Travis CI changelog
Travis CI changelog

Android Environment Update




Updates for: Android Build Environment

Android Environment Changes:

  • Removed support for Trusty (Ubuntu 14.04) distribution

  • Added support for current Ubuntu distributions:

    • Bionic (18.04)
    • Focal (20.04)
    • Jammy (22.04)
  • Updated pre-installed Android SDK components:

    • build-tools;30.0.0 (was 25.0.2)
    • platforms;android-30 (was android-25)
  • Improved emulator support for current Android versions

Documentation: Build an Android Project

Build environments: Updates deployed




Updates for: AMD Bionic, Focal and Jammy images:

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-1804-1741605865-f9c17af7

AMD Bionic:

  • heroku -> 9.2.1
  • nvm-> 0.40.1
  • ruby -> 3.3.5
  • GO -> 1.23.7
  • nodejsv18 -> v18.20.7
  • nodejsv20 -> v20.18.3
  • nodejsv22 -> v22.14.0


The Ubuntu 18.04 Build Environment

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004-1725882603-4e45eefd

AMD Focal:

  • heroku -> 9.2.1
  • psql -> 13.20
  • nvm-> 0.40.1
  • ruby -> 3.3.5
  • MongoDB -> 6.0.17
  • GO -> 1.23.6
  • nodejsv18 -> v18.20.7
  • nodejsv20 -> v20.18.3
  • nodejsv22 -> v22.14.0
  • docker -> 28.0.1
  • docker API -> 1.45
  • docker buldix -> v0.16.2
  • MySQL -> 8.0.41


The Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) Build Environment

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2204 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2204-1741095389-5b3148f0

AMD Jammy:

  • heroku -> 10.2.0
  • psql -> 14.17
  • nvm-> 0.40.1
  • ruby -> 3.3.5
  • GO -> 1.23.6
  • nodejsv18 -> v18.20.7
  • nodejsv20 -> v20.18.3
  • nodejsv22 -> v22.14.0
  • docker -> 28.0.1
  • docker API -> 1.45
  • docker buldix -> v0.16.2
  • git -> 2.48.1
  • MongoDB -> 6.0.20
  • MySQL -> 8.0.41
  • Redis -> 7.4.2
  • Bats -> 1.11.1


The Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) Build Environment

Build environments: Updates deployed




Updates for: AMD Bionic and Focal images:

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-1804 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-1804-1737713303-d0e199ee

AMD Bionic:

  • psql-> 15.3
  • GO -> 1.23.0
  • nodejsv22 -> v22.13.1

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 18.04 Build Environment

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004-1737735432-d0e199ee

AMD Focal:

  • heroku -> 10.0.2
  • psql -> 13.18
  • GO -> 1.23.5
  • nodejsv22 -> v22.13.1

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) Build Environment

Build environments: Updates deployed




New update for PPC64LE and S390X images:

Xenial, Bionic and Focal:

  • GO 1.23.4 preinstalled

DPL fix deployed as beta




Issue: DPL module not installing correctly for dpl step in the build job

DPL v. Fixes some recent dependency problems in our images. DPL gem will be promoted to stable shortly after reviewing beta version performance.

If you experience some issues with your deployments using DPL, please try out this beta version in a following way:

  edge: true

Updates deployed




A fix for AMD Jammy image's default python:

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2204:packer-1732305621-53689d97-dirty

AMD Jammy:

  • default python -> 3.10.14

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 22.04 Build Environment

Updates deployed




Updates for: AMD Jammy image:

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2204:packer-1732018610-114d849a

AMD Jammy:

  • redis-> 7.4.1

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 22.04 Build Environment

Jammy Docker




Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04) is now available at dockerhub: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2204:packer-1730720943-739fb912

Documentation: The Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) Build Environment

Promote DPL to version 2 in travis-build




We have switched to DPLv2, which has now become the default deployment tool in our build environments. This means you no longer need to adjust your .travis.yml files to use DPLv2.

If you are already using the edge version, you can remove edge: true from your .travis.yml file.

If you still want to use the deprecated DPLv1, you can reference the outdated gem version by adding dpl_version: 1.10.16 in deploy phase of your .travis.yml file.

  dpl_version: 1.10.16

Jammy builds fixed




We addressed an issue that was delaying Ubuntu 22.04 jobs execution and in some cases causing them to fail at runtime.