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Web of Science Reviewer Locator

Find, screen, and connect with reviewers faster

Save time finding qualified reviewers for your journals

Power your searches with trusted, high-quality data, and rely on a tool that seamlessly fits into your existing journal management workflows via pre-built integrations, a unique API, or web interface.

Find experts with relevant experience

Our algorithm trawls the extensive Web of Science dataset, including publications, citations, and peer reviews, to return precise recommendations from a pool of over 28 million authors.

360° view of review candidates

We surface more information to help you find and screen reviewers quickly, including full publication, editorial, and review history, research areas, and affiliations. Potential organizational and co-author conflicts are flagged in your results from the start.

Reliably contact prospective reviewers

Researchers can be nomadic, moving between institutions and changing email addresses. We provide the latest contact email address from Web of Science alongside one-click access to trusted sources for contact information.

Accelerate your peer review process

75% of academic journal editors say that finding reviewers and getting them to accept review invitations is the hardest part of their job.

Web of Science Reviewer Locator helps you:

  • Quickly match your manuscripts to relevant reviewers
  • Reduce administrative workload recruiting reviewers
  • Expand your pool of reviewers
  • Identify conflicts of interest with more information to assess reviewer candidates
  • Speed up overall peer review times and get publications out faster, improving the experience of submitting authors

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Start building your reviewer community today

Learn how our unmatched data and best-in-class algorithm can help you locate the right reviewers.