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ICCSA 2007: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Marina L. Gavrilova, Osvaldo Gervasi:
Selected Papers of the Fifth International Conference on, Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 26-29, 2007. IEEE Computer Society 2007, ISBN 0-7695-2945-3
General Track Papers
Computational Methods, Algorithms and Applications
- Alexander V. Bogdanov, Alexander B. Degtyarev
, Elena N. Stankova
Example of a Potential Grid technology Application in Shipbuilding. 3-8 - Sangman Moh:
VLSI-Oriented Architecture for Two's Complement Serial-Parallel Multiplication without Speed Penalty. 9-13 - Rosma Mohd. Dom, Sameem Abdul Kareem, Rosnah Zain, Basir Abidin:
An Adaptive Fuzzy Regression Model for the Prediction of Dichotomous Response Variables. 14-19 - Sarun Phibanchon, Michael A. Allen:
Time evolution of perturbed solitons of modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. 20-23 - Young Kwon You, Seungwok Han, Sung-Keun Song, Hee Yong Youn:
Context-based Dynamic Channel Management for Efficient Event Service in Pervasive Computing. 24-32
High Performance Technical Computing and Networks
- Dongmahn Seo, Hanmin Bang, Nansook Heo, Inbum Jung, Yoon Kim:
Experimental Evaluation for Scalability and QoS in a VOD System. 33-38 - Nansook Heo, Dongsun Lim, Dongmahn Seo, Inbum Jung, Yoon Kim:
Load Distribution Method and Admission control for Streaming Media QoS in Distributed Transcoding Servers. 39-45 - Choonsung Rhee, Jungwook Song, Heemin Kim, Sunyoung Han:
Multicast Tree Construction for Supporting QoS. 46-50 - Ahmet Yildiz, Canan Yildiz:
An Approach to a Real World Dynamic Route Guidance Problem. 51-56 - Suhaila Zainudin, Safaai Deris:
Towards Evaluation of Inferred Gene Network. 57-64
Advanced and Emerging Applications
- Mostafa A. Ahmad, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Gerald Krell, Bernd Michaelis:
Very Lowbit Rate ideo Codec Based on Diffrentialwavelet Filters. 65-71 - Debnath Bhattacharyya
, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Deepsikha Choudhury:
Handwritten Signature Authentication Scheme using Integrated Statistical Analysis of Bi-Color Images. 72-77 - Reza Meimandi Parizi, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani:
A Survey on Aspect-Oriented Testing Approaches. 78-85 - Marina Yusoff, Sofianita Mutalib, Shuzlina Abdul Rahman, Azlinah Mohamed:
Intelligent Water Dispersal Controller: Comparison between Mamdani and Sugeno Approaches. 86-96
Information Systems and Information Technologies
- Masita Abdul Jalil, Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah:
The Difficulties of Using Design Patterns among Novices: An Exploratory Study. 97-103 - Hieu Trung Huynh, Nguyen H. Vo, Minh-Tuan T. Hoang, Yonggwan Won:
Outlier Treatment for SLFNs in Classification. 104-109 - Kiran Parmar, Rachid Anane, Robert J. Hendley:
Architecture of a SCORM-Compliant Assessment Authoring Tool. 110-117 - Hamed M. Sallam, Ali Hussain Abdullah:
Toward a Fuzzy Astrophysics Research Resources (FARR). 118-122 - Faizah Shaari, Azuraliza Abu Bakar, Abdul Razak Hamdan:
Discovery of Non-Interesting Attribute in Mining Outliers Pattern. 123-132
Workshop and Technical Session Papers
Advanced Security Services
- Bohyun Wang, Zonghua Liu, Byungwook Lee:
A Study of Superdistribution Model for Family Domain in DRM System. 133-138 - Dong-Hong Xu, Yong Qi, Di Hou, Ying Chen, Liang Liu:
A Formal Model for Security-Aware dynamic Web Services Composition. 139-143 - Zonghua Liu, Bohyun Wang, Byungwook Lee, Myung-Mook Han:
Security License Distribution Mechanism for Rights Delegation Models of Group Distribution between Consumers. 144-152
Advances in Web Based Learning
- Majid Javid Moayed, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Mojtaba Seyedzadegan:
Comparing Between Web Application Effort Estimation Methods. 153-160 - Gonca Kizilkaya, Emel Dikbas Torun, Petek Askar:
Restructuring E-learning With Ontologies. 161-164 - Hua-Yi Lin, Zhi-Ren Qiu, De-Jun Pan, Xin-Xiang Zha:
Constructing a Cluster-Based M-Learning Architecture in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using MPEG-21. 165-170 - DaeHyuck Park, Euisun Kang, Younghwan Lim:
Multimedia Content Transcoding for Displaying Space Synchronization on Web Browser. 171-175 - Kung-Jeng Wang:
An Agent-Based Prototype of Asynchronous Distance e-Learning System for Facilities Planning Courses. 176-184
Component Based Software Engineering and Software Process Model
- Seungwok Han, Sung-Keun Song, Hee Yong Youn:
Dynamic Software Adaptation with Dependence Analysis for Multi-Agent Platform. 185-191 - Chengying Mao, Jinlong Zhang, Yansheng Lu:
Using Dependence Matrix to Support Change Impact Analysis for CBS. 192-200
Computational Geometry and Applications
- Ali Asadi, Mohammad Reza Razzazi:
Euclidean Steiner Minimal Tree Inside Simple Polygon Avoiding Obstacles. 201-207 - Mojtaba Nouri Bygi, Mohammad Ghodsi:
3D Visibility and Partial Visibility Complex. 208-207 - Ali Sajedi Badashian, Mohammad Reza Razzazi:
Kinetic Convex Hull Algorithm Using Spiral Kinetic Data Structure. 216-226
Computational Intelligence Approaches and Methods for Security Engineering
- Yong-Tae Kim, Gilcheol Park, Tai-Hoon Kim, Sang-Ho Lee:
Security Evaluation for Information Assurance. 227-230 - Lizhong Xie, Ping Hu, Jun Bi:
An Enhanced Shim6 Address Switching Method. 231-236
Digital Content Security and Management of Distributed Computing
- Kyong Ho Choi, Dong Hwi Lee, Kuinam J. Kim:
Design and Implementation of Security Structure for Interactive Web Environment. 237-244
Distributed Data and Storage System Management
- Dan Feng, Juan Wang, Fang Wang, Peng Xia:
DOIDFH: an Effective Distributed Metadata Management Scheme. 245-252
Data Storage Devices and Systems
- Tomasz Bilski:
A Formal Model for Data Storage Security Evaluation. 253-257 - Junseok Park, Hansung Chun, Hyokyung Bahn, Kern Koh:
Dynamic Group-based Scheduling for Two Dimensional Seek Space in MEMS-based Storage. 258-264 - Junseok Park, Kern Koh:
A Space-efficient On-disk Prefetching Algorithm. 265-272
Hybrid Information Technology Using Computational Intelligence
- Rabiah Abdul Kadir, Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok, Halimah Badioze Halimah:
Towards Skolemize Clauses Binding for Reasoning in Inference Engine. 273-282
Integrated Analysis and Intelligent Design Technology
- Mi-Yeon Kim, Jung Min Seo, Chang-Joo Moon:
SQL Extension for Multidatabase System. 283-289 - Jae-Woo Lee, Kyung-Ho Noh, Yung-Hwan Byun, Bong-Kyo Park:
Preliminary Design of the Hybrid Air-launching Rocket for Nanosat. 290-295 - Jeong-Oog Lee, Seung-Jin Lee, Ho-Jun Lee, Jae-Woo Lee:
Development of a Database for Integrated Missile System Design in Web Services-based MDO Framework. 296-300 - Seung-Jin Lee, Woohyun Kim, Jae-Woo Lee, Yung-Hwan Byun:
Development of Integrated Missile System Design Framework Using Distributed Computing Environment. 301-305 - Seyoung Lee, Changjin Lee, Soohyung Park:
Unsteady Cavitation and Cryogenic Flow Cavitation around 2D Body. 306-310 - Daniel Neufeld, Joon Chung:
Development of Aircraft Conceptual Design Optimization Software. 313-317 - Soo Hyung Park, Yung Hoon Yu, Kum Won Cho:
An Efficient Multigrid Method for Overlapped Grid System to Integrated System Analysis. 318-323 - Trung-Thanh Pham, Yong-Hyun Kim, Sung-Lim Ko:
Development of a Software for Effective Cutting Simulation using Advanced Octree Algorithm. 324-334
Intelligent Image Mining
- Minh-Tuan T. Hoang, Yonggwan Won, Hyung-Jeong Yang:
Cognitive States Detection in fMRI using incremental P. 335-341 - Jong Gu Lee, Eun Mi Kim, Cheol-Jung Yoo, Ok-Bae Chang:
Application and evaluation of edge detection system employing the ADD. 342-345 - Maged Marghany, Mazlan Hashim, Arthur P. Cracknell:
Holograph Interferomatery for Modelling Rate Change of Shoreline from Airsar Data. 346-352
Information Services and Information Technologies
- Duckjin Chai, Buhyun Hwang, Eun Hee Kim, Long Jin, Keun Ho Ryu:
Prediction of Frequent Items to One Dimensional Stream Data. 353-361 - Kyu Bong Cho, Sung-Keun Song, Hee Yong Youn:
Publisher-side Event Filtering for QoS-Awareness in Ubiquitous Computing. 361-366 - Sajid Ibrahim Hashmi, Jongmoon Baik:
Software Quality Assurance in XP and Spiral - A Comparative Study. 367-374 - Shukor Sanim Bin Mohd Fauzi, Nuraminah Bt Ramli:
Software Project Management Maturity Assessment Model to Assess Software Project Management Practices. 375-379 - Tonny Kurniadi Satyananda, Danhyung Lee, Sungwon Kang, Sajid Ibrahim Hashmi:
Identifying Traceability between Feature Model and Software Architecture in Software Product Line using Formal Concept Analysis. 380-388
Intelligent Services and the Synchronization in Mobile Multimedia Networks
- Hyuncheol Kim, Younghwa Kim, Kwangjoon Kim, Jinwook Chung:
High-performance data transfer using SCTP-based compact association scheme. 389-398
Mobile Communications
- Ki-Young Jang, Kyung Tae Kim, Hee Yong Youn:
An Energy Efficient Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. 399-404 - Kyungjun Kim, ByungRae Cha:
A Topology Control Scheme for Avoiding Sensing Hole in Wireless Sensor Networks. 405-408 - Sun Wook Kim, Kyu Bong Cho, Seungwok Han, Hee Yong Youn:
Efficient and Dynamic Location-based Event Service for Mobile Computing Environments. 409-415 - Keun-Sang Park, Young-deog Yun, Chang-Han Kim, Seoung Soo Lee:
Comparison of the Task Performances with the Multi-display Computer. 416-422
Modeling of Location Management in Mobile Information Systems
- Hyuncheol Kim, Younghwa Kim, Seong-Jin Ahn, Kwangjoon Kim:
A multi-layer recovery scheme in ASON/GMPLS networks. 423-432
Molecular Simulations, Structures, and Processes
- Alessandro Costantini, Antonio Laganà, Leonardo Pacifici, Osvaldo Gervasi
An alternative distribution model for the Molecular Dynamics study of liquid Propane on a grid platform. 433-440 - Noelia Faginas Lago
, Antonio Laganà, Fermín Huarte-Larrañaga:
Quantum vs Semiclassical Dynamics Approaches from highly symmetric to asymmetric reactions. 441-443 - Stavros C. Farantos:
Non-Linear Vibrational Normal Modes of Biomolecules. 444-450 - Sanjay Kumar Khattri, Sylvia B. Encheva:
Mesh optimization: Anisotropic or Uniform Meshes for Reaction Diffusion Problems? 451-456 - Alistair P. Rendell, Bill Clarke, Pete P. Janes, Josh Milthorpe, Rui Yang:
Interval Arithmetic and Computational Science: Rounding and Truncation Errors in N-Body Methods. 457-466
Optimization: Theories and Applications
- Jae-Dong Kim, Hyun-Seon Choi, Dong-Ho Lee:
Vehicle Routing in a Refuse Collection System: a Case Study. 467-473 - KwanWoo Kim, In-Jae Jeong:
Flow Shop Scheduling with No-wait Flexible Lot Streaming using Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. 474-479 - Yong-Ju Kwon, Jun-Gyu Kim, Jeongyeon Seo, Dong-Ho Lee, Deok-Soo Kim:
A Tabu Search Algorithm using the Voronoi Diagram for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. 480-488
Pattern Recognition and Ubiquitous Computing
- Yo Horikawa:
Facial Expression Recognition using KCCA with Combining Correlation Kernels and Kansei Information. 489-498
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
- Jeonghun Han, Hyunwoo Ki, Kyoungsu Oh:
GPU Ray Marching for Real-Time Rendering of Participating Media. 499-504 - Kyoungsu Oh, Hyowon Kim, Chulhan Lee, Hyunwoo Ki:
Real-Time Rendering of Multi-View Images from a Single Image with Depth. 505-509 - Doowon Paik, Byeung-Soo Kim:
A Selective Interpolation Scheme for Mobile Camera Sensors. 510-514 - Frutuoso G. M. Silva
NSA simplification algorithm: geometrical vs. visual quality. 515-523 - James Strauss, Amitava Datta:
Simplified Shadow Volumes using Silhouette Level-of-Detail. 524-531 - Aidong Sun, Yan Sun, Caixing Liu:
The QR-code reorganization in illegible snapshots taken by mobile phones. 532-538
Computational Science in Education
- Noraida Haji Ali, Zarina Shukur, Sufian Bin Idris:
A Design of an Assessment System for UML Class Diagram. 539-546
Wireless Sensor Networks
- Youngtae Jo, Chongmyung Park, Joahyoung Lee, Inbum Jung:
Energy Effective Time Synchronization inWireless Sensor Network. 547-553 - Maznah Kamat, Abdul Samad Ismail, Stephan Olariu:
Optimized-Hilbert for Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks. 554-560 - Min Meng, Xiaoling Wu, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee:
Energy Efficient Routing in Multiple Sink Sensor Networks. 561-566
Virtual Reality in Scientific Applications and Learning
- Ahmed Aboamama Atahar, M. Shafie Abd Latiff
, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar
, Ahmad Rajion Zainul:
Visualization Pipeline for Medical Datasets on Grid Computing Environment. 567-576

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