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Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Volume 19
Volume 19, Number 1, February 2010
- M. A. Balafar
, Abdul Rahman Ramli, M. Iqbal Saripan
, Syamsiah Mashohor
, Rozi Mahmud
Medical Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) and User Specified Data. 1-14 - Turgay Ibrikci
, Mustafa Karabulut
Employing Fuzzy C-Means for DNA transcription Factor Binding Site Identification. 15-30 - Yen-Wen Wang, Pei-Chann Chang
, Chin-Yuan Fan
, Chiung-Hua Huang:
Database Classification by Integrating a Case-Based Reasoning and Support Vector Machine for Induction. 31-44 - Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh
, Arash Vahidnia, Hojat Hatami:
On Optimal Design and Expansion of Electrical Power Distribution Systems. 45-58 - Ioannis V. Papaioannou, Ioanna Roussaki, Miltiades E. Anagnostou
Using Neural Networks to minimize the Duration of Automated Negotiation Threads for Hybrid Opponents. 59-74 - Sang-Ho Shin, Kee-Young Yoo:
An Improved Virtual 3D CA PRNG Based on Moore Neighborhood Method. 75-90 - Rafael R. Silva, Carlos Raimundo Erig Lima
, Heitor S. Lopes
Template Matching in Digital Images Using a Compact Genetic Algorithm with Elitism and Mutation. 91-106 - Juan Carlos Figueroa García, Dusko Kalenatic, Cesar Amilcar Lopez Bello:
An Evolutionary Approach for Imputing Missing Data in Time Series. 107-121 - Imran Zaka, Habib-ur Rehman, Syed Ismail Shah, Jamil Ahmad:
Pso- and GA-Based Narrowband jammer excision in CDMA. 123-138 - Sang Hyun Lee, SangJoon Lee, Kyung-Il Moon:
A Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach to Two-Dimensional Automobile warranty System. 139-154 - Dong-Chul Park:
Long-Term Prediction of Ethernet Traffic Using Multiscale-Bilinear Recurrent Neural Network with Adaptive Learning. 155-171 - Seung-Hun Yoo, Chang-Sung Jeong:
Image Registration and Fusion System Based on GPU. 173-189 - Vitoantonio Bevilacqua
, Giuseppe Mastronardi, Vito Santarcangelo
, Rocco Scaramuzzi:
3D Nose Feature Identification and Localization through Self-Organizing Map and Graph Matching. 191-202 - M. A. Balafar
, Abdul Rahman Ramli, M. Iqbal Saripan
, Syamsiah Mashohor
, Rozi Mahmud
Improved Fast Fuzzy C-Mean and its Application in Medical Image Segmentation. 203-214 - Tomasz M. Rutkowski
, Danilo P. Mandic, Andrzej Cichocki
, Andrzej W. Przybyszewski
Emd Approach to Multichannel EEG Data - the amplitude and Phase Components Clustering Analysis. 215-229 - Clément Chatelain
, Sébastien Adam, Yves Lecourtier, Laurent Heutte, Thierry Paquet:
Noncost Sensitive SVM Training Using Multiple Model Selection. 231-242 - Shulin Wang, Jie Gui, Xueling Li
Factor Analysis for Cross-Platform Tumor Classification Based on Gene Expression Profiles. 243-258 - Shulin Wang, Xueling Li, Junfeng Xia
, Xiao-Ping Zhang:
Weighted Neighborhood Classifier for the Classification of Imbalanced Tumor Dataset. 259-273 - Olgierd Unold:
Self-Adaptive Learning Classifier System. 275-296 - Waseem Shahzad, Abdul Rauf Baig:
Compatibility as a Heuristic for Construction of Rules by Artificial Ants. 297-306 - Salvatore Distefano
, Antonio Puliafito, Marco Scarpa:
Design and Modeling in the Software Performance Engineering Development Process. 307-323
Volume 19, Number 2, April 2010
- Davide Marano
, Gaetano Palumbo, Salvatore Pennisi
Improved Low-Power High-Speed Buffer amplifier with slew-Rate Enhancement for LCD Applications. 325-334 - V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran
, J. P. Raina:
Two-Phase sinusoidal Power-Clocked Quasi-Adiabatic Logic Circuits. 335-347 - Vasilios A. Mardiris
, Ioannis Karafyllidis
Design and Simulation of Modular Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Multiplexers for Memory Accessing. 349-365 - Raghuram Ranganathan, Thomas Yang, Wasfy B. Mikhael:
Optimum Block Adaptive ICA for Separation of Real and Complex Signals with Known Source Distributions in Dynamic Flat Fading Environments. 367-379 - Bilgin Metin
, Kirat Pal:
New All-Pass Filter Circuit Compensating for C-CDBA Non-Idealities. 381-391 - Sahel Abdinia, Mohammad Yavari
A Low-voltage Low-Power 10-Bit 200 MS/S Pipelined ADC in 90 nm CMOS. 393-405 - Mohammad Javad Sharifi, Yasser Mohammadi Banadaki
General SPICE Models for Memristor and Application to Circuit Simulation of Memristor-Based Synapses and Memory Cells. 407-424 - Miguel Morales-Sandoval
, Claudia Feregrino Uribe, René Cumplido, Ignacio Algredo-Badillo
A Single Formula and its Implementation in FPGA for Elliptic Curve Point Addition Using Affine Representation. 425-433 - Javier Sosa
, Juan A. Montiel-Nelson
, Saeid Nooshabadi:
A Genetic Algorithm Methodology to Find the Maximum Datapath Coverage for Combinational Logic Circuits. 435-450 - Alimohammad Latif
, Ahmad Reza Naghsh-Nilchi, S. Amirhassan Monadjemi:
A Parametric Slant-Hadamard System for Robust Image Watermarking. 451-477 - Fei He, Lerong Cheng, Xiaoyu Song, Guowu Yang:
An Analytical Congestion Model with Bounded-Bend Detours. 479-490 - Yong-Gang Fu, Ruimin Shen:
Novel Self-Reference Based Image Watermarking Scheme. 491-502 - Shiann Shiun Jeng, Hsing-Chen Lin, Chun-Chyuan Chen, Shu-Ming Chang:
Hardware Implementation and Verification of FIR Filter Utilizing M-Bit PDA. 503-517
Volume 19, Number 3, May 2010
- M. Pramod, Tonse Laxminidhi:
Low Power Continuous Time Common Mode Sensing for Common Mode Feedback Circuits. 519-528 - Ahmed M. Soliman:
History and Progress of the Tow Thomas Bi-Quadratic Filter Part III: Generation Using NAM Expansion. 529-548 - J. Zeng, J. Zhang, L. Xiang, Zhekang Dong, S. Yuan:
An Improved Hough Transform Algorithm for Radar Detection. 549-555 - Andreas de Blanche, Stefan Mankefors-Christiernin:
Availability of Unused Computational Resources in an Ordinary Office Environment. 557-572 - P. Samiotis, Costas Psychalinos
Design of Filters with only Grounded Passive Elements Using Differential voltage Current Feedback Operational amplifiers. 573-580 - D. Kirubakaran
, S. Rama Reddy:
Embedded Controlled Pulse converter Fed Induction heater. 581-595 - Ahmed M. Soliman:
Synthesis of Controlled Sources by Admittance Matrix Expansion. 597-634 - Wing-Shan Tam, Oi-Ying Wong, Ka-Yan Mok, Chi-Wah Kok, Hei Wong
An Energy Efficient Half-Static Clock-Gating d-Type flip-Flop. 635-654 - Fang Wang:
Influence of Traffic Correlation on the Performance of Network-on-Chip Designs. 655-669 - Dilip Kumar Gayen, Chinmoy Taraphdar, Jitendra Nath Roy
, Rajat Kumar Pal:
Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer Based All Optical Data Comparator. 671-682 - Todd A. Wey:
On Bandwidth Estimation of Multistage amplifiers via an Extended Miller Approximation. 683-687 - Erkan Yüce:
Various Current-Mode and voltage-Mode Instrumentation amplifier Topologies Suitable for Integration. 689-699 - Kostas Siozios
, Dimitrios Soudris, Antonios Thanailakis:
A Novel Allocation Methodology for Partial and Dynamic Bitstream Generation for FPGA Architectures. 701-717 - Mohamed S. A. Dahidah:
Selective Harmonic Elimination Non-Symmetrical bipolar Pulse Width Modulation Technique: Analysis and Experimental Verification. 719-731
Volume 19, Number 4, June 2010
- Toshihiro Kawanari, Seiichiro Moro
Multi-Phase oscillation in RF CMOS LC oscillators Coupled by Mutual inductors. 733-747 - Michele Bonnin
, Fernando Corinto
, Marco Gilli:
Phase Model Reduction and Synchronization of Periodically Forced Nonlinear oscillators. 749-762 - Takaaki Hirai, Tetsuya Asai
, Yoshihito Amemiya:
A CMOS Phase-Shift oscillator Based on the conduction of Heat. 763-772 - Federico Bizzarri
, Daniele Linaro
, Marco Storace, Angelo Brambilla
Continuation Analysis of a Phase/quadrature Electronic oscillator. 773-785 - Ahmed S. Elwakil
, Khaled N. Salama
Higher Dimensional Models of Cross-Coupled oscillators and Application to Design. 787-799 - Yoshifumi Nishio
, Yuta Komatsu, Yoko Uwate, Martin Hasler:
Markov Chain Modeling and Analysis of Complicated Phenomena in Coupled Chaotic oscillators. 801-818 - Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio
, Ruedi Stoop:
Complex Pattern in a Ring of van der Pol oscillators Coupled by Time-Varying resistors. 819-834 - S. M. Rezaul Hasan:
A Low-voltage Scalable (1.8 V-0.75 V) CMOS Folded-cascode LC quadrature VCO for RF Receivers. 835-857 - Erik Lindberg
, Gytis Mykolaitis
, Skaidra Bumeliene
, Tatjana Pyragiene
, Arünas Tamasevicius, Elena Tamaseviciute, Raimundas Kirvaitis:
Higher-Order Chaotic oscillator Using Active Bessel Filter. 859-869 - Ahmed S. Elwakil
A Non-Conservative Model of Second-Order RC sinusoidal oscillators. 871-877 - Tommaso Addabbo
, Massimo Alioto, Ada Fort
, Santina Rocchi
, Valerio Vignoli
A Variability-Tolerant Feedback Technique for Throughput Maximization of Trbgs with Predefined Entropy. 879-895 - Fabio Pareschi
, Gianluca Setti, Riccardo Rovatti
Statistical Testing of a Chaos Based CMOS True-Random Number Generator. 897-910
Volume 19, Number 5, August 2010
- Haridimos T. Vergos, Dimitris Bakalis
On Implementing Efficient Modulo 2n + 1 Arithmetic Components. 911-930 - Apinunt Thanachayanont, Monai Krairiksh:
Implementation of an RF CMOS quadrature LC voltage-Controlled oscillator Based on the Switched Tail Transistor Topology. 931-937 - Rajendra Kumar Nagaria, Rakesh Kumar Singh
, Subodh Wairya:
On the New Design of sinusoid voltage Controlled oscillators Using Multiplier in CFA-Based Double Integrator Loop. 939-948 - Ali Jahanian
, Morteza Saheb Zamani
Early Buffer Planning with Congestion Control Using Buffer Requirement Map. 949-973 - Chung-An Shen, Ahmed M. Eltawil
, Khaled N. Salama
Evaluation Framework for k-Best Sphere Decoders. 975-995 - Hassan Mostafa
, Hewida Mohamed, Ahmed M. Soliman:
Novel FCS-Based Layout-Friendly Accurate Wide-Band Low-Power CCII- Realizations. 997-1014 - Sinem Ölmez
, Ugur Çam
Realization of Square Root Domain Tow-Thomas biquadratic Filter. 1015-1024 - Adnan Kabbani:
Complex CMOS Gate Collapsing Technique and its Application to Transient Time. 1025-1040 - Refik Samet
Choosing between Design Options for Real-Time Computers Tolerating a Single Fault. 1041-1068 - Abhirup Lahiri:
New Realizations of voltage-Mode quadrature oscillators Using Current Differencing Buffered amplifiers. 1069-1076 - Tuo Wu, Hongyi Chen, Dahong Qian:
A Novel Adaptive Current Biased Linear Radio-Frequency Power amplifier on SiGe HBT Process. 1077-1088 - Abdurazzag Sulaiman Almiladi:
High Performance Scalable Mixed-Radix-2n Serial-Serial Multipliers for GF(2M). 1089-1107 - Yong-Sung Jeon, Young-Jin Kim, Dong-Ho Lee:
A Compact Memory-Free Architecture for the AES Algorithm Using Resource Sharing Methods. 1109-1130 - Huang-Jen Chiu, Yu-Kang Lo, Chun-Jen Yao, Kuan-Hung Wu, Tai-Hung Wang, Ching-Chun Chuang:
Electromagnetic Interference Suppression Techniques for Compact LED lamp Drivers. 1131-1139
Volume 19, Number 6, October 2010
- Laszlo Gyongyosi, Sándor Imre
Quantum singular Value Decomposition Based Approximation Algorithm. 1141-1162 - Niladri Roy, Garrett McCormick, Vijay Kumar Devabhaktuni, Rabin Raut:
A Systematic Computer-Aided Approach to Low-Noise amplifier Design. 1163-1179 - Chih-Wen Lu, Ching-Min Hsiao:
A Compact High-Speed Low-Power rail-to-rail Buffer amplifier for Step-Pulse Signals. 1181-1197 - (Withdrawn) Autonomous Group Testing Based Fault Tolerance in Reconfigurable Logic Devices. 1199-1215
- Mohammad Esmaeildoust
, Ali Zakerolhosseini:
Routing Aware Placement Algorithm and Efficient Free Space Management for Reconfigurable Systems. 1217-1234 - Taek-Kyu Kim, Jong-Sung Lee, Hyeong-Cheol Oh:
Accelerating Java Interpretation in Low-Cost Embedded Processors. 1235-1244 - Huang-Jen Chiu, Yu-Kang Lo, Chun-Jen Yao, Ching-Chun Chuang, Ming-Hsiang Tseng, Jen-Jun Lin, Hsiu-Ming Huang, Chou-Chang Kann:
A Single-Stage Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Electronic Ballast for High-Pressure Mercury Lamps. 1245-1258 - Smail Bachir, Claude Duvanaud:
New Identification Procedure for Continuous-Time Radio Frequency Power amplifier Model. 1259-1274 - Wen-Tzeng Huang, Sun-Yen Tan, Yuan-Jen Chang:
A Novel Design Methodology for Reducing Simultaneous Switching Noise Evaluated by a Differential-IBIS Structure. 1275-1297 - Xuepo Ma, Wei Zhang, Yang Liu:
A Fully Integrated Multi-Band Lcvco Based on CMOS Technology. 1299-1305 - Mourad Moussa Jlassi, Ali Douik
, Hassani Messaoud:
Color Images Segmentation Algorithms during a Sports Meeting: Application to Soccer Video Images. 1307-1332 - Rabin Raut, Vijay K. Devabhaktuni, Niladri Roy:
An Efficient SPICE-Based Technique for Performance Characterization of BJT mixers. 1333-1344 - Erkan Yüce, Sezai Tokat
Design and stability Analysis of Mixed-Mode Filters containing only Grounded capacitors. 1345-1363 - Suat U. Ay:
A Compact CMOS Power-on-Reset Pulse Generator Design with Low-Power and Wide Operation Range. 1365-1380
Volume 19, Number 7, November 2010
- Mohammad Yavari
Active-Feedback Single Miller capacitor Frequency Compensation Techniques for Three-Stage amplifiers. 1381-1398 - Mojtaba Mahdavi, Shadrokh Samavi, Sorina Dumitrescu, Fereshteh Aalamifar, Parisa Abedikhoozani:
Real-Time Steganalysis of LSB-Replacement in Digital Audio Streams. 1399-1421 - Ahmed Younes
Reducing Quantum Cost of Reversible Circuits for Homogeneous Boolean Functions. 1423-1434 - Young-Su Kwon, Nak-Woong Eum:
Application-Adaptive Reconfiguration of Memory Address Shuffler for FPGA-Embedded Instruction-Set Processor. 1435-1447 - Byunghee Choi, Youngsoo Shin:
Lookup Table-Based Adaptive Body biasing of Multiple Macros for Process Variation Compensation and Low Leakage. 1449-1464 - Sun Yu, Wei Zhang:
Review of Parallel Techniques and its Implication for Java. 1465-1481 - Yuchun Ma, Qiang Zhou, Pingqiang Zhou, Xianlong Hong:
Thermal Impacts of Leakage Power in 2D/3D floorplanning. 1483-1495 - Javier Sosa
, Juan A. Montiel-Nelson
, Jose Carlos Garcia-Montesdeoca, Saeid Nooshabadi:
Application of Mixed Integer Linear Programming in the Generation of Vectors with Maximum Datapath Coverage for Combinational Logic Circuits. 1497-1516 - Guennadi A. Kouzaev
, Atanas N. Kostadinov:
Predicate Gates, Components and a Processor for Spatial Logic. 1517-1541 - Wei Hu, Tianzhou Chen, Qingsong Shi, Sha Liu:
Critical-Path Driven Routers for on-Chip Networks. 1543-1557 - Marinos Sampson, Dimitrios Voudouris, George K. Papakonstantinou:
Using Simple Disjoint Decomposition to Perform Secure Computations. 1559-1569 - Leonardo Lucci:
Eccm Auxiliary Antenna System for a multibeam SAR Array. 1571-1578 - Xuguang Guan, Zhangming Zhu, Duan Zhou, Yintang Yang:
High Speed Multi-Resource Arbiter with Active Virtual Channel Allocation for Network on Chips. 1579-1596 - Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Jitendra Mohan, Durg Singh Chauhan:
High Input Impedance voltage-Mode Universal Filter and quadrature oscillator. 1597-1607 - Sheng Zhang, Zheng Li, Mengmeng Liu, Xiaokang Lin:
A Low-Power UWB Transceiver by Use of Trigger Receiving Method. 1609-1619 - Vedat Tavas, Ahmet Samil Demirkol, Serdar Özoguz
, Ali Zeki
, Ali Toker:
An ADC Based Random Bit Generator Based on a Double scroll Chaotic Circuit. 1621-1639
Volume 19, Number 8, December 2010
- Firat Kaçar
A New Tunable Floating CMOS FDNR and Elliptic Filter Applications. 1641-1650 - Soliman A. Mahmoud
Low Power Low-Pass Filter with Programmable cutoff Frequency Based on a Tunable UNITY Gain Frequency Operational amplifier. 1651-1663 - Mohammad Reza Hosseiny Fatemi, Hasan F. Ates
, Rosli Salleh
Fast Algorithm Analysis and Bit-Serial Architecture Design for Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation in H.264. 1665-1687 - Ilknur Cansu Kaynak, Yusuf Onur Koçberber, Oguz Ergin
Reducing the Energy Dissipation of the Issue Queue by Exploiting Narrow Immediate Operands. 1689-1709 - Akira Otsuka, Keisuke Nakano, Kazuyuki Miyakita:
Theoretical Analysis of Mean Waiting Time for Message Delivery in Lattice Ad Hoc Networks. 1711-1741 - Mohammad Hossein Maghami
, Mohammad Yavari
Low-voltage Double-Sampled Hybrid CT/DT sigmadelta modulator for Wideband Applications. 1743-1751 - Yuen-Haw Chang:
High-Efficiency 2-Stage Multiphase Switched-capacitor converter via Variable-Phase and PWM Control. 1753-1780 - Dragan S. Djordjevic, Predrag M. Petkovic, Vanco B. Litovski:
A New Topology Oriented Method for Symbolic Analysis of Electronic Circuits. 1781-1795 - Alaaeldin Amin:
Generalized Algorithms for Binary Modulo Multiplication and Multiplication-Division. 1797-1815 - Chang-Ching Yeh, Kuei-Chung Chang, Tien-Fu Chen, Chingwei Yeh:
Adaptive Pipeline voltage Scaling in High Performance Microprocessor. 1817-1834 - Rania R. Elsharkawy, Moataza Hindy
, S. El-Rabaie
, Moawad I. Dessouky
Fet Small-Signal Modeling Using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and the Discrete Cosine Transform. 1835-1846 - L. Tounsi Rekik, Mohamed Chtourou:
Fuzzy Supervised Nonlinear PID Control of a Class of Unknown Nonlinear Systems. 1847-1862

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