Kentico recently held two in-person partner events for our annual Kentico Connection conference. First was a two day conference in Prague, CZ from October 8-9, followed up by another two day event in Miami, FL USA from November 12-13.
Both events featured presentations from Kentico employees in our product, product marketing, marketing, sales, and leadership teams. We also shared the stage with partners for success stories and strategic insights, along with presentations from every single one of our Kentico MVPs covering a range of topics as diverse as their interests.
For any partners that couldn't attend or customers interested in the message we shared with partners at Connection, we've compiled a short roundup of reflections shared on social media and blog posts from those that attended.
20 Live by Kentico #2
Our 2nd 20 Live by Kentico stream on LinkedIn was recorded live from the conference hotel in Prague during the first morning's sessions. This stream featured Jonathan Henault and James Turner from Kentico joined by Kentico MVP Michael Eustace.
Prague attendees
Jeroen Fürst, the longest running Kentico MVP, shared his thoughts about Connection noting that the event was inspiring and the product roadmap was exciting. He also mentioned how he collaborated with fellow MVP, Roel Kuik, on a presentation about that very idea - marketing and development team collaboration.
Pawel Nienartowicz, CEO of ADHDEV, wrote a play-by-play reflection of the entire event, commenting on every session he attended. Pawel knows how to take great notes!
Here's some other posts:
- Michael Eustace, Kentico MVP from Kentico partner Modern Citizens
- Michael A. Karim from Kentico partner ACTUM Digital
- Iveta Pari and Eva PalbuchtovaEva Palbuchtova, channel marketing managers at Kentico give behind the scenes perspectives on conference planning and execution
- Jiri Barborik and Petr Lebeda from Kentico partner Bluesoft
- Christian Lok from Kentico partner Human Digital
- Kristijan Milanovic from Kentico partner EXLRT
- Alessio Farina from Kentico partner Exetera
By the way, if you were a Prague Connection attendee, check out our retrospective promo video and see if you can find yourself in the crowd enjoying the event!

20 Live by Kentico #3
Our 3rd 20 Live by Kentico stream on LinkedIn was recorded live from the conference hotel in Miami during the first morning's sessions. This stream featured James Turner and Sean Wright from Kentico joined by Maria Sidoti, Director of Digital Marketing at the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) and Xperience by Kentico customer.

Miami attendees
Kentico MVP Brian McKeiver shared his thoughts on his renown McBeev blog. He covered his travels to the event, day 1, the social event, and day 2. He summarized the whole event with 1 word - "positive". Be sure to give the whole post a read and don't miss the key takeaways at the end.
Kentico MVP, Mike Wills, posted on LinkedIn, noting "The dedication, openness, and vision of this team are the reasons to choose Kentico—not just as a platform, but as a true partner." - thanks Mike, we work hard to give that impression!
Pawel Nienartowicz managed to attend the Miami Connection event as well. He told me he wanted to see the sessions he missed in Prague. Now, that's dedication! This time Pawel didn't write a single overview and instead did his posting live during the sessions with pictures and thoughts. Just go follow him on LinkedIn if you want see them all 😄.
Derek Barka, from Kentico partner SilverTech, framed Connection as the arrival of Kentico's vision and roadmap promises in the era of an evolving CMS and DXP product space, and how difficult it can be to pivot on technology and reinvent a product like Kentico has done with Xperience by Kentico.
Joe Peschardt, from Kentico partner Devotion, described his experiences and takeaways not only from the event in Miami but also the Kentico Partner Day in Sydney, Australia. He noted AIRA's marketer accelerating AI capabilities, Kentico's SaaS offering for Xperience by Kentico, and the value of a public and active product roadmap.
We also had the pleasure of featuring Janus Boye, founder of Boye & Company, as the moderator of our closing session in Miami. He authored a review of the event with his thoughts on Kentico's message and product vision over on CMS Critic. He noted that customers "increasingly turn to their trusted digital agency" to help them create better digital experiences. At Kentico we agree and believe this aligns with our focus on supporting these agencies so they can deliver excellent solutions for their clients.

Wrap up
Although Connection just ended, I'm sure many are already looking forward to next year's event (I know I am).
I'll share my thoughts on the event in the comments, so join me there and add yours or link to them if I missed them in the post.