
, Javad Kashefi
Enhancing Users' Attitudes towards WebIDs: Exploring the Effects of Persuasive Messaging on User Adoption.: An experiment exploring the effects of persuasive messaging on the user adoption of WebIDs. 529-533 - Angela Osterheider
, Holger Klapperich
, Elisabeth Stein
, Tim Weiler
, Cordula Endter
, Alina Huldtgren
, Claudia Müller
Conceptualization of the Understanding of Participation and Co-Creation in Interdisciplinary Research Groups developing Digital Health Technology: An Exploratory Study: Conceptualization of the Understanding of Participation and Co-Creation. 534-538
Demos: Interactive Systems and Demonstrations
- Frank Dittrich
, Alexej Fedelheimer
, Ihno Oetjen
, Joachim Keinert
, Tobias Jaschke
, Andree Josef
An Immersive and Collaborative Virtual Theater Experiences. 539-542 - Patrizia Held
, Florian Röhrl
, Norbert Schnell
Interactive Soundscape Tabletop to Promote Immersive Sound Experiences for People Living With Dementia and Their Caregivers. 543-547 - Robin Frölke
, Benjamin Butz
, Gregor Lux
, Jens Gerken
HoloBoard: A gamified balance board experience. 548-550 - Santiago Moreno
, Philipp Ackermann
ARchi VR: Real-time Collaboration in Augmented Spaces. 551-553 - Anton Fedosov
, Lisa Ochsenbein
, Ivan Mele
, Robin Oster
, Maude Rivière
, Ronny Gisin
Züri teilt: Facilitating Resource Sharing Practices in Neighborhoods. 554-557 - Tim Mallwitz
, Monique Janneck
, Max Sternitzke
, Hamid Mergan
TrainOn: An Open Source Plugin for Developing Online Trainings and Conducting Studies in WordPress: TrainOn: Ein Open Source-Plugin für die Entwicklung von Online-Trainings und Durchführung von Studien in WordPress. 558-560 - Holger Reckter
, Thomas Lüttich
VRoom - Development of a Virtual Reality learning environment for the utilization of color in an architectural context. 561-563 - Jeannette Anniés
, Chrysoula Papathanasiou
, Selby Knudsen
, Pietro De Vito
, Orestis Sampson
, Panagiotis Michalis
, Lazaros Karagiannidis
, Angelos Amditis
, Marco Barbagelata
, Eva Mandri
, Gianluca Ilengo
, Daniele Ravizza
, Fatmanur Karaca
Participative Technology Development of ICT tools for Risk Communication and Disaster Management. 564-567 - Eric Bossecker
, Aimée Sousa Calepso
, Benjamin Kaiser
, Alexander Verl
, Michael Sedlmair
A Virtual Reality Simulator for Timber Fabrication Tasks Using Industrial Robotic Arms. 568-570

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