Free IP geolocation tools for you and your website
Do you often find yourself browsing log files or pages containing meaningless IP address and having to cut and paste too much in order to search for useful information ?
Thanks to our free bookmarklet, in addition to our other free IP geolocation tools, you can now obtain all the data you need without leaving your web browser tab, with a single click to your bookmarks toolbar.
Simply drag the Lookup IP addresses button to your bookmarks toolbar to install this IP geolocation web tool.
Here is one IP address :
And here is another :
More addresses : and
And then some IPv6 : 2001:41d0:9:b16a::1
Do you already love our bookmarklet, but wonder how to add those nice country flags to your own website without asking your users to install and click a bookmark in their browser ?
You can include it for free by simply adding this single line to the header of your page HTML code :
<script src="/" async="async"></script>
Using these IP geolocation web tools, you can maintain more efficiency and add country flags to your website without any need to spend extra money.