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Information and Media Technologies, Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 1, 2006
- Tsunehiko Sugawara, Yuichi Kuroki, Tetsuji Yano, Shuichi Shibata:
Recent Advances in Strengthening Glass Material for CRT. 1-6 - Shinichiro Nagano, Ko Sano, Seitaro Makino, Shinsuke Yura, Toshio Kobayashi:
Improvement in Address Discharge Response of HD PDPs with Stripe Rib and Discharge Deactivation Film. 7-14 - Masahiro Yasugi:
A Type System and Compilation Techniques for Concurrent Objects. 15-32 - Eiju Hirowatari, Kouichi Hirata, Tetsuhiro Miyahara, Setsuo Arikawa:
Refutability and Reliability for Inductive Inference of Recursive Real-Valued Functions. 33-44 - Ta Quoc Viet, Tsutomu Yoshinaga, Ben A. Abderazek, Masahiro Sowa:
Construction of Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Solutions for SMP Clusters. 45-57 - Cholwich Nattee, Sukree Sinthupinyo, Masayuki Numao:
Inductive Logic Programming for Multiple-Part Data: Applications on Structure-Activity Relationship Studies. 58-65 - Shoji Yuen, Keishi Kato, Daiju Kato, Kiyoshi Agusa:
Web Automata: A Behavioral Model of Web applications based on the MVC model. 66-79 - Hisashige Ando, Akira Asato, Motoyuki Kawaba, Hideki Okawara, William W. Walker:
A Case Study: Energy Efficient High Throughput Chip Multi-Processor Using Reduced-complexity Cores for Transaction Processing Workload. 80-91 - Cui Zhu, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Christos Faloutsos:
Example-Based Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Datasets. 92-101 - Raylin Tso, Ying Miao, Takeshi Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto:
How to Verify the Threshold t of Shamir's (t, n)-Threshold Scheme. 102-111 - Hidenori Kuwakado, Hatsukazu Tanaka:
Secure Length-Preserving All-or-Nothing Transform. 112-120 - Yuichiro Kanzaki, Hiroshi Igaki, Masahide Nakamura, Akito Monden, Ken-ichi Matsumoto:
Quantitative Analysis of Information Leakage in Security-Sensitive Software Processes. 121-133 - Yusuke Sakabe, Masakazu Soshi, Atsuko Miyaji:
Java Obfuscation Approaches to Construct Tamper-Resistant Object-Oriented Programs. 134-146 - Harumichi Nishimura:
Quantum Computation with Supplementary Information. 147-154 - Kentaro Imafuku
, Hideki Imai:
A Dynamical Bifurcation of Distinguishability in Thermalization Processes, from Classical to Quantum. 155-160 - Masaki Nakanishi:
Automata with Quantum and Classical Resources. 161-168 - Kazuo Iwama, Akinori Kawachi, Shigeru Yamashita:
Quantum Biased Oracles. 169-177 - Hirotada Kobayashi, François Le Gall:
Dihedral Hidden Subgroup Problem: A Survey. 178-185 - Taro Suzuki, Satoshi Okui:
A Rewrite System with Incomplete Regular Expression Type for Transformation of XML Documents. 186-197 - Toru Kato:
An Equational Relation for Ambient Calculus. 198-211 - Shuangching Chen, Shugang Wei:
New Booth Modulo m Multipliers with Signed-Digit Number Arithmetic. 212-221 - Hiroki Hasegawa, Seiji Ishiguro, Masao Okamoto:
Development of the Efficient Electromagnetic Particle Simulation Code with High Performance Fortran on a Vector-Parallel Supercomputer. 222-230 - Yasuhiro Tajima, Yoshiyuki Kotani, Matsuaki Terada:
Polynomial Time Learnability of a Sub-class of Linear Languages. 231-241 - Tetsuji Kuboyama, Kilho Shin, Tetsuhiro Miyahara:
A Theoretical Analysis of Tree Edit Distance Measures. 242-256 - Mohammad Teduh Uliniansyah, Shun Ishizaki:
A Word Sense Disambiguation System Using Modified Naive Bayesian Algorithms for Indonesian Language. 257-274 - Hidenori Sato, Hiroto Matsuoka, Hitoshi Kitazawa, Akira Onozawa:
Image-Based Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction Using Hexagonal Representation. 275-284 - Tsuyoshi Tasaki, Shohei Matsumoto, Hayato Ohba, Shun'ichi Yamamoto, Mitsuhiko Toda, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Dynamic Communication of Humanoid Robot with Multiple People Based on Interaction Distance. 285-295 - Norihide Kitaoka, Masashi Takeuchi, Ryota Nishimura, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Response Timing Detection Using Prosodic and Linguistic Information for Human-friendly Spoken Dialog Systems. 296-304 - Tetsuya Ogata, Shigeki Sugano, Jun Tani:
Acquisition of Motion Primitives of Robot in Human-Navigation Task. 305-313 - Taketoshi Mori, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tatsuya Harada, Tomomasa Sato:
Time-Series Human Motion Analysis with Kernels Derived from Learned Switching Linear Dynamics. 314-325 - Koji Hayashi, Nobuhiro Furuyama, Hiroki Takase:
Intra- and Inter-personal Coordination of Speech, Gesture and Breathing Movements. 326-337 - Masaki Murata, Masao Utiyama, Hitoshi Isahara:
Use of Multiple Documents as Evidence with Decreased Adding in a Japanese Question-answering System. 338-376 - Masato Aoba, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Motion Feature Extraction Using Second-order Neural Network and Self-organizing Map for Gesture Recognition. 377-390 - Oh Pyo Kweon, Akinori Ito, Motoyuki Suzuki, Shozo Makino:
A grammatical error detection method for dialogue-based CALL system. 391-410 - Yinghui Xu, Kyoji Umemura:
Improvements of Katz K Mixture Model. 411-435 - Chunsheng Hua, Haiyuan Wu, Toshikazu Wada, Qian Chen:
K-means Tracking with Variable Ellipse Model. 436-445 - Michael Paul, Eiichiro Sumita, Seiichi Yamamoto:
Multiple Translation-Engine-based Hypotheses and Edit-Distance-based Rescoring for a Greedy Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation. 446-460 - Marcin Skowron, Kenji Araki:
Effectiveness of Combined Features for Machine Learning Based Question Classification. 461-481 - Roberto Legaspi, Raymund Sison, Masayuki Numao:
A Category-based Framework of a Self-improving Instructional Planner. 482-490 - Motoharu Miyake, Hiroshi Inamura, Osamu Takahashi:
Spurious Timeout Detection Algorithm for Mobile Communication with Delay Jitter. 503-513 - Daisuke Matsubara, Kazuho Miki, Hidenori Inouchi, Tohru Hoshi:
File Management Using Virtual Directory Architecture for Central Managed P2P Information Sharing System (NRBS). 514-523 - Daisuke Takemoto, Shigeaki Tagashira, Satoshi Fujita:
Distributed Zone Partitioning Schemes for CAN and Its Application to the Load Balancing in Pure P2P Systems. 524-532 - Hiroyuki Yamada, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Tomonori Aoyama:
DDFC: Decentralized Delay Fluctuation Control Algorithm for IEEE802.11-based Wireless LANs. 533-544 - Takuji Iimura, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobayashi:
Distributed Scalable Multi-player Online Game Servers on Peer-to-Peer Networks. 545-560 - Katsuhiko Sato, Michiaki Katsumoto, Tetsuya Miki:
Network for Video Distribution between Preceding and Succeeding Vehicles on the Same Route. 561-573 - Xin Li, Mizuhito Ogawa:
Proxy Certificate Trust List for Grid Computing. 589-593 - Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Toshiaki Tanaka, Mariko Yoshida, Masahiro Kuroda:
Design of Self-Delegation for Mobile Terminals. 594-605 - Raylin Tso, Ying Miao, Takeshi Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto:
A Share-Correctable Protocol for the Shamir Threshold Scheme and Its Application to Participant Enrollment. 606-614 - Motoharu Miyake, Hiroshi Inamura:
TCP Enhancement Using Recovery of Lost Retransmissions for NewReno TCP. 615-625 - Fujita Tomonori, Masanori Ogawara:
Arbre: A File System for Untrusted Remote Block-level Storage. 626-638 - Takahiro Hirofuchi, Eiji Kawai, Kazutoshi Fujikawa, Hideki Sunahara:
USB/IP: A Transparent Device Sharing Technology over IP Network. 639-651 - Masanori Takata, Masaki Bandai, Takashi Watanabe:
Performance Analysis of a Directional MAC Protocol for Location Information Staleness in MANETs. 652-661 - Takayuki Shiraishi, Munenobu Nagata, Naoki Shibata, Yoshihiro Murata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito:
A Personal Navigation System with Functions to Compose Tour Schedules Based on Multiple Conflicting Criteria. 662-670 - Misato Sasaki, Christian Noack, Hidetoshi Yokota, Akira Idoue:
Location Web: Proposal and Implementation of Location-based Web Content Search and Creation Using a Mobile Phone. 671-678 - Xiaolong Li, Qing-An Zeng:
Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol over a WLAN with Capture Effect. 679-685
Volume 1, Number 2, 2006
- Naoya Hatta, Niko Demus Barli, Chitaka Iwama, Luong Dinh Hung, Daisuke Tashiro, Shuichi Sakai, Hidehiko Tanaka:
Bus Serialization for Reducing Power Consumption. 686-694 - Yutaka Matsuno, Hiroyuki Sato:
A Type System for Optimization Verifying Compilers. 695-711 - Naoya Nitta, Hiroyuki Seki:
LTL Model Checking for Extended Pushdown Systems with Regular Tree Valuations. 712-729 - Osamu Takaki, Makoto Takeyama, Hiroshi Watanabe:
Verification of Transition System Reduction via PVS. 730-741 - Norio Kobayashi, Mircea Marin, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Hideko Urushihara:
On the Development of an Analysis System for Upstream Sequences in Dictyostelium discoideum Genome. 742-747 - Hidehisa Takamizawa, Kazuyuki Nakajima, Masayoshi Aritsugi:
Array-based Cache Conscious Trees. 748-761 - Amril Syalim, Toshihiro Tabata, Kouichi Sakurai:
Usage Control Model and Architecture for Data Confidentiality in a Database Service Provider. 762-767 - Takao Yamashita:
Scalable Load Distribution for View Divergence Control of Data Freshness in Replicated Database Systems. 768-779 - Toshiaki Takayanagi, Hidenori Kawamura, Azuma Ohuchi:
Cellular Automaton Model of a Tumor Tissue Consisting of Tumor Cells, Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), and Cytokine Produced by CTLs. 780-786 - Shinichi Motomura, Takao Kawamura, Kazunori Sugahara:
Logic-Based Mobile Agent Framework with a Concept of "Field". 787-795 - Ichiro Mitsuhashi, Michio Oyamaguchi, Yoshikatsu Ohta, Toshiyuki Yamada:
The Joinability and Related Decision Problems for Semi-constructor TRSs. 796-808 - Seiji Umatani, Hirokazu Shobayashi, Masahiro Yasugi, Taiichi Yuasa:
Efficient and Portable Implementation of Java-style Exception Handling in C. 809-818 - Satoshi Okui, Taro Suzuki:
Pattern Matching of Incompletely RE-Typed Expressions via Transformation. 819-832 - Tasuku Hiraishi, Masahiro Yasugi, Taiichi Yuasa:
A Transformation-Based Implementation of Lightweight Nested Functions. 833-850 - Akio Nakajima, Ryotaro Kobayashi, Hideki Ando, Toshio Shimada:
Limits of Thread-Level Parallelism in Non-numerical Programs. 851-859 - Luong Dinh Hung, Shuichi Sakai:
Dynamic Estimation of Task Level Parallelism with Operating System Support. 860-868 - Hiroshi Murakami:
An Implementation of the Block Householder Method. 869-888 - Masato Ogata, Kagenori Kajihara, Takaaki Kikukawa, Takafumi Terada:
An Evaluation of the Communication Cost of Parallel Processing in Real-Time Simulations Using an Image-Composition Device. 889-898 - Shuangching Chen, Shugang Wei:
Performance Evaluation of Signed-Digit Architecture for Weighted-to-Residue and Residue-to-Weighted Number Converters with Moduli Set (2n-1, 2n, 2n+1). 899-908 - Hideyuki Ichihara, Masakuni Ochi, Michihiro Shintani, Tomoo Inoue:
An Adaptive Decompressor for Test Application with Variable-Length Coding. 909-917 - Wenxin Liang, Haruo Yokota:
SLAX: An Improved Leaf-Clustering Based Approximate XML Join Algorithm for Integrating XML Data at Subtree Classes. 918-928 - Peng Yang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Yang Cui, Rui Zhang, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai:
Relations among Notions of Security for Identity Based Encryption Schemes. 929-941 - Katsuyuki Okeya, Tetsu Iwata:
Side Channel Attacks on Message Authentication Codes. 942-952 - Hideyo Mamiya, Atsuko Miyaji:
Fixed-Hamming-Weight Representation for Indistinguishable Addition Formulae. 953-962 - Yangping Zhou, Hidekazu Yoshikawa, Wei Wu, Ming Yang
, Hirotake Ishii:
Modeling Goals and Functions of Micro Gas Turbine System by Multilevel Flow Models. 963-972 - Anh-Cuong Le, Akira Shimazu, Van-Nam Huynh:
Word Sense Disambiguation by Combining Classifiers with an Adaptive Selection of Context Representation. 973-993 - Erwan Loisant, José Martinez, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Kaoru Katayama:
Galois' Lattices as a Classification Technique for Image Retrieval. 994-1006 - Mohammad Ali Akbari, Masayuki Nakajima:
Practical Considerations to Skin Detection Scheme. 1007-1013 - Shintaro Ueda, Shin-ichiro Kaneko, Nobutaka Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Shigeno, Ken-ichi Okada:
A Real-Time Stream Authentication Scheme for Video Streams. 1014-1024 - Tetsuya Sakai:
On the Task of Finding One Highly Relevant Document with High Precision. 1025-1039 - Xiaohua Zhang, Kiichi Kobayashi, Suguru Saito, Masayuki Nakajima:
Reflectance-Field-Based Separation of Surface Reflection Components. 1040-1048 - Georgi Georgiev, Mitsuyoshi Nagao, Manabu Omiya:
Distributed Animation Rendering based on Grid Computing. 1049-1056 - Jing Kong, Xiangshi Ren:
Calculation of Effective Target Width and Its Effects on Pointing Tasks. 1057-1059 - Yuxin Wang, Keizo Oyama:
Combining Page Group Structure and Content for Roughly Filtering Researchers' Homepages with High Recall. 1060-1072 - Daisuke Miyazaki, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects by Using Polarization Analyses. 1073-1093 - Kazuhide Fukushima, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Toshiaki Tanaka:
An Obfuscation Scheme Using Affine Transformation and Its Implementation. 1094-1108 - Isao Echizen, Yasuhiro Fujii, Takaaki Yamada, Satoru Tezuka, Hiroshi Yoshiura:
Use of Statistically Adaptive Accumulation to Improve Video Watermark Detection. 1109-1122 - Masayuki Terada
, Kensaku Mori, Kazuhiko Ishii, Sadayuki Hongo, Tomonori Usaka, Noboru Koshizuka, Ken Sakamura:
A Framework for Distributed Inter-smartcard Communication. 1123-1135 - Yukio Hayashi
A Review of Recent Studies of Geographical Scale-Free Networks. 1136-1145 - Shu Zhang, Katsushi Kobayashi:
Rtanaly: A System to Detect and Measure IGP Routing Changes. 1146-1154 - Hiroaki Kamoda, Masaki Yamaoka, Shigeyuki Matsuda, Krysia Broda, Morris Sloman:
Access Control Policy Analysis Using Free Variable Tableaux. 1155-1169 - Hiroshi Mineno, Yuki Kawashima, Susumu Ishihara, Tadanori Mizuno:
Collaboration Mechanism for Mobile IP-based Link Aggregation System. 1170-1181 - Yasunobu Nohara, Toru Nakamura, Kensuke Baba, Sozo Inoue, Hiroto Yasuura:
Unlinkable Identification for Large-scale RFID Systems. 1182-1190 - Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Atsuo Inomata, Masahiro Mambo, Eiji Okamoto:
Anonymous On-Demand Position-based Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. 1191-1203

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