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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 73
Volume 73, Number 1, January 1985
- James C. Wiltse:
The special section on near-millimeter waves. 3-4 - Stephen B. Haley, K. Wayne Current:
Response change in linearized circuits and systems: Computational algorithms and applications. 5-24 - Bedrich J. Hosticka:
Performance comparison of analog and digital circuits. 25-29 - Aristides A. G. Requicha, Herbert B. Voelcker:
Boolean operations in solid modeling: Boundary evaluation and merging algorithms. 30-44 - James C. Wiltse:
Near-millimeter waves. 45-48 - Ronald A. Bohlander, Robert W. McMillan, James J. Gallagher:
Atmospheric effects on near-millimeter-wave propagation. 49-60 - Mary S. Tobin:
A review of optically pumped NMMW lasers. 61-85 - Robert W. McMillan:
Near-millimeter-wave sources of radiation. 86-108 - John W. Archer:
Low-noise heterodyne receivers for near-millimeter-wave radio astronomy. 109-130 - Mohammed N. Afsar, Kenneth J. Button:
Millimeter-wave dielectric measurement of materials. 131-153 - Wai-Kai Chen:
A dual theorem on the summation of return differences. 157-159 - L. P. Bolgiano Jr., I. E. Abdou, F. C. Wofford, F. G. Amblard:
A nondifferentiable pulse with a more band-limited spectrum than a differentiable one. 159-160 - C. F. Chen, H. W. Chan:
A note on Jury's stability test and Kalman-Bertram's Liapunov function. 160-161 - Benjamin Arazi
An electrooptical adder. 162-163 - Hemant D. Tagare, Rui J. P. de Figueiredo:
Order filters. 163-165 - John W. Bandler, S. H. Chen, S. Daijavad:
Simple derivation of a general sensitivity formula for lossless two-ports. 165-166 - David A. Ksienski:
A method of resolving data into two maximally smooth components. 166-168 - Roger L. Easton, B. W. Parkinson, S. W. Gilbert:
Comments on "NAVSTAR: Global positioning system - Ten years later". 168 - Dean B. Anderson:
Engineers & electrons. 169 - Eric Dubois, Amar Mitiche:
Digital picture processing. 169-170 - M. Hashem Sherif:
An introduction to the analysis and processing of signals. 170 - Dennis J. Hotetz:
Secure communications and asymmetric cryptosystems. 171 - Andrew Kitchen:
Knowledge based systems in artificial intelligence. 171-172
Volume 73, Number 2, February 1985
- Merrill I. Skolnik:
Scanning the issue. 179-181 - Merrill I. Skolnik:
Fifty years of radar. 182-197 - David K. Barton:
Land clutter models for radar design and analysis. 198-204 - Charles R. Vaughn:
Birds and insects as radar targets: A review. 205-227 - Joseph R. Riley:
Radar cross section of insects. 228-232 - Simon Haykin, Brian W. Currie, Edward O. Lewis, Kent A. Nickerson:
Surface-based radar imaging of sea ice. 233-251 - Eugene F. Knott:
A progression of high-frequency RCS prediction techniques. 252-264 - Herbert V. Hitney, Jürgen H. Richter, Richard A. Pappert, Kenneth D. Anderson, Gerald B. Jr. Baumgartner:
Tropospheric radio propagation assessment. 265-283 - John W. Taylor Jr., Guntis Brunins:
Design of a new airport surveillance radar (ASR-9). 284-289 - Carl E. Schwab, David P. Rost:
Airport surface detection equipment. 290-300 - William H. III Long, Keith A. Harriger:
Medium PRF for the AN/APG-66 radar. 301-311 - John Clarke:
Airborne early warning radar. 312-324 - Samuel J. Rabinowitz, Charles H. Gager, Eli Brookner, Charles E. Muehe, Charles M. Johnson:
Applications of digital technology to radar. 325-339 - David A. Ethington, Peter J. Kahrilas, Gerry D. Wright:
Multifunction rotating electronically scanned radar (RESR) for air surveillance. 340-354 - Frederick C. Williams:
A radar for the exploration of exstrasolar planets. 355-361 - N. Ari, D. Hansen, Hansrudolf Schär:
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) penetration through circular apertures in the frequency domain. 368-369 - R. Ravi:
A necessary and sufficient condition for acyclic graphs. 369-370 - Wayne M. Lawton:
Solution of the two-dimensional spectral factorization problem. 370-371 - Ratnam V. Raja Kumar, Ranendra N. Pal:
A gradient algorithm for center-frequency adaptive recursive bandpass filters. 371-372 - Chai Yeh:
A planar back-to-back Schottky-barrier photodiode. 372-374 - James C. Lin:
Frequency optimization for microwave imaging of biological tissues. 374-375 - A. R. Saha, B. C. Mazumder:
A microprocessor-based frequency-to-code converter. 375-377 - J. Lyou, B. H. Kwon, Z. Bien, T. N. Lee, S. A. Dianat:
Comments on "Time-weighted quadratic performance indices for linear systems". 377-378 - F. J. Taylor, W. Dirr Jr.:
A new residue to decimal converter. 378-380 - Swapan Kumar Ray:
Two's complementation logic. 380-381 - Barry Feinberg, Alvin Wald:
Comments on a book review. 381 - Kiyohiko Nakamura:
Fuzzy set and possibility theory. 382 - Stephen E. Sussman-Fort:
Circuit design using personal computers. 382-383 - John A. Biles:
Building expert systems. 383
Volume 73, Number 3, March 1985
- Mike N. Szilagyi:
Electron optical synthesis and optimization. 412-418 - Edward T. Lewis:
Design and performance of "1.25-µm" CMOS for digital applications. 419-432 - Saleem A. Kassam, H. Vincent Poor:
Robust techniques for signal processing: A survey. 433-481 - U. V. Wali, Ranendra N. Pal, B. Chatterjee:
On the modified nodal approach to network analysis. 485-487 - Ali M. Eydgahi, Harpreet Singh:
Minimal realization of a symmetric transfer-function matrix using expansion about a general point "a". 487-488 - Andreas G. Andreou, Charles R. Westgate:
Hall-effect measurements on short-channel devices using the van der Pauw Dual technique. 489-490 - N. K. Bose, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, M. N. S. Swamy, R. Jayakumar:
Comment on "Graph-theoretic proof of a network theorem and some consequences". 489 - John M. Carr, T. S. Rathore:
Comments on "An accurate digital phase measurement scheme". 490-491 - C. S. Indulkar:
Sensitivity analysis of power cable sheath circulating losses. 491-492 - Wiley R. McKinzie:
The fifth generation. 493-494 - Nasir Ahmed:
FAST TRANSFORMS, algorithms, analysis, applications. 494 - Serdar Biyiksiz:
Multirate digital signal processing. 494 - David Yevick:
Laser theory. 494
Volume 73, Number 4, April 1985
- Arun Netravali, Birendra Prasada:
Scanning the issue. 499-501 - Eric Dubois:
The sampling and reconstruction of time-varying imagery with application in video systems. 502-522 - Hans Georg Musmann, Peter Pirsch, Hans-Joachim Grallert:
Advances in picture coding. 523-548 - Peter Pirsch:
Design of a DPCM codec for VLSI realization in CMOS technology. 592-598 - Leendert J. van de Polder, David W. Parker, Jan Roos:
Evolution of television receivers from analog to digital. 599-612 - Robert E. Flory:
Image acquisition technology. 613-637 - Charles P. Sandbank, Ian Childs:
The evolution towards high-definition television. 638-645 - Takashi Fujio:
High-definition television systems. 646-655 - Shaker Sabri, Birendra Prasada:
Video conferencing systems. 671-688 - Martin C. J. Elton:
Visual communication systems: Trials and experiences. 700-705 - Yasuhiko Yasuda, Yasushiro Yamazaki, Takahiko Kamae, Kazuo Kobayashi:
Advances in FAX. 706-730 - Dennis Bodson, Stephen J. Urban, Alan R. Deutermann, Charles E. Clarke:
Measurement of data compression in advanced group 4 facsimile systems. 731-739 - William H. Ninke:
Design considerations of NAPLPS, the data syntax for VIDEOTEX and TELETEXT in North America. 740-753 - Shi-Kuo Chang:
Image information systems. 754-764 - Helmut Buley, Ludwig Stenger:
Inter/intraframe coding of color TV signals for transmission at the third level of the digital hierarchy. 765-772 - David C. Coll, Kenneth E. Hancock:
A review of cable television: The urban distribution of broad-band visual signals. 773-788 - Robert L. Schmidt, Barry G. Haskell, Kai Y. Eng, Stephen M. O'Riordan:
An experimental time-compression system for satellite television transmission. 789-794 - Don E. Pearson, John A. Robinson:
Visual communication at very low data rates. 795-812 - Phililppe Letellier, Morton Nadler, Jean-François Abramatic:
The telesign project. 813-827 - Ronald J. Pogorzelski:
The Ludwig integration algorithm for triangular subregions. 837-838 - D. R. Reddy, R. Unbehauen, David Hertz, Ezra Zeheb:
Comments on "Sufficient conditions for stability of multidimensional discrete systems". 838-840 - C. S. Indulkar:
Sensitivity analysis of the ampacity of a 230-kV isolated-phase gas-insulated underground cable. 840-841 - Soo-Chang Pei, N. K. Bose:
Comments on "Properties of the Qn-matrix in bilinear transformation". 841-842 - S. Unnikrishna Pillai:
A MAP estimate that maximizes entropy - An alternative interpretation for an autoregressive model. 843-844 - Eliahu Ibrahim Jury, Mohamed Mansour:
On the terminology relationship between continuous and discrete systems criteria. 844 - R. J. Bogumil:
The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action. 845-846 - L. W. Denton:
Communications training and consulting in business, industry, and government. 845 - Ernest J. Feleppa:
Real-time medical image processing. 846-847 - William A. Hyman:
Bioelectric measurements. 846
Volume 73, Number 5, May 1985
- Jonathan Allen:
Computer architecture for digital signal processing. 852-873 - Richard E. Blahut:
Algebraic fields, signal processing, and error control. 874-893 - Thomas K. Gaylord, M. G. Moharam:
Analysis and applications of optical diffraction by gratings. 894-937 - G. R. Govinda Raju, M. S. Dincer
Monte Carlo calculation of the ionization and attachment coefficients in SF6in E × B fields. 939-940 - D. B. Fakruddin, K. Parthasarathy:
Simplified algorithms based on Haar transforms for signal recognition in protective relays. 940-942 - Tomasz Galkowski
, Leszek Rutkowski
Nonparametric recovery of multivariate functions with applications to system identification. 942-943 - William L. Nighan:
Topics in applied physics: Volume 30, excimer lasers, 2nd. ed. 943
Volume 73, Number 6, June 1985
- David A. Landgrebe:
Scanning the issue. 947-949 - Keith R. Carver, Charles Elachi, Fawwaz T. Ulaby:
Microwave remote sensing from space. 970-996 - Philip N. Slater:
Radiometric considerations in remote sensing. 997-1011 - Vern C. Vanderbilt, Lois Grant, Craig S. T. Daughtry:
Polarization of light scattered by vegetation. 1012-1024 - Philip H. Swain:
Advanced interpretation techniques for earth data information systems. 1031-1039 - Robert M. Haralick, James B. Campbell, Shyuan Wang:
Automatic inference of elevation and drainage models from a satellite image. 1040-1053 - Morris Goldberg, David G. Goodenough, Mayer Alvo, Gerald M. Karam:
A hierarchical expert system for updating forestry maps with Landsat data. 1054-1063 - H. Joseph Myers, Ralph Bernstein:
Image processing on the IBM personal computer. 1064-1070 - Marvin E. Bauer:
Spectral inputs to crop identification and condition assessment. 1071-1085 - Ray D. Jackson:
Evaluating evapotranspiration at local and regional scales. 1086-1096 - John E. Estes:
Geographic applications of remotely sensed data. 1097-1107 - Robert D. Lees, William R. Lettis, Ralph Bernstein:
Evaluation of Landsat thematic mapper imagery for geologic applications. 1108-1117 - Francis P. Bretherton:
Earth system science and remote sensing. 1118-1127 - S. S. Koonar, J. S. Sohal:
Realizations of two-parameter functions using Markov parameters and moments. 1134-1135 - B. C. Jinaga, S. C. Dutta Roy:
Explicit formula for the coefficients of maximally flat nonrecursive digital filter transfer functions expressed in powers of cos w. 1135-1137 - J. C. Lee, C. K. Un, Dong-Ho Cho:
A frequency-weighted block LMS algorithm and its application to speech processing. 1137-1138 - W. E. Howell, Herbert Überall:
The observation of individual natural-frequency resonances of radar targets through the scattering of long pulses. 1138-1140 - J. H. Kim, K. Y. Kwak, S. B. Park:
Iterative reconstruction-reprojection in projection space. 1140-1141 - Iickho Song
, Souguil Ann:
An upper bound on run-length coding entropy. 1141-1142 - Heonshik Shin, Miroslaw Malek:
A boolean content addressable memory and its applications. 1142-1144 - Kou-Hu Tzou:
Comment on "Digital optical computing". 1144 - Peter Weber, Simon Haykin, Robert Gray:
Simultaneous resolution of unambiguous range and doppler in a pulse-doppler radar using multiple PRFs. 1144-1145 - Om P. Gandhi, Indra Chatterjee, Ding Wu, Yong-Gang Gu:
Likelihood of high rates of energy deposition in the human legs at the ANSI recommended 3-30-MHz RF safety levels. 1145-1147 - Ben-Zion Kaplan, R. Rabinovici:
Eddy-current sensor for DC and low-frequency magnetic fields. 1147-1148 - James S. Meditch:
Correction. 1147 - Paul L. Kelley:
Absorption and emission by atmospheric gases: The physical process (Wiley series on pure and applied optics). 1149 - Therese McGee:
Sensory aids for the hearing impaired. 1149 - Ronald L. Seaman:
Informational bioelectromagnetics. 1149-1150
Volume 73, Number 7, July 1985
- James S. Meditch:
Editorial: Proceedings Letters. 1155 - Robert Friedel:
The special section on electronic instrumentation for the sciences: Historical perspectives. 1156-1158 - Roman Kuc:
Bounds on estimating the acoustic attenuation of small tissue regions from reflected ultrasound. 1159-1168 - Stuart W. Leslie, Bruce Hevly:
Steeple building at Stanford: Electrical engineering, physics, and microwave research. 1169-1180 - Paul Forman:
Atomichron®: The atomic clock from concept to commercial product. 1181-1204 - David H. DeVorkin:
Electronics in astronomy: Early applications of the photoelectric cell and photomultiplier for studies of point-source celestial phenomena. 1205-1220 - Shrinivas G. Joshi:
Voltage-controlled SAW oscillator on temperature-stable quartz substrate. 1240-1241 - Ramdas Kumaresan, Prabhat Kumar Gupta:
A prime factor FFT algorithm with real valued arithmetic. 1241-1243 - Joao R. Cruz, Robert J. Mulholland:
A note on identification of linear time-invariant systems using exponential curve fitting. 1243-1244 - T. R. Cuthbert:
Design of high-performance negative-feedback amplifiers. 1245-1246 - Grace C. N. Yeung, Henderson C. Yeung:
Principles of programming languages: Design, evaluation, and implementation. 1245 - Alfhart E. Guenther:
Mechanical filters in electronics. 1246-1247
Volume 73, Number 8, August 1985
- Harold N. Scherer Jr., Gregory S. Vassell:
Transmission of electric power at ultra-high voltages: Current status and future prospects. 1252-1278 - John W. Bandler, Aly E. Salama:
Fault diagnosis of analog circuits. 1279-1325 - H. J. Butterweck:
Alternative formulation of Roytman's network theorem and a new proof. 1328-1330 - P. V. A. Mohan, V. Ramachandran, M. N. S. Swamy:
A novel two-amplifier universal active switched-capacitor filter. 1330-1331 - A. Papoulis:
A note on the predictability of band-limited processes. 1332-1333 - Jorge L. C. Sanz, Myron D. Flickner:
Computing minima and maxima of digital images in pipeline image processing systems without hardware comparators. 1333-1334 - Jorge L. C. Sanz:
On the reconstruction of band-limited multidimensional signals from algebraic sampling contours. 1334-1336 - Tummala Murali, B. V. Rao:
A class of recursive maximum-likelihood algorithms. 1336-1338 - Tummala Murali, B. V. Rao:
An improved recursive LMS algorithm using a modified gradient filter. 1338-1339 - Michael G. Safonov:
Large-scale systems modelling and control. 1340-1341 - Mamuel M. Silva:
Linear integrated circuits. 1340 - Heinz H. Schreiber:
Spread-spectrum communications. 1341-1342 - Paul A. Dundas:
Satellite communications. 1342
Volume 73, Number 9, September 1985
- R. Fabian Pease:
The special section on advanced packaging for VLSI. 1347-1348 - Shahid U. H. Qureshi:
Adaptive equalization. 1349-1387 - Avram Bar-Cohen:
Bounding relations for natural convection heat transfer from vertical printed circuit boards. 1388-1395 - Mali Mahalingam:
Thermal management in semiconductor device packaging. 1396-1404 - George A. Katopis:
Delta-I noise specification for a high-performance computing machine. 1405-1415 - J. L. Prince, Douglas J. Hamilton, Eileen M. Matz, Zbigniew J. Staszak:
The role of universities in electronic packaging engineering. 1416-1423 - Katherine Siakavara, John N. Sahalos
A hybrid MM-GTD technique for the optimization of the power gain of arrays of wire antennas near an elliptic cylinder. 1426-1428 - Richard Lundin:
A handbook formula for the inductance of a single-layer circular coil. 1428-1429 - Ali M. Rushdi
, Paul E. Gray:
Comments on "Reference node r model". 1429-1432 - Ehud Weinstein, Anthony J. Weiss:
Lower bounds on the mean square estimation error. 1433-1434 - Morris Katzman:
Optical communication systems. 1435 - Ernest L. Walker:
Pulse code formats for fiber optical data communication: Principles and applications. 1435-1436 - Philip H. Alexander:
Engineers and electrons: A century of electrical progress. 1436-1437 - Gordon W. Flemming:
The complete handbook of personal computer communications. 1436
Volume 73, Number 10, October 1985
- Clark W. Gellings:
The special section on demand-side management for electric utilities. 1443-1444 - William C. Lindsey, Farzad Ghazvinian, Walter C. Hagmann, Khaled Dessouky:
Network synchronization. 1445-1467 - Clark W. Gellings:
The concept of demand-side management for electric utilities. 1468-1470 - Reynolds M. Delgado:
Demand-side management alternatives. 1471-1488 - Jack E. Runnels, M. Douglas Whyte:
Evaluation of demand-side management. 1489-1495 - Bruce A. Smith, Marjorie R. McRae, Edward L. Tabakin:
Issues in forecasting demand-side management program impacts. 1496-1502 - Dilip R. Limaye:
Implementation of demand-side management programs. 1503-1512 - John H. Chamberlin:
Pricing and incentives. 1513-1518 - S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Fred Haber:
A new approach to array geometry for improved spatial spectrum estimation. 1522-1524 - V. V. Bapeswara Rao, K. Sankara Rao:
Enumeration of Hamiltonian circuits in digraphs. 1524-1525 - P. V. Ananda Mohan:
Active filter design using cascaded identical low-order (≥ 2) filter sections. 1525-1526 - John J. Shynk, Richard P. Gooch:
Frequency-domain adaptive pole-zero filtering. 1526-1528 - Sarangarajan Parthasarathy, Donald W. Tufts:
Maximum-likelihood estimation of parameters of exponentially damped sinusoids. 1528-1530 - Avraham Freedman, Nadav Levanon:
Any two N × N costas signals must have at least one common ambiguity sidelobe if N > 3 - A proof. 1530-1531 - Robert Plonsey:
Models and measurements of the cardiac electric field. 1532-1533 - Ronald L. Seaman:
Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation. 1532 - Harish R. D. Sunak:
Optical fiber communications. 1533-1534 - Alvin Wald:
CRC handbook of hospital safety. 1533 - V. C. Bhavsar:
Network architectures for distributed computing. 1534-1535
Volume 73, Number 11, November 1985
- Jonathan Allen:
Scanning the issue. 1539-1540 - Jonathan Allen:
A perspective on man-machine communication by speech. 1541-1550 - John Makhoul, Salim E. Roucos, Herbert Gish:
Vector quantization in speech coding. 1551-1588 - Susan R. Hertz, James Kadin, Kevin J. Karplus:
The delta rule development system for speech synthesis from text. 1589-1601 - Victor W. Zue:
The use of speech knowledge in automatic speech recognition. 1602-1615 - Frederick Jelinek:
The development of an experimental discrete dictation recognizer. 1616-1624 - Stephen E. Levinson:
Structural methods in automatic speech recognition. 1625-1650 - George R. Doddington:
Speaker recognition - Identifying people by their voices. 1651-1664 - David B. Pisoni, Howard C. Nusbaum, Beth G. Greene:
Perception of synthetic speech generated by rule. 1665-1676 - M. Rehman, M. T. Ahmed, Mohd Arif:
A self-balancing bridge for in-circuit resistance measurement. 1680-1682 - D. Mukhopadhyay, A. Choudhury:
High-field microwave incremental conductivity of cadmium selenide at 77 K. 1682-1683 - Gérald E. Séguin, Paul E. Allard, Vijay K. Bhargava:
A triple error-correcting product code for byte-oriented information systems. 1683-1684 - S. M. Ahn:
On the stability of two-dimensional continuous filters. 1684-1685 - P. S. Kamat, Marilyn Zwass:
On zero location with respect to the unit circle of discrete-time linear system polynomials. 1686-1687 - M. V. Pitke, T. Chandrasekaran:
A digital conferencing technique. 1687-1688 - Swapan K. Ray:
Digital generation of very-wide-band FM. 1688-1690 - S. M. Ryu, C. K. Un:
A simple method for MSK modulation and demodulation. 1690-1691 - James E. Mazo:
Digital communications. 1692-1693 - Andrew Sekey:
Introducing the UNIX system. 1692 - Michael J. Buckingham:
Acoustic waveguides, applications to oceanic science. 1693-1694 - A. K. Krishnamurthy:
Multidimensional digital signal processing. 1693 - Joseph Picone:
Acoustic waveguides applications to oceanic science. 1694
Volume 73, Number 12, December 1985
- James S. Meditch:
A note from the editor. 1699 - Paul L. Hazan:
The special section on personal computer software for professional engineering applications. 1701-1702 - Pravin Varaiya, Felix F. Wu, Rong-Liang Chen:
Direct methods for transient stability analysis of power systems: Recent results. 1703-1715 - R. Bruce Thompson, Donald O. Thompson:
Ultrasonics in nondestructive evaluation. 1716-1755 - Emerson W. Pugh:
Technology assessment. 1756-1763 - B. Roy Frieden:
Dice, entropy, and likelihood. 1764-1770 - Harry R. Tennant, Roger R. Bate, Stephen M. Corey, Lawrence Davis, Paul Kline, Lamott G. Oren, Malipatlola Rajinikanth, Richard M. Saenz, Daniel Stenger, Craig W. Thompson:
Software innovations for the texas instruments explorer computer. 1771-1790 - Milos Konopasek, Sundaresan Jayaraman:
Constraint and declarative languages for engineering applications: The TK!Solver contribution. 1791-1806 - Kern E. Sibbald:
Computer-aided design/drafting on personal computers. 1807-1816 - Robert A. Pine, Robert A. Walker, Narendra K. Gupta:
MATRIXx/PC: Modeling, simulation, and optimization on personal computers. 1817-1825 - Hugh M. South, Quentin E. Dolecek:
Signal processing and engineering analysis on personal computers. 1826-1837 - Eiichi Kaneko:
A survey of personal computer software in Japan. 1838-1850 - S. Blume, G. Kahl:
Comments on "Fields at the tip of an elliptic cone". 1857-1858 - John W. Bandler, M. A. El-Kady, H. K. Grewal:
Exact sensitivities for nonreciprocal two-port power elements. 1858-1859 - Partha P. Banerjee:
A simple derivation of the Fresnel diffraction formula. 1859-1860 - Peter F. Swaszek, Donald W. Tufts, Adam J. Efron:
Detection in impulsive environments. 1861-1862 - Jacques Prado:
Comments on "The fast Hartley transform". 1862-1863 - Gary E. J. Bold:
A comparison of the time involved in computing fast Hartley and fast Fourier transforms. 1863-1864 - James S. Meditch:
Correction to "Delta-I noise specification for a high-performance computing machine". 1864 - Haim Kilov:
Structured system programming. 1865 - Artur L. Norberg:
Turing's man: Western culture in computer age. 1865-1866

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