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ICHIT 2009: Daejeon, Korea
- Geuk Lee, Daniel Howard, Jeong Jin Kang, Dominik Slezak, Tae Nam Ahn, Chung-Huang Yang:
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology, ICHIT 2009, Daejeon, Korea, August 27-29, 2009. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 321, ACM 2009, ISBN 978-1-60558-662-5 - S. Kami Makki:
A collective transaction processing scheme for mobile environment. 3-7 - Moon-Haeng Cho, Chan-Woo Chan, Cheol-Hoon Lee:
A framework to support real-time features of intelligent service robots. 8-12 - Hun-sik Kang, Kwang-Eui Pyun, Sin-Chong Park:
A hardware implementation of AGC and synchronization for OFDM-based WLAN. 13-19 - Seong Cheol Kim, Hyun Joo Park:
A MAC protocol considering traffic load information for a cluster based wireless sensor network. 20-24 - Ruoyu Du, Hyo Jong Lee:
A modified-FCM segmentation algorithm for brain MR images. 25-27 - YoungTae Roh, Jun Lee, Sungjun Park, Jee-In Kim:
A molecular docking system using CUDA. 28-33 - Hyun-Yong Noh, Se-Won Oh, Shin-Dug Kim:
A multi-level elaborate least frequently/recently used buffer cache for flash storage systems. 34-41 - Tao Hu
, May Huang:
A new stereo matching algorithm for binocular vision. 42-44 - Yong Liang:
A novel genetic variable representation for dynamic optimization problems in evolutionary computation. 45-52 - Ji-Yong Shin
, Jung-Wook Park
, In-Jik Lee, Shin-Dug Kim, Charles C. Weems:
A parallel motion estimation engine for H.264 encoding using the UMHexagonS algorithm. 53-59 - Haosong Gou, Gang Li
, Younghwan Yoo:
A partition-based centralized LEACH algorithm for wireless sensor networks using solar energy. 60-66 - Taehoon Kim, Sungwoo Tak:
A real-time hardware-software codesign technique of network protocols to provide QoS. 67-70 - Pardeep Kumar, Hoon-Jae Lee, Wan-Young Chung:
A secure ubiquitous sensor network with Dragon. 71-74 - Soojung Ha, Seyun Kim, Minkook Suh, Hyunwoo Seong, Kwang Mo Jeong, Sung-Ho Kim:
A statistical method for structure learning of Bayesian networks from data. 75-78 - Byung-Il Kwon, Nam-Mee Moon:
A study of metadata design for e-Learning marketplace based on IPTV. 79-85 - Jin Taek Kim, Jeong-Ho Kho, Min-Seok Hong, Choul Woong Son, Do-Won Lee, Sang-Jo Youk, Geuk Lee:
A study on intrusion protection techniques against Linux kernel backdoor. 86-90 - Hanjong Kim:
A study on the BER performance of turbo coded T-DMB system. 91-94 - Sung Jin Lim, Hae-Min Moon, Yongwha Chung, Sung Bum Pan:
A study on the digital watermarking technique for JPEG 2000. 95-101 - Yuan Tian, Biao Song, Eui-nam Huh:
A threat-based privacy preservation system in untrusted environment. 102-107 - Hwa-Ju Lee, Kyung-Sook Lee, Ihn-Han Bae:
A weighted-dissimilarity-based anomaly detection method for mobile networks. 108-113 - Sangseung Kang, Jaehong Kim, Joo-Chan Sohn:
Actuation architecture for emotional robotic applications. 114-117 - Raja Adeel Akhtar, Abid Ali Minhas
, Sohail Jabbar
Adaptive intra cluster routing for wireless sensor networks. 118-123 - Reza Barazideh, Babak Seyfe:
Adaptive PSAM in SIMO systems with imperfect CSI in Rayleigh fading channels. 124-129 - Hyukjoon Jang, Jaiyoun Song, Hong Jeong:
Advanced narrow speech channeling algorithm for robot speech recognition. 130-137 - Di Ma, Xiaodong Li, Wei Wang, Wei Mao:
An application of host identity tags to DKIM for identifying signers. 138-142 - JoonSeok Park, Mikyeong Moon, Sanghyun Yun, Keunhyuk Yeom:
An approach to enhancing reusabilities in service development. 143-150 - Guoqiang Yang, Wenhua Dou:
An efficient algorithm for AS path inferring. 151-154 - Hyung Moo Kim, Jae Soo Yoo:
An efficient design pattern algorithm for the environmental and hydrologic/hydraulic ubiquitous model developments. 155-158 - Dongook Seong, Junho Park, Myung Ho Yeo, Jae Soo Yoo:
An energy-efficient skyline query processing method using priority-based bottom-up filtering. 159-162 - Jinsil Kim, Wonyoung Chung, Junghee Lee, Yongsurk Lee:
An implementation of the CQS supporting multimedia traffic. 163-170 - Kazuya Matsushita, Hitoshi Kitazawa:
An improved camera identification method based on the texture complexity and the image restoration. 171-175 - Pradip Sircar, Ram Bilas Pachori
, Rupendra Kumar:
Analysis of rhythms of EEG signals using orthogonal polynomial approximation. 176-180 - Miyoung Huh, IlJin Lee, ShinGak Kang:
Application services based on location information in the SIP phone. 181-184 - Soyoung Park, ShinGak Kang:
Architecture of electronic surveillance of P2P based VoIP service. 185-188 - Jeongmin Park, Hyunsang Youn, Joonhoon Lee, Eunseok Lee
Automatic generation techniques of a resource monitor based on deployment diagram. 189-192 - Chang-Mug Lee, Kwang-Ho Seok, Yoon Sang Kim, Oh-Young Kwon:
Automatic motion creating from the posture template for the robot physical training system. 193-198 - Byungmun Lee, Yeonhee Park:
Bridge transmission method of medical sensor node in u-healthcare services. 199-202 - Hyong-Jun Kim, Seong-Min Yoon
, Hwan-Gue Cho:
Capability and limitation of financial time-series data prediction using symbol string quantization. 203-208 - Taehoon Kim, Junghwa Shin, Sungwoo Tak:
CLARM routing: cross layer adhoc-routing based on reputation management in wireless multi-hop networks. 209-212 - Yoon-Ae Ahn:
Context awareness inference engine for location based applications. 213-216 - Tatyana Khan, Song Gao, Won Suk Lee:
Context-aware robot navigation based on sensor association rules. 217-220 - David Grunberg, Robert Ellenberg, Youngmoo E. Kim
, Paul Y. Oh:
Creating an autonomous dancing robot. 221-227 - Hyunsang Youn, Joonhoon Lee, Sera Jang, Eunseok Lee
Deriving hierarchically combined queueing Petri nets for performance prediction of distributed component system. 228-231 - Pei-Sheng Huang, Chung-Huang Yang, Tae-Nam Ahn:
Design and implementation of a distributed early warning system combined with intrusion detection system and honeypot. 232-238 - Pei-Hua Yen, Chung-Huang Yang, Tae-Nam Ahn:
Design and implementation of a live-analysis digital forensic system. 239-243 - Inhyuk Kim, Taehyoung Kim, Young Ik Eom:
Design and implementation of page sharing scheme between guests in virtualization environments. 244-247 - Okjo Jeong, Il-Jin Lee, Shin-Gak Kang:
Design for supporting the multimedia emergency VoIP using PSTN and IP network. 248-251 - Randy S. Tolentino
, Kijeong Lee, Yoon-Su Jeong, Yong-Tae Kim, Sang Ho Lee, Gil-Cheol Park:
Design of sensor web condition using SMSC. 252-255 - Ki-Wook Kim, Kwang-Ryoul Kim, Sung-Gi Min:
Distributed cluster head election algorithm using local energy estimation. 256-259 - Joo-Chul Lee, Tae-Man Han:
ECU configuration framework based on AUTOSAR ECU configuration metamodel. 260-263 - Chung-Ho Noh, Seok-Lyong Lee, Deok-Hwan Kim, Chin-Wan Chung:
Effective defect classification for flat display panel film images. 264-267 - Won-Ho Choi, Se-Won Oh, Gwang Jung, Min-Soo Jung:
Efficient execution of application applets based on persistent object caching in Java card system. 268-272 - Wan Yeon Lee, Young Woong Ko, Heejo Lee, Hyogon Kim:
Energy-efficient scheduling of a real-time task on DVFS-enabled multi-cores. 273-277 - Chen-Hao Liu, Chien-Yuan Lai, Yen-Wen Wang:
Evolving fuzzy case-based reasoning in wholesaler's returning book forecasting. 278-283 - Jihye Lee, Yong-Ik Yoon:
FMM: fusion media middleware for actual feeling service. 284-287 - Vignesh Kumar Chandhrasekran, Bhaskar Prasad Rimal
, Eunmi Choi, Dugki Min:
Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation of UAV non-linear control system of mini-helicopter. 288-295 - Myungho Yeo, Dongook Seong, Yongjun Cho, Jaesoo Yoo:
Huffman coding algorithm for compression of sensor data in wireless sensor networks. 296-301 - Yong Liu, Hong Zhang, Fahai Yi:
Hybrid analysis of advantage and efficiency of China agriculture. 302-307 - Jinsun Suk, Jaechun No:
Hybrid file system. 308-313 - Minho Kim, Youngim Jung
, Hyuk-Chul Kwon:
Hybrid word sense disambiguation using language resources for transliteration of Arabic numerals in Korean. 314-321 - Zhiming Cai, Yin Jun, Yingjie Zhou, Liang Yong:
Implicit relationship deduction in one/more judgment templates. 322-326 - Junghwa Shin, Taehoon Kim, Sungwoo Tak:
Incentive mechanism for service differentiation in P2P networks. 333-339 - Toshihiko Yamakami:
Inter-service revisit analysis of three user groups using intra-day behavior in the mobile clickstream. 340-344 - Jingyong Liu, Yong Zhong, Yong Chen, Lichen Zhang:
Middleware-based distributed systems software process. 345-348 - Jin A. Lee, Jong Gyu Han, Kwang Hoon Chi:
Mining quantitative association rule of earthquake data. 349-352 - Jin-Sung Kim, Kwang-Jin Choi:
Modeling rule for analysis and design of e-learning content. 353-360 - Songnan Bai, Zequn Huang, Hanbyeog Cho, Jaeil Jung:
Movement-aware alternative path routing protocol for vehicular multi-hop communications. 361-367 - Kyungjoong Jeong, Jaiyoun Song, Hong Jeong:
NMF features for speech emotion recognition. 368-374 - Burkhard Englert, Pritesh Shah:
On the design and implementation of a secure online password vault. 375-382 - Myoung-Jo Jung, Yeong Rak Seong, Cheol-Hoon Lee:
Optimal RM scheduling for simply periodic tasks on uniform multiprocessors. 383-389 - Priscila Tiemi Maeda Saito
, Denis Fernando Wolf, Kalinka Regina Lucas Jaquie Castelo Branco
, Ricardo José Sabatine:
Parallel implementation of mobile robotic self-localization. 390-396 - Yong-Hak Kim, Heung-Kuk Jo:
Patient information display system in hospital using RFID. 397-400 - Beoungil Cho, Hyunsang Youn, Eunseok Lee
Performability analysis method from reliability and availability. 401-407 - Fei Ma, Wenan Zhou, Junde Song, Guang-xian Xu:
Research on load balancing mechanism based on handoff in heterogeneous network platform. 408-412 - Hyontai Sug:
Sampling scheme for better RBF network. 413-416 - Insung Han, Hwangbin Ryou:
Service discovery mechanism based on trustable DHT in MANET. 417-424 - Chang-Kyu Lee, Sung-Hei Kim, Shin-Gak Kang:
Session management of relay-based overlay multicast for managed group applications. 425-429 - DongKeun Kim:
Smoke detection using boundary growing and moments. 430-433 - Wook Hyun, Shin-Gak Kang, Dae Young Kim:
Study on service model for multimedia streaming and file hosting services using distributed overlay network. 434-437 - Alberto Yukinobu Hata, Denis Fernando Wolf, Gustavo Pessin
, Fernando Santos Osório
Terrain mapping and classification using neural networks. 438-442 - Jen-Chin Lin, Jeng-Fung Hung:
The integration of simulation modeling system for student experiment and modeling ability evaluation. 443-450 - Jae Hyoung Cho, Jae-Oh Lee:
The structure of the SDP using enablers in the IMS. 451-455 - Ha-Yong Jeon, Min-Soo Jung:
The study on the user authentication protocol in GSM. 456-459 - Jiun-Kai Ke, Chung-Huang Yang, Tae-Nam Ahn:
Using w3af to achieve automated penetration testing by live DVD/live USB. 460-464 - Hyun-Sung Park, Seung-Ho Han, Jong-Deok Kim:
Vehicular client roaming and location-based handoff through multiple WLAN APs in a container terminal. 465-472 - ChangHo Han, Youngkee Ryu, Choonsuk Oh:
A 3D coordinate estimation by using reformed two IR LED markers and PSD camera. 473-476 - Jungkuk Kim:
A 60Hz interference reduction using slope trace waves. 477-480 - Guangqing Liu, Byungwook Lee:
A color-based clustering approach for web image search results. 481-484 - Inhwa Hong, Myungseok Kang, Jeongjin Kang, Hagbae Kim:
A context-aware service model using a multi-level prediction algorithm in smart home environments. 485-490 - Yoon-Ju Kook, Yong-Ho Kim, Jeom-Goo Kim, Kiu-Nam Kim:
A detection model based on statistical against DDoS attack. 491-496 - Adrian Brezulianu, Monica Fira, Lucian Fira:
A genetic algorithm approach for a constrained employee scheduling problem as applied to employees at mall type shops. 497-501 - Si Choon Noh, Jeom-Goo Kim:
A high availability clustering and load balacing mechanism for information security infrastructure system. 502-507 - Jang Mook Kang, Ki Young Lee, Hyun-Sook Park, Myung-Jae Lim, Eunyoung Kang, Yongsoon Im, Sun-Jin Oh, Myeon-Koo Kang:
A semantic DRM contents in social-awareness using ontology. 508-511 - Jang Mook Kang, Yong Soon Im, Ki Young Lee, Myung-Jae Lim, Young Dae Lee, Eunyoung Kang, Myeon-Koo Kang, Sun-Jin Oh:
A study for semantics participation platform architecture using RDF/OWL. 512-515 - Jin-nyoung Lee, Mu-wook Pyeon, Sun-Woong Kim:
A study of intelligent earth work using the process simulation. 516-520 - ChangHo Han, Youngkee Ryu, Choonsuk Oh:
A study on enhanced algorithms for detecting defects of glasses. 521-524 - YouSik Hong, Sun-Jin Oh, Cheonshik Kim
, Yong Soon Im, Gyoo-Seok Choi, Eun-Jun Yoon, Yu Cheol Jeon, Chanwoo Moon, Myeon-Koo Kang, Jeongsook Kim:
A study on intelligent cyber university. 525-529 - Hyeyeon Hong, Hanku Lee:
APJava: an aspect-oriented parallel programming model in Java. 530-536 - Daniel Howard:
Bio-inspired simulation tool for PERT. 537-540 - Monica Fira, Liviu Goras
Biomedical signal compression based on basis pursuit. 541-545 - Manhwee Jo, Ganghee Lee, Kyungwook Chang, Kyuseung Han, Kiyoung Choi, Hoonmo Yang, Kiwook Yoon:
Coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture for multiple application domains: a case study. 546-553 - HeeJoong Noh, Young Hyun Kwon, Chenglong Xu, Sung-Ryul Kim:
Combined ranking for multi-media web search engine. 554-557 - ChangHo Han, Choonsuk Oh, EunCheol Shin, ByoungWook Choi:
Comparing two methods for acquiring 3D data of motion capture system by using PSD camera and CCD camera. 558-563 - Myoungjin Kim, Hanku Lee, Dongkeun Lee, Wonsa Lee, Yun Cui:
Design and development of a distributed real-time tele-operation model: supporting u-GIS integrated monitor system. 564-571 - Chenglong Xu, Jeong Sik Mun, Sung-Ryul Kim:
Development and verification of the DRM standard protocol for media card. 572-575 - Iulian B. Ciocoiu
ECG signal compression using 2D wavelet foveation. 576-580 - Young Hyun Kwon, Myung Hyun Lee, Sung-Ryul Kim:
Effective spelling correction in web queries and run-time DB construction. 581-586 - Do Hyeon Lee, Songnan Bai, Jae-Il Jung:
Enhanced next hop selection scheme for QoS support in multi-hop wireless networks. 587-593 - JaeMyoung Kim, Eunser Lee, Moon Kyun Oh:
Evaluation of group communication quality over WiBro for ship building environment. 594-597 - Jinwoo Song, Kee Beom Kim, Yong Ho Song, Ki-Seok Chung:
Implementation of IEEE802.11a software defined receiver on chip multi-processor architecture using OpenMP. 598-601 - Eun-A Jun, Jea Doek Ji, Jongin Lim, Seok Won Jung:
Improved remote user authentication scheme using bilinear pairings. 602-605 - Myungseok Kang, Changyu Kim, Inhwa Hong, Jeongjin Kang:
Intelligent service reasoning model using data mining. 606-613 - Dukgwon Lee, Seunghyun Beak, Youngmin Lee, Eunser Lee, Jungkook Kim, Gyung-Leen Park, Taikyeong Jeong:
Minimize the delay of parasitic capacitance and modeling in RLC circuit. 614-620 - Eun Cheol Kim, Jae Sang Cha, Jin Young Kim, Young Dae Lee, Yong Soon Im, Chanwoo Moon, Jeong Jin Kang:
Novel OFDM frame synchronization in multi-user environments. 621-625 - M. I. Afzal, Shin Seoyong, Waqar Mahmood, Sajid Sheikh Muhammad:
Optical wireless recharging model for wireless sensor nodes by using Corner Cube Retroreflectors (CCRs). 626-631 - YouSik Hong, Su-Bong Ryou, Cheonshik Kim
, Young Im Cho, Kyung-Sook Kim, Jeong Jin Kang:
Optimal green time calculation using artificial intelligence. 632-636 - Kee Beom Kim, Seong Min Jo, Jin Woo Song, Ki-Seok Chung, Yong Ho Song:
Performance evaluation of on-chip interconnect IP using CBR traffic generator model. 637-642 - Kyong-jin Kim, Eugene Kim, Seng-Phil Hong:
Privacy information protection in portable device. 643-646 - Eun Cheol Kim, Jae Sang Cha, Jin Young Kim, Young Dae Lee, YouSik Hong, Jeong Jin Kang:
Robust timing jitter control method for network synchronization. 647-651 - Eun Cheol Kim, Jae Sang Cha, Jin Young Kim, Wan Sik kim, Chanwoo Moon, Geon Uk Kang, Jeong Jin Kang:
Successive interference cancellation for cooperative communication systems. 652-656 - Han S. Kim, Min-Chan Kim:
Ubiquitous environmental infra systems for the green city. 657-661 - Jeom-Goo Kim, Hyun-Cheol Kim:
Zone-based fairness control in multi-channel multi-rate high-speed networks. 662-667

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