34th COMPSAC Workshops 2010: Seoul, Korea

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ESAS 2010: The Fifth IEEE Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems

QUORS 2010: The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Quality Oriented Reuse of Software

BINDIS 2010: The Third IEEE International Workshop on Barriers towards Internet-Driven Information Services

STPSA 2010: The Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications

IWSC 2010: The Seventh International Workshop on Software Cybernetics

SAPSE 2010: The Second International Workshop on Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering

REFS 2010: The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Services

CFSE 2010: The Second IEEE International Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering

ME 2010: The Second IEEE International Workshop on Middleware Engineering

STA 2010: The Second IEEE International Workshop on Software Test Automation

CloudApp 2010: The First IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Applications for Cloud Computing