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Automatica, Volume 42
Volume 42, Number 1, January 2006
- Tamer Basar:
Change of an editorship and renaming of an area. 1 - Joshua A. Marshall
, Mireille E. Broucke, Bruce A. Francis:
Pursuit formations of unicycles. 3-12 - Elena N. Gryazina, Boris T. Polyak:
Stability regions in the parameter space: D-decomposition revisited. 13-26 - Johan Schoukens, Yves Rolain, Rik Pintelon
Analysis of windowing/leakage effects in frequency response function measurements. 27-38 - Fen Wu
, Ke Dong:
Gain-scheduling control of LFT systems using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. 39-50 - Andrey V. Savkin:
Analysis and synthesis of networked control systems: Topological entropy, observability, robustness and optimal control. 51-62 - Rik Pintelon
, Johan Schoukens:
Box-Jenkins identification revisited - Part I: Theory. 63-75 - Rik Pintelon
, Yves Rolain, Johan Schoukens:
Box-Jenkins identification revisited - Part II: Applications. 77-84 - Jun Zhou:
Implementing the Hamiltonian test for the Hinfinity norm in linear continuous-time periodic systems. 85-91 - Masami Saeki:
Fixed structure PID controller design for standard Hinfinity control problem. 93-100 - Yunmin Zhu, Baohua Li:
Optimal interval estimation fusion based on sensor interval estimates with confidence degrees. 101-108 - Raffaella Mattone, Alessandro De Luca
Relaxed fault detection and isolation: An application to a nonlinear case study. 109-116 - Stephen Prajna:
Barrier certificates for nonlinear model validation. 117-126 - Henk A. P. Blom, Edwin A. Bloem:
Exact Bayesian filter and joint IMM coupled PDA tracking of maneuvering targets from possibly missing and false measurements. 127-135 - Daniel Georgiev, Dawn M. Tilbury:
Packet-based control: The H2-optimal solution. 137-144 - Jin-Zhi Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang:
Control of a class of pendulum-like systems with Lagrange stability. 145-150 - Magnus Evestedt, Alexander Medvedev:
Stationary behavior of an anti-windup scheme for recursive parameter estimation under lack of excitation. 151-157 - Torbjörn Wigren
Recursive prediction error identification and scaling of non-linear state space models using a restricted black box parameterization. 159-168 - Wei Feng, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Stability analysis and stabilization control of multi-variable switched stochastic systems. 169-176 - Jongrae Kim
, Declan G. Bates, Ian Postlethwaite:
Nonlinear robust performance analysis using complex-step gradient approximation. 177-182 - El Kébir Boukas:
Static output feedback control for stochastic hybrid systems: LMI approach. 183-188 - David Angeli:
Nonlinear control systems analysis and design, Horacio J. Marquez; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN: 0-471-42799-3. 189-190 - Hyeong Soo Chang:
Advances in Dynamic Games, Applications to Economics, Finance, Optimization, and Stochastic Control: A.S. Nowak, K. Szajowski (Eds.); Birkhauser, Boston, 2005, ISBN 0-8176-4362-1. 190-192
Volume 42, Number 2, February 2006
- Andrea Lecchini, Alexander Lanzon
, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A model reference approach to safe controller changes in iterative identification and control. 193-203 - Ji-Woong Lee, Geir E. Dullerud:
Uniform stabilization of discrete-time switched and Markovian jump linear systems. 205-218 - Ramine Nikoukhah, Stephen L. Campbell
Auxiliary signal design for active failure detection in uncertain linear systems with a priori information. 219-228 - Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Savvas G. Loizou
, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
, Michael M. Zavlanos:
A feedback stabilization and collision avoidance scheme for multiple independent non-point agents, . 229-243 - Alvaro E. Gil, Kevin M. Passino:
Stability analysis of network-based cooperative resource allocation strategies. 245-250 - Vijay Gupta
, Timothy H. Chung, Babak Hassibi, Richard M. Murray
On a stochastic sensor selection algorithm with applications in sensor scheduling and sensor coverage. 251-260 - Kai Xiong, H. Y. Zhang, C. W. Chan:
Performance evaluation of UKF-based nonlinear filtering. 261-270 - Domitilla Del Vecchio, Richard M. Murray
, Eric Klavins:
Discrete state estimators for systems on a lattice. 271-285 - Jari J. Hätönen, David H. Owens, K. Feng:
Basis functions and parameter optimisation in high-order iterative learning control. 287-294 - Daniel R. Ramírez
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Piecewise affinity of min-max MPC with bounded additive uncertainties and a quadratic criterion. 295-302 - Brian J. Odelson, Murali R. Rajamani, James B. Rawlings:
A new autocovariance least-squares method for estimating noise covariances. 303-308 - Guoping Lu, Daniel W. C. Ho
Continuous stabilization controllers for singular bilinear systems: The state feedback case. 309-314 - Jin Wang
, Si-Zhao Joe Qin
Closed-loop subspace identification using the parity space. 315-320 - Juhoon Back, Jin Heon Seo:
An algorithm for system immersion into nonlinear observer form: SISO case. 321-328 - Juan C. Martínez-Rosas, Marco A. Arteaga
, Adrián M. Castillo-Sánchez:
Decentralized control of cooperative robots without velocity-force measurements. 329-336 - Francesco Amato
, Marco Ariola
, Carlo Cosentino
Finite-time stabilization via dynamic output feedback, . 337-342 - Shengyuan Xu, James Lam, Yun Zou:
New results on delay-dependent robust Hinfinity control for systems with time-varying delays. 343-348 - Qing-Guo Wang, Zhen Ye, Chang Chieh Hang:
Tuning of phase-lead compensators for exact gain and phase margins. 349-352 - Su Whan Sung, Jietae Lee:
Relay feedback method under large static disturbances. 353-356 - M. D. S. Aliyu, Jamiiru Luttamaguzi:
On the bounded-real and positive-real conditions for affine nonlinear state-delayed systems and applications to stability. 357-362 - Sean B. Andersson:
Underwater robots: Motion and force control of vehicle manipulator systems, Gianluca Antonelli (Ed.); Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN: 3-540-00054-2. 363-364
Volume 42, Number 3, March 2006
- David W. K. Yeung, Leon A. Petrosyan
Dynamically stable corporate joint ventures. 365-370 - David Q. Mayne, Sasa V. Rakovic, Richard B. Vinter, Eric C. Kerrigan:
Characterization of the solution to a constrained Hinfinity optimal control problem. 371-382 - Shreyas Sundaram
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Error detection and correction in switched linear controllers via periodic and non-concurrent checks. 383-391 - Yat-wah Wan, Xi-Ren Cao:
The control of a two-level Markov decision process by time aggregation. 393-403 - H. Souley Ali, Michel Zasadzinski, Hugues Rafaralahy, Mohamed Darouach:
Robust I reduced order filtering for uncertain bilinear systems. 405-415 - Denis V. Efimov
, Alexander L. Fradkov
Adaptive tuning to bifurcation for time-varying nonlinear systems. 417-425 - Xinkai Chen
Adaptive sliding mode control for discrete-time multi-input multi-output systems. 427-435 - Erik Frisk, Lars Nielsen:
Robust residual generation for diagnosis including a reference model for residual behavior. 437-445 - Naohisa Otsuka:
A necessary and sufficient condition for parameter insensitive disturbance-rejection problem with state feedback. 447-452 - Andrea Bacciotti, Francesca Ceragioli:
Nonpathological Lyapunov functions and discontinuous Carathéodory systems. 453-458 - Huaping Liu, El Kébir Boukas, Fuchun Sun, Daniel W. C. Ho
Controller design for Markov jumping systems subject to actuator saturation. 459-465 - Henrik Sandberg
A case study in model reduction of linear time-varying systems. 467-472 - Marco A. Arteaga
, Adrián M. Castillo-Sánchez, Vicente Parra-Vega
Cartesian control of robots without dynamic model and observer design. 473-480 - Haruhisa Kawasaki, Satoshi Ueki, Satoshi Ito:
Decentralized adaptive coordinated control of multiple robot arms without using a force sensor. 481-488 - Denis V. Efimov
Uniting global and local controllers under acting disturbances. 489-495 - Angelo Alessandri
, Marco Baglietto
, Giorgio Battistelli
Design of state estimators for uncertain linear systems using quadratic boundedness. 497-502 - BaoCang Ding, Hexu Sun, Peng Yang:
Further studies on LMI-based relaxed stabilization conditions for nonlinear systems in Takagi-Sugeno's form. 503-508 - Rastko R. Selmic:
Adaptive control design and analysis: Gang Tao, Copyright 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 640pp., ISBN: 0-471-27452-6. 509-511
Volume 42, Number 4, April 2006
- Naira Hovakimyan, Bong-Jun Yang, Anthony J. Calise:
Adaptive output feedback control methodology applicable to non-minimum phase nonlinear systems. 513-522 - Paul J. Goulart
, Eric C. Kerrigan, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Optimization over state feedback policies for robust control with constraints. 523-533 - Le Yi Wang, Gang George Yin, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Joint identification of plant rational models and noise distribution functions using binary-valued observations. 535-547 - William B. Dunbar, Richard M. Murray
Distributed receding horizon control for multi-vehicle formation stabilization. 549-558 - Michel Gevers, Ljubisa Miskovic
, Dominique Bonvin, Alireza Karimi
Identification of multi-input systems: variance analysis and input design issues. 559-572 - Rafal Goebel, Andrew R. Teel:
Solutions to hybrid inclusions via set and graphical convergence with stability theory applications. 573-587 - Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Brett Ninness
Least-squares estimation of a class of frequency functions: A finite sample variance expression. 589-600 - P. M. Mäkilä:
On robustness in control and LTI identification: Near-linearity and non-conic uncertainty. 601-612 - Wen-Hua Chen
, Peter J. Gawthrop
Constrained predictive pole-placement control with linear models. 613-618 - Weihua Li, Zhengang Han, Sirish L. Shah:
Subspace identification for FDI in systems with non-uniformly sampled multirate data. 619-627 - Taha Boukhobza
, Frédéric Hamelin, Dominique Sauter:
Observability of structured linear systems in descriptor form: A graph-theoretic approach. 629-635 - Shalabh Bhatnagar
, J. Ranjan Panigrahi:
Actor-critic algorithms for hierarchical Markov decision processes. 637-644 - Weizhou Su, Minyue Fu
Robust stabilization of nonlinear cascaded systems. 645-651 - W. Steven Gray, Erik I. Verriest:
Balanced realizations near stable invariant manifolds. 653-659 - Sonia Martínez, Francesco Bullo
Optimal sensor placement and motion coordination for target tracking. 661-668 - Luigi Iannelli, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Ulf T. Jönsson, Francesco Vasca:
Averaging of nonsmooth systems using dither. 669-676 - Espen Fredriksen, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
Global kappa-exponential way-point maneuvering of ships: Theory and experiments. 677-687 - Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
, Wagner Caradori do Amaral, Gérard Favier:
A note on the optimal expansion of Volterra models using Laguerre functions. 689-693 - Paulo Tabuada:
Control theory from the geometric viewpoint [Andrei A. Agrachev and Yuri L. Sachkov. Copyright 2003 World Scientific Publishing, ISBN: 3-540-21019-9]. 695-696
Volume 42, Number 5, May 2006
- Shun-ichi Azuma, Jun-ichi Imura
Synthesis of optimal controllers for piecewise affine systems with sampled-data switching. 697-710 - Mohit Kumar, Norbert Stoll, Regina Stoll
An energy-gain bounding approach to robust fuzzy identification. 711-721 - Cong Wang, David J. Hill
, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Guanrong Chen
An ISS-modular approach for adaptive neural control of pure-feedback systems. 723-731 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh:
Analysis of contract net in multi-agent systems. 733-740 - Hideyuki Tanaka, Tohru Katayama:
A stochastic realization algorithm via block LQ decomposition in Hilbert space. 741-746 - Junlin Xiong
, James Lam:
Stabilization of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems via time-delayed controllers. 747-753 - Luís Pina, Miguel Ayala Botto
Simultaneous state and input estimation of hybrid systems with unknown inputs. 755-762 - Veerachai Malyavej, Ian R. Manchester
, Andrey V. Savkin:
Precision missile guidance using radar/multiple-video sensor fusion via communication channels with bit-rate constraints. 763-769 - Xiaohua Xia, Alan Solon Ivor Zinober:
Delta-Modulated feedback in discretization of sliding mode control. 771-776 - Jakob E. Björnberg, Moritz Diehl:
Approximate robust dynamic programming and robustly stable MPC. 777-782 - Zhendong Sun:
Stabilization and optimization of switched linear systems. 783-788 - Franz S. Hover, Michael S. Triantafyllou:
Application of polynomial chaos in stability and control. 789-795 - Daniel Limón
, Teodoro Alamo
, Francisco Salas
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Input to state stability of min-max MPC controllers for nonlinear systems with bounded uncertainties. 797-803 - Lin Yan, Liu Hsu
, Xiuxia Sun:
A variable structure MRAC with expected transient and steady-state performance. 805-813 - Marco Casini
, Andrea Garulli
, Antonio Vicino
On input design in linfinity conditional set membership identification. 815-823 - Chyi Hwang, Yi-Cheng Cheng:
A numerical algorithm for stability testing of fractional delay systems. 825-831 - Igor Boiko
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Rafael Iriarte
, Alessandro Pisano
, Elio Usai
Parameter tuning of second-order sliding mode controllers for linear plants with dynamic actuators. 833-839 - Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
, Jing Sun
Parameter governors for discrete-time nonlinear systems with pointwise-in-time state and control constraints. 841-848 - Douglas J. Leith
, William E. Leithead, Roderick Murray-Smith
Inference of disjoint linear and nonlinear sub-domains of a nonlinear mapping. 849-858 - Qingqing Wang, Chun-Yi Su:
Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems including actuator hysteresis with Prandtl-Ishlinskii presentations. 859-867 - Chandeok Park, Daniel J. Scheeres
Determination of optimal feedback terminal controllers for general boundary conditions using generating functions. 869-875 - Bartlomiej Sulikowski
, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
, David H. Owens:
PI control of discrete linear repetitive processes. 877-880 - Carine Jauberthie
, Lilianne Denis-Vidal, Patricia Coton, Ghislaine Joly-Blanchard:
An optimal input design procedure. 881-884 - Maria Elena Valcher:
Linear systems theory - a structural decomposition approach by B.M. Chen, Z. Lin and Y. Shamash. Copyright Birkhäuser, Boston, 2004, ISBN: 0-8176-3779-6. 885-886 - Henk A. P. Blom, Edwin A. Bloem:
Erratum to "Exact Bayesian filter and joint IMM coupled PDA tracking of maneuvering targets from possibly missing and false measurements" [Automatica, 42 (2006) 127-135]. 887
Volume 42, Number 6, June 2006
- Ying Tan
, Dragan Nesic
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
On non-local stability properties of extremum seeking control. 889-903 - Ilia G. Polushin, Abdelhamid Tayebi
, Horacio J. Marquez:
Control schemes for stable teleoperation with communication delay based on IOS small gain theorem. 905-915 - P. M. Mäkilä:
LTI approximation of nonlinear systems via signal distribution theory. 917-928 - Jung-Hoon Lee:
Highly robust position control of BLDDSM using an improved integral variable structure systems. 929-935 - Gernot Schullerus, Volker Krebs, Bart De Schutter
, Ton J. J. van den Boom:
Input signal design for identification of max-plus-linear systems. 937-943 - Agoes A. Moelja, Gjerrit Meinsma:
H2 control of preview systems. 945-952 - Lei Zhang, Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis
Communication and control co-design for networked control systems. 953-958 - Jan Åslund
, Erik Frisk:
An observer for non-linear differential-algebraic systems. 959-965 - Xavier Litrico, Vincent Fromion:
Boundary control of linearized Saint-Venant equations oscillating modes. 967-972 - Ping Jiang, Huadong Chen, Leon C. A. Bamforth:
A universal iterative learning stabilizer for a class of MIMO systems. 973-981 - Paolo Bolzern, Patrizio Colaneri
, Giuseppe De Nicolao:
On almost sure stability of continuous-time Markov jump linear systems. 983-988 - Hong Yue
, Jinglin Zhou, Hong Wang
Minimum entropy of B-spline PDF systems with mean constraint. 989-994 - Francesco Basile
, Pasquale Chiacchio
, Alessandro Giua
Suboptimal supervisory control of Petri nets in presence of uncontrollable transitions via monitor places. 995-1004 - Chih-Chiang Cheng, Shih-Hsiang Chien:
Adaptive sliding mode controller design based on T-S fuzzy system models. 1005-1010 - Chong Jin Ong
, Dan Sui, Elmer G. Gilbert:
Enlarging the terminal region of nonlinear model predictive control using the support vector machine method. 1011-1016 - Antonio Barreiro
, Alfonso Baños
Input-output stability of systems with backlash. 1017-1024 - Jérôme Harmand, Alain Rapaport
, Frédéric Mazenc:
Output tracking of continuous bioreactors through recirculation and by-pass. 1025-1032 - Hong Chen
, Carsten W. Scherer:
Moving horizon I control with performance adaptation for constrained linear systems. 1033-1040 - Efim Malakhovski, Leonid Mirkin
On stability of second-order quasi-polynomials with a single delay. 1041-1047 - Bo Yang, Wei Lin:
On semi-global stabilizability of MIMO nonlinear systems by output feedback. 1049-1054 - Takehiro Mori, Thang Viet Nguyen, Yoshihiro Mori, Hideki Kokame:
Preservation of Lyapunov functions under bilinear mapping. 1055-1058 - Xiefu Jiang, Qing-Long Han
Delay-dependent robust stability for uncertain linear systems with interval time-varying delay. 1059-1065 - Wu-Hua Chen, Wei Xing Zheng:
On improved robust stabilization of uncertain systems with unknown input delay. 1067-1072
Volume 42, Number 7, July 2006
- Kaushik Mahata, Minyue Fu
Modeling continuous-time processes via input-to-state filters. 1073-1084 - Juan Carlos Zúñiga Anaya, Didier Henrion
A Toeplitz algorithm for polynomial J-spectral factorization. 1085-1093 - Andreas Johansson, Michael Bask, Torbjörn Norlander:
Dynamic threshold generators for robust fault detection in linear systems with parameter uncertainty. 1095-1106 - Wei Xi, Xiaobo Tan, John S. Baras:
Gibbs sampler-based coordination of autonomous swarms. 1107-1119 - Yuzhen Wang, Gang Feng
, Daizhan Cheng, Yanhong Liu
Adaptive L2 disturbance attenuation control of multi-machine power systems with SMES units. 1121-1132 - Miroslav Simandl, Jakub Královec, Torsten Söderström:
Advanced point-mass method for nonlinear state estimation. 1133-1145 - Qingshuo Song
, Gang George Yin, Z. Zhang:
Numerical methods for controlled regime-switching diffusions and regime-switching jump diffusions. 1147-1157 - Fu-Shiung Hsieh:
Robustness analysis of Petri nets for assembly/disassembly processes with unreliable resources. 1159-1166 - Amadou Gning, Philippe Bonnifait
Constraints propagation techniques on intervals for a guaranteed localization using redundant data. 1167-1175 - Yiguang Hong, Jiangping Hu
, Lixin Gao
Tracking control for multi-agent consensus with an active leader and variable topology. 1177-1182 - Huai-Ning Wu
, Kai-Yuan Cai:
H2 guaranteed cost fuzzy control design for discrete-time nonlinear systems with parameter uncertainty. 1183-1188 - Kang Li, Jian Xun Peng, Er-Wei Bai:
A two-stage algorithm for identification of nonlinear dynamic systems. 1189-1197 - Sauro Liberatore, Jason L. Speyer, Andy Chunliang Hsu:
Application of a fault detection filter to structural health monitoring. 1199-1209 - Ülle Kotta
, Fahmida N. Chowdhury, Sven Nõmm
On realizability of neural networks-based input-output models in the classical state-space form. 1211-1216 - David Q. Mayne, Sasa V. Rakovic, Rolf Findeisen
, Frank Allgöwer
Robust output feedback model predictive control of constrained linear systems. 1217-1222 - Ülo Nurges:
Robust pole assignment via reflection coefficients of polynomials. 1223-1230 - Lalo Magni
, Riccardo Scattolini
Stabilizing decentralized model predictive control of nonlinear systems. 1231-1236 - Alexander S. Poznyak:
Kaddour Najim, Enso Ikonen Ait-Kadi Daoud (Eds.), Stochastic Processes: Estimation, Optimization & Analysis, Kogan Page Science, London and Sterling, VA, ISBN: 1-903996-55-4, 2004 (332 pp.). 1237-1240
Volume 42, Number 8, August 2006
- Suresh P. Sethi, Qing Zhang:
Introduction to the special issue on optimal control applications to management sciences. 1241-1244 - Luis Rodrigues, El Kébir Boukas:
Piecewise-linear Hinfinity controller synthesis with applications to inventory control of switched production systems. 1245-1254 - Dario Bauso, Franco Blanchini
, Raffaele Pesenti
Robust control strategies for multi-inventory systems with average flow constraints. 1255-1266 - Mike Chen, In-Koo Cho, Sean P. Meyn:
Reliability by design in distributed power transmission networks. 1267-1281 - Gerard J. C. Gaalman:
Bullwhip reduction for ARMA demand: The proportional order-up-to policy versus the full-state-feedback policy. 1283-1290 - Ying-Ju Chen, Sridhar Seshadri:
Supply chain structure and demand risk. 1291-1299 - Takamichi Hosoda, Stephen M. Disney
The governing dynamics of supply chains: The impact of altruistic behaviour. 1301-1309 - Jay D. Schwartz, Wenlin Wang, Daniel E. Rivera
Simulation-based optimization of process control policies for inventory management in supply chains. 1311-1320 - Abhijit Gosavi
A risk-sensitive approach to total productive maintenance. 1321-1330 - Alberto Bemporad, David Muñoz de la Peña
, P. Piazzesi:
Optimal control of investments for quality of supply improvement in electrical energy distribution networks. 1331-1336 - Graham C. Goodwin
, María M. Seron
, Richard H. Middleton
, Meimei Zhang, Bryan F. Hennessy, Peter M. Stone, Merab Menabde:
Receding horizon control applied to optimal mine planning. 1337-1342 - Alessandra Buratto
, Luca Grosset
, Bruno Viscolani
Advertising channel selection in a segmented market. 1343-1347 - Steffen Jørgensen, Peter M. Kort
, Georges Zaccour
Advertising an event. 1349-1355 - Kalyan Raman:
Boundary value problems in stochastic optimal control of advertising. 1357-1362 - Peter M. Kort
, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Richard F. Hartl
, Gustav Feichtinger:
Brand image and brand dilution in the fashion industry. 1363-1370 - Gila E. Fruchter, Eugene D. Jaffe, Israel D. Nebenzahl:
Dynamic brand-image-based production location decisions. 1371-1380 - Ramaprasad Bhar, Carl Chiarella, Hing Hung, Wolfgang J. Runggaldier:
The volatility of the instantaneous spot interest rate implied by arbitrage pricing - A dynamic Bayesian approach. 1381-1393 - Janine Mukuddem-Petersen, Mark Adam Petersen:
Bank management via stochastic optimal control. 1395-1406 - K. Zhang, X. Q. Yang, Kok Lay Teo:
Augmented Lagrangian method applied to American option pricing. 1407-1416 - Alain Haurie, Francesco Moresino
A stochastic control model of economic growth with environmental disaster prevention. 1417-1428
Volume 42, Number 9, September 2006
- Orhan C. Imer, Serdar Yüksel, Tamer Basar:
Optimal control of LTI systems over unreliable communication links. 1429-1439 - Zhipu Jin, Vijay Gupta
, Richard M. Murray
State estimation over packet dropping networks using multiple description coding. 1441-1452 - P. M. Mäkilä:
Robust input-output stabilization on I for persistent signals. 1453-1463 - Huanshui Zhang, Guang-Ren Duan
, Lihua Xie:
Linear quadratic regulation for linear time-varying systems with multiple input delays. 1465-1476 - Kaushik Mahata, Hugues Garnier
Identification of continuous-time errors-in-variables models. 1477-1490 - Chao Liu, Chien-Chern Cheah
, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
Adaptive Jacobian tracking control of rigid-link electrically driven robots based on visual task-space information. 1491-1501 - Pudji Astuti, Harald K. Wimmer:
A class of marked invariant subspaces with an application to algebraic Riccati equations. 1503-1506 - Ran Yang, Lihua Xie, Cishen Zhang:
H2 and mixed H2/Hinfinity control of two-dimensional systems in Roesser model. 1507-1514 - Teodoro Alamo
, Alfonso Cepeda, Daniel Limón, Eduardo F. Camacho
A new concept of invariance for saturated systems. 1515-1521 - Haijun Fang, Zongli Lin, Yacov A. Shamash:
Disturbance tolerance and rejection of linear systems with imprecise knowledge of actuator input output characteristics. 1523-1530 - Murat Arcak, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Diagonal stability of a class of cyclic systems and its connection with the secant criterion. 1531-1537 - Per Sjövall, Tomas McKelvey
, Thomas Abrahamsson:
Constrained state-space system identification with application to structural dynamics. 1539-1546 - Yusun Fu, Zuohua Tian, Songjiao Shi:
Robust Hinfinity control of uncertain nonlinear systems. 1547-1552 - Stéphane Ploix, Olivier Adrot:
Parity relations for linear uncertain dynamic systems. 1553-1562 - Chong Jin Ong
, Elmer G. Gilbert:
The minimal disturbance invariant set: Outer approximations via its partial sums. 1563-1568 - Peilin Fu, Jie Chen
, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
Generalized eigenvalue-based stability tests for 2-D linear systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions. 1569-1576 - Z. G. Ying, W. Q. Zhu:
A stochastically averaged optimal control strategy for quasi-Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation. 1577-1582 - Seog-Joo Kim, Young-Hyun Moon:
Structurally constrained H2 and Hinfinity control: A rank-constrained LMI approach. 1583-1588 - Wei-Jie Mao
, Jian Chu:
I-stability for linear continuous-time systems with multiple time delays. 1589-1592 - Mazen Alamir
A benchmark for optimal control problem solvers for hybrid nonlinear systems. 1593-1598 - Yoshio Ebihara, Tomomichi Hagiwara
On the degree of polynomial parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions for robust stability of single parameter-dependent LTI systems: A counter-example to Barmish's conjecture. 1599-1603 - Ramon Costa-Castelló
, Robert Griñó
A repetitive controller for discrete-time passive systems. 1605-1610 - Itzhak Barkana, Marcelo C. M. Teixeira
, Liu Hsu
Mitigation of symmetry condition in positive realness for adaptive control. 1611-1616 - Zhendong Sun, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Switched and impulsive systems: analysis, design and applications, Zhengguo Li, Yengchai Soh, Changyun Wen; Springer, Berlin. Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN: 3-540-23952-9. 1617-1619 - Herbert Werner:
Robust control design with Matlab: D.-W. Gu, P.Hr. Petkov, M.M. Konstantinov; Springer-Verlag London Limited, ISBN: 1-85233-983-7. 1619-1620
Volume 42, Number 10, October 2006
- Alessandro de Rinaldis, Romeo Ortega, Mark W. Spong:
A compensator for attenuation of wave reflections in long cable actuator-plant interconnections with guaranteed stability. 1621-1635 - Marcello Montanari, Sergei Peresada
, Andrea Tilli
A speed-sensorless indirect field-oriented control for induction motors based on high gain speed estimation. 1637-1650 - Xavier Bombois, Gérard Scorletti, Michel Gevers, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
, Roland Hildebrand
Least costly identification experiment for control. 1651-1662 - Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, Marcio S. de Queiroz
Further results on strict Lyapunov functions for rapidly time-varying nonlinear systems. 1663-1671 - Dragan B. Dacic, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Path-following for linear systems with unstable zero dynamics. 1673-1683 - Yasushi Iwatani
, Shinji Hara
Stability tests and stabilization for piecewise linear systems based on poles and zeros of subsystems. 1685-1695 - Delin Chu, Paul Van Dooren:
A novel numerical method for exact model matching problem with stability. 1697-1704 - Michael Margaliot
, Christos A. Yfoulis
Absolute stability of third-order systems: A numerical algorithm. 1705-1711 - Khac Duc Do
, Jie Pan:
Global robust adaptive path following of underactuated ships. 1713-1722 - Kapil G. Gadkar, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan
, Francis J. Doyle III:
Optimal genetic manipulations in batch bioreactor control. 1723-1733 - Umut Orguner
, Mübeccel Demirekler:
An online sequential algorithm for the estimation of transition probabilities for jump Markov linear systems. 1735-1744 - José Manuel Bravo
, Teodoro Alamo
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Robust MPC of constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems based on approximated reachable sets. 1745-1751 - Huijun Wu, Jitao Sun:
p-Moment stability of stochastic differential equations with impulsive jump and Markovian switching. 1753-1759 - Su-Hau Hsu, Li-Chen Fu
A fully adaptive decentralized control of robot manipulators. 1761-1767 - Xi-Ming Sun, Jun Zhao, David J. Hill
Stability and L2-gain analysis for switched delay systems: A delay-dependent method. 1769-1774 - Vito Cerone, Diego Regruto:
Parameter bounds evaluation of Wiener models with noninvertible polynomial nonlinearities. 1775-1781 - Hao Lei, Wei Lin:
Universal adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unknown growth rate by output feedback. 1783-1789 - Hiroshi Shinozaki, Takehiro Mori:
Robust stability analysis of linear time-delay systems by Lambert W function: Some extreme point results. 1791-1799 - Dragan Nesic
, Andrew R. Teel:
Stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems via backstepping on their Euler approximate model. 1801-1808 - Yuanxin Wu
, Dewen Hu, Meiping Wu, Xiaoping Hu, Tao Wu:
Observability analysis of rotation estimation by fusing inertial and line-based visual information: A revisit. 1809-1812 - Claudio De Persis:
Nonlinear stabilizability via encoded feedback: The case of integral ISS systems. 1813-1816 - Richard J. La, Priya Ranjan
Stability of a rate control system with averaged feedback and network delay. 1817-1820 - Xing-Gang Yan
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
, Christopher Edwards:
Decentralised sliding mode control for nonminimum phase interconnected systems based on a reduced-order compensator. 1821-1828 - Mario di Bernardo:
Analysis and control of nonlinear process systems, K.M. Hangos, J. Bokor, G. Szederkényi; Springer-Verlag London Limited 2004; ISBN: 1-85233-600-5. 1829-1831 - Paulo Tabuada
, George J. Pappas
Corrigendum to "Hierarchical trajectory refinement for a class of nonlinear systems" [Automatica 41(4) (2005) 701-708]. 1833
Volume 42, Number 11, November 2006
- Berç Rustem:
Call for papers for an Automatica Special issue on stochastic modeling, control, and robust optimization at the crossroads of engineering, environmental economics, and finance. 1835 - Xingzhe Fan, Tansu Alpcan
, Murat Arcak, T. J. Wen, Tamer Basar:
A passivity approach to game-theoretic CDMA power control. 1837-1847 - Sergio Galeani
, Andrew R. Teel:
On a performance-robustness trade-off intrinsic to the natural anti-windup problem. 1849-1861 - Said Oucheriah:
Robust exponential convergence of a class of linear delayed systems with bounded controllers and disturbances. 1863-1867 - Kenneth Hsu, Carlo Novara
, Tyrone L. Vincent, Mario Milanese, Kameshwar Poolla:
Parametric and nonparametric curve fitting. 1869-1873 - Robert Orsi, Uwe Helmke, John B. Moore:
A Newton-like method for solving rank constrained linear matrix inequalities. 1875-1882 - Thierry Floquet
, Jean-Pierre Barbot:
State and unknown input estimation for linear discrete-time systems. 1883-1889 - Weihai Zhang, Huanshui Zhang, Bor-Sen Chen:
Stochastic H2/Hinfinity control with (x, u, v)-dependent noise: Finite horizon case. 1891-1898 - Antoine Chaillet
, Antonio Loría
Necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform semiglobal practical asymptotic stability: Application to cascaded systems. 1899-1906 - Imad M. Jaimoukha
, Zhenhai Li, Vasilios Papakos:
A matrix factorization solution to the I fault detection problem. 1907-1912 - Bartek Roszak, Mireille E. Broucke:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for reachability on a simplex. 1913-1918 - Zhisheng Duan, Jingxin Zhang
, Cishen Zhang, Edoardo Mosca:
Robust H2 and Hinfinity filtering for uncertain linear systems. 1919-1926 - Brendan M. Quine:
A derivative-free implementation of the extended Kalman filter. 1927-1934 - Amir G. Aghdam, Edward J. Davison, Rafael Becerril-Arreola
Structural modification of systems using discretization and generalized sampled-data hold functions. 1935-1941 - Naim Bajçinca:
Design of robust PID controllers using decoupling at singular frequencies. 1943-1949 - Jie Zeng, Raymond A. de Callafon:
Control relevant estimation of plant and disturbance dynamics. 1951-1957 - Arvin Dehghani, Alexander Lanzon
, Brian D. O. Anderson:
I design to generalize internal model control. 1959-1968 - Mark Cannon
, Marko Bacic, Basil Kouvaritakis:
Dynamic non-minimum phase compensation for SISO nonlinear, affine in the input systems. 1969-1975 - Andrea Serrani
Rejection of harmonic disturbances at the controller input via hybrid adaptive external models. 1977-1985 - Eduardo D. Sontag, Madalena Chaves
Exact computation of amplification for a class of nonlinear systems arising from cellular signaling pathways. 1987-1992 - Jorge Cortés
Finite-time convergent gradient flows with applications to network consensus. 1993-2000 - Zhan Shu, James Lam, Shengyuan Xu:
Robust stabilization of Markovian delay systems with delay-dependent exponential estimates. 2001-2008 - Yoram Halevi:
On the class of reduced order models obtainable by projection. 2009-2016 - Masayuki Sato
Filter design for LPV systems using quadratically parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. 2017-2023 - Li-Sheng Hu, Peng Shi, Paul Martin Frank:
Robust sampled-data control for Markovian jump linear systems. 2025-2030 - Svante Gunnarsson, Mikael Norrlöf:
On the disturbance properties of high order iterative learning control algorithms. 2031-2034
Volume 42, Number 12, December 2006
- Peter F. Hokayem, Mark W. Spong:
Bilateral teleoperation: An historical survey. 2035-2057 - Michael Margaliot
Stability analysis of switched systems using variational principles: An introduction. 2059-2077 - Mark Verwoerd, Gjerrit Meinsma, Theo de Vries:
On admissible pairs and equivalent feedback - Youla parameterization in iterative learning control. 2079-2089 - Lars Imsland
, Tor Arne Johansen, Thor I. Fossen
, Håvard Fjær Grip, Jens Kalkkuhl, Avshalom Suissa:
Vehicle velocity estimation using nonlinear observers. 2091-2103 - Tamás Keviczky, Francesco Borrelli
, Gary J. Balas:
Decentralized receding horizon control for large scale dynamically decoupled systems. 2105-2115 - Gianluigi Pillonetto, Maria Pia Saccomani
Input estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems using differential algebra techniques. 2117-2129 - Nicolas Léchevin, Camille Alain Rabbath, Pierre Sicard:
Trajectory tracking of leader-follower formations characterized by constant line-of-sight angles. 2131-2141 - Kaiyang Yang, Robert Orsi:
Generalized pole placement via static output feedback: A methodology based on projections. 2143-2150 - Robert Schmid
Limitations of nonlinear discrete periodic control for disturbance attenuation and robust stabilization. 2151-2158 - Mehmet Karan, Peng Shi, C. Yalçin Kaya
Transition probability bounds for the stochastic stability robustness of continuous- and discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems. 2159-2168 - Paul D. Couchman, Mark Cannon
, Basil Kouvaritakis:
Stochastic MPC with inequality stability constraints. 2169-2174 - Young Il Lee, Basil Kouvaritakis:
Constrained robust model predictive control based on periodic invariance. 2175-2181 - Claus Müller, Xiang W. Zhuo, José A. De Doná:
Duality and symmetry in constrained estimation and control problems. 2183-2188 - Stoyan Kanev
, Michel Verhaegen:
Robustly asymptotically stable finite-horizon MPC. 2189-2194 - Juhoon Back, Kyung T. Yu, Jin Heon Seo:
Dynamic observer error linearization. 2195-2200 - Chieh-Sen Huang, Song Wang
, C. S. Chen, Zi-Cai Li:
A radial basis collocation method for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. 2201-2207 - Jørgen Spjøtvold, Eric C. Kerrigan, Colin N. Jones, Petter Tøndel, Tor Arne Johansen:
On the facet-to-facet property of solutions to convex parametric quadratic programs. 2209-2214 - Colin N. Jones
, P. Grieder, Sasa V. Rakovic:
A logarithmic-time solution to the point location problem for parametric linear programming. 2215-2218 - Andrew R. Teel, Luca Zaccarian:
On "uniformity" in definitions of global asymptotic stability for time-varying nonlinear systems. 2219-2222 - Euan William McGookin, David James Murray-Smith
Comment on "Nonlinear optimal tracking control with application to super-tankers for autopilot design" by T. Çimen and S.P. Banks. 2223-2225 - Tayfun Çimen, Stephen P. Banks:
Authors' Reply to: "Comment on "Nonlinear optimal tracking control with application to super-tankers for autopilot design"". 2227-2228

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