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11th Web Intelligence / IAT 2012: Macau, China
- 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence, WI 2012, Macau, China, December 4-7, 2012. IEEE Computer Society 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-6057-9
Web Mining and Farming 1
- Ricardo Campos
, Alípio Mário Jorge
, Gaël Dias, Celia Nunes
Disambiguating Implicit Temporal Queries by Clustering Top Relevant Dates in Web Snippets. 1-8 - Yiu-ming Cheung
, Hong Jia:
Unsupervised Feature Selection with Feature Clustering. 9-15 - Yi-Shiang Tzeng, Jyun-Yu Jiang, Pu-Jen Cheng
Event Duration Detection on Microblogging. 16-23 - Xiaojun Wan:
A Comparative Study of Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification. 24-31 - Yu-Fan Lin, Hung-Yu Kao:
The Retrieval of Important News Stories by Influence Propagation among Communities and Categories. 32-39 - Tarique Anwar
, Muhammad Abulaish
An MCL-Based Text Mining Approach for Namesake Disambiguation on the Web. 40-44 - Mingmin Chi, Jun Liu, Huijun He, Jiangfeng Bao, Yangyong Zhu:
Construction of Chinese A-shares Network Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. 45-49 - Zheng Lin, Songbo Tan, Xueqi Cheng:
A Fast and Accurate Method for Bilingual Opinion Lexicon Extraction. 50-57
Semantics and Ontology Engineering 1
- Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, Damir Vandic, Flavius Frasincar
TaxoLearn: A Semantic Approach to Domain Taxonomy Learning. 58-65 - Dezhao Song
, Jeff Heflin
Accuracy vs. Speed: Scalable Entity Coreference on the Semantic Web with On-the-Fly Pruning. 66-73 - Alexander Hogenboom, Ewout Niewenhuijse, Frederik Hogenboom, Flavius Frasincar
RCQ-ACS: RDF Chain Query Optimization Using an Ant Colony System. 74-81 - Zhicheng Zheng, Xiance Si, Fangtao Li, Edward Y. Chang, Xiaoyan Zhu:
Entity Disambiguation with Freebase. 82-89 - Aidan Boran, Ivan Bedini, Christopher J. Matheus, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Stefan Bischof
An Empirical Analysis of Semantic Techniques Applied to a Network Management Classification Problem. 90-96 - Jianfeng Du, Guilin Qi, Jeff Z. Pan, Yi-Dong Shen:
Approximating Linear Order Inference in OWL 2 DL by Horn Compilation. 97-104
Web Information Retrieval and Filtering 1
- Yanghui Rao, Qing Li
Term Weighting Schemes for Emerging Event Detection. 105-112 - Amit Sachan
, Wee-Yong Lim, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing:
A Generalized Links and Text Properties Based Forum Crawler. 113-120 - Olivier Corby, Alban Gaignard
, Catherine Faron-Zucker
, Johan Montagnat:
KGRAM Versatile Inference and Query Engine for the Web of Linked Data. 121-128 - Chia-Hui Chang
, Jhih-Ming Chen:
Automatic Extraction of Blog Post from Diverse Blog Pages. 129-136 - Yongli Ren
, Gang Li
, Wanlei Zhou
Learning User Preference Patterns for Top-N Recommendations. 137-144 - Shoaib Jameel, Wai Lam, Xiaojun Qian:
Ranking Text Documents Based on Conceptual Difficulty Using Term Embedding and Sequential Discourse Cohesion. 145-152 - Jiangfeng Chen, Jianjun Yu, Yi Shen:
Towards Topic Trend Prediction on a Topic Evolution Model with Social Connection. 153-157
Web Mining and Farming 2
- Hansu Gu, Haojie Hang, Qin Lv, Dirk Grunwald:
Fusing Text and Frienships for Location Inference in Online Social Networks. 158-165 - Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Lynda Tamine, Mohand Boughanem:
Featured Tweet Search: Modeling Time and Social Influence for Microblog Retrieval. 166-173 - Mesut Kaya
, Guven Fidan, Ismail H. Toroslu
Sentiment Analysis of Turkish Political News. 174-180 - Xichuan Zhou, Ping Gan, Chao Yan, Guojun Li:
Towards the Optimal Discriminant Subspace. 181-187 - Qingliang Miao, Shu Zhang, Yao Meng, Hao Yu:
Polarity Analysis for Food and Disease Relationships. 188-195 - Dabi Ahn, Taehun Kim, Soon J. Hyun, Dongman Lee:
Inferring User Interest Using Familiarity and Topic Similarity with Social Neighbors in Facebook. 196-200 - Mubarak Albathan
, Yuefeng Li, Abdulmohsen Algarni:
Using Patterns Co-occurrence Matrix for Cleaning Closed Sequential Patterns for Text Mining. 201-205
Social Networks and Ubiquitous Intelligence
- Chunjing Xiao
, Ling Su, Juan Bi, Yuxia Xue, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic:
Selective Behavior in Online Social Networks. 206-213 - Kwan Hui Lim
, Amitava Datta:
Tweets Beget Propinquity: Detecting Highly Interactive Communities on Twitter Using Tweeting Links. 214-221 - Toshiya Kuramochi, Naoki Okada, Kyohei Tanikawa, Yoshinori Hijikata, Shogo Nishida:
Community Extracting Using Intersection Graph and Content Analysis in Complex Network. 222-229 - Pierpaolo Dondio
Predicting Stock Market Using Online Communities Raw Web Traffic. 230-237 - Qing Cheng, Zhong Liu, Jincai Huang, Cheng Zhu, Yanjun Liu:
Hierarchical Clustering Based on Hyper-edge Similarity for Community Detection. 238-242 - Sungmin Joo, Hideaki Takeda
Analysis of Discussion Page in Wikipedia Based on User's Discussion Capability. 243-247 - Pablo S. Loyola, In-Young Ko:
Biological Mutualistic Models Applied to Study Open Source Software Development. 248-253
Web Information Retrieval and Filtering 3
- Shruti Kohli, Sandeep Kaur, Gurrajan Singh:
A Website Content Analysis Approach Based on Keyword Similarity Analysis. 254-257 - Qiuxia Lu, Tianqi Chen, Weinan Zhang, Diyi Yang, Yong Yu:
Serendipitous Personalized Ranking for Top-N Recommendation. 258-265 - Cailing Dong, Bin Zhou:
Effectively Detecting Content Spam on the Web Using Topical Diversity Measures. 266-273 - Peng Li, Jian-Yun Nie
, Bin Wang, Jing He:
Document Re-ranking Using Partial Social Tagging. 274-281 - Mi Zhang, Neil Hurley
, Wei Li, Xiangyang Xue:
A Double-Ranking Strategy for Long-Tail Product Recommendation. 282-286 - Andreas Emrich, Alexandra Chapko, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Social Recommendations for Location-Based Services. 287-291 - Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou, Thomas Fang Zheng:
Content-Based Semantic Tag Ranking for Recommendation. 292-296
Web Mining and Farming 3
- Eric Medvet
, Alberto Bartoli
Brand-Related Events Detection, Classification and Summarization on Twitter. 297-302 - Dandan Zhu, Yusuke Fukazawa, Eleftherios Karapetsas, Jun Ota
Intuitive Topic Discovery by Incorporating Word-Pair's Connection Into LDA. 303-310 - Jeong Woo Son, Yunseok Noh, Hyun-Je Song, Seong-Bae Park:
Location Comparison through Geographical Topics. 311-318 - Jen-Ming Chung, Ya-Huei Lin, Hahn-Ming Lee, Jan-Ming Ho:
Mining Publication Records on Personal Publication Web Pages Based on Conditional Random Fields. 319-326 - Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani:
Verb Oriented Sentiment Classification. 327-331 - Farkhund Iqbal
, Benjamin C. M. Fung
, Mourad Debbabi
Mining Criminal Networks from Chat Log. 332-337
Intelligent Human-Web Interaction
- Angel Jiménez Molina
, Jang-Ho Choi, Jorge Gaete-Villegas, In-Young Ko:
Cognitive Resource-Aware Adaptive Web Service Binding and Scheduling. 338-345 - Ameeta Agrawal, Aijun An
Unsupervised Emotion Detection from Text Using Semantic and Syntactic Relations. 346-353 - Leyla Zhuhadar, Rong Yang, Olfa Nasraoui
Toward the Design of a Recommender System: Visual Clustering and Detecting Community Structure in a Web Usage Network. 354-361 - Yi Cai, Hong-Ke Zhao, Hao Han, Raymond Y. K. Lau
, Ho-fung Leung
, Huaqing Min:
Answering Typicality Query Based on Automatically Prototype Construction. 362-366 - Shatabdi Kundu, Santanu Chaudhury:
A Ubiquitous Image Tagging System Using User Context. 367-371
Web Mining and Farming 4
- Abdelghani Bellaachia, Mohammed Al-Dhelaan:
NE-Rank: A Novel Graph-Based Keyphrase Extraction in Twitter. 372-379 - Hsing-Kuo Pao, Yan-Lin Chou, Yuh-Jye Lee
Malicious URL Detection Based on Kolmogorov Complexity Estimation. 380-387 - Zhaocai Sun, Yunming Ye, Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhexue Huang, Shudong Chen, Zhi Liu:
Batch-Mode Active Learning with Semi-supervised Cluster Tree for Text Classification. 388-395 - Jian Yang, Kexin Zhu, Ning Zhong:
Local Tangent Distances for Classification Problems. 396-401 - Ivo Lasek, Peter Vojtás
Context Aware Named Entity Disambiguation. 402-408 - Yunji Liang
, Xingshe Zhou, Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu:
Understanding the Regularity and Variability of Human Mobility from Geo-trajectory. 409-414
Web Information Retrieval and Filtering 3
- Mingxi Zhang, Zhenying He, Hao Hu, Wei Wang:
E-rank: A Structural-Based Similarity Measure in Social Networks. 415-422 - Zhijie Lin, Yun Xiong, Yangyong Zhu:
Link Prediction Using BenefitRanks in Weighted Networks. 423-430 - Arnout Verheij, Allard Kleijn, Flavius Frasincar
, Frederik Hogenboom:
A Comparison Study for Novelty Control Mechanisms Applied to Web News Stories. 431-436 - Florent Garcin, Kai Zhou, Boi Faltings, Vincent Schickel:
Personalized News Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering. 437-441 - Xuning Tang, Mi Zhang, Christopher C. Yang:
User Interest and Topic Detection for Personalized Recommendation. 442-446 - Steven Van Canneyt, Steven Schockaert
, Olivier Van Laere, Bart Dhoedt:
Detecting Places of Interest Using Social Media. 447-451 - Masanao Ochi
, Yutaka Matsuo, Makoto Okabe, Rikio Onai:
Rating Prediction by Correcting User Rating Bias. 452-456 - Tong Zhao, Chunping Li, Mengya Li, Siyang Wang, Qiang Ding, Li Li:
Predicting Best Responder in Community Question Answering Using Topic Model Method. 457-461 - Shereen Albitar, Sébastien Fournier, Bernard Espinasse:
Conceptualization Effects on MEDLINE Documents Classification Using Rocchio Method. 462-466 - Zhen Niu, Hai-Tao Zheng, Yong Jiang, Shu-Tao Xia, Hui-Qiu Li:
Keyword Proximity Search over Large and Complex RDF Database. 467-471
Web Mining and Farming 5
- Katsunori Ishino, Ryohei Orihara, Hiroyuki Nakagawa
, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Support for Video Hosting Service Users Using Folksonomy and Social Annotation. 472-479 - Mohsen Arab, Mohsen Afsharchi:
A Modularity Maximization Algorithm for Community Detection in Social Networks with Low Time Complexity. 480-487 - Julia Hoxha, Sudhir Agarwal:
Semantic Formalization of Cross-Site User Browsing Behavior. 488-495 - Eugene Santos Jr., Alex Kilpatrick, Hien Nguyen, Qi Gu, Andy Grooms, Chris Poulin:
Flexible Algorithm Selection Framework for Large Scale Metalearning. 496-503 - Arpit Khurdiya, Lipika Dey, Diwakar Mahajan, Ishan Verma:
Extraction and Compilation of Events and Sub-events from Twitter. 504-508 - Takashi Ishikawa:
The Mechanism of Information Resonance in Social Media. 509-513
Semantics and Ontology Engineering 2
- Takeshi Morita
, Yuka Sekimoto, Susumu Tamagawa, Takahira Yamaguchi:
Building Up a Class Hierarchy with Properties from Japanese Wikipedia. 514-521 - Ricardo Brandão, Paulo Maio, Nuno Silva
Enhancing LOD Complex Query Building with Context. 522-529 - Xiaohui Tao
, Yuefeng Li, Bin Liu, Yan Shen:
Semantic Labelling for Document Feature Patterns Using Ontological Subjects. 530-534 - Diego Torres
, Pascal Molli, Hala Skaf-Molli, Alicia Díaz:
From DBpedia to Wikipedia: Filling the Gap by Discovering Wikipedia Conventions. 535-539 - Jamshaid Ashraf, Omar Khadeer Hussain
Analysing the Use of Ontologies Based on Usage Network. 540-544
Intelligent e-Technology
- Matteo Palmonari
, Giuseppe Vizzari
, Andrea Broglia, Nicola Lamberti, Riccardo Porrini:
COMMA: A Result-Oriented Composite Autocompletion Method for E-marketplaces. 545-552 - Yi Zeng
, Hao Wang, Hongwei Hao, Bo Xu:
Statistical and Structural Analysis of Web-Based Collaborative Knowledge Bases Generated from Wiki Encyclopedia. 553-557 - Wenping Zhang, Raymond Y. K. Lau
, Yunqing Xia, Chunping Li, Wenjie Li
Latent Business Networks Mining: A Probabilistic Generative Model. 558-562 - Cheng Wan, Jie Zhang, Athirai Aravazhi Irissappane
A Context-Aware Framework for Detecting Unfair Ratings in an Unknown Real Environment. 563-567 - Lipika Dey, Sameera Bharadwaja H., Shefali Bhat:
An Ontology-Based Mining of Consumer Feedbacks Using Fuzzy Reasoning. 568-572 - Josep Domenech
, Bernardo de la Ossa, Ana Pont
, José A. Gil
, Milagros Martínez, Alicia Rubio:
An Intelligent System for Retrieving Economic Information from Corporate Websites. 573-578 - Hongbing Wang, Jiancai Zhou, Xuan Zhou:
Causal Graph Based Dynamic Optimization of Hierarchies for Factored MDPs. 579-582 - Xi Bai, Ewan Klein, Dave Robertson:
Choreographing Web Services with Semantically Enhanced Scripting. 583-587
Web Information Retrieval and Filtering 4
- Gong-Qing Wu, Xindong Wu:
Extracting Web News Using Tag Path Patterns. 588-595 - Feng Wang, Li Chen
Recommending Inexperienced Products via Learning from Consumer Reviews. 596-603 - Muhammad Ali Zeb, Maria Fasli:
Dynamically Adaptive User Profiling for Personalized Recommendations. 604-611 - Hongbing Wang, Jie Zhang, Hualan Wang, Yangyu Tang, Guibing Guo:
Service Selection Based on Similarity Measurement for Conditional Qualitative Preference. 612-619 - Mojtaba Rezvani, S. Mehdi Hashemi:
Enhancing Accuracy of Topic Sensitive PageRank Using Jaccard Index and Cosine Similarity. 620-624 - Yutaka Kabutoya, Róbert Sumi, Tomoharu Iwata, Toshio Uchiyama, Tadasu Uchiyama:
A Topic Model for Recommending Movies via Linked Open Data. 625-630
WI/IAT 2012 Industry
- Sangdo Park, Su Myeon Kim:
A Re-configurable Context-Aware Engine for Mobile Devices. 631-634 - Paul Barom Jeon:
Context Aware Intelligent Mobile Platform for Local Service Utilization. 635-638
WI/IAT 2012 Demo
- David Edmundson, Gerald Schaefer:
Flickr Retriever - Fast Retrieval of Flickr Photos. 639-640 - Amyn Bennamane, Hakim Hacid, Arnaud Ansiaux, Alain Cagnati:
Vizpicious: A Visual User-Adaptive Tool for Communication Logs Analysis and Suspicious Behavior Detection. 641-642
Special Session: Intelligent Methodology and Applications - Part I
- Yaping Tian, Hai-Lin Liu, Zhirong Li:
Power Allocation Algorithm Based on Non-cooperative Game Theory for LTE Downlink. 643-647 - Xiaoli Wang, Yuping Wang:
An Energy and Data Locality Aware Bi-level Multiobjective Task Scheduling Model Based on MapReduce for Cloud Computing. 648-655 - Yanni Li, Yuping Wang, Erfeng Tian:
A New Architecture of an Intelligent Agent-Based Crawler for Domain-Specific Deep Web Databases. 656-663 - Qinmu Peng, Yiu-ming Cheung
Sample Outlier Detection Based on Local Kernel Regression. 664-668 - Sheng-hua Zhong, Yan Liu, Gangshan Wu:
S-SIFT: A Shorter SIFT without Least Discriminability Visual Orientation. 669-672
Special Session: Intelligent Methodology and Applications - Part II
- Min Fang, Hao Li
, Xiaosong Zhang:
A Heuristic Reinforcement Learning Based on State Backtracking Method. 673-678 - Jingyi Wang
, Chen Xu, Jianwen Feng:
Synchronizability and Navigability of Small-World Networks Generated by One Dimensional Kleinberg Model. 679-683 - Junying Zhang, Shengli Jiang, Xiaoxue Zhao, Lan Liu:
A Genetic Algorithm to Filter SNPs for SNP Association Study. 684-687 - Qiang Fan, Dan Hu, Yan Xing:
Sensitivity Analysis of Fuzzy Inference Neural Network and the Application in Band Selection. 688-693 - Zhao Wei, Chunhe Xia, Qing Wei, Shan Yao, Yujian Zhou:
Semantic Similarity Analysis between High-Level Model Description Text and Low-Level Implementation Text for Network Survivability. 694-701
Special Session: Intelligent and Affective Computing
- Qianru Zheng, Horace H. S. Ip
Customizable Surprising Recommendation Based on the Tradeoff between Genre Difference and Genre Similarity. 702-709 - Martin M. Weng, Neil Y. Yen, Jason C. Hung, Timothy K. Shih:
Intelligent Evaluation Rules for Learning Objects. 710-715 - Yi Cai, Hao Han, Jian Chen, Yifeng Shao, Ho-fung Leung
, Huaqing Min:
Integrating Tags and Ratings Into User Profiling for Personalized Search in Collaborative Tagging Systems. 716-723 - Weishu Hu, Leong Hou U
, Zhiguo Gong:
Detecting Common Interest Kernels in Large Social Networks. 724-731 - Jun Zhang, Xiangfeng Luo, Feiyue Ye:
A Machine-Oriented Text Understanding Framework Based on Human Memory and Reading Process. 732-738

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