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CoRR, January 2006
- Jens Oehlschlägel:
Truecluster: robust scalable clustering with model selection. - Wolfgang Mulzer, Günter Rote:
Minimum-weight triangulation is NP-hard. - Ruben Vandeginste, Bart Demoen:
Incremental copying garbage collection for WAM-based Prolog systems. - Benoît Girard, David Filliat, Jean-Arcady Meyer, Alain Berthoz, Agnès Guillot:
Integration of navigation and action selection functionalities in a computational model of cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops. - Jinyun Ke, Yao Yao:
Analyzing language development from a network approach. - Yangfan Zhong, Fady Alajaji, L. Lorne Campbell:
On the Joint Source-Channel Coding Error Exponent for Discrete Memoryless Systems: Computation and Comparison with Separate Coding. - Anant Sahai, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
The necessity and sufficiency of anytime capacity for stabilization of a linear system over a noisy communication link Part I: scalar systems. - Ben C. Moszkowski:
A Hierarchical Analysis of Propositional Temporal Logic Based on Intervals. - Tobias Koch, Amos Lapidoth:
Gaussian Fading is the Worst Fading. - Xiaowen Zhang, Li Shu, Ke Tang:
Multi-Map Orbit Hopping Chaotic Stream Cipher. - Hamed Hatami, Avner Magen, Vangelis Markakis:
Integrality gaps of semidefinite programs for Vertex Cover and relations to ℓ1 embeddability of Negative Type metrics. - Ritesh Madan, Devavrat Shah, Olivier Lévêque:
Product Multicommodity Flow in Wireless Networks. - Josep Silva, Germán Vidal:
Forward slicing of functional logic programs by partial evaluation. - Yuan Feng, Runyao Duan, Zheng-Feng Ji, Mingsheng Ying
Probabilistic bisimilarities between quantum processes. - Nelson Antunes, Christine Fricker, Fabrice Guillemin, Philippe Robert:
Perturbation Analysis of a Variable M/M/1 Queue: A Probabilistic Approach. - Nelson Antunes, Christine Fricker, Fabrice Guillemin, Philippe Robert:
Integration of streaming services and TCP data transmission in the Internet. - Peter Jung:
Weighted Norms of Ambiguity Functions and Wigner Distributions. - Miguel Palomino:
A comparison between two logical formalisms for rewriting. - Antoine Reilles:
Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees. - Ruperto P. Majuca, William Yurcik, Jay P. Kesan:
The Evolution of Cyberinsurance. - Alexander Haubold:
Lighting Control using Pressure-Sensitive Touchpads. - Stefan M. Moser:
On the Fading Number of Multiple-Input Single-Output Fading Channels with Memory. - Priti Shankar, P. N. A. Kumar, K. Sasidharan, B. Sundar Rajan, A. S. Madhu:
Efficient Convergent Maximum Likelihood Decoding on Tail-Biting Trellises. - Hong Xu, Wen-Feng Qi:
Further Results on the Distinctness of Decimations of l-sequences. - Michael Ortega, Sabine Coquillart:
Prop-Based Haptic Interaction with Co-location and Immersion: an Automotive Application. - Nicholas J. A. Harvey:
Algebraic Structures and Algorithms for Matching and Matroid Problems (Preliminary Version). - Florence Levé, Gwénaël Richomme:
Quasiperiodic Sturmian words and morphisms. - Shraga I. Bross, Amos Lapidoth, Stephan Tinguely:
Superimposed Coded and Uncoded Transmissions of a Gaussian Source over the Gaussian Channel. - Amos Lapidoth, Stephan Tinguely:
Sending a Bi-Variate Gaussian Source over a Gaussian MAC. - Johan Bollen, Marko A. Rodriguez, Herbert Van de Sompel:
Journal Status. - Marc Schoenauer, Pierre Savéant, Vincent Vidal:
Divide-and-Evolve: a New Memetic Scheme for Domain-Independent Temporal Planning. - Tamara Babaian, James G. Schmolze:
Efficient Open World Reasoning for Planning. - Rolf Klein, Martin Kutz:
The density of iterated crossing points and a gap result for triangulations of finite point sets. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Vicky Weissman:
Using First-Order Logic to Reason about Policies. - François Colonna:
Deductive Object Programming. - Vincent D. Blondel, Raphaël M. Jungers, Vladimir Protasov:
On the complexity of computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns. - Giorgio Delzanno:
Constraint-based verification of abstract models of multitreaded programs. - Giorgio Delzanno:
Constraint-based automatic verification of abstract models of multithreaded programs. - María Alpuente, Santiago Escobar, Salvador Lucas:
Removing Redundant Arguments Automatically. - Michel Parent:
New Technologies for Sustainable Urban Transport in Europe. - Michael Langberg:
Oblivious channels. - Christoph Benzmüller, John Harrison, Carsten Schürmann:
LPAR-05 Workshop: Empirically Successfull Automated Reasoning in Higher-Order Logic (ESHOL). - Marco Cadoli, Toni Mancini:
Combining Relational Algebra, SQL, Constraint Modelling, and Local Search. - Christian Gagné, Marc Schoenauer, Marc Parizeau, Marco Tomassini:
Genetic Programming, Validation Sets, and Parsimony Pressure. - Oren Kurland, Lillian Lee:
PageRank without hyperlinks: Structural re-ranking using links induced by language models. - Oren Kurland, Lillian Lee, Carmel Domshlak:
Better than the real thing? Iterative pseudo-query processing using cluster-based language models. - Lourdes Araujo, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós:
Automatic Detection of Trends in Dynamical Text: An Evolutionary Approach. - Oscar Y. Takeshita:
Permutation Polynomial Interleavers: An Algebraic-Geometric Perspective. - Tony Thomas, Arbind K. Lal:
Undeniable Signature Schemes Using Braid Groups. - Alex Vinokur:
Computing Fibonacci numbers on a Turing Machine. - Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli:
A Constructive Semantic Characterization of Aggregates in ASP. - Subhash C. Kak:
Artificial and Biological Intelligence. - Adel Al-Jumaily, Cindy Leung:
Wavefront Propagation and Fuzzy Based Autonomous Navigation. - Victor Etxebarria, Arantza Sanz, Ibone Lizarraga:
Control of a Lightweight Flexible Robotic Arm Using Sliding Modes. - Alborz Geramifard, Peyman Nayeri, Reza Zamani-Nasab, Jafar Habibi:
A Hybrid Three Layer Architecture for Fire Agent Management in Rescue Simulation Environment. - Panfeng Huang, Yangsheng Xu, Bin Liang:
Dynamic Balance Control of Multi-arm Free-Floating Space Robots. - Musa Mailah, Endra Pitowarno, Hishamuddin Jamaluddin:
Robust Motion Control for Mobile Manipulator Using Resolved Acceleration and Proportional-Integral Active Force Control. - Michael Sdahl, Bernd Kuhlenkötter:
CAGD - Computer Aided Gripper Design for a Flexible Gripping System. - Shuqin Li, Lan Shuai, Xian-Yi Cheng, Zhenmin Tang, Jing-Yu Yang:
A Descriptive Model of Robot Team and the Dynamic Evolution of Robot Team Cooperation. - Olga Bogatyreva, Alexandr Shillerov:
Robot Swarms in an Uncertain World: Controllable Adaptability. - I. Topalova:
Modular Adaptive System Based on a Multi-Stage Neural Structure for Recognition of 2D Objects of Discontinuous Production. - Cheng Xian-Yi, Li Shu-Qin, Xian De-Shen:
Study of Self-Organization Model of Multiple Mobile Robot. - Atef A. Ata, Thi Rein Myo:
Optimal Point-to-Point Trajectory Tracking of Redundant Manipulators using Generalized Pattern Search. - Chua Kia, Mohd Rizal Arshad:
Robotics Vision-based Heuristic Reasoning for Underwater Target Tracking and Navigation. - Nazim Mir-Nasiri, Sulaiman Hussaini:
New Intelligent Transmission Concept for Hybrid Mobile Robot Speed Control. - Ashwin Ganesan, Pascal O. Vontobel:
On the Existence of Universally Decodable Matrices. - Alexandre Graell i Amat, Fredrik Brannstrom, Lars K. Rasmussen:
Design of Rate-Compatible Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes. - Sorav Bansal:
Checkbochs: Use Hardware to Check Software. - Boris Ryabko:
Fast Enumeration of Combinatorial Objects. - Mikhail G. Stepanov, Michael Chertkov:
Instanton analysis of Low-Density-Parity-Check codes in the error-floor regime. - Antonio J. Fernández, Maria Teresa Hortalá-González, Fernando Sáenz-Pérez, Rafael del Vado Vírseda:
Constraint Functional Logic Programming over Finite Domains. - Remko Tronçon, Gerda Janssens, Bart Demoen, Henk Vandecasteele:
Fast Frequent Querying with Lazy Control Flow Compilation. - Antonio J. Caamaño, Juan J. Vinagre, Mark Richard Wilby, Javier Ramos:
A Theory of Routing for Large-Scale Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. - Maxim Raginsky:
Joint universal lossy coding and identification of i.i.d. vector sources. - Pascal O. Vontobel, Ashwin Ganesan:
On Universally Decodable Matrices for Space-Time Coding. - Kuan-San Ooi:
Learning by Test-infecting Symmetric Ciphers. - B. S. Shajeemohan, V. K. Govindan:
IDBE - An Intelligent Dictionary Based Encoding Algorithm for Text Data Compression for High Speed Data Transmission Over Internet. - Benjamin Gaidioz, Birger Koblitz, Nuno Santos:
Exploring high performance distributed file storage using LDPC codes. - Katherine Luo, Yifan Li, Charis Ermopoulos, William Yurcik, Adam J. Slagell:
SCRUB-PA: A Multi-Level Multi-Dimensional Anonymization Tool for Process Accounting. - Ambedkar Dukkipati, M. Narasimha Murty, Shalabh Bhatnagar:
On Measure Theoretic definitions of Generalized Information Measures and Maximum Entropy Prescriptions. - Andrej Brodnik, Johan Karlsson, J. Ian Munro, Andreas Nilsson:
An O(1) Solution to the Prefix Sum Problem on a Specialized Memory Architecture. - Shai Carmi, Reuven Cohen, Danny Dolev:
Search in Complex Networks : a New Method of Naming. - Jing Jiang, Krishna R. Narayanan:
Multilevel Coding for Channels with Non-uniform Inputs and Rateless Transmission over the BSC. - Ming-Yang Kao, Manan Sanghi, Robert T. Schweller:
Randomized Fast Design of Short DNA Words. - Riccardo Pucella, Vicky Weissman:
A Formal Foundation for ODRL. - Stephen A. Cook:
Comments on Beckmann's Uniform Reducts. - Victor Kromer:
Processing of Test Matrices with Guessing Correction. - Xiang Lu, Jiajia Chen, Sailing He:
An Algorithm for Constructing All Families of Codes of Arbitrary Requirement in an OCDMA System. - Joel B. Predd, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor:
Distributed Kernel Regression: An Algorithm for Training Collaboratively. - Ron M. Roth, Vitaly Skachek:
Improved Nearly-MDS Expander Codes. - Mahmoud Taherzadeh, Amin Mobasher, Amir K. Khandani:
Communication Over MIMO Broadcast Channels Using Lattice-Basis Reduction. - Mahmoud Taherzadeh, Amin Mobasher, Amir K. Khandani:
LLL Reduction Achieves the Receive Diversity in MIMO Decoding. - K. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee, Utpal Mukherji:
Stability of Scheduled Multi-access Communication over Quasi-static Flat Fading Channels with Random Coding and Joint Maximum Likelihood Decoding. - K. C. V. Kalyanarama Sesha Sayee, Utpal Mukherji:
Stability of Scheduled Message Communication over Degraded Broadcast Channels. - Mostafa El-Khamy, Roberto Garello:
On the Weight Enumerator and the Maximum Likelihood Performance of Linear Product Codes. - Deepak D'Souza, Nicolas Tabareau:
On timed automata with input-determined guards. - B. S. Shajeemohan, V. K. Govindan:
Compression Scheme for Faster and Secure Data Transmission Over Internet. - Farhad Meshkati, H. Vincent Poor, Stuart C. Schwartz, Radu V. Balan:
Energy Efficiency and Delay Quality-of-Service in Wireless Networks. - Mohammad H. Taghavi, Paul H. Siegel:
Adaptive Linear Programming Decoding. - Luca Trevisan:
Pseudorandomness and Combinatorial Constructions. - Shishir Nagarja:
The topology of covert conflict. - Robert S. Caprari:
Geometric symmetry in the quadratic Fisher discriminant operating on image pixels. - Philipp Mayr, Fabio Tosques:
Google Web APIs - an Instrument for Webometric Analyses? - Andreas Enge:
The complexity of class polynomial computation via floating point approximations. - Vassilios S. Vassiliadis:
The Perceptron Algorithm: Image and Signal Decomposition, Compression, and Analysis by Iterative Gaussian Blurring. - Vassilios S. Vassiliadis:
The 'Face on Mars': a photographic approach for the search of signs of past civilizations from a macroscopic point of view, factoring long-term erosion in image reconstruction. - Igor Bjelakovic, Holger Boche:
Structure of Optimal Input Covariance Matrices for MIMO Systems with Covariance Feedback under General Correlated Fading. - Alain Lifchitz, Frédéric Maire, Dominique Revuz:
Fast Lexically Constrained Viterbi Algorithm (FLCVA): Simultaneous Optimization of Speed and Memory. - Neil Yorke-Smith, Carmen Gervet:
Certainty Closure: Reliable Constraint Reasoning with Incomplete or Erroneous Data. - Shabnam Shafiee, Sennur Ulukus:
Mutual Information Games in Multi-user Channels with Correlated Jamming. - Chen Zhang, Ted Herman:
Localization in Wireless Sensor Grids. - Ian Pratt-Hartmann:
Complexity of the Guarded Two-Variable Fragment with Counting Quantifiers. - Michael Chertkov, Mikhail G. Stepanov:
An Efficient Pseudo-Codeword Search Algorithm for Linear Programming Decoding of LDPC Codes. - Mantas Simkus, Evaldas Taroza, Lina Lubyte, Daniel Trivellato, Zivile Norkunaite:
Efficient Query Answering over Conceptual Schemas of Relational Databases : Technical Report. - Majid Fozunbal, Ton Kalker:
Decision Making with Side Information and Unbounded Loss Functions. - Gregory Kucherov, Laurent Noé, Mikhail A. Roytberg:
A unifying framework for seed sensitivity and its application to subset seeds. - Dhananjay D. Kulkarni, Shekhar Verma, Prashant:
Finding Cliques of a Graph using Prime Numbers. - David Manset, Hervé Verjus, Richard McClatchey, Flávio Oquendo:
A Formal Architecture-Centric Model-Driven Approach for the Automatic Generation of Grid Applications. - Haya El-Ghalayini, Mohammed Odeh, Richard McClatchey:
Engineering Conceptual Data Models from Domain Ontologies: A Critical Evaluation. - Jacob Binia:
On The Minimum Mean-Square Estimation Error of the Normalized Sum of Independent Narrowband Waves in the Gaussian Channel. - Marko A. Rodriguez:
A Multi-Relational Network to Support the Scholarly Communication Process. - Robert Brijder, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Grzegorz Rozenberg:
Reducibility of Gene Patterns in Ciliates using the Breakpoint Graph. - Emin Martinian, Martin J. Wainwright:
Low density codes achieve the rate-distortion bound. - Onur Kaya, Sennur Ulukus:
Power Control for User Cooperation. - Carl Lagoze, Dean B. Krafft, Tim Cornwell, Naomi Dushay, Dean Eckstrom, John Saylor:
Metadata aggregation and "automated digital libraries": A retrospective on the NSDL experience. - K. Murali Krishnan, Priti Shankar:
Approximate Linear Time ML Decoding on Tail-Biting Trellises in Two Rounds. - Amos Fiat, Manor Mendel:
Truly Online Paging with Locality of Reference. - Pierre Dehornoy:
On the 3-distortion of a path. - Abhilash Ponnath:
Instantaneously Trained Neural Networks. - Alexandros G. Dimakis, Dragan Petrovic, Kannan Ramchandran:
From Dumb Wireless Sensors to Smart Networks using Network Coding. - Joel B. Predd, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Daniel N. Osherson, H. Vincent Poor:
Scalable Algorithms for Aggregating Disparate Forecasts of Probability. - (Withdrawn) A Study on the Global Convergence Time Complexity of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.
- Jean-Guillaume Dumas
, Thierry Gautier, Pascal Giorgi, Clément Pernet:
Dense Linear Algebra over Finite Fields: the FFLAS and FFPACK packages. - Jeremy Avigad, Harvey Friedman:
Combining decision procedures for the reals. - Robert Brijder, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Michael Muskulus:
Strategies of Loop Recombination in Ciliates. - Michael Chertkov, Vladimir Y. Chernyak:
Loop Calculus in Statistical Physics and Information Science. - David Freeman:
Constructing pairing-friendly elliptic curves with embedding degree 10. - Jean-Maxime Labarbe, Jean-François Marckert:
Asymptotics of Bernoulli random walks, bridges, excursions and meanders with a given number of peaks. - Luciano da Fontoura Costa:
Learning about knowledge: A complex network approach. - Sergey A. Astakhov, Harald Stögbauer, Alexander Kraskov, Peter Grassberger:
Monte Carlo Algorithm for Least Dependent Non-Negative Mixture Decomposition. - Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Flammini:
Optimal Traffic Networks. - Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi:
Amorphous packings of hard spheres in large space dimension. - Chi-Hang Fred Fung, Bing Qi, Kiyoshi Tamaki, Hoi-Kwong Lo:
Phase-Remapping Attack in Practical Quantum Key Distribution Systems. - Tobias Kretz, Marko Woelki, Michael Schreckenberg:
Characterizing correlations of flow oscillations at bottlenecks. - Wieslaw Bajguz:
Graph and Union of Graphs Compositions.

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