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IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, February 2012
- Yuguang Michael Fang
Looking into the future of the wireless world...[Message from the editor-in-chief]. 2-4 - Satyajayant Misra:
Book reviews [review of "Wireless Communications" (Molisch, A.; 2011)]. 5 - Michael J. Marcus
Observations on the US MSS/GPS interference controversy. 6-7 - Pan Li:
Scanning the literature. 8-9 - Tuncer Baykas
, Mika Kasslin, Mark Cummings, Hyunduk Kang, Joe Kwak, Richard Paine, Alex Reznik, Rashid A. Saeed
, Stephen J. Shellhammer:
Developing a standard for TV white space coexistence: technical challenges and solution approaches. 10-22 - Min Song, Chunsheng Xin, Yanxiao Zhao, Xiuzhen Cheng:
Dynamic spectrum access: from cognitive radio to network radio. 23-29 - Kang G. Shin, Xiaoen Ju, Zhigang Chen, Xin Hu:
Privacy protection for users of location-based services. 30-39 - H. Vincent Poor
Information and inference in the wireless physical layer. 40-47 - I-Hong Hou, P. R. Kumar:
Real-time communication over unreliable wireless links: a theory and its applications. 48-59 - Shanzhi Chen, Yingmin Wang, Weiguo Ma, Jun Chen:
Technical innovations promoting standard evolution: from TD-SCDMA to TD-LTE and beyond. 60-66 - Shengling Wang, Min Liu, Xiuzhen Cheng, Min Song:
Routing in pocket switched networks. 67-73 - Francisco Vazquez Gallego, Jesus Alonso-Zarate
, Christos V. Verikoukis, Luis Alonso
A survey on prototyping platforms for the development and experimental evaluation of medium access control protocols. 74-81 - Jin-Jia Chang, Yi-Hua Li, Wanjiun Liao
, Ing-Chau Chang:
Intersection-based routing for urban vehicular communications with traffic-light considerations. 82-88 - Wookbong Lee, Inkyu Lee, Jin Sam Kwak, Bin-Chul Ihm, Shuangfeng Han:
Multi-BS MIMO cooperation: challenges and practical solutions in 4G systems. 89-96
Volume 19, Number 2, April 2012
- Weihua Zhuang
, Muhammad Ismail:
Cooperation in wireless communication networks. 10-20 - Qian (Clara) Li, Rose Qingyang Hu, Yi Qian, Geng Wu:
Cooperative communications for wireless networks: techniques and applications in LTE-advanced systems. 21-29 - Rong Yu, Yan Zhang, Yi Liu, Shengli Xie, Lingyang Song, Mohsen Guizani:
Secondary users cooperation in cognitive radio networks: balancing sensing accuracy and efficiency. 30-37 - Guopeng Zhang, Kun Yang, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Resource allocation for wireless cooperative networks: a unified cooperative bargaining game theoretic framework. 38-43 - Dejun Yang
, Xi Fang, Guoliang Xue:
Game theory in cooperative communications. 44-49 - Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Hamidou Tembine
, Athanasios V. Vasilakos
Evolutionary coalitional games: design and challenges in wireless networks. 50-56 - Surachai Chieochan, Ekram Hossain:
Cooperative relaying in Wi-Fi networks with network coding. 57-65 - Yu Cheng
, Hongkun Li, Peng-Jun Wan:
A theoretical framework for optimal cooperative networking in multiradio multichannel wireless networks. 66-73 - Quansheng Guan, Fei Richard Yu
, Shengming Jiang
, Victor C. M. Leung
, Hamid Mehrvar:
Topology control in mobile Ad Hoc networks with cooperative communications. 74-79 - Song Ci, Dalei Wu
, Yun Ye, Zhu Han, Guan-Ming Su, Haohong Wang, Hui Tang:
Video summary delivery over cooperative wireless networks. 80-87 - Chien-Chun Huang-Fu, Yi-Bing Lin, Nabil Ali Alrajeh
Mobility management of unicast services for wireless access in vehicular environments. 88-95
Volume 19, Number 3, June 2012
- Kai Yang:
Interference management in LTE wireless networks [Industry Perspectives]. 8-9 - Hao Liang, Bong Jun Choi
, Weihua Zhuang
, Xuemin Shen
, A. S. A. Awad, Atef Abdrabou:
Multiagent coordination in microgrids via wireless networks. 14-22 - Song Ci, Junjie Qian, Dalei Wu
, Ali Keyhani:
Impact of wireless communication delay on load sharing among distributed generation systems through smart microgrids. 24-29 - Melike Erol-Kantarci
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Suresense: sustainable wireless rechargeable sensor networks for the smart grid. 30-36 - Dusit Niyato
, Ping Wang, Ekram Hossain:
Reliability analysis and redundancy design of smart grid wireless communications system for demand side management. 38-46 - Ziming Zhu, Sangarapillai Lambotharan, Woon Hau Chin
, Zhong Fan:
Overview of demand management in smart grid and enabling wireless communication technologies. 48-56 - Wen-Zhan Song
, Debraj De, Song Tan, Sajal K. Das
, Lang Tong:
A wireless smart grid testbed in lab. 58-64 - Tongtong Li, Jian Ren, Xiaochen Tang:
Secure wireless monitoring and control systems for smart grid and smart home. 66-73 - Fazirulhisyam Hashim, Kumudu S. Munasinghe
, Abbas Jamalipour:
On the negative selection and the danger theory inspired security for heterogeneous networks. 74-84 - Nazmus Saquib, Ekram Hossain, Long Bao Le
, Dong In Kim:
Interference management in OFDMA femtocell networks: issues and approaches. 86-95 - Lei Lei
, Zhangdui Zhong, Chuang Lin, Xuemin Shen
Operator controlled device-to-device communications in LTE-advanced networks. 96-104
Volume 19, Number 4, August 2012
- Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Special Issue [Message from the Editor-in-Chief]. 3 - Jinsong Wu
Green wireless communications: from concept to reality [Industry Perspectives]. 4-5 - Michael J. Marcus
On moving the upper "frontier" of commercial wireless use [Spectrum Policy and Regulatory Issues]. 6 - Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini
, Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, Ping Zhang, Xiangpeng Jing:
Cognitive radio networks: a practical perspective [Guest Editorial]. 7-8 - Markus Mueck, Vladimir Ivanov
, Seungwon Choi, June Kim, Chiyoung Ahn, Hyunwook Yang, Gianmarco Baldini, Antti Piipponen:
Future of wireless communication: RadioApps and related security and radio computer framework. 9-16 - Jaap van de Beek
, Tao Cai, Sebastien Grimoud, Berna Sayraç, Petri Mähönen, Jad Nasreddine
, Janne Riihijärvi:
How a layered rem architecture brings cognition to today's mobile networks. 17-24 - Young Ju Hwang, Seong-Lyun Kim, Ki Won Sung
, Jens Zander:
Scenario making for assessment of secondary spectrum access. 25-31 - Maziar M. Nekovee
, Tim Irnich, Jorgen Karlsson:
Worldwide trends in regulation of secondary access to white spaces using cognitive radio. 32-40 - Bo Gao, Jung-Min "Jerry" Park, Yaling Yang, Sumit Roy:
A taxonomy of coexistence mechanisms for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks operating in TV white spaces. 41-48 - Sau-Hsuan Wu, Hsi-Lu Chao, Chun-Hsien Ko, Shang-Ru Mo, Chung-Ting Jiang, Tzung-Lin Li, Chung-Chieh Cheng, Chiau-Feng Liang:
A cloud model and concept prototype for cognitive radio networks. 49-58 - José Carlos Ribeiro
, Jorge Ribeiro, Jonathan Rodriguez
, Rogerio Dionisio
, Hugo Esteves, Pedro Duarte, Paulo Marques
Testbed for combination of local sensing with geolocation database in real environments. 59-66 - Rahman Doost-Mohammady, Kaushik R. Chowdhury
Transforming healthcare and medical telemetry through cognitive radio networks. 67-73 - Raúl Chávez-Santiago, Keith E. Nolan, Oliver Holland, Luca De Nardis
, João Miguel Ferro, Norberto Barroca
, Luís M. Borges
, Fernando J. Velez
, Vânia Gonçalves
, Ilangko Balasingham:
Cognitive radio for medical body area networks using ultra wideband. 74-81 - Tingting Jiang, Tongtong Li, Jian Ren:
Toward secure cognitive communications in wireless networks. 82-88 - Perumalraja Rengaraju, Chung-Horng Lung, F. Richard Yu
, Anand Srinivasan:
On QoE monitoring and E2E service assurance in 4G wireless networks. 89-96
Volume 19, Number 5, October 2012
- Ian F. Akyildiz, Faramarz Fekri
, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Craig R. Forest, Brian K. Hammer
Monaco: fundamentals of molecular nano-communication networks. 12-18 - Mehmet S. Kuran
, Tuna Tugcu
, Bilge Özerman Edis
Calcium signaling: overview and research directions of a molecular communication paradigm. 20-27 - Ping-Cheng Yeh, Kwang-Cheng Chen
, Yen-Chi Lee, Ling-San Meng, Po-Jen Shih, Pin-Yu Ko, Wei-An Lin, Chia-han Lee:
A new frontier of wireless communication theory: diffusion-based molecular communications. 28-35 - Ignacio Llatser, Albert Cabellos-Aparicio, Eduard Alarcón:
Networking challenges and principles in diffusion-based molecular communication. 36-41 - Nazim Agoulmine, Kihyun Kim, Sungho Kim, Taiuk Rim, Jeong-Soo Lee, M. Meyyappan:
Enabling communication and cooperation in bio-nanosensor networks: toward innovative healthcare solutions. 42-51 - Can Emre Koksal, Eylem Ekici
Applications and performance of a nanoreceiver with a carbon nanotube antenna forest. 52-57 - David W. Matolak, Avinash Karanth Kodi, Savas Kaya, Dominic DiTomaso, Soumyasanta Laha, William Rayess:
Wireless networks-on-chips: architecture, wireless channel, and devices. 58-65 - Heitor S. Ramos
, Azzedine Boukerche, Richard W. Pazzi
, Alejandro César Frery, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro:
Cooperative target tracking in vehicular sensor networks. 66-73 - Antonio de la Oliva
, María Calderón
, Carlos Jesus Bernardos
, Ryuji Wakikawa:
Client and network-based dual stack mobility management. 74-82 - Bernard Fong, Nirwan Ansari
, Alvis Cheuk M. Fong:
Prognostics and health management for wireless telemedicine networks. 83-89 - Zhengming Li, Congyi Liu, Chunxiao Chigan:
VehicleView: a universal system for vehicle performance monitoring and analysis based on VANETs. 90-96
Volume 19, Number 6, December 2012
- Michael J. Marcus
Spectrum sharing issues on both sides of the atlantic. 6-7 - Pan Li:
Scanning the literature. 8-9 - Xiaohui Liang, Mrinmoy Barua, Le Chen, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin Shen
, Xu Li, Henry Y. Luo:
Enabling pervasive healthcare through continuous remote health monitoring. 10-18 - Zhiguo Ding, Ioannis Krikidis
, Beiyu Rong, John S. Thompson, Chao Wang, Sheng Yang:
On combating the half-duplex constraint in modern cooperative networks: protocols and techniques. 20-27 - Mirette Sadek, Sonia Aïssa:
Personal satellite communication: technologies and challenges. 28-35 - Miray Kas, Sandeep Appala, Chao Wang, Kathleen M. Carley, L. Richard Carley, Ozan K. Tonguz:
What if wireless routers were social? approaching wireless mesh networks from a social networks perspective. 36-43 - Dusit Niyato
, Xiao Lu, Ping Wang:
Adaptive power management for wireless base stations in a smart grid environment. 44-51 - Hongjian Sun
, Arumugam Nallanathan
, Bo Tan
, John S. Thompson, Jing Jiang
, H. Vincent Poor
Relaying technologies for smart grid communications. 52-59 - Kyungtae Kang, Junhee Ryu, Sunghyun Choi
, Kyung-Joon Park
, Junbeom Hur:
Toward energy-efficient error control in 3G broadcast video. 60-67 - Gabriel Porto Villardi, Chin-Sean Sum, Chen Sun, Yohannes D. Alemseged, Zhou Lan, Hiroshi Harada
Efficiency of dynamic frequency selection based coexistence mechanisms for tv white space enabled cognitive wireless access points. 69-75 - Antonio Barbuzzi, Pekka H. J. Perälä, Gennaro Boggia, Kostas Pentikousis:
3GPP radio resource control in practice. 76-83 - Amirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn:
Reconfigurable performance measurement system-on-a-chip for baseband wireless algorithm design and verification. 84-91 - Lingfeng Liu, Claude Oestges, Juho Poutanen, Katsuyuki Haneda, Pertti Vainikainen, François Quitin, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Philippe De Doncker:
The COST 2100 MIMO channel model. 92-99 - Peng Cheng, Ruilong Deng
, Jiming Chen:
Energy-efficient cooperative spectrum sensing in sensor-aided cognitive radio networks. 100-105 - Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu
, Shuai Li, Suguo Du, Xu Li:
Security and privacy of collaborative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. 106-112 - Sungmook Lim, Gosan Noh, Jihaeng Heo, Hyungjong Kim, Daesik Hong:
OFDMA with variable tone spaces. 113-120

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