Want to get in touch with me?
Read on to figure out the best possible method.
Have a Question or Topic Request?

Did you know there’s an official College Info Geek community on Reddit? Instead of emailing me, you should post here if:
- You have a question or would like to ask for advice
- You want to request a topic for a future video (you’ll find an official Topic Request thread near the top of the community)
- You want to join an awesome community of other students and educators
You’re FAR more likely to get an answer to your question in the community – my email is crazy and I’m trying my best to keep it limited to communication for work. I answer questions in the community when I can, and you’re likely to get great answers from other students as well!
Note: The one main exception is questions about my personal website guide – if you need help with something on your website, please use this special contact form to email me and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Curious About Me, My Background, or This Website?
I’ve compiled the answers to many of these frequently asked questions on the aptly titled…
Frequently Asked Questions Page
Do You Run a Company That Helps Students?
If you run or represent a company that can benefit students, feel free to get in touch to ask about sponsorship opportunities. Here are a few details to know up front:
- I currently offer sponsored slots on videos and podcast episodes; I don’t offer sponsored posts, email newsletters, or links.
- I’m very selective and I take my audience’s trust incredibly seriously. Any sponsorship I accept must be something that is relevant to my audience (primarily college and high school students), useful, and affordable.
- Every piece of content I create must be helpful to my audience on its own, separate of the sponsorship. For this reason, I don’t create videos entirely dedicated to a sponsored product or service.
You can check out this video on sleep or this video on presentation skills to get a feel for how I handle sponsorships.
If you’re interested in working together, the best way to get to ball rolling is to reach out to Dave at Standard Broadcast, who I work with on all sponsorships.
Have Something Else You’d Like to Email About?
Below, you’ll find a contact form you can use to email me. Here are few things to take note of before sending your email:
- If you need help with my personal website guide, I’m happy to provide it – however, please use this special contact form.
- If you’re a student and want to start your own blog, I wrote a guide for you.
- Interested in translating my content into your language? Unfortunately, I can’t accommodate translation of my book or blog posts at this time; however, you’re welcome to submit translated captions for any of my videos. Check out YouTube’s guidelines for more details.
- If you’re an SEO ninja guru rockstar who is being paid by a client to get their links placed, please don’t bother contacting me. Since it is common practice for marketers to follow up multiple times, we’ve had to implement a policy of immediately blocking any email address that violates this rule. To save everyone time, you should probably just take us off of your spreadsheet right now.