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11th FSKD 2014: Xiamen, China
- 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2014, Xiamen, China, August 19-21, 2014. IEEE 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-5147-5
- Youzhi Zhang
, Xudong Luo
Decision making with the induced generalised OWA operator and Dempster-Shafer theory. 1-5 - Mohammed Abdullatif Alzain
, Ben Soh, Eric Pardede
Evaluation of multi-cloud computing TMR-based model using a cloud simulator. 6-11 - Issam M. Kouatli
Fuzzimetric Type-2 sets representation using fuzzimetric arcs. 12-17 - Xiaohong Zhang
, Xiaoyan Mao:
Fuzzy T-type filters in pseudo-BCI algebras. 18-23 - Zhi-gang Su, Babak Rezaee
, Pei-hong Wang:
Mixture data-driven Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model. 24-30 - Makoto Yasuda:
Q-increment deterministic annealing fuzzy c-means clsutering using Tsallis entropy. 31-35 - Fangfang Guo, Yonghong Ren:
Several classes of polynomial-time solvable fuzzy relational inequalities. 36-41 - Shuang Yi, Ningbo Zhao, Shuying Li, Zhiqiang Xu:
A study on fault diagnostic method for the lube oil system of gas turbine based on rough sets theory. 42-48 - Bin Yang
, William Zhu
Covering-based rough sets on covering-circuit matroids. 49-54 - Jie Wang, Qingyan Kong:
Performance diagnosis of elite table tennis competition based on rough set theory. 55-60 - Jilin Huang, Yanyong Guan
, Jianting Shen, Hongkai Wang:
Rough approximations in tolerance rough set models. 61-66 - Bingyi Li, Hong Zhang, Jinling Li:
The vehicle routing problem for the coal mine dangerous materials distribution. 67-71 - Limin Zhang, Tao Xu, Jianting Zhang, Yingfu Yu:
A knowledge-based procedure for remote sensing image classification. 72-76 - Zhiming Shang, Zhaorong Lin, Gaojin Wen
, Na Yao, Chunxiao Zhang, Qian Zhang:
Aerial image clustering analysis based on genetic fuzzy c-means algorithm and Gabor-Gist descriptor. 77-81 - Jing Li, Jiulun Fan
Parameter selection for suppressed fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm based on fuzzy partition entropy. 82-87 - Jinqiu Hu, Laibin Zhang, Wenqiang Li, Wenhui Tian:
Root cause reasoning based on fuzzy fault Petri net for petroleum engineering systems. 88-93 - Ruijun Dong:
Sampling strategies and sample redundancy in population-based fuzzy modeling and classification. 94-97 - Ling Chen, Hong Man, Huading Jia, Zhiyi Wang, Lei Wang, Zili Li:
Subspace analysis of spectral features for speaker recognition. 98-102 - Hui Zhao, Qian Li, Li Li, Guanjun Zhang:
The application of fuzzy analysis method to the evaluation of grain production. 103-107 - Kang Li, Jianguo Zheng:
The research on the risk assessment of aquatic product cold chain based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. 108-113 - Xiao Liu, Keke Shang, Jie Liu, Chun Yu Zhou:
Unstructured road detection based on fuzzy clustering arithmetic. 114-118 - Tatiana Jaworska:
Application of fuzzy rule-based classifier to CBIR in comparison with other classifiers. 119-124 - Ma Ru-Ning, Ding Jun-Di:
Density-driven fuzzy connectedness for image segmentation. 125-130 - Wen-Cheng Lai, Jhin-Fang Huang, Cheng-Lun Wen, Wang-Tyng Lay:
FPGA implementation of A MASH 1-1-1 delta-sigma modulator infractional-N phase locked loop for fuzzy control application. 131-134 - Md. Arifur Rahman
, Stephen Ching-Feng Lin, Chin Yeow Wong, Guannan Jiang, Ngai Ming Kwok:
Multisensor multichannel image fusion based on fuzzy logic. 135-140 - Jun Li, Jianyong Zhang:
A heuristic algorithm to VRP with the consideration of customers' service preference. 141-146 - Jianyong Zhang, Jun Li:
A hybrid genetic algorithm to the vehicle routing problem with fuzzy cost coefficients. 147-152 - Qiguang Zhang, Chong Wu
, Wei Guo:
Performance evaluation of bank microfinance based on fuzzy mathematics and AHP. 153-158 - Dongxue Sun, Yuefei Liu, Song Xin:
An evaluation index system of american sports coaches in the century. 159-164 - Rongxiang Zhang, Xiaodong Chu, Wen Zhang, Yutian Liu, Yuanhong Hou:
Fuzzy control design for thermostatically controlled loads considering consumers' thermal comfort. 165-170 - Xiao-Peng Yang
, Bing-Yuan Cao, Hai-Tao Lin:
Multi-objective fully fuzzy linear programming problems with triangular fuzzy numbers. 171-177 - Agus Maman Abadi
, Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa:
Neuro fuzzy model with singular value decomposition for forecasting the number of train passengers in Yogyakarta. 178-182 - Qianqian Chen, Yehua Chen:
Projection pursuit fuzzy rules classification evaluation method of commercial credit. 183-187 - Wenbo Kuang, Zhengtian Xu, Huapu Lu:
Self-balanced bicycle rental systems under dynamic demand forecasting. 188-193 - Zhijie Wei, Zuohua Ding, Jueliang Hu:
Self-tuning performance of database systems based on fuzzy rules. 194-198 - Shu-Cheng Xiao, Jia-Feng Wu, Hong He, Zhen-Dong Yang, Xin Shen:
An emergency logistics transportation path optimization model by using trapezoidal fuzzy. 199-203 - Shanliang Yang, Song Wang, Xiao Xu
, Ge Li:
A hybrid multiple attribute decision-making approach for evaluating weapon systems under fuzzy environment. 204-210 - Jibin Lan, Xiaochun Mo, Shangfei Lu, Zhongxing Wang:
A new approach for multiple attribute decision making under linguistic environment. 211-216 - Subing Lu, Wenchuan Wang, Cancan Liu:
Assessment of water use benefits in irrigation district - An application of variable fuzzy model. 217-221 - Zhangli Yang, Lei Li, Buqing Liu:
Auto-tuning method of fuzzy PID controller parameter based on self-learning system. 222-226 - Wei Zheng, Xiuwen Mo:
Complex lithology automatic identification technology based on fuzzy clustering and neural networks. 227-231 - Petr Hájek
, Vladimír Olej:
Defuzzification methods in intuitionistic fuzzy inference systems of Takagi-Sugeno type: The case of corporate bankruptcy prediction. 232-236 - Yan Nan, Hengshan Zhang, Qinghua Zheng, Di Wang, Ting Liu, Boqin Feng:
IFSDA: An intuitionistic fuzzy set-based data aggregation approach for software maintainability evaluation. 237-242 - Qiguang Zhang, Chong Wu
, Wei Guo:
Listed commercial bank credit evaluation of financial performance based on AHP. 243-248 - Qingquan Jiang, Mojtaba Rees Safari, Liu Zhen Yu, Qinglan Chen:
Prioritization of strategies to achieve world-class manufacturing using a hybrid approach of fuzzy multiple criteria technique: Case study from Quanzhou industrial clusters. 249-254 - Eric Afful-Dadzie
, Stephen Nabareseh, Petr Klimek, Zuzana Komínková Oplatková
Ranking fragile states for support facility: A fuzzy topsis approach. 255-261 - Zhijun Wang
, Qiangyan Pan, Lifeng Yang, Chunyan Xu, Feng Yu, Liang Li, Jianhua He:
Recognition of outer membrane proteins using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems. 262-267 - Zhijun Li, Zhihui Dai, Yanjun Jiao:
Research on condition-based maintenance strategy of protection systems based on multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. 268-272 - Feng Hu, Rui Yang:
Robust stabilization for uncertain fuzzy singular systems with interval time-varying delay. 273-277 - Santoso Wibowo
, Srimannarayana Grandhi
Sustainability performance evaluation of renewable energy systems. 278-283 - Xinhao Zhou, Yongfeng Huang:
An improved parallel association rules algorithm based on MapReduce framework for big data. 284-288 - Shalini Bhaskar Bajaj:
ARAS: Efficient generation of Association Rules Using Antecedent Support. 289-294 - Jing Wang, Lei Zhang, Guiquan Liu, Qi Liu, Enhong Chen:
On top-k closed sequential patterns mining. 295-300 - Hai Wei, Xiaohui Lin, Xirong Xu, Lishuang Li, Weijian Zhang, Xiaomei Wang:
A novel ensemble classifier based on multiple diverse classification methods. 301-305 - Sen Jia, Jinquan Liang, Yao Xie, Lin Deng:
A novel feature voting model for text classification. 306-311 - Deqiang Chen:
Computer anomaly detection based on the moving averages of the power series distributed random sequence. 312-316 - Vladimir Stanovov
, Eugene Semenkin
Hybrid self-configuring evolutionary algorithm for automated design of fuzzy logic rule base. 317-321 - Hao Wang
, Hongrui Zhao, Wanqing Li:
Land-use classification of Zhanghe river basin using the maximum likelihood and decision tree method. 322-327 - Yun Xue, Meihang Li, Zhengling Liao, Jie Luo, TieChen Li, Hua Xiao, Xiaohui Hu:
A biclustering algorithm with coherent evolution on the contiguous columns facing time-series gene data. 328-333 - Yun Xue, TieChen Li, Zhiwen Liu, Zhengling Liao, Hua Xiao, Hongya Zhao, Xiaohui Hu:
A common-subsequence-based approach for mining deep order preserving submatrix. 334-340 - Zhengling Liao, Jie Luo, Meihang Li, Yun Xue, TieChen Li, Xiaohui Hu:
A new approach for mining deep order-preserving submatrices. 341-345 - Gege Zhang, Weixing Zhou, Yuanyuan Zhang, Xiaohui Hu, Yun Xue, Jianping Wang, Meihang Li:
Academic co-author networks based on the self-organizing feature map. 346-351 - Hang Yin, Chunhong Zhang, Yang Ji:
Distributed clustering using distributed mixture of probabilistic PCA. 352-357 - Yanpeng Zhang, Hong Zhang:
Image clustering based on SIFT-affinity propagation. 358-362 - Jun Tan, Yan-Jiang Jia:
Online bidding system based on Cournot model using K-means clustering. 363-368 - Peng Ni, Chunhong Zhang, Yang Ji:
A hybrid method for short-term sensor data forecasting in Internet of Things. 369-373 - Kang Too Ken Tsang, S. Fu, Jingwen Gu
, Min Zhou, K. L. Chan, Y. C. Zheng:
A statistical learning approach to Chang'E microwave radiometer data calibration. 374-378 - Li Liu, Chen Chen, Longfei Yang:
Combining frequent itemsets and statistical features for texture classification in relative phase domain. 379-384 - Zongjie Ma, Huawen Liu, Zhonglong Zheng, Jianmin Zhao, Xiaodan Xu:
Compressed partial least squares regression: A supervised method for multi-label data. 385-389 - Ting Zhang, Yingjie Xia, Qianqian Zhu, Yuncai Liu, Jianhui Shen:
Mining related information of traffic flows on lanes by k-medoids. 390-396 - Qing He, Xiaohu Cheng, Fuzhen Zhuang, Zhongzhi Shi:
Parallel feature selection using positive approximation based on MapReduce. 397-402 - Chaohui Zhuang:
A knowledge base with dependencies. 403-407 - Zeqing Liu, Hongfei Zhan, Junhe Yu:
Enterprise knowledge cooperation network based on business time-sequence relationship. 408-412 - Yuan Chen, Zhonglong Zheng:
Compressive neighborhood embedding for classification. 413-417 - Arslan Shaukat, Muhammad Ahsan, Ali Hassan
, Farhan Riaz:
Daily sound recognition for elderly people using ensemble methods. 418-423 - Yiming Wang, Yangdong Ye, Zhenfeng Zhu:
Dynamic threshold model based probabilistic latent semantic analysis. 424-429 - Yanhuang Jiang, Qiangli Zhao, Yutong Lu:
Ensemble based data stream mining with recalling and forgetting mechanisms. 430-435 - Shengxiong Deng, Jiangtao Luo, Yong Liu, Xiaoping Wang, Junchao Yang:
Ensemble learning model for P2P traffic identification. 436-440 - Can Wang, Xi Yu:
Research on attribute reduction based on L-context. 441-446 - Meng Su, Zhengtao Yu, Shengxiang Gao, Lanjiang Zhou, Mingjia An:
A novel Naxi dependency parsing method based on rules and statistics. 447-452 - Xiao-Li Xue, Li-Tan Peng, Hua Tao, Weiwei Li, Xu-Qing Tang:
Hierarchical structure invariance and optimal approximation for proximity data. 453-459 - Haipeng Sun, Tiejun Zhao:
Neural network-based reranking model for statistical machine translation. 460-465 - Andrew Schumann
p-Adic valued fuzzyness and experiments with physarum polycephalum. 466-472 - Kaiyu Wan, Vangalur S. Alagar:
Synthesizing data-to-wisdom hierarchy for developing smart systems. 473-478 - Zhenfeng He:
Hub selection for hub based clustering algorithms. 479-484 - Peng Li, Yi Zheng, Chao Han, Yan Ma:
Lightning and nuclear explosion pattern recognition from optical and electromagnetic data. 485-489 - Firas Zekri, Hanên Ghorbel, Rafik Bouaziz
A decision support system based on fuzzy specialized rules for the Alzheimer disease. 490-496 - Haiman Du, Yang Bai, Suiping Zhou, Hongrui Wang, Xiu-Ling Liu:
A novel method for diagnosing premature ventricular contraction beat based on chaos theory. 497-501 - Jiawei Luo, Lingyao Yu, Qian Dang:
Exploring the application of gene ontology semantic similarity measure for identifying protein complexes. 502-507 - Kashif Asghar, Jamil Ahmad, Javaria Ashraf, Amjad Ali
, Hussnain Ahmed Janjua
, Sheeba Murad:
Qualitative modeling and analysis of the indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase regulatory network in homeostasis and disease. 508-512 - Zhen Meng, Jing Shao, Wei Cao, Jianhui Li, Yuanchun Zhou, Xuezhi Wang:
RapidTree: A solution to rapid reconstruction phylogenetic tree. 513-517 - Rafael Abud Menezes, Júlio César Nievola:
RCMDE-GMD: Predicting gene ontology terms using differential evolution. 518-524 - Chi-Jim Chen, Tun-Wen Pai, Hamido Fujita
, Chien-Hung Lee, Yang-Ting Chen, Kuo-Su Chen
, Yung-Chih Chen:
Stage diagnosis for Chronic Kidney Disease based on ultrasonography. 525-530 - Wan Li
, Lina Chen, Xu Jia, Chenchen Feng, Yuehan He, Youwen Du, Min Hou, Xiaoqing Li:
The analysis of functional modules in primary cardiomyopathies. 531-536 - Kongfa Hu, Long Li, Chengjun Hu, Jiadong Xie, Zhipeng Lu:
A dynamic path data cleaning algorithm based on constraints for RFID data cleaning. 537-541 - Bang Zhang, Xingwei Wang, Min Huang:
A data replica placement scheme for cloud storage under healthcare IoT environment. 542-547 - Yuxing Zhu, Jun Gong:
A real-time trajectory indexing method based on MongoDB. 548-553 - Guang Han, Xiaofei Li, Ning Sun, Jixin Liu:
A robust object detection algorithm based on background difference and LK optical flow. 554-559 - Yunpeng Su, Binwen Fan, Qiliang Yang:
Designing and optimizing the method for pedestrian detection based on Adaboost algorithm. 560-564 - Jian-Feng Huang, Shui-Li Chen:
Detection of violent crowd behavior based on statistical characteristics of the optical flow. 565-569 - Meihua Chen, Binwen Fan, Huanyu Song:
Geometry calibration for multi-projector display automatically based on the feedback of camera algorithm. 570-574 - Sonia Alouane-Ksouri, Minyar Sassi Hidri
, Kamel Barkaoui:
A tripartite graph-based fuzzy co-similarities for document retrieval. 575-580 - Penghua Yu, Lanfen Lin, Ruisong Wang, Jing Wang, Feng Wang:
A unified latent factor correction scheme for collaborative filtering. 581-586 - Wenzhen Chi, Yijiang Chen, Chang Su, Xiaodong Shi
Global reoccurrence measure for keyword extraction. 587-592 - Jinxiu Chen:
Improving event extraction using online learning strategy. 593-597 - Yifei Chen, Bingqing Han, Ping Hou:
New feature selection methods based on context similarity for text categorization. 598-604 - He Hu, Xiaoyong Du:
Page query language generation for structural extraction. 605-609 - Zhigang Xu, Lei Liu, Haibo Cai, Shuying Yan:
Research on Chinese microblog's semantic expansion model based on specific context. 610-615 - Yin Zhang, Kening Gao, Bin Zhang, Li Gao:
A semantic case based web 2.0 tag hierarchy construction framework. 616-622 - Qiuling Yan, Dongqing Yang:
GSLDA: Supervised topic model with graph regularization. 623-627 - Hui Liu, Zhijing Liu, Tong Yuan, Yong Yao:
Adaptively incremental dictionary compression method for column-oriented database. 628-632 - Lei Liu, Zhigang Xu, Haibo Cai, Lu Hong Diao, Shuying Yan:
Acquiring semantic relation pattern from large microblog text. 633-637 - Meiling Cheng, Jinhua Xu:
Address block localization for Chinese postal envelopes with clutter background. 638-643 - Min Zhu, Yicheng Li, Shaoqin Chen:
Mining multi-attribute sequential pattern in onboard failure logging. 644-649 - Yanli Xiang, Ze Zhang, Ruirui Bo:
Identification method of particle material heterochromatic object based on color feature. 650-654 - Khoa Nguyen, Dat Tran
, Wanli Ma
, Dharmendra Sharma
An approach to detect network attacks applied for network forensics. 655-660 - Xiaoqian Liu, Kan Shi, Lei Xing:
Combining grey systems theory and entropy method to evaluate the organizational health. 661-665 - Juanjuan Lai, Tianlun Zheng, Hongbo Yi, Dayong Dong:
Investor sentiment affects the trading volume: An evidence from network forums text analysis. 666-670 - Xue Bai, Yitong Wang, Heng Jiang, Zhicheng Liao, Yun Xiong, Xibin Shi:
Mining high-temperature event space-time regions in geo-referenced temperature series data. 671-676 - Yu Wei:
Multi-dimensional time warping based on complexity invariance and its application in sports evaluation. 677-680 - Xinglong Yu, Bin Wu, Yu Liu:
Node role analysis algorithm based on directed topological potential. 681-685 - Yue Wang, Xiubang Zhang, Lilan Nan, Daling Wang:
Occupation recommendation based on student achievement mining in vocational skill training. 686-691 - Xingxing Xing, Wenhao Huang, Guojie Song, Kunqing Xie:
Traffic zone division using mobile billing data. 692-697 - Yong Jin, Youxing Chen, Zhaoba Wang:
A Conjugate Gradient Neural Network for inspection of glass defects. 698-703 - Yang Liu, Xiaodong Shen, Lixiong Xu, Maozhen Li:
A MapReduce based parallel algorithm for CIM data verification. 704-709 - Martin Bobák
, Ladislav Hluchý
, Viet D. Tran
Abstract model of k-cloud computing. 710-714 - Mukhtaj Khan, Maozhen Li, Phillip M. Ashton, Gareth A. Taylor
, Junyong Liu:
Big data analytics on PMU measurements. 715-719 - Mukhtaj Khan, Yang Liu, Maozhen Li:
Data locality in Hadoop cluster systems. 720-724 - Peter Krammer
, Ondrej Habala, Ladislav Hluchý
, Katarína Tóthová:
Data mining in hydrological domain. 725-728 - Byoungsu Lee, Dong-Min Woo, Minkee Park, Seungwoo Kim:
Development of self-localizer using collaboration of trilateration and triangulation. 729-733 - Man Qi:
Digital forensics and NoSQL databases. 734-739 - Shengmei Luo, Lixia Liu, Hongxu Wang, Bin Wu, Yang Liu:
Implementation of a parallel graph partition algorithm to speed up BSP computing. 740-744 - Yang Liu, Xiaodong Shen, Lixiong Xu, Maozhen Li:
A MapReduce based parallel algorithm for CIM data verification. 745-750 - Xingfang Lu:
Study of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for shoes comfort. 751-755 - Biao Wang, Yang Liu, Zelong Liu, Maozhen Li, Man Qi:
Topic selection in latent dirichlet allocation. 756-760 - Peng Gang Sun:
Analysis of resolution limit in community detection. 761-765 - Jing Liu, Fang Meng, Fangcheng Mu, Yichun Zhang:
An improved image retrieval method based on SIFT algorithm and saliency map. 766-770 - Zhongqiu Wang, Zhen Wang, Hongru Wang, Jun-cheng Wang:
Blind adaptive multi-user detection technique based on improved Kalman filter for underwater acoustic communication. 771-776 - Wei Qin, Noboru Ito:
High-accuracy phase-equalizer design based on bi-linearized phase-error function. 777-781 - Qicong Wang, Meixiang Zhang, Yunqi Lei, Yehu Shen:
Image compressed sensing based on multi-level adaptive learning dictionaries. 782-787 - Peilong Zhao, Jiwen Dong, Lei Wang:
Image compression algorithm based on automatic extracted ROI. 788-792 - Huayong Liu, Huifen Hao:
Key frame extraction based on improved hierarchical clustering algorithm. 793-797 - Tao Zhang, Xiaomeng Yan:
Locating steganographic payloads by combining weighed-stego residuals and maximum a posteriori probability cover estimator. 798-802 - Bo Sun, Feng Xu, Dongyang Liu, Qi Kuang, Jun He
Optimized multi-task sparse representation based classification method for robust face recognition. 803-807 - Zengguo Sun, Zhihua Zhang:
Parameter estimation of K model of radar cross section for synthetic aperture radar images based on second-kind statistics. 808-813 - Stephen Ching-Feng Lin, Chin Yeow Wong, Guannan Jiang, Md. Arifur Rahman
, Ngai Ming Kwok:
Radial fourier analysis (RFA) image descriptor. 814-819 - Pucheng Zhou
, Yuan Zhou:
Single image haze removal using dark channel prior and fields of experts model. 820-824 - Da Pan, Ping Shi, Cuiying Li:
Sketch-based image retrieval by using saliency. 825-829 - Yujie Zheng, Xuliu Lan, Junling Li, Fang Meng:
The contrast experiment on visual attention regions and saliency maps based on the eye tracker. 830-834 - TaiLin Han, Guangw Wen Liu, Hua Cai, Bo Wang:
The face detection and location system based on Zynq. 835-839 - Sen Feng, Liangrui Tang, Jian-hong Hao:
An energy efficient routing algorithm based on radar chart for wireless sensor networks. 840-844 - Xunli Fan, Feifei Du, Jun Guo, Jie Zhang:
Energy independent clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor network. 845-849 - Ming-Zong Wu, Ming-Haw Jing, Chong-Dao Lee, Yaotsu Chang:
Improved decoding of binary Golay code. 850-853 - Rong Xiao, Yungang Wei, Yongkang Xiao, Xiaoming Zhu, Bo Sun:
PFPG: A novel MTU model for IPv4/IPv6 transition. 854-859 - Jiawei Luo
, Xiaotian Yu, Yonghua Yin, Hongzhou Tan
, Yunong Zhang
Acceleration-level Z2G0 controller for redundant manipulator end-effector tracking. 860-865 - Liping Zhang, Shu-Lin Wu, Kelin Li:
Delay synchronization controller for Chua's chaotic circuits. 866-870 - Wen Li, Baotong Cui
, Wenying Mu:
Robust observer-based fault estimation of switched systems. 871-875 - Jun Tao:
Research on distributed computing of EAI platform system. 876-880 - Jianli Chen, Wenxing Zhu:
A scaled LSE wirelength model for VLSI global placement. 881-885 - Hao Wang, Cheng Luo, Baofu Fang:
An alliance generation algorithm based on modified particle swarm optimization for multiple emotional robots pursuit-evader problem. 886-891 - Huiming Jia, Rui Mao, Wenbo Wu:
Methods to monitor process's Spatial and temporal consumption. 892-897 - Wenhao Zhu, Kangkang Niu, Guannan Hu, Jiaoxiong Xia:
Predict user interest with respect to global interest popularity. 898-902 - Hongtao Xie, Fuhua Shang:
The study of methods for post-pruning decision trees based on comprehensive evaluation standard. 903-908 - Zuohua Wang:
Unsupervised intrusion detection algorithm based on association amendment. 909-913 - Jun Hu, Feng Hu, Hong Yu:
Fuzziness of rough sets generated by a covering. 914-918 - RuiGuo Yu, Mankun Zhao, Peng Chang, MuWen He:
Online hot topic detection from web news archive in short terms. 919-923 - Maryam Nazar, Sarmad Sadik:
Ontology based goal and task allocation for autonomous agents. 924-929 - Pavel A. Smirnov, Sergey V. Kovalchuk
Provenance-based workflow composition with virtual simulation objects technology. 930-934 - Wei Zhou, Jiankun Hu
, Ian R. Petersen, Song Wang
, Mohammed Bennamoun
A benchmark 3D fingerprint database. 935-940 - Md. Enamul Kabir, Jiankun Hu
A statistical framework for intrusion detection system. 941-946 - Elena Sitnikova
, Mehdi Asgarkhani:
A strategic framework for managing internet security. 947-955 - Harsha S. Gardiyawasam Pussewalage, Jiankun Hu
, Josef Pieprzyk
A survey: Error control methods used in bio-cryptography. 956-962 - Ting Grace Lin, Richard Palmer
, Jianhong Cecilia Xia
, David A. McMeekin
Automatic generation of station catchment areas: A comparison of Euclidean distance transform algorithm and location-allocation methods. 963-967 - M. Hamedi-Hamzehkolaie, Reza Sanei, Chi Chen
, Xue Tian, Masoud Khalil Nezhad:
Bee-based IP traceback. 968-972 - Fereidoon Rezaei, Masoud Khalil Nezhad, Saeid Rezaei, Ali Payandeh:
Detecting encrypted metamorphic viruses by hidden Markov Models. 973-977 - Miao Xie, Jiankun Hu
, Jill Slay
Evaluating host-based anomaly detection systems: Application of the one-class SVM algorithm to ADFA-LD. 978-982 - Weiping Zhu:
Loss rate estimation with incomplete data set. 983-988 - Chi Chen
, Chaogang Wang, Tengfei Yang, Dongdai Lin, Song Wang
, Jiankun Hu
Optional multi-biometric cryptosystem based on fuzzy extractor. 989-994 - Wencheng Yang, Jiankun Hu
, Song Wang
The effect of spurious and missing minutiae on delaunay triangulation based on its application to fingerprint authentication. 995-999 - Suhaila Ismail
, Elena Sitnikova
, Jill Slay
Using integrated system theory approach to assess security for SCADA systems cyber security for critical infrastructures: A pilot study. 1000-1006

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