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JCAI 2009: Hainan Island, China
- First IITA International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hainan Island, China, 25-26 April 2009. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3615-6
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems
- Haishu Lu:
A Section Theorem in Topological Ordered Spaces and its Applications to the Existence of Pareto Equilibria for Multi-objective Games. 3-6 - Jin Li, Qinmin Wu, Daoli Zhu:
Route Guidance Mechanism with Centralized Information Control in Large-scale Crowd's Activities. 7-11 - Shoupeng Tang, Nan Jiang, Meiping Yun, Xiaoguang Yang:
Multi-agent Based Traveler Route Choice Behavior Simulation Research when Supplied Individual Traffic Condition Information. 12-15 - Wei Chen, Yi Zhang:
A Multi-constrained Routing Algorithm Based on Mobile Agent for MANET Networks. 16-19 - Xuning Peng, Feng Dai, Chaohui Wu:
Research on Dynamics Mechanism of Technology Ecosystem Based on Agent. 20-22 - Pei-Sheng Yan, Xian-Jia Wang:
The Mechanism Design of Traffic BOT Project Auction. 23-26 - Yi Zhang, Siwen Yuan, Xiaolin Xu:
An Improved Model of Administrative Decision-making Support System Based on MAS. 27-31 - Xiaojun Wu, Yu Gu:
Multi-agent and Multi-stage Game Analysis of Venture Capital Governance and Management. 32-35 - Bo Liu, Haili Liang, Jie Zhang, Huan Li:
Analysis of Anisotropic Swarms with Multi-modal Gaussian-type Profiles. 36-39 - Zhenzhong Ge, Hongli Wang:
The Construction of the Dynamic Management Information System Based on Agent. 40-42 - Yunsong Tan:
A Multi-agent Approach for P2P Based Resource Discovery in Grids. 43-45 - Xiao-Gang Wang, Gang Liu, Yue Li:
A Strategy of Collaborative Negotiation for Dynamic Supply Chain Coordination. 46-49 - Chen Xin:
Location Based Service Application in Mobile Phone Serious Game. 50-52 - Chen Xin:
Discussions on Knowledge Measurement and Value. 53-55 - Chen Xin:
Multiplayer Game in Mobile Phone Serious Game. 56-58 - Xiao-Gang Wang, Gang Liu, Yue Li:
A Strategy of Collaborative Negotiation for Dynamic Supply Chain Coordination. 59-62 - Zhu-fang Wang, Sheng-jun Zhong:
Application Continuous Time Markov Process to Forecast Exchange Rate. 63-66 - Zhu-fang Wang, Jiu-feng Xiong:
A Decision Making Model of Chinese Coal-Electricity Market Based on Game Theory. 67-69 - Bo Fan, Jiexin Pu, Gang Liu:
Multi-agent Decision Making Based on Evidence Reasoning. 70-73
Constraints, Satisfiability, and Search
- Zhiming Qu:
Construction and Congestion Control in Computer Components Based on CTT and EESA. 74-76 - (Withdrawn) Application and Research of Smalltalk Harnessing Based on Game-Theoretic Symmetries. 77-80
- (Withdrawn) Application of Compact Algorithms and Permutable Theory in Evaluating Computer Data Transmission. 81-83
- Yu Zhang, Yuanda Cao, Baodong Cheng:
A Clone Node Protocol for Reducing Maintenance Cost of Structured P2P System. 84-87 - (Withdrawn) A Novel View Multi-view Synthesis Approach for Free Viewpoint Video. 88-91
- Gao Lu, Min Peng:
Optimal Superpeer Selection Based on Load Balance for P2P File-sharing System. 92-95 - Zhiyong Chen, Haiyang Wang, Peng Pan:
An Approach to Optimal Web Service Composition Based on QoS and User Preferences. 96-101 - Jiang Hua:
The Application of Game Theory in Enterprise' Transaction of Purchasing. 102-104
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Logic
- Jingke Xi:
Spatial Clustering Algorithms and Quality Assessment. 105-108 - Zhen Peng, Bingru Yang, Wu Qu:
One Knowledge Discovery Approach for Product Conceptual Design. 109-112 - Zhen Peng, Bingru Yang, Hongde Ren:
Research on KDD Process Model and an Improved Algorithm. 113-115 - Huanyin Zhou, Jinsheng Liu:
A Novel Algorithm for Association Rule Mining without Candidate. 116-119 - Huanyin Zhou, Jinsheng Liu:
Laws on Support Counts of Apriori Algorithm Candidates. 120-123 - Huayong Liu, Tingting He:
Using Multimodal Analysis for Story Segmentation of News Video. 124-127 - Huayong Liu, Tingting He:
Integrating Multiple Feature Fusion for Semantic Event Detection in Soccer Video. 128-131 - Wu Wang, Yuan-min Zhang:
Application of Recursive Predict Error Neural Networks in Mechanical Propertise Forecasting. 132-135 - Yinglong Ma
, Xinyv Ma, Shaohua Liu, Beihong Jin:
A Proposal for Stable Semantic Metrics Based on Evolving Ontologies. 136-139 - Ding-lei Wang, Ai-Min Wang:
The Pressure Control on Non-negative Pressure Water Supply Based on the Fuzzy PID Control. 140-143 - Rui Li, Bing He:
Establishment and Application of GIS Database in Neighborhood Renewal. 144-147 - Beitao Guo, Hongyi Liu, Zhong Luo, Fei Wang:
Adaptive PID Controller Based on BP Neural Network. 148-150 - Xia Li, Bei Wu:
A Framework for Ontology Based Management of Heterogeneous Resources. 151-154 - Changjun Zhu, Xiujuan Zhao:
Application of Artificial Neural Network in the Prediction of Output in Oilfield. 155-158 - Changjun Zhu, Zhenchun Hao:
ANN-based Surface Water Quality Evaluation Model and its Application in Suzhou River. 159-162 - Li-gen Yao, Yu Zhang:
Research on the Core Competence Evaluation Model of Construction Enterprise Based on Knowledge Capital Theory. 163-166 - Xianzhong Chen:
An Adaptive UKF-Based. 167-170 - Lei Wang, Hongyan Li, Qiang Qu, Huaqiang Zhang, Bin Zhou:
Verifying the Consistency between Business Process Model and Data Model. 171-174 - Ming Li, Fengkui Zang:
A Dynamic Description Logic for UML. 175-178 - Xudong Guan, Hui Wei:
Realistic Simulation on Retina Photoreceptor Layer. 179-184 - Xixu Fu, Hui Wei:
On Hierarchical Knowledge Acquisition and Application. 185-189 - Xiaojun Wu, Yu Gu:
Collaborative Knowledge Management System (CKMS) and Strategic Management. 190-193 - Pei-gang Li, Shu-chun Zhao, Xian-ying Feng, Ke-zheng Huang:
Research on Fixture Design Automation Based on the Prototype of General. 194-198 - Jie Zhang, Huixian Duan, Bo Liu:
L-Bifuzzy Scott Co-topology and its Characterizations. 199-202 - Bo Liu, Yan Yu, Jie Zhang:
Stability Analysis of Swarm with Gaussian Attractant/Repellent Profiles. 203-206 - Ming Huang, Fuling Bian:
An Improved Density-based Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on Key Factors of Object's Distribution. 207-210 - Liang Zhang, Song Ding, Shengqun Tang:
An Applicable Approach to Ontology Mapping Based on Knowledge Base. 211-214 - Wang Yi:
Applying SLEUTH for Simulating and Assessing Urban Growth Scenarios on a Case Study of Beijing. 215-218 - Tao Lv:
Research on Workflow QoS. 219-221 - Tao Lv:
Knowledge Management in Enterprise. 222-224 - Fei Xue, Ying Yu, Bao-fu Xu:
Monitoring System of Foundation Excavation Based on Virtual Instruments. 225-228 - Hai-yan Shan
, Wenping Wang:
The Effects of Some Knowledge Characteristics on the Evolution of Innovation Network. 229-232 - Fang Liu, Caiyuan Huang:
Recognition of Rainstorm Field in Flood Discharge of High Dam Based on Neural Network. 233-236 - Xingsen Li
, Lingling Zhang, Zhengxiang Zhu, Yong Shi:
Research Challenges and Solutions for the Knowledge Overload with Data Mining. 237-240
Machine Learning
- Su Hui:
Study on Fuzzy Artificial Neural Networks in Tourism Crisis Evaluation. 241-244 - Zhefu Yu, Huibiao Lu, Chuanying Jia:
A New Association Rule for Causes and Effects Analysis. 245-247 - Chih-Hung Wen, Wen-Tsao Pan:
Two-stage Optimization Support Vector Machine for the Construction of Investment Strategy Model. 248-251 - Chih-Hung Wen, Wen-Tsao Pan:
Construct for Investment Strategy Model through Genetic Programming Planning. 252-255 - Yuhua Wang, HongYong Wang, Aihong Guan, Huanguo Zhang:
Evolutionary Design of Random Number Generator. 256-259 - Jianliang Wang, Linshan Fang, Xiang Zhuang:
Study and Application of Stock Robot Kaburobo Based on Artificial Intelligence. 260-262 - Dongping Tian, Naiqian Li:
Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 263-267 - Ke Chen, Zhongliang Xuan, Xianlian Shang:
Selection of Suppliers Based on BP Neutral Networks and Grey Correlation Analysis. 268-271 - Ming Xue, Changjun Zhu:
A Study and Application on Machine Learning of Artificial Intellligence. 272-274 - Ming Xue, Changjun Zhu:
Applied Research on Data Mining Algorithm in Network Intrusion Detection. 275-277 - Xuezhen Chen:
The Sliding Mode Direct Torque Control for ALA+PM Combined Rotor Synchronous Motor. 278-281 - Li-Na Song, Guangrong Ji, Jing Chen:
Extraction of Shell Texture Feature of Coscinodiscus for Classification Based on Wavelet and PCA. 282-285 - Jing Chen, Guangrong Ji, Yangfan Wang:
Effective Large-scale Sample Reduction Strategy Based on Support Vector Machine. 286-289 - Dengyi Zhang, Shizhong Han, Jianhui Zhao, Zhong Zhang, Chengzhang Qu, Youwang Ke, Xiang Chen:
Image Based Forest Fire Detection Using Dynamic Characteristics with Artificial Neural Networks. 290-293 - Xingyi Liu:
Cost-sensitive Decision Tree with Missing Values and Multiple Cost Scales. 294-297 - Yang Li, Chen Ying, Xiao Qianhua:
A Small Power Switching Mode Power Supply Based on TOP Switch. 298-300 - Shih-Wei Ma, Chang-Huan Kou, Li Chen, An-Pei Wang:
Application of Group Method of Data Handling to Strean-Way Transition. 301-304 - SongJie Gong, HongWu Ye, Ping Su:
A Peer-to-Peer Based Distributed Collaborative Filtering Architecture. 305-307 - Ping Su, HongWu Ye:
An Item Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Using Rough Set Prediction. 308-311 - Tong Zhen, Zhi Ma, Yuhua Zhu, Qiuwen Zhang:
Grain Quality Evaluation Method Based on Combination of BP Neural Networks with D-S Evidence Theory. 312-315 - Guosheng Wang:
Online Nearest Point Algorithm for L2-SVM. 316-319 - Qianfang Xu, Jun Guo:
Alarm Association Algorithms Based on Spectral Graph Theory. 320-323 - Yun Luo, Yuanzhi Wang, Min Sun:
A Data Fusion Approach Based on Parallel Support Vector Machine. 324-326 - Hong Peng, YanBin Lin, Yuanzhi Wang:
An Information Hiding Algorithm Based on Blocks and Scrambling. 327-329 - Yi Wei, Chunyan Tan, Wei Wang:
Data Fusion and its Application in Object Recognition in Stereo Sequences. 330-332 - Yangwen Xu:
Study on Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on K-L Transformation and Lagrange Support Vector Regression. 333-336 - Qi Duan, Wandong Cai, Guangli Tian:
A Simple Graph-structure Network Tomography Topology Identification Method. 337-340 - YaoFu Cao, Limin Wang, Xin Zuo:
Exploring Logical Rules Based on Causal Semantics Analysis of Relational Data. 341-344 - Hsun-Hsin Hsu, Li Chen, Chang-Huan Kou, Hui-Chung Yeh, Tai-Sheng Wang:
Applying Multi-temporal Satellite Imageries to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Feitsui Reservoir Using ANNs. 345-348 - Dingxue Wu, Wenping Fan:
A New Channel Estimation Method Based on Pilot-aided and Local Adaptive Least Squares Support Vector Regression in Software Radio OFDM System. 349-352 - Wen-Fang Yu, Na Wang:
Research on Credit Card Fraud Detection Model Based on Distance Sum. 353-356
Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications
- Hamed Salehi, Hossein Shirazi
, Reza Askari Moghadam
Increasing Overall Network Security by Integrating Signature-Based NIDS with Packet Filtering Firewall. 357-362 - Zimin Jin, Xiaoju Luo, Jiajia Shen, Yuxiu Yan, Minzhi Chen:
Study on the Model of. 363-366 - Shaofei Wu:
A Precontract-based Transaction Handing Method in Workflow. 367-369 - Shaofei Wu:
A New Method of Selecting Supplier. 370-372 - Shaofei Wu:
A Data Exchange Model of Virtual Enterprise. 373-375 - Huiwen Leng, Chunguang Xu, Zhongwei Feng, Dingguo Xiao:
Applying PSD Analysis in Ring-Structured-Light 3D Measurement. 376-380 - Youhui Xie, Wenjin Dai, Yongtao Dai:
A Method of Phase Tracking Based on Neural Network. 381-384 - Shuyan Wu, Lei Xu:
Evaluation of Outsourcing Service Providers Based on Fuzzy Grey Relational Analysis. 385-389 - Jieyu Zhao, Jian You:
Bayesian Visual Inference and Attention. 390-393
Natural-Language Processing
- Guangguang Ma, Wenli Zhou, Jing Zheng, Xiaomei You, Weiping Ye:
A Comparison between HTK and SPHINX on Chinese Mandarin. 394-397 - Ying Zhang, Yanjun Li, Ke Zhang, Hongmei Wang, Meili Li:
SAR and Infrared Image Fusion Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform. 398-401 - Askar Hamdulla, Hankiz Yilahun, Dilmurat Tursun:
Experimental Phonetics B ased Analysis of Semivowels in Uyghur Language. 402-404 - Askar Hamdulla, Dilmurat Tursun:
An Acoustic Parametric Database for Uyghur Language. 405-408
Planning and Scheduling
- Chuang Li:
A Production Management System for Clothing Enterprises. 409-412 - Liping Wang:
Study on the System Optimization of Inventory Management of SME. 413-416 - Hui-zhao Wang, Ke Liu, Xiao-liu Shen, Zhong-fu Tan:
Research on Forecast and Early-warning Model of Energy-Economy-Environment System. 417-420 - Wen-Xiang Gu, Chang-fang Shao, Minghao Yin
, Jin-li Li, Bing Li:
Probabilistic Planning for Creating or Destroying Objects. 421-424 - Jia-jun Wei:
A New Algorithm for Container Ship's Stowage. 425-427 - Xuehua Zhang, Hongwei Zhang, Baoan Zhang:
Water Resources Planning Approach Based on SEE Complex System. 428-431 - Fu-Ke Shen, Wei Zhang, Pan Chang:
An Engineering Approach to Prediction of Network Traffic Based on Time-Series Model. 432-435 - (Withdrawn) A Combining Heuristic Algorithm for the Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Inter-depot Routes. 436-439
Robotics and Vision
- Shaohong Fang, Chuanbo Chen, Yunping Zheng:
An Improved Color Image Representation Method by Using Direct Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model with Triangles and Rectangles. 440-443 - Weihua Wang:
Vehicle Type Recognition Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. 444-447 - Weihua Wang:
Reach on Sobel Operator for Vehicle Recognition. 448-451 - Weihua Wang:
A Study on Contour Feature Algorithm for Vehicle Type Recognition. 452-455 - Zhengzhen Liu, Tianding Chen:
Distance Measurement System Based on Binocular Stereo Vision. 456-459 - ZhenYu Qiu, Hui Wei:
Line Segment Based Man-Made Object Recognition Using Invariance. 460-464 - Shaojun Zhu
, Jieyu Zhao:
Using a Robust Active Appearance Model for Face Processing. 465-468 - Hua Li, Cui Wang, Anna Wang:
Medical Image Registration Based on More Features and Artificial Immune Algorithm. 469-472 - Jianjun Lei, Zhen Yang, Jian Wang:
A Robust Feature Normalization Algorithm for Automatic Speech Recognition. 473-475 - Wenming Yi, Renbin Xiao, Yunping Zheng:
A Novel Gray Image Representation Method by Using Direct Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model with K-lines. 476-479 - Zhiming Cui, Guangming Zhang, Jian Wu:
Medical Image Fusion Based on Wavelet Transform and Independent Component Analysis. 480-483 - Suiping Qi, Yi Cao, Shou-zhi Yu, Fuchun Sun:
Control of Mobile Robot Using Prediction-based FNN. 484-487 - Changjiang Shi, Guangrong Ji, Yangfan Wang:
Study of Texture Images Classification Method Based on Fractal Dimension Calculation. 488-491
Uncertainty in AI
- Lei Yang, Mingyue Jiang:
Dynamic Group Decision Making Consistence Convergence Rate Analysis Based on Inertia Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 492-496 - Zhi-hong Yin, Qiang Lu:
The Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Model of a Third-party Reverse Ligistics Provider Selection. 497-500 - Honglin Xu, Shitong Wang:
Fuzzy Logical on Boolean Networks as Model of Gene Regulatory Networks. 501-505 - Li-mei Yan:
Bifuzzy Chance-constrained Portfolio Selection. 506-509 - Jianliang Xu, Jing Xiong
, Yong Liu:
A Query Optimization Strategy Based on Domain Ontology. 510-513 - Yuemei Xu, Hong Zhang:
Application of Improved BP Algorithm in Vehicle License Plate Recognition. 514-517
Web and Knowledge-based Information Systems
- Enzhu Li:
Research on System of Economic Evaluation for Safety Resources in Traffic Enterprises Based on Accounting Information Extraction. 518-521 - Weiguang Xu, Yafei Zhang, Jianjiang Lu, Ran Li, Zhenghui Xie:
A Framework of Web Image Search Engine. 522-525 - Shiyi Qiao, Xiaohong Chu, Shuwei Wang:
Study on Application Strategies of Blog in Information-based Teaching. 526-528 - Chengxin Liu, Shiyi Qiao, Yan Sheng:
Discussion on Construction of Virtual Learning Community Based on VRML. 529-531 - Yan Ma
, Juhua Zhang, Qin Yang, Yuhui Qiu:
A Study on Management Model of Grid Community Based on Education Resource. 532-535 - Yuancheng Li
, Jie Yang:
A Novel Method to Extract Informative Blocks from Web Pages. 536-539 - Xiaotai Niu, Ling Lu:
Research on WWW Information Domain Based on WIS. 540-543 - Jian-ming Lin, Dong-sheng Liu, Shi-wen Gao, Wei Chen:
A Web Page De-duplication Algorithm Based on Data Clearing. 544-547 - Jiemin Zhao:
On the Periodicity Problem of Automatic Information Retrieval. 548-550 - Jiemin Zhao:
On the Periodicity Problem of Information Systems. 551-554 - Min Sun, Yuanzhi Wang, Yun Luo:
E-Alarm: An Anomaly Detection System on Large Network. 555-558 - Jingwen Tian, Meijuan Gao:
Research of Web Classification Mining Based on Wavelet Neural Network. 559-562 - Xiwei Feng, Feng Xue, Tongwei Zhang:
Research on Data Exchange Push Technology Based on Message-driven. 563-566 - Meihua Yu, Mingwen Wang, Jiali Zuo, Xiaofang Zou:
Transferring Markov Network for Information Retrieval. 567-571 - Yang Li
, Jianjiang Lu, Yafei Zhang, Ran Li, Bo Zhou:
A Novel Video Annotation Framework Based on Video Object. 572-575 - Ran Li, Jianjiang Lu, Yafei Zhang, Zining Lu, Weiguang Xu:
A Framework of Large-Scale and Real-Time Image Annotation System. 576-579 - Chen Gang:
Shannon Information Model in E-commerce Information Analysis. 580-583 - Yu Wang, Xiao-Min Zhang, Dong-Mei Chen:
A Cooperation Mechanism Among Seller Agents. 584-588 - Xiaojian Li, Shi-hong Chen:
Research on Personalized User Model Based on Semantic Mining from Educational Resources Searching Process. 589-594 - Yu-Xi Gong, Min-Xia Zhang, Rong Luo:
The Information Retrieval Method Based on the Specificity. 595-597 - Wenping Fan, Yishao Shi, Zhihong Peng, Shaotang Liu:
Research on Application of VRML in Virtual City Construction. 598-601 - Zhenmei Li, Wenge Li, Boxue Tan, Jin Shen:
Measurement System of Diameters of Ultrafine Particles Based on Virtual Instrument. 602-605
Intelligent Information Technologies and Applications
- Jinxu Guo, Hao Ding:
Application. 606-608 - Jinxu Guo, Zhipeng Wei:
Guiding Enterprise Informatization with System Theory. 609-612 - Bangjie Ji, Jianping Qian:
A Robust Adaptive Beamforming Approach. 613-617 - Lizhong Xiao, Yunxiang Liu:
A Two-step Feature Selection Algorithm Adapting to Intrusion Detection. 618-622 - Yu Huang, Jieying Li, Haiqiang Dun, Hanpin Wang:
Analyzing Service Composition Patterns in BPEL. 623-627 - Bo Liu, Jijun Wang:
A Study on Affect in Image Template Based on Color. 628-631 - Fu Zhao, Xiuming Yao, Yu Liu, Bao-ku Su:
Design of a Discrete-time Repetitive Controller for Periodic Disturbances. 632-636 - Fu Zhao, Xiuming Yao, Yu Liu, Bao-ku Su:
Robust Repetitive Control Design for a Class of Linear Systems with Time-varying Uncertainties. 637-641 - Yachun Fan, Mingquan Zhou, Guohua Geng:
Semantic-oriented 3D Model Retrieval Using Visual Vocabulary Labelling. 642-647 - Guijian Huang, Xuemei Li, Xiaoyu Wu, Jibin Li:
Optimized Design of Injection Mould for Mobile Phone Front Shell Based on CAE Technology. 648-650 - Guijian Huang, Xuemei Li, Xiaoyu Wu, Jibin Li:
Optimized Design of Cavity Layout and Feed System of Multi-cavity Injection Mould. 651-654 - Zeng Feng:
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field for Laser Rapid Prototyping. 655-658 - Shufeng Ai, Hui Li, Lihui Fu:
Angle Domain Average and Autoregressive Spectrum Analysis Based Gear Faults Diagnosis. 659-662 - Hui Li
, Lihui Fu, Zhentao Li:
Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Gear Wear Based on Teager-Huang Transform. 663-666
Other Related AI Topics
- Jing Xiang, Susheng Wang, Yan Liu, Zhaokun Kong, Yin Cao:
Performance and Risk Analysis of Constructing an Electronic Alliance Import Platform for Hi-tech Equipment in China. 667-670 - Xin Liu, Neng Wang:
An Improved Tor Circuit-Building Protocol. 671-675 - Yulong Wang, Jianlin Li, Shuju Hu, Honghua Xu:
Analysis on DFIG Wind Power System Low-Voltage Ridethrough. 676-679 - (Withdrawn) Design and Implementation of Server Monitoring System Based on SNMP. 680-682
- Nan Jiang, Shoupeng Tang:
An Approach of Controlling Both Freeway On-ramp and Mainline. 683-686 - Xuecheng Yang, Xiaohang Zhang, Feng Zuo:
Word of Mouth: The Effects of Marketing Efforts and Customer Satisfaction. 687-690 - Hongli Tian, Shuo Shi, Jun Zhang, Hongdong Zhao:
Controllable Arbitrary Integer Frequency Divider Based on VHDL. 691-694 - Qizhi He:
The Influences of Liquidity Surplus on the Price of Fuel Oil Future in China. 695-698 - Qizhi He:
Empirical Research on the Relationship between the Liquidity Level and the Trading Volume of Rubber Futures. 699-702 - Qizhi He:
Chinese Synthesized Term Structure of Interest Rate. 703-706 - Youpeng Huang, Haibo Zhang, Lin Li, Yongfeng Zhou:
Radar-Infrared Sensor Track Correlation Algorithm Using Gray Correlative Analysis. 707-710 - Xuesong Suo, Yuhong Zhou:
Gray Intensity Images Processing for PD Pattern Recognition Based on Genetic Programming. 711-714 - Yuhua Liu, Yongfeng Zhao, Jingju Gao:
A New Clustering Mechanism Based on LEACH Protocol. 715-718 - Xianzhang Feng, Junwei Cheng, Yanmei Cui, Cai Liu, Junhui Li:
Simulation of Mechanics Properties in Rolling Process for H-beam. 719-722 - Xianzhang Feng, Liangji Chen, Weitao Niu, Cai Liu, Junhui Li:
Research and Application of Set-Top Box Based on IP. 723-726 - HuiYu Jiang, Min Dong, Wei Li:
A Research to Retention Index of Saturated Alcohols Based on RBF Neural Network. 727-730 - Jianfeng Chen, Liang Xie:
The Construction, Mechanism and Application Analysis of Enterprise Belief Function in Industrial Clusters. 731-734 - Jianwei Zheng, Jianfeng Chen:
The Construction and Analysis of Enterprises External Competitive Advantage Function in Urban Agglomeration Based on the Financial Network Perspective. 735-738 - Wenyun Liu, Jinglei Wang, Xiaomei Sun:
VoiceXML: An Enhancer to the Acceptance of M-commerce Applications. 739-740 - Zhi Li, Shuixiu Wu, Xiaoqing Wang, Hao Ye, Ming-Wen Wang, Jihua Ye:
Dimensional Reduction Based on Independent Component Analysis for Content Based Image Retrieval. 741-745 - Yan Hu, Ruixue Han:
An Improved Algorithm for Mining Maximal Frequent Patterns. 746-749 - Jianliang Xu, Jian-liang Wang:
Sublogarithmic Space-bounded Multi-inkdot Alternating Pushdown Automata with Only Existential (Universal) States. 750-753 - Kui Yi, YueHua Ding:
32-bit RISC CPU Based on MIPS Instruction Fetch Module Design. 754-760 - Kui Yi, YueHua Ding:
32 bit Multiplication and Division ALU Design Based on RISC Structure. 761-764 - Dong-sheng Liu, Wei Chen, Shi-wen Gao:
Gradual Tax Policies for China's E-commerce Based on Mode Classification. 765-768 - Zhongnan Ling, Min Zhang:
Optimization of Supply Chain Design Based on Knowledge Discovery of Distribution Network. 769-772 - Nanping Liu, Yuan Yuan, Kewen Xia, Zhiwei Zhang:
Study on Channel Estimation Technology in OFDM System. 773-776 - Liqi Wang, Mingyi Wang, Liyong Zhang:
An Integrating Data Mining Algorithm in Mobile Target Vectoring Based on Kalman Filter. 777-780 - Liqi Wang:
Decision Criterions on Information Fusion Based on Ideas of Authentication Philosophy. 781-784 - Mingyi Wang, Liqi Wang:
Transit Articles Extraction Based on Domestic Fusion Algorithm. 785-787 - Linxiu Wang, Kun Cheng:
Evaluation Model Analysis of the Control Efficiency of Environmental Resource Regulation. 788-793 - Chao Li:
Based on EXCEL Macro to Realize Comprehensive Evaluation by Principal Component Analysis with One-Key. 794-797 - Chunhua Ju, Bin Sun:
Supply and Demand Matching Model for Third Party Logistics Integrated Platform. 798-801 - Depeng Zhang, Li Ma:
Research on the Impact of Staffs' Cultural Value Orientation upon their Acceptance Intention of Technology Innovation of Retail Enterprise. 802-805 - Hong Chen, Senfa Chen:
A Fuzzy GMDH Network and its Application in Traffic Flow Forecasting. 806-809 - Jian-Bing Liu, Hong Ren, Zhiming Li:
Simulation Calculation Model of the Threshold Cost for Construction Project Bidding. 810-813 - Jian-Bing Liu, Hong Ren, Xiao-Jian Guo:
Study on the Game Mechanism of Construction Project Bidding. 814-817 - Tao Liu:
An Empirical Study about the Effects of Interlocking Directorates Strategy on the Firm's Output in the Dynamic Environment. 818-820 - Weixiang Wang, Youlin Shang:
A FFACGO for Constrained Global Optimization. 821-824 - Deqiang He, Xiangyang Lu:
Research and Development of Intelligent Display Unit for Metro Train. 825-828 - Qianqin Chen, Min Fan, Guoliang Kuang:
How Do Informed and Uninformed Customers Come into Being in Varian's Model of Sales?. 829-832 - Qianqin Chen, Ruiqiu Ou, Jianmei Yang:
Nash Equilibria of 2-Player Finite Simultaneous Move Games. 833-836 - Tao Li, Yilei Wang, Lan Lu:
The Application of EDI Technology in Electronic Commerce System. 837-840 - Yong Qiu, Jianhua Adu:
An Accounting and Charging System for Grid. 841-844 - Yu Chen:
Research and Design of Multi-channel Programmable Anti-aliasing Filter Circuit. 845-848 - Yu Chen:
Realization of Wavelet Soft Threshold De-noising Technology Based on Visual Instrument. 849-852 - Tao Sun, Xiaofang Xie, Yong-qin Sun, Song-yang Li:
Airplane Route Planning for Plane-Missile Cooperation Using Improved Fish-Search Algorithm. 853-856 - Fenglou Zou, Deyu Song, Qiang Li, Bin Yuan:
A New Intelligent Technology of Steering-by-Wire System by Variable Structure Control with Sliding Mode. 857-860

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