Alaris Demo Walkthrough
Hi everyone!
Hope you all have been enjoying the demo so far <3 It’s been a week since the demo has dropped, and I hope you all have been having fun going on dates and playing through the game.
Because there are so many choices and scenarios that depend on your personality, I thought it would be helpful to write up a walkthrough. There’s a lot of choices in the game, and while they are meant to be stress-free, it can also make it difficult to play everything the game has to offer.
Below, I have a walkthrough written up for the choices that come up in the game as well as personality-influenced results. You’ll know when a result is happening since you will see your dominant personality trait icon appear in the top right corner of your screen. It’s a little complicated writing up this walkthrough since there are four personality traits as well as the possibility of something being a choice or a result, and there are times when choices/results are locked behind specific situations.
The way I’ve structured the walkthrough is that each scene has the related choices and results underneath it. In parentheses will be the associated personality trait. If it’s a choice, that means you get one point for that personality trait (Choices that have no affect on affection/personality are excluded from the walkthrough). If it’s a result, that means you need to have that dominant personality trait to see that associated result. There are also moments when choices/results directly increase the affection of an LI, in which case you will see +1 LI in the parenthesis as well.
I’ve tried to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, but obviously, please read at your own discretion. Choices and results are in chronological order, with the exception of Free Time dates, which are at the very bottom. Within Free Time, I’ve also included how many affection points you need to either get accepted by the LI or get invited by the LI.
Hope this helps anyone who is trying to see all of the scenes. I’ve also indicated at the very bottom my own personal recommendations for scenes within Free Time that are my favorites! Happy playing <3
Chapter 1
Character Customization
- Protector (+1 Bravery) | Healer (+1 Kindness) | Scholar (+1 Wisdom)
- Being unable to protect... (+1 Bravery) | Being unloved (+1 Charisma) | Losing the ones I love (+1 Kindness)
- Finding a group of people... (+1 Charisma) | Make a difference... (+1 Wisdom) | Having the freedom... (+1 Bravery)
- I can be too stubborn... (+1 Wisdom) | I will do anything... (+1 Kindness) | I care too much... (+1 Charisma)
- [Result] Heroes (Bravery) | Caregivers (Kindness) | Sages (Wisdom) | Lovers (Charisma)
- [Extended Result] Knight (Bravery & Kindness) | Wayfarer (Bravery & Charisma) | Mage (Bravery & Wisdom) | Monk (Kindness & Wisdom) | Bard (Kindness & Charisma) | Witch (Wisdom & Charisma)
- I care deeply... (+1 Kindness) | I will always stand up for... (+1 Bravery) | I’m curious... (+1 Wisdom) | I thrive off others... (+1 Charisma)
Scene 1
- Used my elbow... (+1 Bravery) | Dropped down... (+1 Wisdom)
- Push him away (+1 Bravery, +1 Druk) | Freeze (+1 Kindness, +1 Kayn)
Scene 2
- Sorry to interrupt... (+1 Charisma) | Hello? I’m still here? (+1 Bravery)
Scene 3
- Still dazed... (+1 Kindness, +1 Fenir) | Embarrassed, I... (+1 Bravery, +2 Fenir)
Scene 4
- Tea (+1 Wisdom) | Coffee (+1 Charisma) | Juice (+1 Kindness) | Soda (+1 Bravery)
- I don’t mind... (+1 Charisma, +2 Etza) | You’re right... (+1 Wisdom, +1 Etza)
Scene 5
- I moved closer... (+1 Bravery) | Suspicious, I... (+1 Wisdom, +1 Aisa)
Chapter 2
Scene 1
- [Result] If it’s just personal... (Kindness / Charisma) | Communication is important... (Bravery / Wisdom)
- Talk to me (+1 Bravery, Druk's Path) | Listen to me (+1 Kindness, Etza's Path)
Druk’s Support Path (+1 Druk):
- [Result] Well? Are you... (Bravery) | I relaxed my... (Wisdom / Charisma) | I cleared my... (Kindness)
- [Result] Why are you being so nice? (Bravery / Kindness) | Wow, I didn’t know... (Wisdom / Charisma)
- Play along (+1 Charisma) | Respond sarcastically (+1 Wisdom)
Etza’s Support Path (+1 Etza):
- [Result] But I couldn’t... (Wisdom / Kindness) | The edges of my... (Charisma / Bravery)
- [Result] I’m not sure... (Bravery / Kindness) | I turned my... (Charisma / Wisdom)
- Lean into Etza... (+1 Charisma) | Use the ground... (+1 Wisdom)
Scene 2
- Discreetly... (+1 Charisma) | Not push it... (+1 Kindness) | Make eye contact... (+1 Bravery)
- [Result] My back straightened... (Bravery) | I couldn’t hide... (Kindness) | Appreciative of... (Charisma) | Slightly more confident... (Wisdom)
If you decide to bring it up:
- [Result] Even if they’re unrelated... (Bravery) | I don’t know much... (Wisdom)
If you don’t decide to bring it up:
- [Result] I doesn’t seem smart... (Wisdom) | I decided not to... (Kindness)
Scene 3
- Stay (Fenir Library Path) | Go (Kayn Library Path)
Fenir Library Path (+1 Fenir):
- [Result] I tilted my... (Charisma) | I smiled... (Kindness / Wisdom / Bravery)
- Interrupt and thank... (+1 Kindness) | Suddenly change... (+1 Bravery)
- [Result] We’ve met... (Bravery / Charisma / Wisdom) | I chose to... (Kindness)
Kayn Library Path (+1 Kayn):
- Oh... (+1 Charisma) | Sorry... (+1 Wisdom)
- [Result] Oh, really? (Bravery / Wisdom) | Well, it’s always nice... (Charisma) | Oh, I’m glad. (Kindness)
- Tease him (+1 Charisma) | Play it cool (+1 Wisdom)
- [Result] It’s a little... (Bravery / Charisma / Wisdom) | I shifted... (Kindness)
Scene 4
- Druk (+1 Druk) | Kayn (+1 Kayn) | Fenir (+1 Fenir) | Etza (+1 Etza)
- Are you Fae? (+1 Bravery) | What do you want... (+1 Wisdom)
- [Result] What do you want... (Bravery, +1 Aisa) | You need my help (Kindness) | So a real Fae... (Wisdom) | So to what do I... (Charisma, +1 Kuna’a)
Chapter 3
Scene 1
- [Result] Was I really... (Kindness / Bravery) | Maybe it’s just hard...(Charisma / Wisdom)
- Druk (+1 Druk) | Kayn (+1 Kayn) | Fenir (+1 Fenir) | Etza (+1 Etza)
Druk Path:
- [Result] He looks busy... (Kindness) | Enjoying the show? (Bravery / Charisma / Wisdom)
- Shift him around... (+1 Charisma) | Position yourself... (+1 Kindness)
Everyone Else’s Path:
- Shift them around... (+1 Charisma) | Position yourself... (+1 Kindness)
Scene 2
- Answer our questions first (+1 Wisdom) | We just have a couple of questions (+1 Kindness)
- [Result] Are you serious? (Bravery) / Please, I just... (Kindness) / That’s a poor excuse... (Wisdom) / I bit down... (Charisma, +1 Aisa)
- Slap their hand away (+1 Bravery) | Use dragon energy (+1 Wisdom, +1 Aisa)
Scene 3
- [Result] I guess there’s no... (Wisdom) | If it’ll help... (Charisma / Bravery) | Alright. Thanks, Mom. (Kindness)
Scene 4
- Stay calm (+1 Wisdom) | Catch them off balance (+1 Bravery)
- [Result] I can help you. (Kindness / Charisma) | You’re a coward. (Bravery / Wisdom)
- [Result] Go to hell (Bravery / Wisdom / Charisma) | My jaw locked shut... (Kindness, +1 Kuna’a)
- Channel successfully (+1 all LIs)
- Kuna’a (+2 Kuna’a) | Aisa (+2 Aisa) | Kayn (+1 Kayn) | Druk (+1 Druk) | Fenir (+1 Fenir) | Etza (+1 Etza)
Free Time
Market (+1 Bravery)
Druk (+1 Druk)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- At least let me... (+1 Kindness) | Don’t tell me... (+1 Charisma)
Kayn (+1 Kayn)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Bracelet (+1 Kayn) | Necklace (+2 Kayn) | Earrings (+1 Kayn)
Etza (+1 Etza)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Grumble, but accept (+1 Bravery) | Nod silently (+1 Kindness)
Fenir (+1 Fenir)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Choose familiar ones (+1 Wisdom) | Have him choose (+1 Charisma)
Cafe (+1 Wisdom)
Druk (+1 Druk)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- Hot chocolate (+1 Kindness) | Masala chai (+1 Bravery) | Matcha (+1 Wisdom) | Coffee (+1 Charisma)
- Answer bluntly (+1 Bravery) | Discreetly move away (+1 Kindness)
- [Result] Druk smirked. (Kindness / Bravery) | That’s it? (Charisma / Wisdom)
Kayn (+1 Kayn)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Answer bluntly (+1 Bravery) | Discreetly move away (+1 Kindness)
- Yes (Get prompted are you sure) | No (+1 Wisdom, +1 Kayn)
- [If you chose yes] Yes (+1 Kindness) | No (+1 Charisma, +2 Kayn)
- [Result] Do you use... (Wisdom / Bravery) | Is this your attempt... (Charisma / Kindness)
Etza (+1 Etza)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- Interrupt (+1 Bravery) | Stand by and wait (+1 Kindness)
- [Result] Masala chai (Bravery) | Hot chocolate (Kindness) | Matcha (Wisdom) | Coffee (Charisma)
- Right (+1 Etza) | Wrong (+2 Etza)
Fenir (+1 Fenir)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- Fantasy (+1 Kindness) | Horror (+1 Bravery) | Mystery (+1 Wisdom) | Romance (+1 Charisma)
- Hot chocolate (+1 Kindness) | Masala chai (+1 Bravery) | Matcha (+1 Wisdom) | Coffee (+1 Charisma)
- [Result] I have an idea... (Charisma) | I got it. (Kindness / Wisdom / Bravery)
Picnic (+1 Kindness)
Druk (+1 Druk)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- [Result] How are you... (Bravery / Wisdom) | Say, you’re... (Charisma / Kindness)
- (If receive result Ask) Catch (+2 Druk) | Fail to catch (+1 Druk)
Kayn (+1 Kayn)
- Accept: 5 Points (Chapter 1) | 10 Points (Chapter 2) | 15 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
Etza (+1 Etza)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
Fenir (+1 Fenir)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- If you’ve gone on the Cafe date before Picnic, you will receive the choice you responded with during that date, otherwise:
- [Result] Horror (Bravery) | Fantasy (Kindness) | Mystery (Wisdom) | Romance (Charisma)
Flower Picking (+1 Charisma)
Druk (+1 Druk)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- Agree reluctantly (+1 Wisdom) | Torture him... (+1 Charisma)
Kayn (+1 Kayn)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
- You (+1 Charisma) | Me (+1 Bravery)
Etza (+1 Etza)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
Fenir (+1 Fenir)
- Accept: 10 Points (Chapter 1) | 15 Points (Chapter 2) | 20 Points (Chapter 3)
- Invite: 15 Points (Chapter 1) | 20 Points (Chapter 2) | 25 Points (Chapter 3)
Go relax (+1 Kuna’a)
- Inaccessible (Chapter 1 & 2) | No affection points needed (Chapter 3)
- Don’t (+1 Bravery) | Wait (+1 Kindness)
Gather bouquet (+1 Aisa)
- Inaccessible (Chapter 1 & 2) | No affection points needed (Chapter 3)
Personal Recommendations:
- For Druk’s date, I recommend the Charisma choice
- I recommend all cafe dates lol, oops.
- For Fenir’s date, specifically, I recommend having a Charisma build. For the result, build doesn’t matter as much.
- For Druk’s date, I recommend a Bravery / Wisdom build.
- I also personally recommend seeing Kayn’s and Etza’s date
Flower Picking
- I recommend all flower picking dates, including Kuna’a and Aisa’s lol
Get Alaris
Not all mysteries can be explained by the logic of man
Status | In development |
Author | Crescence Studio |
Genre | Visual Novel, Adventure, Interactive Fiction |
Tags | Amare, Anime, Fantasy, LGBT, Narrative, Otome, Romance, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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