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CTS 2012: Denver, CO, USA
- Waleed W. Smari, Geoffrey Charles Fox:
2012 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2012, Denver, CO, USA, May 21-25, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1381-0
Tutorial Paper
- Mohamed Hamdi:
Security of cloud computing, storage, and networking. 1-5
Full Papers
- Geoffrey Charles Fox, Supun Kamburugamuve, Ryan D. Hartman:
Architecture and measured characteristics of a cloud based internet of things. 6-12 - Moumena Chaqfeh
, Nader Mohamed:
Challenges in middleware solutions for the internet of things. 21-26 - Ammar Rayes, Monique Morrow, David Lake:
Internet of things implications on ICN. 27-33 - Omar Alsaleh, Bechir Hamdaoui, Ammar Rayes:
Improving quality of data user experience in 4G distributed telecommunication systems. 34-38 - Tao Huang, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Collaborative annotation of real time streams on android-enabled devices. 39-44 - Claudia Diamantini
, Domenico Potena
, Emanuele Storti
Semantically-supported team building in a KDD virtual environment. 45-52 - Steinar Kristoffersen:
Knowledge-based in-action in globally distributed advanced engineering and construction. 53-60 - Nada Matta, Sophie Loriette, Mohammed Sediri, Jean-Marc Nigro, Yann Barloy, Jean-Pierre Cahier, Alain Hugerot:
Crisis Management experience based representation Road accident situations. 61-67 - Prithviraj Dasgupta
Multi-agent coordination techniques for multi-robot task allocation and multi-robot area coverage. 75 - Fabian Lang
, Andreas Fink:
Collaborative single and parallel machine scheduling by autonomous agents. 76-83 - Wei Chen, Alexander Grushin, Jason H. Li:
Mixed-initiative distributed simultaneous (MDS) planning. 84-90 - George Mudrak, Sudhanshu Kumar Semwal:
AgentCity-An agent-based modeling approach to city planning and population dynamics. 91-96 - Margaret Lyell, Xiong Liu
Software agent application to support the patient-at-home. 97-103 - Sebastian van Delden, Andrew Whigham:
A bluetooth-based architecture for android communication with an articulated robot. 104-108 - Jacob Crossman, Robert Marinier, Edwin B. Olson:
A hands-off, multi-robot display for communicating situation awareness to operators. 109-116 - Glenn Taylor, Richard Frederiksen, Jacob Crossman, Michael Quist, Patrick Theisen:
A multi-modal intelligent user interface for supervisory control of unmanned platforms. 117-124 - Søren Tranberg Hansen, Dorte Malig Rasmussen, Thomas Bak
Field study of a physical game for older adults based on an autonomous, mobile robot. 125-130 - Joshua M. Peschel, Brittany A. Duncan
, Robin R. Murphy:
Exploratory results for a mission specialist interface in micro unmanned aerial systems. 131-140 - Ashfaq Ahmed Malik, Muhammad Adil Khan, Athar Mahboob, Faraz Haider:
Secure geo-sharing in mobile ad-hoc networks. 145-151 - Mohammad Abdelhadi, Muhammad Anan:
A fuzzy-based collaborative localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. 152-156 - Rabia Noor Enam, Syed Misbahuddin, Mumtazul Imam:
Energy efficient round rotation method for a random cluster based WSN. 157-163 - Majid Qayyum, Sohail Jabbar
, Shahzad Rizwan, Farooq Azam:
Stagnant free ant based energy aware heuristic routing in wireless sensor network. 164-169 - David Donald Mrema, Shigeru Shimamoto:
Performance of quadrifilar helix antenna on EAD channel model for UAV to LEO satellite link. 170-175 - Syed Misbahuddin, Robert Olson, Junaid Ahmed Zubairi, Muhammad Irfan, Syed Muhammad Arif, Salman Mansoor, Saeed Sana, Irfan Zara:
Client-server based transmission scheme over GSM network for MEDTOC with patient classification. 176-179 - Goce Trajcevski:
Collaborative coupling of sensing and actuation: uncertainty beyond querying. 180-181 - Laura K. Poff, Aniruddha S. Gokhale
, Mark P. McDonald:
A framework for Broker placement in vehicular ad hoc Networks. 182-189 - Avinash Chaurasia, Utkarsh Dubey, R. K. Ghosh:
A robust key management scheme with strong connectivity for wireless sensor network. 190-194 - Biswajit Panja, Atul Prakash
, Priyanka Meharia, Bradley Schneider:
Security in sensor network based SCADA system for adaptive traffic signal operation. 195-202 - Nader Mohamed, Jameela Al-Jaroodi:
A collaborative fault-tolerant transfer protocol for replicated data in the cloud. 203-210 - Ashish Agrawal, Balwinder Sodhi, T. V. Prabhakar:
Lift - A mechanism for composing virtual app-clusters from heterogeneous apps. 211-217 - Bogdan Solomon, Dan Ionescu, Cristian Gadea, Stejarel Veres, Marin Litoiu
, Joanna Ng:
Distributed clouds for collaborative applications. 218-225 - Lutz Gericke, Matthias Wenzel, Raja Gumienny, Christian Willems, Christoph Meinel:
Handwriting recognition for a digital whiteboard collaboration platform. 226-233 - Noriyuki Ishida, Donghui Lin
, Toshiyuki Takasaki, Toru Ishida
Supporting multilingual discussion for collaborative translation. 234-241 - Khaled Aslan, Hala Skaf-Molli, Pascal Molli:
Connecting Distributed Version Control Systems communities to linked open data. 242-250 - Joe Bruce, Glenn A. Fink
Shopping for danger e-commerce techniques applied to collaboration in cyber security. 251-258 - William J. Rippon:
One meeting: Federation, integration and interoperability of multiple physical and virtual meeting spaces. 259-265 - Brian Drabble:
Information propagation through a dependency network model. 266-272 - Robert K. Atkinson:
Leveraging social media to support collaborative e-learning. 273-274 - Nicolás Galdámez, Cecilia Veronica Sanz, Armando De Giusti:
STORM: Brainstorming collaborative web environment oriented to the educational context. 275-279 - Ray Luechtefeld:
Virtual facilitation as a collaborative e-learning tool. 280-281 - Andrea Guisen, Cecilia Veronica Sanz, Armando De Giusti:
ECCA: Augmentative Communication Collaborative Environment. 282-285 - Alan Davoust, Alexander Craig, Babak Esfandiari, Vincent Kazmierski:
Decentralized collaboration with a peer-to-peer wiki. 286-293 - Armando De Giusti, Fernando Emmanuel Frati
, Mariano Sánchez, Laura C. De Giusti:
LIDI Multi Robot Environment: Support software for concurrency learning in CS1. 294-298 - Dan Ionescu:
On-the-Cloud Computing: Challenges in controlling cloud resources. 299 - Nicola Capodieci, Giacomo Cabri
, Giuliano Andrea Pagani, Marco Aiello
Adaptive game-based agent negotiation in deregulated energy markets. 300-307 - Guisheng Yin, Jijie Wei, Hongbin Dong:
A Cellular Automaton based Network Diffusion model: Preparation for more scalable Viral Marketing. 308-315 - Tin Huynh, Kiem Hoang, Loc Do, Huong Tran, Hiep Phuc Luong, Susan Gauch:
Scientific publication recommendations based on collaborative citation networks. 316-321 - Haibin Zhu
Agent training plan for sustainable groups. 322-329 - Joon-Suk Lee, Deborah G. Tatar:
"Good enough" pointing in pervasive computing. 330-337 - June A. Flora, Anshuman Sahoo, Annie Scalmanini, Alexandra Liptsey-Rahe, Shaun Stehly, Brian Wong, Banny Banerjee:
Engaging the human in the design of residential energy reduction applications. 338-344 - Shaimaa Y. Lazem
, Denis Gracanin
, Steve Harrison:
On the relationship between changes in distributed system behavior and group dynamics. 345-353 - Byron Reeves, James J. Cummings, James K. Scarborough, June Flora, Dante Anderson:
Leveraging the engagement of games to change energy behavior. 354-358 - Eli Blevis
The One Room School House & Design Challenge Based Learning for design-oriented HCI education: Initial results, reflective hypotheses, & collaborative issues. 359-366 - Robert Neches:
The challenges of engineering in the 21st century. 367-370 - Al Geist:
A paradigm shift is coming - continuous failure. 371 - Rakesh Kumar:
Programmable stochastic computing: Embracing errors in architecture and design of processors and applications. 372 - Dale Burnham:
Virtual collaborative environments for Engineered Resilient Systems. 373-379 - Vijay Janapa Reddi:
Hardware and software co-design for robust and resilient execution. 380 - Noah Jorgenson, Rose F. Gamble:
Client-side rendering of collaborative idea networks. 381-388 - Flaviu Roman, Omar Mubin
, Pierre Dillenbourg:
ReflectWorld: A distributed architecture for meetings and groups evolution analysis. 389-396 - Roselyne Tchoua, Hasan Abbasi, Scott Klasky, Qing Liu, Norbert Podhorszki, David Pugmire, Yuan Tian, Matthew Wolf:
Collaborative monitoring and visualization of HPC data. 397-403 - Pascal Urien
, Christophe Kiennert:
A new cooperative architecture for sharing services managed by secure elements controlled by android phones with IP objects. 404-409 - Johann Vincent, Vincent Alimi, Aude Plateaux, Chrystel Gaber, Marc Pasquet:
A mobile payment evaluation based on a digital identity representation. 410-418 - Khalid Zaman Bijon, Ravi S. Sandhu, Ram Krishnan:
A group-centric model for collaboration with expedient insiders in multilevel systems. 419-426 - Maria-Camilla Fiazza, Michele Peroli, Luca Viganò:
An environmental paradigm for defending security protocols. 427-438 - Arjan Jeckmans, Qiang Tang
, Pieter H. Hartel
Privacy-preserving collaborative filtering based on horizontally partitioned dataset. 439-446 - Yosr Jarraya, Arash Eghtesadi, Mourad Debbabi
, Ying Zhang, Makan Pourzandi:
Cloud calculus: Security verification in elastic cloud computing platform. 447-454 - Qiang Tang
Cryptographic framework for analyzing the privacy of recommender algorithms. 455-462 - Khalifa Toumi, Ana R. Cavalli
, Mazen El Maarabani:
Role based interoperability security policies in collaborative systems. 471-477 - Liang Kong, John Hale
, David Greer:
Spatial identity awareness: Towards secure collaborative environments. 478-484 - Rex E. Gantenbein:
Telehealth-based collaboration among primary and behavioral health care providers in rural areas. 485-489 - Pete Burnap
, Irena Spasic, W. Alex Gray, Jeremy Hilton
, Omer F. Rana
, Glyn Elwyn:
Protecting patient privacy in distributed collaborative healthcare environments by retaining access control of shared information. 490-497 - Jan-Willem van't Klooster
, Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Anton Eliëns, Hermie J. Hermens:
Interactive scenario visualization for user-based service development. 498-503 - Mu-Hsing Kuo, André Kushniruk, Elizabeth M. Borycki, Feipei Lai, Sarangerel Dorjgochoo, Erdenebaatar Altangerel, Chinburen Jigjidsuren:
A cloud computing based platform for sharing healthcare research information. 504-508 - Ravi Santosh Arvapally, Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu, Wei Jiang:
Identification of faction groups and leaders in Web-based intelligent argumentation system for collaborative decision support. 509-516 - Ian Brooks, Kathleen M. Swigger:
Using sentiment analysis to measure the effects of leaders in global software development. 517-524 - Zhaleh Semnani-Azad, Katia P. Sycara, Michael Lewis:
Dynamics of helping behavior and cooperation across culture. 525-530 - Katrin Bergener:
Towards an integrated framework for phase-specific media choice in virtual creative group processes. 531-538 - Noora Albalooshi, Nikolaos Mavridis, Nabeel Al-Qirim:
A survey on social networks and organization development. 539-545 - Amira Shoukry, Ahmed Rafea:
Sentence-level Arabic sentiment analysis. 546-550 - Christoph Dorn
, Richard N. Taylor:
Analyzing runtime adaptability of collaboration patterns. 551-558 - Shaokun Fan, Xin Li
, J. Leon Zhao:
Collaboration process patterns and efficiency of issue resolution in software development. 559-565 - Darryl Clark, Clarence Edmonds, Antonio Moore, Julee Harlow, Kacie Allen, Woodrow W. Winchester, D. Scott McCrickard, Paul Estabrooks
Android application development to promote physical activity in adolescents. 566-568 - Sharad Sharma
, Stephen Otunba:
Collaborative virtual environment to study aircraft evacuation for training and education. 569-574 - John M. Pecarina, Jyh-Charn Liu:
APSAT: A framework for modeling and analysis of workflow dynamics in mission-centric systems. 575-582 - Sohei Okamoto, Roger V. Hoang, Sergiu M. Dascalu, Frederick C. Harris Jr.
, Noureddine Belkhatir:
SUNPRISM: An approach and software tools for collaborative climate change research. 583-590
Poster Papers
- Wolfgang Woerndl, Marc René Friess:
Combining decentralized collaborative filtering on PDAs with multi-touch tabletops for group recommendation. 591-595 - Salvador Aguiñaga, Christian Poellabauer
Method for privacy-protecting display and exchange of emergency information on Mobile devices. 596-599 - Meena Thanu:
Detection of primary user emulation attacks in Cognitive Radio networks. 605-608 - Kalyan Mahata:
Queen bee generation method in hive and its application in sensor networks. 609-612 - Jonatan Schroeder
GitOD: An on demand distributed file system approach to Version Control. 613-615 - Michael Bolei, Sudhanshu Kumar Semwal:
Evolving methods of human interactions. 616-621 - Brittany A. Duncan
, Robin R. Murphy:
A preliminary model for comfortable approach distance based on environmental conditions and personal factors. 622-627 - Claudia Diamantini
, Domenico Potena
, Emanuele Storti
A platform for collaborative and distributed KDD process design. 628-629 - Lan Vu, Gita Alaghband:
High performance frequent pattern mining on multi-core cluster. 630-633 - David Gnabasik, Gita Alaghband:
Topological analysis of proteomic data. 634-635
Late Arriving
- Sudhanshu Kumar Semwal:
Collaborative Crossover Applications. 636-637 - Michael A. Goodrich
, Lanny Lin, Bryan S. Morse:
Using camera-equipped mini-UAVS to support collaborative wilderness search and rescue teams. 638

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