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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 60
Volume 60, Number 1, January 2012
- Gilbert Kowarzyk, N. Blanger, David Haccoun, Yvon Savaria:
Efficient Search Algorithm for Determining Optimal R=1/2 Systematic Convolutional Self-Doubly Orthogonal Codes. 3-8 - Xiao Ma, Kai Zhang, Haiqiang Chen, Baoming Bai:
Low Complexity X-EMS Algorithms for Nonbinary LDPC Codes. 9-13 - Kanke Gao, Stella N. Batalama, Dimitrios A. Pados:
Bounds on the Maximum SINR of Binary and Quaternary Code Division. 14-18 - Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Tuohuang Cao, Shangkun Xiong:
Maximum Likelihood Based Measurement of Interference Level and Noise Power for Memoryless Gaussian Channel with Deterministic Interference. 19-22 - Norman C. Beaulieu:
An Extended Limit Theorem for Correlated Lognormal Sums. 23-26 - Wim Van Thillo, François Horlin
, Jimmy Nsenga
, Valéry Ramon, André Bourdoux, Rudy Lauwereins:
Supplementary Proof for "Equalization Algorithms in the Frequency Domain for Continuous Phase Modulations". 27-29 - Char-Dir Chung
, Wei-Chang Chen
Orthogonal Multirate Modulation. 30-36 - Said Nader-Esfahani, Mahsa Rezaii, Akbar Ghasemi:
On Optimal Front-End Filter for Single-User Detection in IR-UWB Systems. 37-41 - Yao Lu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Nan (Jonas) Yang
Outage Probability of Cooperative Relay Networks in Two-Wave with Diffuse Power Fading Channels. 42-47 - Elpiniki P. Tsakalaki, Osama N. Alrabadi, Antonis Kalis, Constantinos B. Papadias
, Ramjee Prasad:
Non Cooperative Space-Time Communication for Energy Efficiency in Sensor Networks. 48-54 - Hennes Henniger:
Transmission Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Communications using Gilbert-Erasure Channel. 55-61 - Yang Han, See Ho Ting, Ashish Pandharipande
Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Protocol with Selective Relaying System. 62-67 - Bama Muthuramalingam, Srikrishna Bhashyam
, Andrew Thangaraj
A Decode and Forward Protocol for Two-Stage Gaussian Relay Networks. 68-73 - Hossein Falsafain
, Morteza Esmaeili:
A New Construction of Structured Binary Regular LDPC Codes Based on Steiner Systems with Parameter t>2. 74-80 - Erik Stauffer, Bertrand M. Hochwald:
Low-Complexity Multi-Stream Space-Time Codes - Part I: Direct-Sum Codes and Design Criteria. 81-88 - Byung Wook Han, Joon Ho Cho:
Capacity of Second-Order Cyclostationary Complex Gaussian Noise Channels. 89-100 - Jing Huang, Sundeep Venkatraman, Krishnan Padmanabhan, Oliver M. Collins:
Interleaver Structures for Channel Estimation and Decoding on the Frequency Selective Fading Channel. 101-111 - Guowang Miao, Nageen Himayat, Geoffrey Ye Li, Shilpa Talwar:
Low-Complexity Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Uplink OFDMA. 112-120 - Gang Uk Hwang, Sumit Roy:
Design and Analysis of Optimal Random Access Policies in Cognitive Radio Networks. 121-131 - Roghayeh Joda, Farshad Lahouti:
Network Code Design for Orthogonal Two-Hop Network with Broadcasting Relay: A Joint Source-Channel-Network Coding Approach. 132-142 - Zhuwei Wang, Dacheng Yang, Laurence B. Milstein:
Multi-User Resource Allocation for a Distributed Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA Network. 143-152 - Daniel J. F. Barros, Sarah Kate Wilson, Joseph M. Kahn:
Comparison of Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing and Pulse-Amplitude Modulation in Indoor Optical Wireless Links. 153-163 - Wensheng Zhang, Giuseppe Abreu
, Mamiko Inamori, Yukitoshi Sanada:
Spectrum Sensing Algorithms via Finite Random Matrices. 164-175 - Niamh O'Mahony
, Colin C. Murphy:
Constrained Optimization of Coincidence Detector Parameters for GPS Acquisition. 176-188 - Cedomir Stefanovic
, Dragana Bajic
On the Search for a Sequence from a Predefined Set of Sequences in Random and Framed Data Streams. 189-197 - Tianqi Wang, Cheng Li
, Weixiao Meng, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohsen Guizani:
EM-Based Adaptive Frequency Domain Estimation of Doppler Shifts with CRLB Analysis for CDMA Systems. 198-208 - Jun-Pyo Hong, Bi Hong, Tae Won Ban, Wan Choi
On the Cooperative Diversity Gain in Underlay Cognitive Radio Systems. 209-219 - Jing Yang
, Sennur Ulukus:
Optimal Packet Scheduling in an Energy Harvesting Communication System. 220-230 - Seung Young Park
, David James Love, Dong Hoi Kim:
Corrections to 'Capacity Limits of Multi-Antenna Multicasting Under Correlated Fading Channels'. 231
Volume 60, Number 2, February 2012
- WeiDong Hu, Jiangtao Wen, Weiyi Wu, Yuxing Han, Shiqiang Yang, John D. Villasenor:
Highly Scalable Parallel Arithmetic Coding on Multi-Core Processors Using LDPC Codes. 289-294 - Mohammadali Khosravifard
, Hamed Narimani
, T. Aaron Gulliver
A Simple Recursive Shannon Code. 295-299 - David D. Murphy, Colin C. Murphy:
A Gram-Charlier Series Method for Calculating General Signal Constellation Error Probabilities. 300-305 - Chin Keong Ho, Kiran T. Gowda, Sumei Sun:
Gaussian Two-Way Relay Channel with Private Information for the Relay. 306-311 - Petros Nicopolitidis, Vasiliki L. Kakali, Georgios I. Papadimitriou, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
On Performance Improvement of Wireless Push Systems via Smart Antennas. 312-316 - Yuan Liu, Meixia Tao:
Optimal Channel and Relay Assignment in OFDM-Based Multi-Relay Multi-Pair Two-Way Communication Networks. 317-321 - Guu-Chang Yang
, Chih-Hao Chen, Wing C. Kwong:
Accurate Analysis of Double-Weight Optical CDMA With Power Control. 322-327 - Qasim M. Chaudhari:
A Simple and Robust Clock Synchronization Scheme. 328-332 - Chengling Jiang, Michael Mao Wang, Feng Shu, Jianxin Wang, Weixin Sheng, Qian Chen:
Multi-User MIMO with Limited Feedback Using Alternating Codebooks. 333-338 - Kalpana Dhaka, Ranjan K. Mallik
, Robert Schober:
Performance Analysis of Decode-and-Forward Multi-Hop Communication: A Difference Equation Approach. 339-345 - Teresa Araujo
, Rui Dinis
On the Accuracy of the Gaussian Approximation for the Evaluation of Nonlinear Effects in OFDM Signals. 346-351 - Nikolaos Konstantinou
Expowave: An RFID Anti-Collision Algorithm for Dense and Lively Environments. 352-356 - Yang Ding, Lingfei Jin, Chaoping Xing
Good Linear Codes from Polynomial Evaluations. 357-363 - Miguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Wen-Yen Weng, Herwin Chan, Jiadong Wang, Richard D. Wesel:
Nonlinear Trellis Codes for Binary-Input Binary-Output Multiple-Access Channels with Single-User Decoding. 364-374 - Bertrand M. Hochwald, Erik Stauffer:
Low-Complexity Multi-Stream Space-Time Codes - Part II: Unitary-Transform Codes. 375-383 - Wenyi Zhang:
A General Framework for Transmission with Transceiver Distortion and Some Applications. 384-399 - Zahra Ahmadian, Michael Botros Shenouda, Lutz Lampe:
Design of Pre-Rake DS-UWB Downlink with Pre-Equalization. 400-410 - Leiming Zhang, Lingyang Song, Meng Ma, Bingli Jiao:
On the Minimum Differential Feedback for Time-Correlated MIMO Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels. 411-420 - Dzevdan Kapetanovic, Fredrik Rusek:
The Effect of Signaling Rate on Information Rate for Single Carrier Linear Transmission Systems. 421-428 - Golaleh Rahmatollahi, Giuseppe Abreu
Closed-Form Hop-Count Distributions in Random Networks with Arbitrary Routing. 429-444 - Ming Zhao, Yujin Li, Wenye Wang:
Modeling and Analytical Study of Link Properties in Multihop Wireless Networks. 445-455 - Zengmao Chen, Cheng-Xiang Wang
, Xuemin Hong, John S. Thompson, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Xiaohu Ge
, Hailin Xiao, Feng Zhao
Aggregate Interference Modeling in Cognitive Radio Networks with Power and Contention Control. 456-468 - Kun-Ho Hong, SuKyoung Lee, Kyungsoo Kim, Yoon Hyuk Kim:
Channel Condition Based Contention Window Adaptation in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 469-478 - Ahmed A. Farid, Steve Hranilovic:
Diversity Gain and Outage Probability for MIMO Free-Space Optical Links with Misalignment. 479-487 - Chuzhe Xiao, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Node Switching Rates of Opportunistic Relaying and Switch-and-Examine Relaying in Rician and Nakagami-m Fading. 488-498 - Huiling Zhu, Jiangzhou Wang:
Chunk-Based Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems - Part II: Joint Chunk, Power and Bit Allocation. 499-509 - Hyun Jong Yang, Joohwan Chun, Youngchol Choi, Sungsoo Kim, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Codebook-Based Lattice-Reduction-Aided Precoding for Limited-Feedback Coded MIMO Systems. 510-524 - Christos Masouros, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Interference as a Source of Green Signal Power in Cognitive Relay Assisted Co-Existing MIMO Wireless Transmissions. 525-536 - Liang-Ching Lin, Meihui Guo, Kainam Thomas Wong
Two-Branch Selection in Wireless Space-Diversity Reception: An Upper Bound for its Output Power. 537-546 - Steven W. Boyd, J. Michael Frye, Michael B. Pursley, Thomas C. Royster IV:
Spectrum Monitoring During Reception in Dynamic Spectrum Access Cognitive Radio Networks. 547-558 - Hyukmin Son, Seonghyun Kim, Sanghoon Lee
A Multi-User MIMO Downlink Receiver and Quantizer Design Based on SINR Optimization. 559-568 - Jungyong Park, Byungju Lee
, Byonghyo Shim
A MMSE Vector Precoding with Block Diagonalization for Multiuser MIMO Downlink. 569-577 - Kyeongyeon Kim, Taejoon Kim
, David James Love, Il Han Kim:
Differential Feedback in Codebook-Based Multiuser MIMO Systems in Slowly Varying Channels. 578-588 - Jian Andrew Zhang
, Xiaojing Huang
, Antonio Cantoni, Y. Jay Guo:
Sidelobe Suppression with Orthogonal Projection for Multicarrier Systems. 589-599
Volume 60, Number 3, March 2012
- Gottfried Lechner
, Troels Pedersen
, Gerhard Kramer
Analysis and Design of Binary Message Passing Decoders. 601-607 - Alexandros Katsiotis, Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis:
Flexible Convolutional Codes: Variable Rate and Complexity. 608-613 - Osama Amin
, Murat Uysal
Adaptive Power Loading for Multi-Relay OFDM Regenerative Networks with Relay Selection. 614-619 - Myung-Kyu Lee, Seung-Chan Lim, Kyeongcheol Yang:
Blind Compensation for Phase Noise in OFDM Systems over Constant Modulus Modulation. 620-625 - Iker Sobrón, Maitane Barrenechea
, Pello Ochandiano, Lorena Martinez, Mikel Mendicute
, Jon Altuna
Low-Complexity Detection of Full-Rate SFBC in BICM-OFDM Systems. 626-631 - Trung Thanh Nguyen, Lutz Lampe:
MPPM Constellation Selection for Free-Space Optical Communications. 632-636 - Stefania Colonnese
, Stefano Rinauro, Gaetano Scarano
Frequency Offset Estimation for Unknown QAM Constellations. 637-642 - Behrouz Maham
, Olav Tirkkonen
, Are Hjørungnes:
Impact of Transceiver I/Q Imbalance on Transmit Diversity of Beamforming OFDM Systems. 643-648 - Kyeongjun Ko, Jungwoo Lee:
Multiuser MIMO User Selection Based on Chordal Distance. 649-654 - Magnus Sandell, Justin P. Coon
Performance of Combined Bulk and Per-Tone Antenna Selection Precoding in Coded OFDM Systems. 655-660 - Chao Chen, Baoming Bai, Zhuo Li, Xinquan Yang, Li Li:
Nonbinary Cyclic LDPC Codes Derived from Idempotents and Modular Golomb Rulers. 661-668 - Giovanni Sabato, Mehdi Molkaraie:
Generalized Belief Propagation for the Noiseless Capacity and Information Rates of Run-Length Limited Constraints. 669-675 - Jun Chen, Ying Zhang, Sorina Dumitrescu:
Gaussian Multiple Description Coding with Low-Density Generator Matrix Codes. 676-687 - Tomas Sollund
, Harry Leib:
Feedback Communication with Reduced Delay over Noisy Time-Dispersive Channels. 688-705 - Won Namgoong, Payam Rabiei:
CRLB-Achieving I/Q Mismatch Estimator for Low-IF Receiver Using Repetitive Training Sequence in the Presence of CFO. 706-713 - Rausley Adriano Amaral de Souza
, Michel Daoud Yacoub
, Guilherme Silveira Rabelo:
Bivariate Hoyt (Nakagami-q) Distribution. 714-723 - Cheng-Siang Wang, Meihui Guo, Kainam Thomas Wong
, Vladimir I. Piterbarg:
Fourth-Order Spatial Correlation-Coefficient Across the Uplink Receiver's Spatial Aperture - Analytically Derived in Closed Form. 724-734 - Miguel P. Pereira
, Luís Bernardo
, Rodolfo Oliveira
, Paulo Carvalho, Paulo Pinto
Performance of Diversity Combining ARQ Error Control in a TDMA SC-FDE System. 735-746 - Lina Mroueh, Stéphanie Rouquette-Léveil, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Application of Perfect Space Time Codes: PEP Bounds and Some Practical Insights. 747-755 - Aggelos Bletsas, John Kimionis
, Antonis G. Dimitriou
, George N. Karystinos:
Single-Antenna Coherent Detection of Collided FM0 RFID Signals. 756-766 - A. Karthik
, Neelesh B. Mehta
An Opportunistic, Fast, and Distributed Subchannel and User-Pairing Algorithm for OFDMA. 767-778 - Tianxi Liu, Lingyang Song, Yonghui Li
, Qiang Huo, Bingli Jiao:
Performance Analysis of Hybrid Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Systems. 779-788 - Chengchen Hu, Bin Liu, Sheng Wang, Jia Tian, Yu Cheng
, Yan Chen:
ANLS: Adaptive Non-Linear Sampling Method for Accurate Flow Size Measurement. 789-798 - Xia Li, Jelena Vucic, Volker Jungnickel, Jean Armstrong
On the Capacity of Intensity-Modulated Direct-Detection Systems and the Information Rate of ACO-OFDM for Indoor Optical Wireless Applications. 799-809 - Chao-Chin Yang:
Optical CDMA-Based Fiber-Radio Networks with Improved Power Efficiency. 810-816 - Majid Safari
, Mohammad M. Rad, Murat Uysal
Multi-Hop Relaying over the Atmospheric Poisson Channel: Outage Analysis and Optimization. 817-829 - Paolo Baracca, Stefano Tomasin
, Nevio Benvenuto:
Constellation Quantization in Constrained Backhaul Downlink Network MIMO. 830-839 - Madushanka Soysa, Himal A. Suraweera, Chintha Tellambura, Hari Krishna Garg:
Partial and Opportunistic Relay Selection with Outdated Channel Estimates. 840-850 - Tsern-Huei Lee, Yu-Wen Huang:
Resource Allocation Achieving High System Throughput with QoS Support in OFDMA-Based System. 851-861 - Ferkan Yilmaz
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
A Unified MGF-Based Capacity Analysis of Diversity Combiners over Generalized Fading Channels. 862-875 - Jian Qi, Sonia Aïssa:
On the Power Amplifier Nonlinearity in MIMO Transmit Beamforming Systems. 876-887
Volume 60, Number 4, April 2012
- Meng Zeng, A. Robert Calderbank, Shuguang Cui
On Design of Rateless Codes over Dying Binary Erasure Channel. 889-894 - Marco Baldi
, Giovanni Cancellieri, Franco Chiaraluce
Interleaved Product LDPC Codes. 895-901 - Reza Asvadi
, Amir H. Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari:
Design of Finite-Length Irregular Protograph Codes with Low Error Floors over the Binary-Input AWGN Channel Using Cyclic Liftings. 902-907 - Min-Chul Ju, Il-Min Kim, Dong In Kim:
Joint Relay Selection and Relay Ordering for DF-Based Cooperative Relay Networks. 908-915 - Imtiaz Ahmed, Amir Nasri, Robert Schober, Ranjan K. Mallik
Asymptotic Performance of Generalized Selection Combining in Generic Noise and Fading. 916-922 - Berkan Dulek
, Sinan Gezici:
Detector Randomization and Stochastic Signaling for Minimum Probability of Error Receivers. 923-928 - Miguel Rodríguez-Pérez
, Sergio Herrería-Alonso
, Manuel Fernández-Veiga
, Cándido López-García
Improving Energy Efficiency in Upstream EPON Channels by Packet Coalescing. 929-932 - Salama S. Ikki
, Sonia Aïssa:
Performance Analysis of Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in the Presence of Co-Channel Interferences. 933-939 - Ming-Yang Chen, Wonjong Rhee, Mehdi Mohseni, John M. Cioffi:
Distributed Crosstalk Management for Upstream VDSL Using Dynamic Power Control. 940-945 - Youngseok Oh, Heejung Yu, Yong Hoon Lee, Youngchul Sung:
A Nonlinear Transceiver Architecture for Overloaded Multiuser MIMO Interference Channels. 946-951 - Mehdi Gholami, Mostafa Esmaeili:
Maximum-Girth Cylinder-Type Block-Circulant LDPC Codes. 952-962 - Asi Lifshitz, Yair Be'ery
On Pseudocodewords and Decision Regions of Linear Programming Decoding of HDPC Codes. 963-971 - Gunther Auer:
3D MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation. 972-985 - Behrooz Makki, Thomas Eriksson
On Hybrid ARQ and Quantized CSI Feedback Schemes in Quasi-Static Fading Channels. 986-997 - Marco Di Renzo, Dario De Leonardis, Fabio Graziosi
, Harald Haas
Space Shift Keying (SSK - ) MIMO with Practical Channel Estimates. 998-1012 - Siyu Liu, Frank R. Kschischang
A Constrained-Coding Alternative to MPPM. 1013-1019 - Andrea Rueetschi, Anna Scaglione
Do Cooperative Radios Collide? 1020-1032 - Qinghua Shi, Yoshio Karasawa:
Automatic Modulation Identification Based on the Probability Density Function of Signal Phase. 1033-1044 - Oscar Filio-Rodriguez, Valeri Y. Kontorovich, Fernando Ramos-Alarcón:
Time-Energy Limited Feedback Algorithms for Multiuser Diversity Scenarios on Nakagami Fading Channels. 1045-1057 - Andrea Zanella, Michele Zorzi:
Theoretical Analysis of the Capture Probability in Wireless Systems with Multiple Packet Reception Capabilities. 1058-1071 - Svilen Dimitrov, Sinan Sinanovic
, Harald Haas
Clipping Noise in OFDM-Based Optical Wireless Communication Systems. 1072-1081 - Minhua Ding
, Q. T. Zhang:
Stochastic Precoding for MISO Interference Channels with Channel Mean Feedback. 1082-1090 - Hyoung-Jin Lim, Dae-Young Seol, Gi-Hong Im:
Joint Sensing Adaptation and Resource Allocation for Cognitive Radio with Imperfect Sensing. 1091-1100 - Kyeongjun Ko, Sungkyu Jung, Jungwoo Lee
Hybrid MU-MISO Scheduling with Limited Feedback Using Hierarchical Codebooks. 1101-1113 - Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Secure Communication in the Low-SNR Regime. 1114-1123 - Fan-Shuo Tseng, Min-Yao Chang, Wen-Rong Wu:
Robust Tomlinson-Harashima Source and Linear Relay Precoders Design in Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems. 1124-1137 - Zouheir Rezki
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Secure Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Zero-Forcing Transmit Scheme at Finite-SNR. 1138-1147 - Georg Zeitler, Gerhard Bauch, Jörg Widmer
Quantize-and-Forward Schemes for the Orthogonal Multiple-Access Relay Channel. 1148-1158 - Zhe Wang, Ali Tajer, Xiaodong Wang:
Communication of Energy Harvesting Tags. 1159-1166 - Shuangqing Wei, Rajgopal Kannan, Vasu Chakravarthy, Murali Rangaswamy:
CSI Usage over Parallel Fading Channels under Jamming Attacks: A Game Theory Study. 1167-1175
Volume 60, Number 5, May 2012
- Sung Ho Chae, Sae-Young Chung:
Blind Interference Alignment for a Class of K-user Line-of-Sight Interference Channels. 1177-1181 - Daejung Yoon, Jaekyun Moon:
Low-Complexity Iterative Channel Estimation for Turbo Receivers. 1182-1187 - Lili Wei, Dimitrios A. Pados:
Optimal Orthogonal Carriers and Sum-SINR/Sum-Capacity of the Multiple-Access Vector Channel. 1188-1192 - Chuan Huang, Jinhua Jiang, Shuguang Cui
Asymptotic Capacity of Large Relay Networks with Conferencing Links. 1193-1198 - Chia-Yu Yao:
The Design of Hybrid Asymmetric-FIR/Analog Pulse-Shaping Filters Against Receiver Timing Jitter. 1199-1203 - Thokozani Shongwe
, Theo G. Swart
, Hendrik C. Ferreira
, Tran van Trung:
Good Synchronization Sequences for Permutation Codes. 1204-1208 - Shih-Hau Fang, Chung-Chih Chuang, Chiapin Wang:
Attack-Resistant Wireless Localization Using an Inclusive Disjunction Model. 1209-1214 - Shashank V. Maiya, Daniel J. Costello Jr., Thomas E. Fuja:
Low Latency Coding: Convolutional Codes vs. LDPC Codes. 1215-1225 - Reza Asvadi
, Amir H. Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari, Hamid Saeedi
LLR Approximation for Wireless Channels Based on Taylor Series and its Application to BICM With LDPC Codes. 1226-1236 - Ali Talari, Nazanin Rahnavard:
On the Intermediate Symbol Recovery Rate of Rateless Codes. 1237-1242 - Dejan Vukobratovic
, Vladimir Stankovic
Unequal Error Protection Random Linear Coding Strategies for Erasure Channels. 1243-1252 - Wojciech Sulek
On the Overflow Problem in Finite Precision Turbo Decoding Message Passing. 1253-1259 - Amr Ismail, Jocelyn Fiorina
, Hikmet Sari:
A Novel Construction of Multi-Group Decodable Space-Time Block Codes. 1260-1267 - Lu Wei, Olav Tirkkonen
Spectrum Sensing in the Presence of Multiple Primary Users. 1268-1277 - Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Himal A. Suraweera, George K. Karagiannidis
, Robert Schober:
Amplify-and-Forward Relay Selection with Outdated Channel Estimates. 1278-1290 - Derrick Wing Kwan Ng
, Ernest S. Lo, Robert Schober:
Dynamic Resource Allocation in MIMO-OFDMA Systems with Full-Duplex and Hybrid Relaying. 1291-1304 - Christophe J. Le Martret, Aude Le Duc, Sébastien Marcille, Philippe Ciblat:
Analytical Performance Derivation of Hybrid ARQ Schemes at IP Layer. 1305-1314 - Yu-Chih Huang
, Krishna R. Narayanan:
Joint Source-Channel Coding with Correlated Interference. 1315-1327 - Cong Ling, Su Gao, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Wyner-Ziv Coding Based on Multidimensional Nested Lattices. 1328-1335 - Tao Cui, Lijun Chen
, Tracey Ho:
Distributed Distortion Optimization for Correlated Sources with Network Coding. 1336-1344 - Fabien Héliot
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Rahim Tafazolli
On the Energy Efficiency-Spectral Efficiency Trade-off over the MIMO Rayleigh Fading Channel. 1345-1356 - Kwanghoon Kim, Hyuncheol Park, Hyuck M. Kwon:
Optimum Clustered Pilot Sequence for OFDM Systems under Rapidly Time-Varying Channel. 1357-1370 - Igal Kotzer, Smadar Har-Nevo, Sasha Sodin, Simon Litsyn:
An Analytical Approach to the Calculation of EVM in Clipped Multi-Carrier Signals. 1371-1380 - Fabio Iannello, Osvaldo Simeone
, Umberto Spagnolini
Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting. 1381-1389 - Simon Yiu, Chan-Byoung Chae
, Kai Yang, Doru Calin:
Uncoordinated Beamforming for Cognitive Networks. 1390-1397 - Osama Awwad, Ala I. Al-Fuqaha
, Bilal Khan, Ghassen Ben Brahim:
Topology Control Schema for Better QoS in Hybrid RF/FSO Mesh Networks. 1398-1406 - Ali A. Nasir
, Salman Durrani
, Rodney A. Kennedy
Particle Filters for Joint Timing and Carrier Estimation: Improved Resampling Guidelines and Weighted Bayesian Cramer-Rao Bounds. 1407-1419 - Juan Liu, Wei Chen
, Zhigang Cao, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang
Cooperative Beamforming for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Cross-Layer Design. 1420-1431 - Sahar Molla Aghajanzadeh, Murat Uysal
Information Theoretic Analysis of Hybrid-ARQ Protocols in Coherent Free-Space Optical Systems. 1432-1442 - Radha Krishna Ganti
, Martin Haenggi
Spatial Analysis of Opportunistic Downlink Relaying in a Two-Hop Cellular System. 1443-1450 - Ying Liu, K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa
, Matthew R. McKay
, Khaled Ben Letaief
Finite-SNR Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-Off of Dual Hop Multiple-Relay Channels. 1451-1463
Volume 60, Number 6, June 2012
- Sandro Bellini, Marco Ferrari
, Alessandro Tomasoni:
On the Reduction of Additive Complexity of Cyclotomic FFTs. 1465-1468 - Youngwook Ko, Masoud Ardakani, Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
Power Allocation Strategies across N Orthogonal Channels at Both Source and Relay. 1469-1473 - Geyong Min
, Yulei Wu, Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai
Performance Modelling and Analysis of Cognitive Mesh Networks. 1474-1478 - Pramod Mathecken, Taneli Riihonen, Nikolay N. Tchamov, Stefan Werner
, Mikko Valkama
, Risto Wichman
Characterization of OFDM Radio Link Under PLL-Based Oscillator Phase Noise and Multipath Fading Channel. 1479-1485 - Aydin Behnad
, Norman C. Beaulieu, Kasun T. Hemachandra:
Correction to "Novel Representations for the Bivariate Rician Distribution". 1486 - Gyu Bum Kyung, Chih-Chun Wang:
Finding the Exhaustive List of Small Fully Absorbing Sets and Designing the Corresponding Low Error-Floor Decoder. 1487-1498 - Tao Yang
, Ingmar Land
, Tao Huang, Jinhong Yuan, Zhuo Chen:
Distance Spectrum and Performance of Channel-Coded Physical-Layer Network Coding for Binary-Input Gaussian Two-Way Relay Channels. 1499-1510 - Sayed Jalal Zahabi
, AliAkbar Tadaion, Sonia Aïssa:
Neyman-Pearson Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks with Fine Quantization at Local Sensors. 1511-1522 - Minghua Xia, Sonia Aïssa:
Cooperative AF Relaying in Spectrum-Sharing Systems: Performance Analysis under Average Interference Power Constraints and Nakagami-m Fading. 1523-1533 - Sun Sun, Yindi Jing:
Training and Decodings for Cooperative Network with Multiple Relays and Receive Antennas. 1534-1544 - Giwan Choi, Wei Zhang, Xiaoli Ma:
Achieving Joint Diversity in Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Networks with Zero-Forcing Equalizers. 1545-1554 - Ha X. Nguyen, Ha H. Nguyen, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with M-FSK Modulation and Coherent Detection. 1555-1562 - Animesh Yadav
, Markku J. Juntti
, Jorma Lilleberg:
Cutoff Rate Optimized Space-Time Signal Design for Partially Coherent Channel. 1563-1574 - Boyu Li, Ender Ayanoglu:
Multiple Beamforming with Perfect Coding. 1575-1586 - Greg Day, Sven Nordholm
, Hai Huyen Dam:
A Fourier Based Method for Approximating the Joint Detection Probability in MIMO Communications. 1587-1598 - Christopher Knievel, Peter Adam Hoeher, Alexander Tyrrell, Gunther Auer:
Multi-Dimensional Graph-Based Soft Iterative Receiver for MIMO-OFDM. 1599-1609 - Daniel K. C. So
, Yang Lan:
Virtual Receive Antenna for Overloaded MIMO Layered Space-Time System. 1610-1620 - Jiankang Zhang, Sheng Chen
, Xiaomin Mu, Lajos Hanzo
Turbo Multi-User Detection for OFDM/SDMA Systems Relying on Differential Evolution Aided Iterative Channel Estimation. 1621-1633 - Jirí Trdlicka, Zdenek Hanzálek
In-Network Distributed Algorithm for Energy Optimal Routing Based on Dual Decomposition of Linear Programming. 1634-1645 - Hamid Gharavi, Chong Xu:
Traffic Scheduling Technique for Smart Grid Advanced Metering Applications. 1646-1658 - Rafael F. Wyrembelski, Holger Boche:
Privacy in Bidirectional Relay Networks. 1659-1668 - Amin Zribi
, Ramesh Pyndiah, Sonia Zaibi, Frédéric Guilloud, Ammar Bouallegue:
Low-Complexity Soft Decoding of Huffman Codes and Iterative Joint Source Channel Decoding. 1669-1679 - Rui Zhang
, John M. Cioffi:
Iterative Spectrum Shaping with Opportunistic Multiuser Detection. 1680-1691 - Heidi Steendam
Analysis of the Redundant Energy in UW-OFDM. 1692-1701 - Cecilio Pimentel
, Fady Alajaji, Pedro Melo:
A Discrete Queue-Based Model for Capturing Memory and Soft-Decision Information in Correlated Fading Channels. 1702-1711 - Chih-Peng Li, Sen-Hung Wang, Kuei-Cheng Chan:
Low Complexity Transmitter Architectures for SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems. 1712-1718 - Henk Wymeersch
, Stefano Maranò
, Wesley M. Gifford, Moe Z. Win
A Machine Learning Approach to Ranging Error Mitigation for UWB Localization. 1719-1728 - Heng Wang, Min Li, Jinzhao Lin, Shizhong Yang:
Diversity-Multiplexing-Delay Tradeoff in Selection Cooperation Networks with ARQ. 1729-1740 - Michail Matthaiou
, George C. Alexandropoulos
, Hien Quoc Ngo, Erik G. Larsson:
Analytic Framework for the Effective Rate of MISO Fading Channels. 1741-1751
Volume 60, Number 7, 2012
- Lei Liu, Jie Huang, Wuyang Zhou, Shengli Zhou:
Computing the Minimum Distance of Nonbinary LDPC Codes. 1753-1758 - Yavuz Yapici, Ali Özgür Yilmaz:
An Analysis of the Bidirectional LMS Algorithm over Fast-Fading Channels. 1759-1764 - Xianchang Li, Julian Cheng:
Asymptotic Error Rate Analysis of Selection Combining on Generalized Correlated Nakagami-m Channels. 1765-1771 - Fabio Gabrielli Fernandes, Renato da Rocha Lopes
, Danilo Zanatta-Filho:
SINR Bounds for Broadcast Channels with Zero-Forcing Beamforming and Limited Feedback. 1772-1776 - Rajagopal Iyengar, Biplab Sikdar
A Queueing Model for Polled Service in WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 Networks. 1777-1781 - Shiyong Yang, Tao Jiang:
Closed-Form Optimal Power Allocation for Weighted Rate Sum Maximization in Gaussian Broadcast Channel. 1782-1787 - Muhammad Fainan Hanif
, Norman C. Beaulieu, David J. Young:
Two Useful Bounds Related to Weighted Sums of Rayleigh Random Variables with Applications to Interference Systems. 1788-1792 - Haifeng Yuan, Pooi Yuen Kam
The LLR Metric for q-ary LDPC Codes with MPSK Modulation over Rayleigh Channels with Imperfect CSI. 1793-1799 - John J. Metzner:
Soft Information Single Error Correction for Interactive Concatenated Codes. 1800-1810 - Luxmiram Vijayandran, K. D. Prathapasinghe Dharmawansa
, Torbjörn Ekman, Chintha Tellambura:
Analysis of Aggregate Interference and Primary System Performance in Finite Area Cognitive Radio Networks. 1811-1822 - Gayan Amarasuriya, Chintha Tellambura, Masoud Ardakani:
Performance Analysis of Hop-by-Hop Beamforming for Dual-Hop MIMO AF Relay Networks. 1823-1837 - Chuan Huang, Jinhua Jiang, Shuguang Cui
On the Achievable Rates of the Diamond Relay Channel with Conferencing Links. 1838-1850 - Miguel Luzio, Rui Dinis
, Paulo Montezuma
SC-FDE for Offset Modulations: An Efficient Transmission Technique for Broadband Wireless Systems. 1851-1861 - Ferkan Yilmaz
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
A Novel Unified Expression for the Capacity and Bit Error Probability of Wireless Communication Systems over Generalized Fading Channels. 1862-1876 - Dongsik Kim, Hyun-Myung Kim, Gi-Hong Im:
Iterative Channel Estimation with Frequency Replacement for SC-FDMA Systems. 1877-1888 - Xiao Liang, Zhi Ding
, Chengshan Xiao:
Optimized Power Allocation for Packet Retransmissions of Non-Gaussian Inputs Through Sequential AWGN Channels. 1889-1902 - Dong-Min Shin, Kyeongcheol Yang:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of MIMO Multiple-Access Systems with Successive Cancellation Receivers Having Imperfect Cancellation. 1903-1913 - Quan Kuang, Shu-Hung Leung
, Xiangbin Yu
Adaptive Modulation and Joint Temporal Spatial Power Allocation for OSTBC MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI. 1914-1924 - Colby Boyer, Sumit Roy:
Coded QAM Backscatter Modulation for RFID. 1925-1934 - Bang Chul Jung
, Dohyung Park, Won-Yong Shin:
Opportunistic Interference Mitigation Achieves Optimal Degrees-of-Freedom in Wireless Multi-Cell Uplink Networks. 1935-1944 - Mark Geles, Amir Averbuch, Ofer Amrani, Doron Ezri:
Performance Bounds for Maximum Likelihood Detection of Single Carrier FDMA. 1945-1952 - Feng Han, Yu-Han Yang, Beibei Wang, Yongle Wu, K. J. Ray Liu:
Time-Reversal Division Multiple Access over Multi-Path Channels. 1953-1965 - Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Amir Habibi, Xiaolong Li, Hamid Jafarkhani
, Claus Bauer:
A Statistical Study of Loss-Delay Tradeoff for RED Queues. 1966-1974 - Peristera A. Baziana
, Ioannis E. Pountourakis:
A Transmission Strategy with Protocol Analysis for Performance Improvement in WDM Networks. 1975-1985 - Onur Dizdar
, Ali Özgür Yilmaz:
Blind Channel Estimation Based on the Lloyd-Max Algorithm in Narrowband Fading Channels and Partial-Band Jamming. 1986-1995 - Stefano Rosati, Giovanni Emanuele Corazza
, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli
OFDM Channel Estimation Based on Impulse Response Decimation: Analysis and Novel Algorithms. 1996-2008 - Nassar Ksairi, Philippe Ciblat, Pascal Bianchi, Walid Hachem:
Performance Analysis over Slow Fading Channels of a Half-Duplex Single-Relay Protocol: Decode or Quantize and Forward. 2009-2016 - Liang Zhou, Haohong Wang, Mohsen Guizani:
How Mobility Impacts Video Streaming over Multi-Hop Wireless Networks? 2017-2028 - Thomas David Novlan, Radha Krishna Ganti
, Amitabha Amitava Ghosh, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Analytical Evaluation of Fractional Frequency Reuse for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks. 2029-2039
Volume 60, Number 8, 2012
- François Leduc-Primeau, Saied Hemati, Shie Mannor
, Warren J. Gross:
Dithered Belief Propagation Decoding. 2042-2047 - Raghavendra S. Prabhu, Babak Daneshrad:
Performance Analysis of Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for MIMO-MRC Systems. 2048-2053 - Kyle Morrison, Cagatay Capar, Dennis Goeckel:
Peak Minimization for Reference-Based Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Radio. 2054-2058 - Tao Jia, Alexandra Duel-Hallen
Adaptive Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Based on the Expurgated Bound for Mobile Radio OFDM Systems Aided by Fading Prediction. 2059-2064 - Jianquan Liu, Meixia Tao, Youyun Xu:
Pairwise Check Decoding for LDPC Coded Two-Way Relay Block Fading Channels. 2065-2076 - Kenta Kasai, David Declercq, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Fountain Coding via Multiplicatively Repeated Non-Binary LDPC Codes. 2077-2083 - Ali Talari, Nazanin Rahnavard:
Distributed Unequal Error Protection Rateless Codes over Erasure Channels: A Two-Source Scenario. 2084-2090 - Mohamed F. Mansour, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
A Turbo Coding Scheme for Channels with Synchronization Errors. 2091-2100 - Nguyen Van Mui, Choong Seon Hong
, Sungwon Lee:
Cross-Layer Optimization for Congestion and Power Control in OFDM-Based Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks. 2101-2112 - Xiaojing Huang
, Y. Jay Guo, Jian Andrew Zhang
Sample Rate Conversion Using B-Spline Interpolation for OFDM Based Software Defined Radios. 2113-2122 - Norman C. Beaulieu, Samy S. Soliman
Exact Analysis of Multihop Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems over General Fading Links. 2123-2134 - Samy S. Soliman
, Norman C. Beaulieu:
Exact Analysis of Dual-Hop AF Maximum End-to-End SNR Relay Selection. 2135-2145 - Li Li, Li Wang, Lajos Hanzo
Differential Interference Suppression Aided Three-Stage Concatenated Successive Relaying. 2146-2155 - Rui Lin, Philippa A. Martin
, Desmond P. Taylor:
Approximate Gaussian Density Evolution Based Analysis of Distributed and Adaptive Turbo Codes. 2156-2166 - Nicolas Schrammar, Mikael Skoglund:
Transmission Strategies for Wireless Relay Networks Obtained from Linear Finite-Field Deterministic Models. 2167-2176 - Hoang Anh Ngo, Sohail Ahmed, Lie-Liang Yang, Lajos Hanzo
Non-Coherent Cooperative Communications Dispensing with Channel Estimation Relying on Erasure Insertion Aided Reed-Solomon Coded SFH M-ary FSK Subjected to Partial-Band Interference and Rayleigh Fading. 2177-2186 - Shirin Jalali, Tsachy Weissman:
Block and Sliding-Block Lossy Compression via MCMC. 2187-2198 - Ihn-Jung Baik, Sae-Young Chung, Junmo Kim:
Achievable Rates of Multi-Antenna Downlink Channels with Peak Power Constraints. 2199-2207 - Jong Yeol Ryu, Wan Choi
Bit Concatenation Based User Relaying in MIMO Broadcast Channels. 2208-2220 - Namjeong Lee, Osvaldo Simeone
, Joonhyuk Kang:
The Effect of Imperfect Channel Knowledge on a MIMO System with Interference. 2221-2229 - Filippo Tosato:
Frequency-Selective Channel State Feedback in Multiuser MIMO Downlink. 2230-2239 - Jisheng Dai, Chunqi Chang
, Weichao Xu, Zhongfu Ye:
Linear Precoder Optimization for MIMO Systems with Joint Power Constraints. 2240-2254 - Yi Lu, Wei Zhang
, Xiang-Gen Xia:
On Diversity and Multiplexing Tradeoff of Two-Layer D-BLAST with Group Zero-Forcing Detection. 2255-2264 - Sajid Saleem, Gordon L. Stüber:
Linear Diophantine Constrained Intra-Fix for Frequency Domain Equalization of Multi-h CPM. 2265-2274 - Husameldin Mukhtar
, Mohamed G. El-Tarhuni:
An Adaptive Hierarchical QAM Scheme for Enhanced Bandwidth and Power Utilization. 2275-2284 - Xiaolin Jia, Quanyuan Feng, Lishan Yu:
Stability Analysis of an Efficient Anti-Collision Protocol for RFID Tag Identification. 2285-2294 - Tsung-Jung Wu, Wanjiun Liao
, Chung-Ju Chang:
A Cost-Effective Strategy for Road-Side Unit Placement in Vehicular Networks. 2295-2303 - Liang Chen, Brian S. Krongold, Jamie S. Evans
Theoretical Characterization of Nonlinear Clipping Effects in IM/DD Optical OFDM Systems. 2304-2312 - Tsang-Yi Wang, Jwo-Yuh Wu:
Does More Transmitting Sensors Always Mean Better Decision Fusion in Censoring Sensor Networks with an Unknown Size? 2313-2325 - Usman Ali, Michel Kieffer
, Pierre Duhamel
Joint Protocol-Channel Decoding for Robust Frame Synchronization. 2326-2335 - Kaiji Mukumoto, Shinsuke Nagata, Tadahiro Wada, Koji Ishibashi:
Proposal of Go-Back-i-symbol ARQ Scheme and its Performance Evaluation in Meteor Burst Communications. 2336-2343 - Seyed Aidin Bassam, Mohamed Helaoui, Fadhel M. Ghannouchi:
Channel-Selective Multi-Cell Digital Predistorter for Multi-Carrier Transmitters. 2344-2352 - Francisco Ganhão, Rui Dinis
, Luís Bernardo
, Rodolfo Oliveira
Analytical BER and PER Performance of Frequency-Domain Diversity Combining, Multipacket Detection and Hybrid Schemes. 2353-2362 - Xingqin Lin
, Tat-Ming Lok:
Distributed Power Control for One-to-Many Transmissions in Gaussian Interference Channels. 2363-2375
Volume 60, Number 9, September 2012
- Pei Xiao, Rahim Tafazolli
, Klaus Moessner
, Alexander Gluhak:
Codebook Based Single-User MIMO System Design with Widely Linear Processing. 1-7 - Kaveh Mahdaviani, Masoud Ardakani, Chintha Tellambura:
On Raptor Code Design for Inactivation Decoding. 2377-2381 - Min Sagong, Kyungwhoon Cheun
A Systematic Granulized Piecewise Linear Approximation to the Jacobian Logarithm. 2382-2386 - Alexander Gruner, Michael Huber:
New Combinatorial Construction Techniques for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes and Systematic Repeat-Accumulate Codes. 2387-2395 - Deepak R. Joshi, Dimitrie C. Popescu, Octavia A. Dobre
Joint Spectral Shaping and Power Control in Spectrum Overlay Cognitive Radio Systems. 2396-2401 - Shizheng Li, Aditya Ramamoorthy:
Multiple-Source Slepian-Wolf Coding Under a Linear Equation Correlation Model. 2402-2407 - Giuseppe Abreu
Very Simple Tight Bounds on the Q-Function. 2415-2420 - Yang Zhu, Mai Vu:
Iterative Mode-Dropping for the Sum Capacity of MIMO-MAC with Per-Antenna Power Constraint. 2421-2426 - Haiming Yang, Biplab Sikdar
Queueing Analysis of Polling Based Wireless MAC Protocols with Sleep-Wake Cycles. 2427-2433 - Pedram Paysarvi-Hoseini, Norman C. Beaulieu:
On the Benefits of Multichannel/Wideband Spectrum Sensing with Non-Uniform Channel Sensing Durations for Cognitive Radio Networks. 2434-2443 - Li-Chun Wang
, Chung-Wei Wang, Chung-Ju Chang:
Optimal Target Channel Sequence Design for Multiple Spectrum Handoffs in Cognitive Radio Networks. 2444-2455 - Jung-Bin Kim, Dongwoo Kim:
Outage Probability and Achievable Diversity Order of Opportunistic Relaying in Cognitive Secondary Radio Networks. 2456-2466 - YuLong Zou
, Yu-Dong Yao, Baoyu Zheng:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in Selective Cooperation for Cognitive Radio. 2467-2481 - Mandha Damodaran Selvaraj, Ranjan K. Mallik
Performance of Full CSI Selection Combining for Cooperative Diversity Systems. 2482-2488 - Shenghui Song, Khaled Ben Letaief
System Design, DMT Analysis, and Penalty for Non-Coherent Relaying. 2489-2498 - Mohammad Shaqfeh, Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Multiuser Switched Diversity Scheduling Schemes. 2499-2510 - Georg Zeitler, Andrew C. Singer
, Gerhard Kramer
Low-Precision A/D Conversion for Maximum Information Rate in Channels with Memory. 2511-2521 - Peyman Hesami, J. Nicholas Laneman:
Incremental Use of Multiple Transmitters for Low-Complexity Diversity Transmission in Wireless Systems. 2522-2533 - Jongrok Park, Hojae Lee
, Sanghoon Lee
MIMO Broadcast Channels Based on SINR Feedback using a Non-Orthogonal Beamforming Matrix. 2534-2545 - Fang Yuan, Chenyang Yang:
Bit Allocation Between Per-Cell Codebook and Phase Ambiguity Quantization for Limited Feedback Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission Systems. 2546-2559 - Wenjin Wang, Fu-Chun Zheng, Alister G. Burr
, Michael Fitch:
Design of Delay-Tolerant Linear Dispersion Codes. 2560-2570 - Seokhwan Park, Haewook Park, Hakjea Sung, Inkyu Lee:
Regularized Transceiver Designs for Multi-User MIMO Interference Channels. 2571-2579 - Ruey-Yi Wei, Liang-Tu Chen:
Further Results on Differential Encoding by a Table. 2580-2590 - Adnan Prlja, John B. Anderson:
Reduced-Complexity Receivers for Strongly Narrowband Intersymbol Interference Introduced by Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling. 2591-2601 - Xinchen Zhang, Martin Haenggi
Random Power Control in Poisson Networks. 2602-2611 - Chao Wang, Hamed Farhadi
, Mikael Skoglund:
Achieving the Degrees of Freedom of Wireless Multi-User Relay Networks. 2612-2622 - Ting-Yu Lin, Ching-Yi Tsai, Kun-Ru Wu
EARC: Enhanced Adaptation of Link Rate and Contention Window for IEEE 802.11 Multi-Rate Wireless Networks. 2623-2634 - Zituo Jin, Santhanakrishnan Anand, Koduvayur P. Subbalakshmi
Impact of Primary User Emulation Attacks on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks. 2635-2643 - Hao Liang, Weihua Zhuang
Double-Loop Receiver-Initiated MAC for Cooperative Data Dissemination via Roadside WLANs. 2644-2656 - Xiang Nian Zeng, Ali Ghrayeb
, Mazen Omar Hasna
Joint Optimal Threshold-Based Relaying and ML Detection in Network-Coded Two-Way Relay Channels. 2657-2667 - Paolo Castiglione, Osvaldo Simeone
, Elza Erkip
, Thomas Zemen:
Energy Management Policies for Energy-Neutral Source-Channel Coding. 2668-2678 - Zied Jaoua
, Anissa Mokraoui, Pierre Duhamel
Robust Transmission of Compressed HTML Files over Wireless Channel using an Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding Receiver. 2679-2688 - Jinho Choi
Rate Allocation for Multipath Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks with Security Constraints Based on Erasure Channel Modeling. 2689-2699 - Paschalis Tsiaflakis, Yung Yi, Mung Chiang, Marc Moonen:
Throughput and Delay Performance of DSL Broadband Access with Cross-Layer Dynamic Spectrum Management. 2700-2711 - Martin Wolkerstorfer
, Joakim Jaldén
, Tomas Nordström
Column Generation for Discrete-Rate Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Power Control. 2712-2722 - Yi Tang, Maïté Brandt-Pearce
, Stephen G. Wilson:
Link Adaptation for Throughput Optimization of Parallel Channels with Application to Hybrid FSO/RF Systems. 2723-2732 - Eric Rebeiz, Giuseppe Caire, Andreas F. Molisch:
Energy-Delay Tradeoff and Dynamic Sleep Switching for Bluetooth-Like Body-Area Sensor Networks. 2733-2746 - Sheetal Kalyani
, R. M. Karthik:
The Asymptotic Distribution of Maxima of Independent and Identically Distributed Sums of Correlated or Non-Identical Gamma Random Variables and its Applications. 2747-2758
Volume 60, Number 10, October 2012
- Vahid Asghari, Daniel Benevides da Costa
, Sonia Aïssa:
Performance Analysis for Multihop Relaying Channels with Nakagami-m Fading: Ergodic Capacity Upper-Bounds and Outage Probability. 2761-2767 - Won Mee Jang:
Dynamic Integration using Sampling in Fading Channels. 2768-2775 - Joonwoo Shin, Jaekyun Moon:
Weighted-Sum-Rate-Maximizing Linear Transceiver Filters for the K-User MIMO Interference Channel. 2776-2783 - Francesco Musumeci
, Achille Pattavina:
Handling Priorities in Optical Buffers. 2784-2788 - Nicholas Vaiopoulos, Harilaos G. Sandalidis, Dimitris Varoutas
WiMAX on FSO: Outage Probability Analysis. 2789-2795 - Joakim Grahl Knudsen, Constanza Riera, Lars Eirik Danielsen
, Matthew Geoffrey Parker, Eirik Rosnes:
Random Edge-Local Complementation with Applications to Iterative Decoding of High-Density Parity-Check Codes. 2796-2808 - Yi Fang, Pingping Chen, Lin Wang, Francis Chung-Ming Lau
Design of Protograph LDPC Codes for Partial Response Channels. 2809-2819 - I-Wei Lai, Chien-Yi Wang, Tzi-Dar Chiueh, Gerd Ascheid, Heinrich Meyr:
Asymptotic Coded BER Analysis for MIMO BICM-ID with Quantized Extrinsic LLR. 2820-2828 - Tien-Yu Lin, Shih-Kai Lee, Hung-Hua Tang, Mao-Chao Lin:
An Adaptive Hybrid ARQ Scheme with Constant Packet Lengths. 2829-2840 - Thuy Van Nguyen, Aria Nosratinia
, Dariush Divsalar:
The Design of Rate-Compatible Protograph LDPC Codes. 2841-2850 - Ling Luo, Sumit Roy:
Efficient Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks via Joint Optimization of Sensing Threshold and Duration. 2851-2860 - Qiang Li, See Ho Ting, Ashish Pandharipande
, Mehul Motani
Cooperate-and-Access Spectrum Sharing with ARQ-Based Primary Systems. 2861-2871 - Meng-Lin Ku, Li-Chun Wang
, Yu T. Su:
Toward Optimal Multiuser Antenna Beamforming for Hierarchical Cognitive Radio Systems. 2872-2885 - Wonwoo Park, Sungheon Jeong, Hong-Yeop Song, Chungyong Lee:
The Global Optimality of the MIMO Cooperative System with Source and Relay Precoders for Capacity Maximization. 2886-2892 - Can Sun, Chenyang Yang, Yonghui Li
, Branka Vucetic:
Transceiver Design for Multi-User Multi-Antenna Two-Way Relay Cellular Systems. 2893-2903 - David López-Pérez, Xiaoli Chu
, Jie Zhang
Dynamic Downlink Frequency and Power Allocation in OFDMA Cellular Networks. 2904-2914 - Matteo Mazzotti, Simone Moretti, Marco Chiani
Multiuser Resource Allocation with Adaptive Modulation and LDPC Coding for Heterogeneous Traffic in OFDMA Downlink. 2915-2925 - Lu Zhang, Yongzhao Li, Leonard J. Cimini Jr.:
Statistical Performance Analysis for MIMO Beamforming and STBC when Co-Channel Interferers Use Arbitrary MIMO Modes. 2926-2937 - Carlo P. Domizioli, Brian L. Hughes:
Front-End Design for Compact MIMO Receivers: A Communication Theory Perspective. 2938-2949 - Ronald Y. Chang
, Sian-Jheng Lin, Wei-Ho Chung
Energy Efficient Transmission over Space Shift Keying Modulated MIMO Channels. 2950-2959 - Matthew C. Valenti
, Xingyu Xiang:
Constellation Shaping for Bit-Interleaved LDPC Coded APSK. 2960-2970 - Michael Rice, Brian A. Mazzeo
On the Superiority of the Negative Binomial Test Over the Binomial Test for Estimating the Bit Error Rate. 2971-2981 - Tarik Shehata Saleh, Ian D. Marsland, Mohamed El-Tanany:
Suboptimal Detectors for Alpha-Stable Noise: Simplifying Design and Improving Performance. 2982-2989 - Ahmed Mahmood
, Mandar A. Chitre
, Marc André Armand:
PSK Communication with Passband Additive Symmetric α-Stable Noise. 2990-3000 - Todd K. Moon, Jacob H. Gunther:
Multiple-Access via Turbo Joint Equalization. 3001-3010 - Guanghui Song, Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe:
Maximum Sum Rate of Repeat-Accumulate Interleave-Division System by Fixed-Point Analysis. 3011-3022 - Xinbing Wang, Qiuyu Peng, Yingzhe Li:
Cooperation Achieves Optimal Multicast Capacity-Delay Scaling in MANET. 3023-3031 - Andrea Munari, Marco Levorato, Michele Zorzi:
On the Impact of Carrier Sense Based Medium Access Control on Cooperative Schemes in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 3032-3046 - Zhikun Xu, Geoffrey Ye Li, Chenyang Yang, Shunqing Zhang, Yan Chen, Shugong Xu
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Pilots in Training-Based Downlink OFDMA Systems. 3047-3058 - Hung Viet Nguyen
, Chao Xu, Soon Xin Ng, Lajos Hanzo
Non-Coherent Near-Capacity Network Coding for Cooperative Multi-User Communications. 3059-3070 - Mohsen Razavi:
Multiple-Access Quantum Key Distribution Networks. 3071-3079 - Amadou Diallo, Claudio Weidmann, Michel Kieffer
New Free Distance Bounds and Design Techniques for Joint Source-Channel Variable-Length Codes. 3080-3090 - Pål Anders Floor, Anna N. Kim, Niklas Wernersson, Tor A. Ramstad, Mikael Skoglund, Ilangko Balasingham:
Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding for a Bivariate Gaussian on a Gaussian MAC. 3091-3102 - Dieter Van Welden, Heidi Steendam
, Marc Moeneclaey:
Iterative Decision-Directed Joint Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for KSP-OFDM. 3103-3110 - Amir R. Forouzan
, Marc Moonen, Jochen Maes, Mamoun Guenach:
Joint Level 2 and 3 Dynamic Spectrum Management for Downstream DSL. 3111-3122 - Yuanzhang Xiao, Jaeok Park, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Repeated Games with Intervention: Theory and Applications in Communications. 3123-3132 - Lin Luo, Jian (Andrew) Zhang
, Linda M. Davis:
Space-Time Block Code and Spatial Multiplexing Design for Quadrature-OFDMA Systems. 3133-3142
Volume 60, Number 11, November 2012
- Omid Mashayekhi, Farokh Marvasti:
Uniquely Decodable Codes with Fast Decoder for Overloaded Synchronous CDMA Systems. 3145-3149 - Panagiota Lioliou, Mats Viberg
, Mikael Coldrey
Efficient Channel Estimation Techniques for Amplify and Forward Relaying Systems. 3150-3155 - Lawrence Ong
, Sarah J. Johnson
, Christopher M. Kellett
The Half-Duplex AWGN Single-Relay Channel: Full Decoding or Partial Decoding? 3156-3160 - Yong Fang:
LDPC-Based Lossless Compression of Nonstationary Binary Sources Using Sliding-Window Belief Propagation. 3161-3166 - Imene Trigui, Amine Laourine, Sofiène Affes
, Alex Stephenne:
The Inverse Gaussian Distribution in Wireless Channels: Second-Order Statistics and Channel Capacity. 3167-3173 - Hsiao-Chun Wu, Kun Yan:
Novel Robust BPE-IWLMS Blind Equalizer for Phase Shift-Keying Signals. 3174-3180 - Iryna Andriyanova, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Designing a Good Low-Rate Sparse-Graph Code. 3181-3190 - Jesper H. Sørensen, Petar Popovski
, Jan Østergaard
Design and Analysis of LT Codes with Decreasing Ripple Size. 3191-3197 - Leszek Szczecinski:
Correction of Mismatched L-values in BICM Receivers. 3198-3208 - Enrico Paolini
, Gianluigi Liva, Balázs Matuz, Marco Chiani
Maximum Likelihood Erasure Decoding of LDPC Codes: Pivoting Algorithms and Code Design. 3209-3220 - Peter Trifonov
Efficient Design and Decoding of Polar Codes. 3221-3227 - Evgeniy Braginskiy, Avi Steiner, Shlomo Shamai
Oblivious Sequential Decode and Forward Cooperative Strategies for the Wireless Relay Channel. 3228-3238 - Tao Cui, Jörg Kliewer, Tracey Ho:
Communication Protocols for N-way All-Cast Relay Networks. 3239-3251 - Minghua Xia, Sonia Aïssa:
Cooperative AF Relaying in Spectrum-Sharing Systems: Outage Probability Analysis under Co-Channel Interferences and Relay Selection. 3252-3262 - Ricardo Blasco-Serrano, Ragnar Thobaben, Mattias Andersson, Vishwambhar Rathi, Mikael Skoglund:
Polar Codes for Cooperative Relaying. 3263-3273 - Jenq-Tay Yuan, Jen-Hung Chao, Tzu-Chao Lin:
Effect of Channel Noise on Blind Equalization and Carrier Phase Recovery of CMA and MMA. 3274-3285 - Ching-Hui Chen, Wei-Ho Chung
Dual Diversity Space-Time Coding for Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service in MIMO Systems. 3286-3297 - Nan (Jonas) Yang
, Maged Elkashlan, Phee Lep Yeoh
, Jinhong Yuan
Multiuser MIMO Relay Networks in Nakagami-m Fading Channels. 3298-3310 - Xiang Chen, Shenghui Song, Khaled Ben Letaief
Relay Position Optimization Improves Finite-SNR Diversity Gain of Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay Systems. 3311-3321 - Byungju Lee
, Byonghyo Shim
A Vector Perturbation with User Selection for Multiuser MIMO Downlink. 3322-3331 - Bettagere Nagaraja Bharath, Chandra R. Murthy
On the DMT of TDD-SIMO Systems with Channel-Dependent Reverse Channel Training. 3332-3341 - Mingwei Wu, Pooi Yuen Kam
ARQ with Channel Gain Monitoring. 3342-3352 - Emre Aktas:
Iterative Message Passing for Pilot-Assisted Multiuser Detection in MC-CDMA Systems. 3353-3364 - Venkata Gautham Chavali, Claudio R. C. M. da Silva:
Detection of Digital Amplitude-Phase Modulated Signals in Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise. 3365-3375 - Wei Huang, Lixin Ding:
The Shortest Path Problem on a Fuzzy Time-Dependent Network. 3376-3385 - Sergio Herrería-Alonso
, Miguel Rodríguez-Pérez
, Manuel Fernández-Veiga
, Cándido López-García
A GI/G/1 Model for 10 Gb/s Energy Efficient Ethernet Links. 3386-3395 - Maurice Khabbaz
, Wissam Fawaz
, Chadi M. Assi:
A Probabilistic and Traffic-Aware Bundle Release Scheme for Vehicular Intermittently Connected Networks. 3396-3406 - Antonios Argyriou
Compressed Video Streaming in Cooperative Wireless Networks with Interfering Transmissions. 3407-3416 - Rajat Talak, Neelesh B. Mehta
Feedback Overhead-Aware, Distributed, Fast, and Reliable Selection. 3417-3428 - Mehrnaz Tavan, Erik Agrell, Johnny Karout:
Bandlimited Intensity Modulation. 3429-3439 - Lotfollah Beygi
, Erik Agrell, Pontus Johannisson, Magnus Karlsson
, Henk Wymeersch
A Discrete-Time Model for Uncompensated Single-Channel Fiber-Optical Links. 3440-3450 - Shin-Pin Tseng, Jingshown Wu, Wen Hao Yang:
Two-Dimensional Spectral/Spatial Fiber-Optic CDMA PON with EMS/EPD Codes. 3451-3460 - Zhiguo Ding, Mugen Peng
, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
A General Relaying Transmission Protocol for MIMO Secrecy Communications. 3461-3471 - Giovanni Geraci
, Malcolm A. Egan, Jinhong Yuan
, Adeel Razi
, Iain B. Collings
Secrecy Sum-Rates for Multi-User MIMO Regularized Channel Inversion Precoding. 3472-3482 - Xiaomin Cao, Margreta Kuijper
Distributed Source Coding via Linear Block Codes: A General Framework for Multiple Sources. 3483-3490 - Ingmar Groh, Christian Gentner, Jesus Selva
Analytical Computation of Mean Time to Lose Lock for Langevin Delay-Locked Loops. 3491-3498 - Razieh Razavi, Mohammed Al-Imari
, Muhammad Ali Imran
, Reza Hoshyar, Dageng Chen:
On Receiver Design for Uplink Low Density Signature OFDM (LDS-OFDM). 3499-3508 - Don J. Torrieri, Matthew C. Valenti
The Outage Probability of a Finite Ad Hoc Network in Nakagami Fading. 3509-3518 - Wenwei Ying, Yuzhong Jiang, Yueliang Liu:
A Multidimensional Class B Noise Model Based on Physical and Mathematical Analysis. 3519-3525
Volume 60, Number 12, 2012
- Caijun Zhong
, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah:
Performance of User Selection in Cognitive Broadcast Channels. 3529-3534 - Won-Yong Shin, Dohyung Park, Bang Chul Jung
Can One Achieve Multiuser Diversity in Uplink Multi-Cell Networks? 3535-3540 - Liang Yang
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
, Khalid A. Qaraqe
, Weiping Liu:
On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems with Multiple Antennas: Effects of Spatial Correlation, Keyhole, and Co-Channel Interference. 3541-3547 - Jun Yao, Kah Chan Teh, Kwok Hung Li
Joint Iterative Detection/Decoding Scheme for Discrete Two-Dimensional Interference Channels. 3548-3555 - Emil Janulewicz, Amir H. Banihashemi:
Performance Analysis of Iterative Decoding Algorithms with Memory over Memoryless Channels. 3556-3566 - Eric Psota, Jedrzej Kowalczuk, Lance C. Pérez
A Deviation-Based Conditional Upper Bound on the Error Floor Performance for Min-Sum Decoding of Short LDPC Codes. 3567-3578 - Morteza Esmaeili, Mostafa Javedankherad:
4-Cycle Free LDPC Codes Based on Difference Sets. 3579-3586 - Hong-Fu Chou, Yeong-Luh Ueng
, Mao-Chao Lin, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
An RLL-Constrained LDPC Coded Recording System Using Deliberate Flipping and Flipped-Bit Detection. 3587-3596 - Raman Yazdani, Masoud Ardakani:
Reliable Communication over Non-Binary Insertion/Deletion Channels. 3597-3608 - Zied Bouida, Khalid A. Qaraqe
, Mohamed M. Abdallah
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Performance Analysis of Joint Multi-Branch Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes for Spectrum Sharing Systems. 3609-3619 - Jun Wang, Xiufeng Jin, Guangguo Bi, Zhiping Cao, Jiwei Huang:
Multiple Cumulants Based Spectrum Sensing Methods for Cognitive Radios. 3620-3631 - Kevin Chang, Bouchra Senadji
Spectrum Sensing Optimisation for Dynamic Primary User Signal. 3632-3640 - Vasileios K. Sakarellos, Dimitrios Skraparlis, Athanasios D. Panagopoulos
, John D. Kanellopoulos:
Cooperative Diversity Performance in Millimeter Wave Radio Systems. 3641-3649 - Yang Gao, Yan Chen, K. J. Ray Liu:
Cooperation Stimulation for Multiuser Cooperative Communications Using Indirect Reciprocity Game. 3650-3661 - Chia-Yang Chiang, Umesh Phuyal, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Power Allocation in Two-Dimensional Superposition Modulation Based Cooperative Wireless Communication System. 3662-3670 - Ying Zhang, Sorina Dumitrescu, Jun Chen, Zhibin Sun:
LDGM-Based Multiple Description Coding for Finite Alphabet Sources. 3671-3682 - Trung Quang Duong
, Himal A. Suraweera, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Hans-Jürgen Zepernick
, Arumugam Nallanathan
Keyhole Effect in Dual-Hop MIMO AF Relay Transmission with Space-Time Block Codes. 3683-3693 - Sanjeewa P. Herath, Nghi H. Tran, Tho Le-Ngoc:
Rotated Multi-D Constellations in Rayleigh Fading: Mutual Information Improvement and Pragmatic Approach for Near-Capacity Performance in High-Rate Regions. 3694-3704 - Yann Barbotin, Ali Hormati, Sundeep Rangan, Martin Vetterli
Estimation of Sparse MIMO Channels with Common Support. 3705-3716 - Madhup Khatiwada, Sang Won Choi:
On the Interference Management for K-user Partially Connected Fading Interference Channels. 3717-3725 - Nirmal Fernando, Yi Hong
, Emanuele Viterbo
Flip-OFDM for Unipolar Communication Systems. 3726-3733 - Sheetal Kalyani
On CRB for Parameter Estimation in Two Component Gaussian Mixtures and the Impact of Misspecification. 3734-3744 - Daewon Jung, Ryangsoo Kim, Hyuk Lim
Asynchronous Medium Access Protocol for Multi-User MIMO Based Uplink WLANs. 3745-3754 - Ming Xiao
, Jörg Kliewer, Mikael Skoglund:
Design of Network Codes for Multiple-User Multiple-Relay Wireless Networks. 3755-3766 - Cong Xiong, Geoffrey Ye Li, Shunqing Zhang, Yan Chen, Shugong Xu
Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDMA Networks. 3767-3778 - Yi Su, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Structural Solutions for Additively Coupled Sum Constrained Games. 3779-3796 - Ehsan Bayaki, Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Robert Schober:
EDFA-Based All-Optical Relaying in Free-Space Optical Systems. 3797-3807 - Mehdi Karimi, Murat Uysal
Novel Adaptive Transmission Algorithms for Free-Space Optical Links. 3808-3815 - Shafi Bashar, Zhi Ding
, Chengshan Xiao:
On Secrecy Rate Analysis of MIMO Wiretap Channels Driven by Finite-Alphabet Input. 3816-3825 - Xi Liu, Osvaldo Simeone
, Elza Erkip
Energy-Efficient Sensing and Communication of Parallel Gaussian Sources. 3826-3835 - Deng Pan, Yuanyuan Yang
Flow Based Performance Guarantee Scheduling in Buffered Crossbar Switches. 3836-3843 - Yuzhe Yao, Xiaodai Dong:
Multiple CFO Mitigation in Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative OFDM Transmission. 3844-3854 - Mostafa Khoshnevisan, J. Nicholas Laneman:
Power Allocation in Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems Subject to Simultaneous Power Constraints. 3855-3864 - Stephen W. Lai, Geoffrey G. Messier:
Using the Wireless and PLC Channels for Diversity. 3865-3875 - Gokul Sridharan, Teng Joon Lim
Performance Analysis of SC-FDMA in the Presence of Receiver Phase Noise. 3876-3885 - Li Ping Qian, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang
, Mung Chiang:
Distributed Nonconvex Power Control using Gibbs Sampling. 3886-3898 - Christos Liaskos
, Georgios Papadimitriou:
Entropy-Based Estimation of Client Preferences in Wireless Push Systems. 3899-3908 - Deqiang Wang, Yewen Cao, Laibo Zheng, Zhengfeng Du:
A Note on "Performance Analysis of UWB Systems over the IEEE 802.15.3a Channel Model". 3909-3910

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