IIT-HOME: Managing student web and app access with ChromeOS
IIT-HOME, also known as True Education Institute, is a two-year institute that prepares students to take the highly competitive exams needed to attend India’s most prestigious college and graduate programs. The 25-year-old institute, based in Nagpur, India, prides itself on the quality of its teaching for its several hundred teenage students—including very minimal use of technology, and a preference for in-person learning.
When learning had to switch to an online and remote model in early 2020, the institute quickly purchased any available laptops for students to use for their studies. But when parents and students expressed concerns about the distractions enabled by the Windows laptops—such as the ability to look up answers to questions and play games—the institute sought devices that could be better managed and controlled for student use. In 2021, the institute adopted Chrome Enterprise and ChromeOS devices. Econz, IIT-HOME’s Google Premier Partner, assisted the institute with Chromebook evaluation, procurement, adoption, and policy implementation.
IIT-HOME, a unit of True Education Institute Pvt. Ltd., is an educational institute for students preparing for competitive engineering entrance examinations such as the IIT-JEE for admissions to premier engineering institutions, including Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and other elite schools. IIT-HOME is also engaged in training, career guidance, and orienting high school students.
Industry: EdTech
Region: India
Chrome Enterprise results
Only 3 IT staffers needed to manage more than 500 devices
IIT-HOME students remain focused on learning
Approved website list settings allow IIT-HOME to limit student access to disallowed websites
Teachers and parents gain peace of mind knowing students can only use their ChromeOS devices to visit approved websites and complete their assignments
Centralized management allows IIT-HOME to operate with a small IT department
Managed devices meet goal of focusing students on their studies
For its first group of Chrome Enterprise devices, IIT-HOME chose the Acer Chromebook, moving on to the Lenovo Duet for newer ChromeOS devices as it features a touch screen and a detachable keyboard. Students use Chrome browser to access Canvas, IIT-HOME’s learning management system, and store class documents in Google Drive.
For IIT-HOME, one of Chrome OS’s most important management capabilities is restricting access to websites. With just a few clicks in the Admin console, the institute’s IT team can block or allow websites and apps as needed.
With Chrome Enterprise and Chromebooks, we can give parents peace of mind that their children can only access their studies.
—Sumeet Gattewar, Director, IIT-HOME